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UFOs are time traveling devices?!

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posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 02:33 PM
Of course a doctor would not tell other patients what is happening to his other pateints. Because of doctor/patient confedentiality. So even if he wanted to he would get sued by another paitient.

So i don't think that is the best example that you could use. MAybe something else.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 03:51 PM
It was a brief example of a way to look at things it wasnt meant to literally involve the laws regarding policies and procedures for patient confedentiality. There are probably a thousand ways to explain the same example using different scenarios.

Man some people look for anything as an exceuse to throw their rattle out of the pushchair.

My point was what makes us think that we are so special that the creator would have to tell us of other civilisations. If the creator wants us to learn from trial and error as a way to grow on our spiritual path the last thing he is gonna do is say "Well there is another civilisation on the other side of the galaxy who could help, Here point this super laser communicator at them and they will tell you all you want to know".

Yes i do think both beliefs contradict each other however i suppose if one was to be proven as exsisting then surely it wouldnt be so far out believing in the other. Both can exsist together and the Creator could have created all and now controls all.

The time travel theory is a good one i have thought about myself a few times in the past and to me if they are evolved humans who have travelled from the future in some 10,000 years then they are just as Alien to me as someone from another planet

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 04:25 PM
If you believe the alien abductions etc. , you wonder what creatures have all this technology but behave vetry barbarically. Very much like 2001 film where the ape throws the stick (that beat the ape) in the air and it comes down as a satellite - signifying that man had move on massively woth technology but actually had not advanced at all spiritually - I often woner that the numbr 1. culprit for all the alien nastiness must be man.

Whethr you believe in God or evolution, an intelligient herbivore would make the world a less aggressive place than a carniovore (okay- strictly omnivore). I hate to think how a carnivore would make of this

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 07:43 PM
Hi There,

I'm sorry, but time-travel is quite impossible, you cannot travel through anything that simply does not exist...and time is something that does not exist! I have already written about this on ATS elsewhere, so I'll not belabour the issue too much.

It is physically impossible for time travel to occur, but of course, we can theorise and speculate ideas as to how it might occur, but that is simple wild imaginings.

Time is simply the perception of 'events' unfolding, the observation of a 'action', from its beginning to its end, from its start to its stop. Events occur in spatial dimensions, ie, in space, they never disappear from the present and appear in the past, nor do they disappear from the future to appear in the present, or from the past or present and appear in the future. It really is quite impossible.

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 12:11 PM
Tell that to almost every other physicist, they will tell you it is possible. They just haven't figured it out yet.

Maybe the aliens (our future selfs) have.

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 03:17 PM
If there is no such so thing as time (And i quite agree with this theory of non exsistent time i have discussed this many of times on ATS. Time is man made) then travelling to the past or future should be possible without the concept of time.

Without time everything exsists as is and there is neither a past or a future so really we should then all be able to visit any particular event when ever we wanted as time would no longer be a barrier to us. Ie as if 10, 20, or evn 40, 50 etc dimensions all aligned together each one displaying what we concept as time the past future and present. Then maybe "Time Travel" wouldnt be so outrageous if we thought of these travellers as people travelling from dimension to dimension.

For example and please dont kick off on me for my example again its just the way i imagine it. If you imagine Time Date 0000 as south on the compass and time point 2007 as north on the compass then maybe time travel could be as simple as moving from East to West or vice versa into differnet dimensions

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 04:04 PM
There was a guy that made a book, can't remember his name, But he has this website that talks all about the first ten demensions.

the wesite was

Then after that click on the spinning spiral. Then it will take you to the movie about all of the dimensions.

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 06:06 PM
Time is justs change correct? And that is one of the laws of the Universe "that change is constant" so you could say time exists..........

Hard one!

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 06:16 PM
We have had this discussion on so many threads on ATS for so many years without anyone agreeing to anything.

We have the people who say Time is man made we started with the seasons and stars to distinguish day, night and weeks months etc etc then we invented the timeoiece an object to record time by.

Then we have people who say the seasons and people, plants etc ageing are a record of change and therefore a record of time before we invent a timepiece.

There is no right or wrong on this one its pretty damm hard to answer and it is one of the only subjects where i can see both sides of the argument.

I have read that we have been conditioned by time as we looked for time ie in ageing, seasons etc therefore we could never imagine life without it. However an ET who had no concept of time could possible look at any point in there lives whenever they decided as they wouldnt be thinking "Damm i should have put that lotto ticket on yesterday" as to them there is no such thing as yesterday its all one point of exsistence.

