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UFOs are time traveling devices?!

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posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 09:39 PM
Has anyone done a thread about this subject, If they have already then i am sorry, if they haven't then cool.

But personally I think UFO do exist but aliens do not! I think that UFOs are time traveling devices that are sent back here to try and warn us of something that may end up destroying the human race and earth or something like that.

To explain, maybe the are landing in specific spots for a reason, maybe for us to make a message out of it all. who knows. Well maybe if the near future the earth gets destroyed or harmed by something and we end up send like a 100 of our best scientist to mars or the moon and they have to restart and rebuild the human species. as time goes on they change and adapt to the space enciroment and start to evolve or change. (body shape wise) that would explain why they have such weird looking bodies, and why they come from outerspace too.

Then one of them end up discovering how to time travel and decides he doesn't like the way he lives and convinces the rest to try and warn us or stop us from dieing off. So they try to go back in time and leave little messages or signs of what is to happen and how to stop it. Well you know about cause and effect. what if the reason they haven't just come right out and talked to us is because it could tremendously affect what happens all over (big picture wise).

Because if they come out and tell us that this is going to happen, it will kinda defeat the purpose of them in the furture so they will never even need to discover the stuff, so they never go back in time, and we're right back to square one. So by leaving very little hints they don't pose a big threat of "killing themselves".

Maybe this is why everyone has different pictures of what aliens look like. because even the smallest change in the past can change anything in the future. one thing that they do here is something that changes about them.

I know that people think if we do eventually figure this out why do they still keep coming?

Well my answer s would have to be either they have not completed their message, or they keep messing up and have to keep going back in time to try and fix it. So you see they will not stop coming until they have done either one of these things right. (according to my theory).

The thing that makes my idea really really hard to investigate is the fact that the government won't let people know everthing there is to know about extraterrestrials, and that there are people out there that lie about this stuff and do it to throw off people and they do it for laughs too.

Cause maybe the the whole mayan calander thing is right and the world will end in 2012. or the asteroid that NASA is trying to track will hit us in 2036. Who knows, but I think that people should try to take another look at UFO maybe. Unless someone has already posted a thread about it, then you can just think a little about it.

The reason i came up with this theory is because I believe in God/jesus/holy spirit. And I also believe in UFOs. And those things contradict each other creation wise. So by this idea they both now make sense.

Another way I could prove this idea is if someone got a hold of some DNA of an alien and looked at it to see if it was similar to human DNA. Or someone got an inside look at an autopsy, to see if the organs are similar or the same.

If it wasn't for the guy that made that news cast about the war of the worlds in the 1920s or 1930s or somewhere close to that. Maybe the government wouldn't try to keep it a secret at all. I wish I could have given that man a peice of my mind.

So I would like to hear what some of you have to say about this.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 09:44 PM
This is a well known and widely discussed theory

I find it very interesting, personally.

There has been several threads on it here before, and if i could remember what they were called i'd link them for you, but i can't.

I guess it is possible

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 09:56 PM
Good Post

Although im not an expert on any conspiracy theories what you say is a very valid argument.

Have you listened to Dr. Dan Burisch interview on

I believe him 100% and what he has to say is very similar to you.

He was a microbiologist on team Majestic 12.

Basically he talks about contacts with et's are infact a real-time paradox and we are looking at the future.

Basically illuminati and there members hide underground when the 2012 polarity shift and other earth changes take effect, while the rest of us are above ground apparently we secure the man made stargates (yes they are real) and wormhole into timeline 2 (45 000 years ahead) we eventually evolve into nordic species and the underground illuminati evolve into 'the greys' which eventually run into problems such as an evolutionary 'bell curve' which basically mean they are devolving and are in all sorts of physical pain.

Interesting, the mind boggles. Includes are very scary unknown fact concerning Newton's "Super Imposing Law"

It is hard when you are religious (im Catholic) and ET's are brought into the equation, Its very hard to explain but look for it and you will find it that there is a connection with God and ET's. A can give you a lead though, God the father as we know him has been 2 seperate entities in our history, one as the 'infinite' and one as an ET. This ONLY applies to God the father, not Jesus or the Holy Spirit.


