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I’m coming clean on Extraterrestrials

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posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by TheMayor
Do you really believe that diet has nothing to do with spirituality? Sure, we need the fuel to get us to wherever we are going, but are so many people in so many different ways of life, and I am not just talking vegatarians, that believe in the power of certain foods and the toxicity of others for the soul, how could they (we) all be so misled?

There are many foods that make you feel good and are good for you but none that will lead you to enlightenment, although chocolate nearly does---lol

Some people believe certain synthetic drugs or natural ones like peyote, mushrooms, marijuana, etc, help them make higher connections with the gods, or themselves. Probably works for some to a certain degree.

Nevertheless all stimulants are primarily a form of escape from the illusions of this so called real world

Have ETs made contact with shaman while on peyote? Absolutely, as well as others on any number of hallucinogens---but that has nothing to do with the substance itself, sober people are contacted just as often if not more.

What we ingest affects both brain and body but not spirit---the spirit rules over physical every time.

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 10:50 PM
If we aren't with them then they keep us in lockdown in this dreadful cycle of reincarnation on earth. In my point of view aliens are the absolute evil that must be stopped. More I'm on earth I'll simply dislike all aliens period.

sleeper why do you blindly follew them?

posted on Feb, 17 2007 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by TheMayor
What is it like to be an Empath- I mean, people have, or should have, a certain level of empathy towards each other and to the Earth, but what makes your level a capital E? Is it a heightened capacity, or is there more to it? Is it something that can be developed further, or are there certain aspects of us that are stronger than others, and we have to just identify?

I have no idea.

I don't know anything different - - - I always thought everyone was like me. But - - after more open communication - - I find that is not the case.

I feel energies around me. It feels just like a person walking past you when you did not realize that person was there. Sometimes I feel like I can't even walk across a room without bumping into people - - but it is just energies.

I feel other people's emotions. I feel communication from "guides". I have finally isolated myself in a home business on acreage. Life is a lot more peaceful now. I don't have to block out other people's energies.

I don't have visuals.

"How can a musician explain hearing notes to one that is tone deaf?"

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by Lady-X
If we aren't with them then they keep us in lockdown in this dreadful cycle of reincarnation on earth. In my point of view aliens are the absolute evil that must be stopped. More I'm on earth I'll simply dislike all aliens period.

sleeper why do you blindly follew them?

True evil can be found in terrestrials here on earth commonly referred to as humans, look around you who do you see doing the evil in this world? And no they are not lizards from space hiding in human skins---
----stop looking for scapegoats and take responsibility for your own life.

Why do you think humans are in lockdown? Remove your blinders many humans belong in lockdown, and many of them know it.

And talk about blindly following----who are you following? You talk like you are suicidal---or is that an act to deceive those who read this thread?

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 11:53 AM
You mentioned in a post awhile back to someone that the dead can't console the living because it would tip them off to the existance of an afterlife. What then explains the fact that some people have repeated varying experiences that would blatantly indicate that an afterlife exists. I speak out of experience when I say that I have seen things that are, in a strictly scientific sense, unexplainable as have many others in my family over time and in different locations.

From a UFO perspective I have had one definite experience where myself and my mother witnessed craft of some kind hovering over several clumps of trees in between corn fields but no actual "contact" per se. I have always from a young age where I shouldn't have had known any better found myself staring at the sky looking for something and asking myself questions that, looking back, seemed quite advanced for my age.

Anything myself or my 2 brothers have ever tried to do has come very easy to us and we seem to be able to easily master anything we put our minds to. We also all seem to have ingrained within us a more spirtual understanding of life and the universe rather than a religeous one. I'm not making the previous statements to sound conceited or anything I just think it all seems very interesting based on what I've been reading on this thread.

I guess my question is, are certain people or families more predisposed to being "sensitive" to super-natural and\or extra-terrestrial phenonena? And if we are all specifically designed to meet the challenges of the existances we are given in this lifetime is heredity then a myth or are we placed in family situations that suit our mission?