Proper brain frazzling stuff the concept of time

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 07:25 AM
Hi There,

I think one way we can concieve of time is to think of ourselves as joining on to a motorway (freeway). That is to suggest that all 'events' have a 'forward' momentum. The seasons, ageing, are all events on the freeway of experience and perception. We join this freeway everytime we come into consciousness after sleeping, coming out of a coma, etc; this will be the same for all sentient creatures throughout the universe, regardless of their technology.

Thus, if last Monday I made an error of impactful consequence, I cannot physically go back to last Monday to alter or change the sequence of events that lead up to my error; the 'action' of a 'event' (any event) always goes forward.

Everytime I awaken from sleep, I become the cause of my own actions or events, which if they interact with the actions of your events become impactful and consequential. For instance, today, I know I have no need to leave my apartment (a day off from work :-)), thus none of my actions will interact with any events occurring beyond the walls of my apartment. I can, of course, look out of my window and observe events taking place; cars go past; people walk the pavement; clouds float by, etc, etc, they are all acts of forward momentum, but the 'kicker' is, that not one of the causes of the acts of the events I observe appeared out of the past into my present. Time, is simply a convenient measure of the perception of an event or events, it has no self-existential reality of its own. The measure of that that we call time is tied to perception, not space.

The only reason why we are able to review a 'past' is because we are creatures that record the events we observe and assimilate them into long-term memory. This juxtapositional frame of reference is always perceived from a current observation frame of reference of consciousness (short-term memory), and it is because of this frame of reference that we are able to anticipate future actions and events.

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 03:35 PM
Thats one of the best examples ive read in a long time

I like you way of thinking

posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by danx
I don't believe Dan Burisch's story.
That's all it is IMO, a story.

Originally posted by dalilamahammer
The reason i came up with this theory is because I believe in God/jesus/holy spirit. And I also believe in UFOs. And those things contradict each other creation wise. So by this idea they both now make sense.

I don't mean to be disrespectful to anyone, but I'm a scientific person, and if you believe in creationism you're contradicting science.
There's no other way to it.

And since religion (no matter which one) dont have any proof of its claims, unlike science, I'm on science's side on this.

It looks to me, from your words, you're only considering this theory so you can reconciliate your faith with the UFO phenomena, and I don't think that is wise.

If we're studying and trying to get answers to a subject science and mankind knows nothing or little about, restraining the explanation from the very start, so it doesn't conflict with religion, the answers/conclusions we're going to get are most likely flawed.

edit: spelling.

[edit on 13-1-2007 by danx]

Appreciate your point of view Danx.

To simply say there is no other way to it seems closed minded (unscientific some would say).

I dont see that evolution disproves God or vice versa. The Bible states that God views a thousand years like a day and a day like a thousand years. Anyone with intelligence knows its relative, another words he didnt mean EXACTLY one thousand years = one day, it means a huge expanse of time is like a very short expanse of time to God and vice versa. Therefore ..........ponder this..........

Evolution says when the earth cooled it was devoid of life.

Creation say the same thing and in Genesis it is called the first "day"

Evolution says then water bodies were formed.

Creation says the same thing and in Genesis is called the second "day"

Evolution says then earth masses and continents were formed and plant life evolved.

Creation says the same thing and in Genesis is called the third "day"

Creation says the moon was formed on the fourth "day" Of course Evolution/Science can only estimate the time when it was formed.

Evolution then says that sea life evolved along with flying insects

Creation for the same "day", day 5 says that sea life was abundant along with birds

Evolution then says higher forms of animal life evolved.

Creation says exactly the same thing, on "day" 6

Evolution counts Humans as one of the latest and highest evolved.

Creation says exactly the same thing.

I actually think the Bible writers did a good job of interpreting a very difficult to describe and complex scenario for others to try to begin to understand.

So in closing I have to say, we, even the most intelligent of humankind, are absolutely stupid as a whole. So stupid we think we can put exact answers to life in a sentence, or must believe an exact set of rules interpreted by someone else. I have been guilty at times of doing that and am trying to break that bad

I also find it very interesting that the very few early interview with aliens that I believe hold water, sources from the 40's and 50' from goverment employess involved interviewing "captured" or host aliens, that we were primarily intersted in learning their technology, but the aliens were always more interested in our spiritual position and growth and communicating about spiritual matters.

Also other biblical references are worth noting, ....Chariots of Fire carrying prophets up to heaven (welllll..... in those days how would YOU describe it?) The star that guided the 3 wise men to Christ COULD have been an AGC (Anti Gravity Craft aka UFO) What about the burning bush......

me thinks its healthy to have an open mind.


posted on Jan, 15 2007 @ 06:15 PM
Yes........interesting......You have a very valid and smart perception Dango

I like it

Although what are your views on the theory of multiple planes and dimensions?