[edit on 12-1-2007 by Selmer2]

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 10:57 PM
Well thank you for liking my post. Finally i find some people that think like me and like my ideas.

There is also another thing i forgot to talk about, and i kinda sure that it realates to this topic.

But didn't anyone ever stop to think that the real reasons why aliens abduct cows is not to perform experiments on them but to eat them. Has anyone notices how under fed they look. I mean come on protein builds strong muscles. Maybe they are eating them and or taking them to the future to try and repopulate the animal species.

Plus it also makes sense that they are time devices. Cause last year i was watching a viedo on google that NASA made and it had one of the characters from ghostbusters as the host. and one of the scientist cescribed and tried to expain how they would be able to do this. And that would be if the ships were almost pure energy. That would be why they are also so bright when people see them. And it would it would show us what we have to do in order to achieve it.

But the thing that i like the most about this is the fact that i am only 15 yrs old and i am thinking like this. I always think way more complicated then my friends do. its awsome!

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 11:00 PM
But the bible says that God is made up of three entities, and they are: jesus, holy spirit, and the father.

I didn't understand it when i was in sunday school and i don't understand it now.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by dalilamahammer
But the bible says that God is made up of three entities, and they are: jesus, holy spirit, and the father.

I didn't understand it when i was in sunday school and i don't understand it now.

You misunderstand, your bible school is right, all im am saying is that there have be times E.T's have been posing as God.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 11:09 PM
oh that makes sense.

posted on Jan, 12 2007 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by dalilamahammer
Well thank you for liking my post. Finally i find some people that think like me and like my ideas.

Only this way can proper learning take place. Im sorry if people say they don't like you and your ideas, this is the wrong response. If your ideas are known to be wrong instead of criticizing you they should guide you to the correct path. Don't let this intimidate you because your input, just like everyone elses, has the potiential to create big change. /end rant

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 12:31 AM
sorry but this is the most silliest theory i have come across. I love wild theories, but i can't buy into one ounce of what your selling, but its a big world and i'm sure others will. On the other hand it really does sound like an incredible sci fi novel that i would buy, and you do have a powerful/creative imagination. (I dont mean to offend you by my inital "opinion")

why aliens abduct cows is not to perform experiments on them but to eat them. Has anyone notices how under fed they look. I mean come on protein builds strong muscles. Maybe they are eating them and or taking them to the future to try and repopulate the animal species.

Then one of them end up discovering how to time travel and decides he doesn't like the way he lives and convinces the rest to try and warn us

I always think way more complicated then my friends do. its awsome!

[edit on 13-1-2007 by hiii_98]

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 01:08 AM
the dicovering of time travel doesn't have to exactly have to happen like that.

I'm just trying to give an general idea or example of how it could happen there are thousands of ways this could happen.

One of them deciding they don't like how they live was just a hypotheses. maybe one decides he could the outcome of athe human race.

Who knows there is many outcomes to my theory.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 01:41 AM
This is not my assumption but apparently fact according to MJ 12 Dr Burisch (interview on

Well timetravel exists, the looking glass technology (time travel instruction) in Iraq (you won't find that in google!) was given to us from what we designated as 'timeline 2' because we know no other timeline at present. Although timetravel is fantastic yes, there is a big downside 'Newton's superimposing' which has the potential to alter various futures by changing the probability of occurance. Now ET's have apparently another method of timetravel using something else for them to skip planes maybe even dimensions.

Think of it this way, all past present and future are in the HERE AND NOW and ever infinte time change creates a new plane (like a snapshot). For this to occur there must be infinite number of dimensions. I think civilian understanding is 11 or 12 dimensions.

