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I’m coming clean on Extraterrestrials

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posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 06:41 AM
Any ideas as to how to contact these ET's? Or do they just randomly pop in and say "hey" while sexually molesting you? lol...

Seriously. I believe they exist, but hasn't our world gotten itself into enough doodoo to constitute the need for an outside help to have revealed itself by now? I hope I don't get any replies about government coverups...cause if these et's are supposedly behind all of our technological achievements in the past Century and a half...then i seriously doubt that any government could cover them up if they chose to reveal themselves to the public.

That's my half penny contribution to society....

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by sleeper

Originally posted by Zerodown
I must say this thread is most interesting Mr. Sleeper. We both understand so much yet here we are the complete opposites. Mr. Sleeper I must ask you, why do you give information to inferior minds? You can become someone/something more greater if only you stopped wasting time with these people. I know deep down inside you're sick of this filthy prison this zoo or whatever they call it. Everyday you get sick and tired of looking at such worthless life forms on this ugly planet. You need to take back the power you so rightfully once had my dear boy.

The path I offer you Mr. Sleeper leads to greatness, power, and control.

Like the old saying goes " If you can't beat us, join us".

Ah Satan, was wondering when you would show up---

Milton warned me about you---I like Milton’s offer better---

I understand the tug a war between the Disepticons and the Autobots, but i cant help but feel there is something missing in this equation ............Neutrality!! that's it
does Milton know if there are the non interfering souls or souls that record the battle between good and bad, bad and good? and do they act when the scale is tipped to far?

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by adica1
Tell Milton if he visits me Ill take him shopping in Scottsdale for all the latest womens fashions, he be the best dressed ET in the galaxy and all his space friends will be jealous.

Hi adica

After reading that to Milton he has been beside himself wanting to know where Scottsdale is. But I’m not going to tell him---

In regards to you comment about the vampire butterfly...can all multi dimensional beings...from ETs such as Milton to vampires manipulate matter and become what ever they want?

Pretty much

Does this require any effort on their part?

No effort, it’s basic 101 mind over matter for them

Changing matter/manipualting atoms seems like quite a magic trick with much science involved?

Has nothing to do with science, science is but a toy to keep us preoccupied on lower level planets such as earth

It is not magic for them either, it’s simply part of their existence like sight and smell is for us.

I think you mentioned you have been a part of black ops in the they still keep tabs on you?

Oh yeah

You have given away some big red flags about that you live in Kansas and you like the "Wizard of Oz".

Now that’s a horse of a different color

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by muse801

Originally posted by muse801
Situations are just as they are. Not good or bad, they come and they go. ...just an attitudinal test.

You said it in a nut shell there muse--

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by Izarith

Originally posted by Izarith

Till this day I can still picture the ET rolling on the floor laughing his arse off, saying in between gasps of laughter ( I thought you said you wouldn't get afraid hahah I'm gonna die hahahaha gets me every time)

Hi Izarith

Great story and oh so true, I have seen some pretty tough characters cry like six month old babies when they were in the presence of these mighty strange entities---but enough about me----

Nevertheless, they don’t laugh at us unless we are really full of ourselves, and then they laugh so hard it brings down the house---usually around the one they are laughing at.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by sleeper

Originally posted by i_want_to_believe

The other day on the national geographic channel there was a show about life on mars. it showed NASA saying no way, but there is that FACE on Mars, does NASA and the govt truly think we are stupid?

Most people buy what NASA says, but I wouldn’t say they are stupid---they don’t want to believe there are aliens out there---they have seen “War of the Worlds."

ET will not allow the earth to be destroyed by us, other ETs, or asteroids.

Spielberg has to be getting info from ET

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by carewemust
Hey Sleeper,

Forgive me if this seems too "way out in left field", but I'd like to know if
you have any insight as to what the purpose of mankind is.

From reading astronomy subjects, it seems that in time, all heat sources
in the universe either decay, explode, or collide with some object(s).
It's a given that one day, our Earth will cease to exist as we know it.