[edit on 15-1-2007 by Selmer2]

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 03:29 AM
LOL hmmm ....after watching your alien abduction video I dont know If I want to offer any kind of valid answer to that question....


posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by Dango
Also other biblical references are worth noting, ....Chariots of Fire carrying prophets up to heaven (welllll..... in those days how would YOU describe it?) The star that guided the 3 wise men to Christ COULD have been an AGC (Anti Gravity Craft aka UFO) What about the burning bush......

Sorry, I don't really see what possible relation do sightings and interactions with possible aliens or alien craft have anything to do with creationism.

But I do agree that alot of descriptions in the bible do point out for those interactions to have occurred.

As well as in other cultures and religions, such as the Mayans, Egyptians, etc.

Unless I completely misunderstood you, I don't really see the connection betwen creationism and those accounts/descriptions in ancent texts.

me thinks its healthy to have an open mind.

I totally agree and I believe that I do.

Thank you Dango for your post and views, I respect them, even though I can't agree with them.

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by Dango

Evolution says when the earth cooled it was devoid of life.
Evolution says then water bodies were formed.
Evolution says then earth masses and continents were formed and plant life evolved.
Of course Evolution/Science can only estimate the time when it was formed.
Evolution then says that sea life evolved along with flying insects
Evolution then says higher forms of animal life evolved.

TOE only says life evolves according to envirronmental changes through natural selection. It doesn't say anything about how continents drifted or how the moon was formed.

Also life started off with replicating molecules that formed from amino acids brought to earth from meteorites. Their impacts produced the energy necessary for the amino acids to form more complex molecules = protein.

Evolution counts Humans as one of the latest and highest evolved.

No, it doesn't.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 05:50 AM

Originally posted by dalilamahammer
I think UFO do exist but aliens do not! I think that UFOs are time traveling devices that are sent back here to try and ....

I also think many UFOs are time traveling devices and that our future generations are traveling back here and studying themselves. Considering the reports on how our great-great-great-etc etc- grandchildren look - I have to say that I'm disappointed in how the course of the world will be going. Doesn't look very healthy.

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 11:28 AM
That why the aliens don't look healthy, because we messed it up for them

posted on Jan, 23 2007 @ 05:50 PM
If this photo is legitimate (we will never know), It is safe to say time travel exists.

Has anyone been to abydos on holiday, if they have can they explain this?

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by Selmer2
Yes........interesting......You have a very valid and smart perception Dango

I like it

Although what are your views on the theory of multiple planes and dimensions?

[edit on 15-1-2007 by Selmer2]

Well Mr Selmer now that this thread has had a little time to die down I will give you my MCPO (My Current Predominant Opinion)

The Philedalphia Experiment was one of the first experiments in our timeline whereas mankind took steps to harness advanced magnetic technology. Even tho there were problems with the experiment, the basics were utilized, which are High Frequencys oscillated at a matching counter polarity and frequency. When these energy levels are attained, it pinges on the same technology as anti gravity craft and borders on time travel. When you reach that point of energy, gravity, space, time (and I personally believe spirit) are one and on the same plane.

The members of the Philadelphia Experiment said they could walk thru walls when the unit was energized. This is the same technology that aliens use to breach physical matter when approaching us (materializing thru walls and the what not). I beleive that the ones who were rematerialized in the middle of bulkheads and others had hand railings thru them , its because they were walking thru this matter in a space/time altered state (as a result of the HF oscillating field, creating a huge Tesla/Guass magnetic field) when the experiment was shut down...they rematerialized into out current and present time again. I am open to the possiblility that this borders on the spiritual world.

This technology has been recreated many times since and eveytime our good Uncle makes sure it gets squelched and quieted.

So as far as multiple planes and dimensions.....I dont think we are smart enough at this point to try to figure this out. Because if there were multiple planes and (time) dimensions that were interacting with our present reality, our reality could change constantly and at any instant and dissappear or reaarrange as we know it.

That being said, I have to give credit to some accounts that our "visitor friends" from different timelines in the future seem to be "off shifted" as in they dont belong. All that being said .....Gods ways are higher than our ways ..(WAY HIGHER) and I wont discount anything and will be open to anything good and informative.

What I actually think is THE most important thing after learning all this and seeing all that I have seen, is the moral decisions and extent of love an individual decides to do with his own heart and life. God is pure energy, pure light and pure love...gravity waves and dark matter make more sense than ever .....the creator is all makes perfect sense the more I learn.

Cheers and Godspeed .......Dango

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