If this is indeed true, its our way out

[edit on 13-1-2007 by Selmer2]

[edit on 13-1-2007 by Selmer2]

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 02:33 AM
This guy is making a machine that can have information time travel. And he say when it gets turned on, particles might just pop out of no where
coming from the future!!!

Good video 44 min -

[edit on 13-1-2007 by sanctum]

Sorry I cant seem to link it. Go to google video and type 2012, then on page 2 its time travel experiments.

[edit on 13-1-2007 by NLDelta9]

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 03:26 AM
Long live Dan Burisch! And other (good) members of MJ 12 working overtime to save humanity!

[edit on 13-1-2007 by Selmer2]

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 03:51 AM
Good Post Mate,

I suggest you go and read or listen to anything Dan Burisch has to say on this subject as he has a pretty good Fictional Story about this subject matter that you may find interesting. Of course he tells it like its Fact but has nothing to substantiate his accounts except some women who says it must be real because he said so!

PS: Slemer2 sorry I posted same subject on Dan Burisch as you, Im guilty of not reading all the threads...sorry

[edit on 13-1-2007 by mazzroth]

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 04:08 AM

PS: Slemer2 sorry I posted same subject on Dan Burisch as you, Im guilty of not reading all the threads...sorry

[edit on 13-1-2007 by mazzroth]

all good man

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 04:31 AM
I don't believe Dan Burisch's story.
That's all it is IMO, a story.

Originally posted by dalilamahammer
The reason i came up with this theory is because I believe in God/jesus/holy spirit. And I also believe in UFOs. And those things contradict each other creation wise. So by this idea they both now make sense.

I don't mean to be disrespectful to anyone, but I'm a scientific person, and if you believe in creationism you're contradicting science.
There's no other way to it.

And since religion (no matter which one) dont have any proof of its claims, unlike science, I'm on science's side on this.

It looks to me, from your words, you're only considering this theory so you can reconciliate your faith with the UFO phenomena, and I don't think that is wise.

If we're studying and trying to get answers to a subject science and mankind knows nothing or little about, restraining the explanation from the very start, so it doesn't conflict with religion, the answers/conclusions we're going to get are most likely flawed.

edit: spelling.

[edit on 13-1-2007 by danx]

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 11:31 AM
How about ufos are really us by the scenerio that in the future when the Time Machine is invented, a few people go back in time to when a supposed ufo sighting took place, and in doing so it was really the time travellers that were in the sky, due to some strange paradox type thingy.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 12:50 PM
"a few people go back in time to when a supposed ufo sighting took place, and in doing so it was really the time travellers that were in the sky, due to some strange paradox type thingy."

i love that idea!

also to that google video link concerning time travel it can be found here:

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 01:12 PM
Why can we have Aliens and a God why do they contradict each other.

If god is the creator of the universe could he have not created other forms of life on distant planets. Yes god created man but why think that he would tell you of something else he created.

Would a Doctor in a surgery tell you of his last patients ailments and how that patient should look after themselves and what medication to take and show you the x rays of that patient. No!! Why? because it would in no way assist you in the way you live or how to deal with your ailment

We are told Jesus is our savior and that if we love and trust god we will go to heaven also if we live by the 10 commandments we are abiding by his wishes and in the bible it does not say "because the grays over on planet Zanussi have managed to succeed excellent in everything they do blah blah blah"

We are on this planet to learn and learn from our mistakes not cheat and learn from other civilisations from the other side of the galaxy

So yes as a Roman Catholic i can believe that both exsist

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by thesaint
We are on this planet to learn and learn from our mistakes not cheat and learn from other civilisations from the other side of the galaxy

So yes as a Roman Catholic i can believe that both exsist

I'm not a religious person and I do not believe in god, but I didn't imply that it was impossible for a Roman Catholic, or anyone else of other faith for that matter, to believe both in god and life on other planets.

In fact, like you, I also agree that the hypothesis, god and alien life, aren't contradicting hypothesis.

What i merely stated, commenting dalilamahammer's post, is that creationism contradicts science, and not only on the extraterrestrial hypothesis.

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