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 12:11 PM
It is interesting to read your post and totally relate. My family has had a lot of odd occurences, ghosts, UFO sightings, etc. at an unusually high rate. WHen I talk to people, most have had no experiences, while my memories are filled with stuff. Perhaps some families are predisposed or "chosen". It is the chicken and the egg- are you sensitive and have witnessed something, or did you see something that opened your eyes? It gets me running in circles at times, because now I feel like I am looking for signs everywhere, and when you look hard enough and have a good imagination, you think you see them. Are they signs, I don't know. Just funny, but not ha ha, just peculiar.

To anyone, any connection between sleep disorders and paranormal experience? I often wonder about my "dreams" and other night time occurences that have been attributed to sleep disorders. I am not in the age group that typically suffers from this, so I just wonder. Any thoughts?

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Necrosis
You mentioned in a post awhile back to someone that the dead can't console the living because it would tip them off to the existance of an afterlife. What then explains the fact that some people have repeated varying experiences that would blatantly indicate that an afterlife exists. I speak out of experience when I say that I have seen things that are, in a strictly scientific sense, unexplainable as have many others in my family over time and in different locations.

Those on a higher level of awareness get more information that they can digest without the heartburn that seems to afflict the “normal” crowd who are unable to confront anything they can’t feel smell or taste.

From a UFO perspective I have had one definite experience where myself and my mother witnessed craft of some kind hovering over several clumps of trees in between corn fields but no actual "contact" per se. I have always from a young age where I shouldn't have had known any better found myself staring at the sky looking for something and asking myself questions that, looking back, seemed quite advanced for my age.

At early ages we are not far from our past lives on other planets, and those that have come here from other planets retain some subtle memories of space flight. Unlike many who have been stuck on this planet for several incarnations they are the ones that have the toughest time believing that anything of significance is out there.

Anything myself or my 2 brothers have ever tried to do has come very easy to us and we seem to be able to easily master anything we put our minds to. We also all seem to have ingrained within us a more spirtual understanding of life and the universe rather than a religeous one. I'm not making the previous statements to sound conceited or anything I just think it all seems very interesting based on what I've been reading on this thread.

There are no coincidents, many come to this planet with advantages earned elsewhere

I guess my question is, are certain people or families more predisposed to being "sensitive" to super-natural and\or extra-terrestrial phenonena?

It’s part of the deal you worked out when coming here---you know more than you realize but being on this planet where such knowledge is frown on we subconsciously keep a lid on that reality less we offend those “normal” people around us

And if we are all specifically designed to meet the challenges of the existances we are given in this lifetime is heredity then a myth or are we placed in family situations that suit our mission?

Family and situation we find ourselves in are designed to suit each person on this planet.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 12:35 PM
As to sleep disorders & paranormal experiences, for myself, I would say definitely yes. My dreams are always extremely vivid and lifelike and am normally able to control what I do in them pretty much completely. I can usually fly change surroundings or do what ever in them in most circumstances.

The sleep-related paranormal incidents I have had have never been at all positive in nature. We own a lake cottage in Northern IN and on a couple occasions there I have been attacked by an entity of some kind in my sleep. I'm convinced that this didn't actually occur physically but something definitely happened subconciously. On both occasions it was very difficult to determine if it was a dream or really happening because the surroundings were exactly like where I was at the time. The "dreams" basically involved me waking up in the bed I was actually sleeping in and feeling a sense of overwhelming fear. After a moment something invisible would grab my ankles and yank me out of the bed and start swinging me around the room. I'd grab the tops of doorways and hold on but I'd always get pulled away eventually. I ended up getting away both times and getting back in bed but it would aways come back again.

On both occasions if I'd somehow fall back asleep the "dreams" would recur through the night repeating themselves over and over. Finally, the 2nd time it happened I managed to keep my wits about me somehow and told whatever it was to show itself and, at that point, a grey form materialized with black holes where it's eyes and mouth were(if you've seen the movie Ghost it looked like one of the things that get the evil ppl when they die) at that point I kicked at its head and it disappeared and didn't come back. The wierd thing is, I was telling my brother about this, and, as I was doing so, he turned white as a ghost and said the exact same thing happened to him and that's why he never stays there by himself anymore.

I think some locations just happen to be paranormal "portals" where more traffic that normal occurs in between our reality and other alternate existances. My father and grandmother always talked about things that happened there and I've had a few other non-negative experiences up there but it still kinda freaks me out to stay up there by myself.