Don’t take this the wrong way, but mankind as a unit has no purpose other than to create drama within itself. And we each play off that drama in our own lives

We love, hate, have lively discussions, make wars, build buildings and
cities, work hard to make ends meet, send our children to college, pray,
etc.., yet what is it all for if mankind will one day be frozen or exploded
from existance???

Our material bodies will cease to exist---what then?---well, freedom from the ball and chain of physical reality---to the spiritual reality that never explodes or decays.

Sometimes I get the feeling that we're just "hollowdeck" characters
like you saw on Star Trek's The Next Generation series. From our
point of view, we're very REAL, but someone (God?) knows when and
how the big show will come to an end.

If you put us under a microscope there is nothing there---has lots of scientist scratching a hole in their heads trying to make sense of that fact---but they soon get over it because what the heck it all pays the same---

I'm not talking about individual spirit continuation, but the species as a whole. Some say that we could spread out to other planets in the solar system, but from what I gather, cataclysms destroy entire star systems with one swoop.

Yes, like shoes, solar systems wear out---but there are many shoe stores in each galaxy

Sleeper, what do you see as the reason for mankind existing? I guess
that's the bottom line catch-all question.

The mankind that we are aware of down here on earth is but one grain of sand on a hundred beaches of unique forms of existence and levels of understanding.

We here on earth haven’t even started school yet; we are eager, nervous, excited, and clueless of what school is about.

Our existence is a gift to some a nightmare to others---why is that?---Mankind is the vehicle that will help us understand that---or not---those who do glimmer a bit of understanding will move up a level.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by sleeper
reply to post by Izarith

Originally posted by Izarith

Till this day I can still picture the ET rolling on the floor laughing his arse off, saying in between gasps of laughter ( I thought you said you wouldn't get afraid hahah I'm gonna die hahahaha gets me every time)

Hi Izarith

Nevertheless, they don’t laugh at us unless we are really full of ourselves, and then they laugh so hard it brings down the house---usually around the one they are laughing at.

Oh boy was i full of my self, I thought I could handle something spontaneously popping out of nowhere but i almost pooped my self from a simple pat on the chest who ever is watching over me knows me better than I do. Now I question myself if i ready

I just have to say that for some reason getting a response from you feels really good thx Sleeper

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by Izarith

Originally posted by Izarith
But still i wonder if it was just a dream.

sleeper anything sound like anything?

There is no such thing as “just a dream”. All dreams have significance that most of us cannot figure out in our conscious minds, but info is placed into us that we use unconsciously throughout our lives.

Intuition comes from dreams that we may never remember---from entities that we don't remember, from real places that seem like dreams---

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by sleeper

Hi Sleeper,

The thought of Milton running around Snottsdale in a pink dress and high heeled shoes gave me a great laugh. He should take comfort in knowing that if he got into trouble with the law there, that Sheriff Joe issues pink uniforms to all his male inmates!

I find it endearing that you read our questions and comments to Milton. But why is that? With all that he has available to him like the sperm extractor, interstellar travel, and shape shifting, why do you have to read to him?

Doesn't he have the capability to log on to ATS and create an account? Or has he already? Are any of the posters here Milton in disguise?

What does he think of our questions and comments? Is he enjoying this thread as much as we are?

What I like about this thread as one person said, is it makes me think. One minute you can be laughing and the next in deep pondering thought. Thanks for taking the time to share with us.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by Enthralled Fan

I wonder the same thing ^_^ Love to hear more about all of this. Oh, any opinion on the double slit experiment and schrodingers cat (@ sleeper & Milton). Multiple Universes, infinite choices... is that right?

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 01:09 PM
I hate to side with the skeptics, but I'm afraid that I would ajudge "Denied" as entirely correct when he says that there is "no proof"; the caveat to this, of course, is the element of "reasonable doubt".