Edit: I also want to mention that my father's side of the family was VERY spiritual in nature. My grandmother did all kinds of research into spirituality, numerology, and other things of that nature even going back to Egyptian and other ancient writings. She would tell me and my brothers that we each had our own "guides" and that they were with us but we couldn't see them but she had.

[edit on 18-2-2007 by Necrosis]

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 12:45 PM
Necrosis and Mayor - - DITTO - - my family too.

My mom was raised strict Catholic (like others here) - - she kind of left the church through circumstances - - but only when she was in her late years did she talk to me about her pyshic/paranormal experiences. There was a long family history of it.

I too have always been "aware". I really don't "fit" this world - - I'm always like the odd person in any circumstance.

Everything comes easy for us - - but we are kept from being successful. It's almost like an "arrestor" has been placed on us - - all of us. It is very frustrating - - but I've learned to adjust to it - - and just figure there is a reason for it.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 01:45 PM
Yeah, if you know that much. Then you probably already know: Don't bother buying lottery tickets. The fix is in. You'll never win. The Miltons have you on the 'black list' so there is no chance you'll ever win the lottery, or anything else. Also, forget Vegas or Atlantic City. You're probably better off giving that lottery dollar to the 'Salvation Army' instead.

Now, is that fair? Is that Freedom? Freedom to play in a rigged game!

Lottery officials say everyone has equal odds to win, but the Miltons have got you 'black balled'... and you can't even buy a lottery ticket, because you know - the fix is in, and you'll never win.

Born to lose, a heavy karmic fate?

And everytime you roll the dice, there's a Milton looking over your shoulder to make sure you get the 'snake-eyes'. Yeah, sure.

[edit on 2/18/2007 by Rudolph_X]

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 03:11 PM
That's really funny that you would mention gambling. I am pretty adept at card playing (if there is any "skill" I guess) but if I have ever played for money, I immediately lose. I am always the first to lose all of my chips (or clothes:lol
and money seems to almost fly out of my hands. Therefore, I have never wanted to go to Vegas. It is just funny that you would mention that.

Necrosis and Annee,
As a child I can remember "waking up" to a visitation that I thought were maybe ghosts, but it's like I am instantly awake and moving, like I had already been engaged in activity and my consciousness finally just caught up. I remember watching an amber-colored light "walk" down the hallway and disappear. I also remember a tiny, 2-foot maybe?, "clown" peering into my room, like a "one last look" kind of thing. Oops, I am being pulled away- more later.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 03:39 PM
I am going to start a thread about sleep disorders and their relationship to this phenomenon. I hope you all will join.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 04:30 PM
well this may be true.i dont see a video feed nor i have i seen it with my own eyes.I think ets do help with technology but only because they fuel are desire to want to know more.most of are technology has come from a reason to need it thus someone has created it.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 05:35 PM

But, maybe what we need now is something to let us know when the next huge asteroid is going to smash into earth?

Sleeper said the aliens told him not to worry about it?

But how can you trust anything these hypothetical aliens say? After all, the ET form Sleeper describes is just another EBE3 type cybernetic robot, they're machines, not human. Are we supposed to listen to what those 'toasters' tell us? And, put planet Earth and mankind at risk, just because Sleeper says we don't have to worry about the next big asteroid?

Do you think the President of the United States, or the other governments, or the scientific community of the world are going to listen to a freaking 'alien' lover? By possibly collluding with alien enemies (by spreading anti-American 'alien' propaganda), isn't Sleeper being a traitor to mankind, and betraying humanity?

[edit on 2/18/2007 by Rudolph_X]

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 09:00 PM
Haha, Rudolph... You take things way too seriously, and personally.

You have a really weird mentality, in that you seem to have progressed to a point where you've come to believe there is far more intelligent life in the universe... yet you still for some reason, hold onto your little belief system about how things are, even with the tiny knowledge you actually have, in comparison to what there is to know.

It's foolish to try and understand "other worldly" concepts, when your only able to process concepts from our own world mentality. Things such as morals, justice, good/bad etc... are all concepts that only "make sense" to our current level of awareness, our "sense of reality".

It is important that you come to this realisation when delving into the unknown. If you cannot, than it is probably best you stay with what you know. I bet you wonder why noone else here gets as frustrated and angry as you do, when trying to understand experiences, such as Sleeper's.

It's not because we're smarter or anything, but mentally, we're more open to these sorts of things. Different experiences may have made it an easier phase to go through. Perhaps we've had similar experiences as Sleeper, but only have the slightest memory of it...left with just a "feeling".

Your a good guy, and I urge to try and pass this phase. There is just way TOO much we don't know... and to make harsh assumptions based our current sense of reality, is not fair.



posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 09:30 PM
I was wondering if you think milton is you from the future, I think he is, what do you think?

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by timedrifter
I was wondering if you think milton is you from the future, I think he is, what do you think?

Did you even read the story? ...The future? hahaha

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by Navieko

Originally posted by timedrifter
I was wondering if you think milton is you from the future, I think he is, what do you think?

Did you even read the story? ...The future? hahaha
come on now, what are you the thread lawyer? of course I read the story or blog, duh, I see you have free tickets to the circus show.

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by timedrifter
come on now, what are you the thread lawyer? of course I read the story or blog, duh, I see you have free tickets to the circus show.

In that case, I'm all the more confuzed...
I thought it was made pretty clear throughout the story and posts in this thread, that Milton is an "ET" ...not someone coming back from the "future". Past the illusion of our "reality" there is no such thing as time. Certainly not the way we see it anyway.

I just don't know why you'd think Milton is from the future... what made you think this?

[edit on 18-2-2007 by Navieko]

posted on Feb, 18 2007 @ 10:30 PM

Haha, Rudolph... You take things way too seriously, and personally.

Hello Navieko.

Thanks for your comments.

I appreciate your rant. But, you in no way address any points in my post. You just ignored the topic of my post, and made petty personal attacks.

You accuse me of having a "weird mentality"? I'm the one who made the post entitled, "Sleeper Caught In A Lie?" What type of mentality do you have when you can gloss over those kinds inconsistencies? Where do you stand on that? MUM!

You say, "hold onto your 'little' belief system"? Hey, my belief system is bigger than yours! Ha. Speaking of size you seem to be trying to bellitle my statements, a 2nd time? You say, "even with the 'tiny' knowledge you actually have". Tiny? I'd say it is HUGE! (You seem obsessed with size, I wonder why? Does size really matter?)

You say no one gets "as frustrated and angry" as I do. Why should I be frustrated or angry by some dumb posts made by a 'would be' sci-fi writer? You obviously haven't read the 115 posts I've made on this thread, or any of my other material.

You who only made one (1) lousey post on this thread. So far you have contributed nothing, except for making one personal attack on me.

And you ask me to "trying to understand" what I already know inside out? Don't be ridiculous. Explain to me what I should understand?

Then you say, "I urge to try and pass this phase." You must be kidding, right? My desire for truth, justice, and the American way, is just a phase?

You say, "to make harsh assumptions... is not fair." But, isn't that exactly what you are doing? You are being harsh on me while giving Sleeper the benefit of the doubt. Even though everything he says is preposterous and completely unfounded with lack of proof or any scientific validation.

We are supposed to be discussing Sleeper's blog and posts here on this thread, right? You seem to want all pros but no cons... You want everyone to completely agree with what Sleeper says. Then you launch into personal attacks when some one points out discrepancies and inconsistencies, and challenges some of Sleepers statements. What kind of discussion would it be if everyone simply agreed with Sleepers statements?

Sleeper himself, simply cuts people off who raise 'disturbing' questions, and he refuses to even comment on valid questions posed by 'dissenters'.

Sleeper! The people have awakened! (Not likely.)

Thanks again.

PS: I suppose you agree with Sleeper, that we should just leave earth open to a catastrophic collision with a huge asteroid, simply because Sleeper said the alien's said, "Don't worry about it."

Why haven't you made any posts discussing Sleeper's blog or posts in the past? The one and only post you seem to have made was the one (above) where you avoid the topic I raised and make personal attacks? Why talk about me? Aren't we suppose to be talking about the ideas and concepts presented instead. Why make it personal? Why not stay on topic and avoid personal attacks?

[edit on 2/18/2007 by Rudolph_X]

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