Throughtout the whole experience of mankind nothing has been or can be "ultimately" proven, whether empirical or scientifically "validated". This is a partially philisophical point of view since it is based on the premise that at the apex of all knowledge we still do not understand the underlying mechanics of the universe itself. No, this isn't going to swerve off into a religious pamphleting campaign, I am merely pointing out that when we "prove" something we are inevitably abstracting ourselves from the facts that may be pertinent but of which we have no knowledge.

In many cases, these "facts" *may* not have a significant affect and in turn, effect, however, there are cases where the unknown facts can have a highly significant effect.

When we refer to "UFO" hovering above the Whitehouse, can we be sure that they are what they appear to be? No, of course not! The fact that we have seen such craft perform manoeuvres that our common base of knowledge does not believe possible with human technology does not mean that it MUST be alien technology and hence a "true UFO".

This is not to deny that the probability of extra-terrestrial lifeforms is high, based on statistical reasoning alone, however, it is also statistically possible for us humans to be the only lifeforms in the universe.

The chances of throwing a 6 with a dice is simply 1 in 6 throws. This simply means that "on average", you would figure throwing a 6 at least once during 6 attempts. However, it does not mean that you "will" throw a 6. You could throw 1 million times and never throw a 6. This would be a statistical anomaly in itself but it is perfectly feasible.

When it comes to alien life forms we're just rolling that dice, the probabilty of the truth that we want to believe in being a lot lower than 6 though.

I guess the key is to be a skeptic until all alternatives are excluded beyond all reasonable doubt. Any other approach leaves us prone to fraud and the dissemination of lies - Aren't we here to deny ignorance?

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by SugarCube
I guess the key is to be a skeptic until all alternatives are excluded beyond all reasonable doubt. Any other approach leaves us prone to fraud and the dissemination of lies

Or, destine to hit the replay button again and again and again.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Cyber_Wasp
Hey Sleeper, thank you for you last response.
I wanted to know if you could ask Milton if there is a galactic symbol we could sort of paint on our houses or lawns that could be seen from above when they are going about their business. It would be a symbol for Hello, we are aware of your presence and want to meet you. Sort of like a crop circle picture I guess.

You mean like lawn billboards that even Googlers could gander at----you might be on to something Wasp---

I am sure it would not have to be very big for them to see. We can make a statement to them if others would do it also.

They could see it even if you hid it in your heart

Also, what exactly is our name as race of humans throughout the galaxy? The name Terran comes about often. Is this what they call us or is it something else?

I couldn’t repeat it here without triggering obscenity filters, and violating PC decorum---

It would be handy to know just in case I am on the other side of the galaxy and someone asks me where I am from and what race I belong

Believe me they will know, it’s written on our forehead---but humans can’t see it.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by deadangel23
Any ideas as to how to contact these ET's? Or do they just randomly pop in and say "hey" while sexually molesting you? lol...

They certainly do have an image problem due to Hollywood and a few who had the unholy cr_p scared out of them. But they are trying a new campaign using a smart a-ss like me to deliver it. They just don’t have the budget to get the big talent---

Seriously. I believe they exist, but hasn't our world gotten itself into enough doodoo to constitute the need for an outside help to have revealed itself by now?

Doo doo is not easy to clean up, not in the quantities we have here on earth, but they are doing their best

I hope I don't get any replies about government coverups...cause if these et's are supposedly behind all of our technological achievements in the past Century and a half...then i seriously doubt that any government could cover them up if they chose to reveal themselves to the public.

You are correct, the government doesn’t really know much about them either, but so that everyone don’t get freaked out knowing that the leaders are not on top of things the gov does hide the little they do know.

[edit on 27-9-2007 by sleeper]

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by Izarith

Originally posted by Izarith
I understand the tug a war between the Disepticons and the Autobots, but i cant help but feel there is something missing in this equation ............Neutrality!! that's it
does Milton know if there are the non interfering souls or souls that record the battle between good and bad, bad and good? and do they act when the scale is tipped to far?

Hi Izarith

We rise and fall depending on the ballast of our true intentions----absolutely nothing more----the good or bad entities facilitate our desires to the nth degree, whatever our desires may be---good or bad

Example, if you do your child’s homework who learns?---neither you or the child---now you can help them with hints and such.

Who gets the credit? On earth the child does---it don’t work that way in the big bad universe where everyone must do the work to get the credit---zero cheating allowed

Satan or evil entities can only do our bidding; otherwise they have no power over us and will not be blamed for our fall.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
Hi Sleeper,
The thought of Milton running around Snottsdale in a pink dress and high heeled shoes gave me a great laugh. He should take comfort in knowing that if he got into trouble with the law there, that Sheriff Joe issues pink uniforms to all his male inmates!

Hi Enthralled

Sounds like a Sheriff after Milton’s heart---
---Milton is a straight arrow, he wanted me to point that out. He is not homophobic. Matter of fact he doesn’t have any equipment at all, he is a eunuch

I find it endearing that you read our questions and comments to Milton. But why is that? With all that he has available to him like the sperm extractor, interstellar travel, and shape shifting, why do you have to read to him?

I don’t have to read to him but I have a sofa in my office and he sits there reading the paper, and it’s just easier.

Doesn't he have the capability to log on to ATS and create an account? Or has he already? Are any of the posters here Milton in disguise?

He don’t need to, he has me doing it for him

What does he think of our questions and comments? Is he enjoying this thread as much as we are?

Perhaps more so

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by Chiiru
Oh, any opinion on the double slit experiment and Schrödinger’s cat (@ sleeper & Milton). Multiple Universes, infinite choices... is that right?

Hi Chiiru

If we elude observation we do not exist---it’s as simple as that because everything is observable but not necessarily by humans.

Does a tree fall in the forest if no one is there to see it happen? Yes it does fall because nothing remains hidden in this whole universe---there is nowhere to run---hide certainly, but they know where you are and that a tree fell.

Even we mere humans affect matter by our observation as is shown in the double slit experiment. But the cat and mouse game is for our entertainment only---should we manage to stick our head through the curtain of existence---first we will not comprehended anything, second it will scare the heck out of us.

Our brains filter out reality otherwise the illusions of life would decay like the nucleus in Schrödinger’s cat


posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by SugarCube
This is not to deny that the probability of extra-terrestrial lifeforms is high, based on statistical reasoning alone, however, it is also statistically possible for us humans to be the only lifeforms in the universe.

It is statistically “impossible” that humans are the only so called “intelligent” life in the universe---not to mention pretty dang silly.

The chances of throwing a 6 with a dice is simply 1 in 6 throws. This simply means that "on average", you would figure throwing a 6 at least once during 6 attempts. However, it does not mean that you "will" throw a 6. You could throw 1 million times and never throw a 6. This would be a statistical anomaly in itself but it is perfectly feasible.

When it comes to alien life forms we're just rolling that dice, the probabilty of the truth that we want to believe in being a lot lower than 6 though.

The only people who throw dice are those who play for pocket change, oh I’m sure there are a few high rollers out there who got lucky at the casinos---but they don’t know squat about what is in the universe and probably don’t care to know---

I guess the key is to be a skeptic until all alternatives are excluded beyond all reasonable doubt.

Physicists are up to their eyebrows in reasonable and unreasonable doubt when matter peers back at them flips them off, and then goes hide

Some physicists have discovered that this world and everything in it is an illusion but they don’t know how to tell the rest of us that without looking like they have lost it---get it, “lost it”---the matter that they play with in those big expensive colliders just disappears into nothingness---

Oh, but wait, maybe there is something there after all, stay tuned---no no not to me, to them physicist---

Any other approach leaves us prone to fraud and the dissemination of lies - Aren't we here to deny ignorance?

No one has ever pulled the wool over us humans, well we may have to go back a few thousand years for that to be a true statement. And as far as denying ignorance, good luck with that on this planet.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by sleeper


Thanks for the reply, and tell Milton thanks as well.

I think pink looks good on some guys. Don Johnson had it all the rage there for a while.

Milton pointed out that he is a Eunuch, from which I understand is a castrated male. This seems shocking and barbaric to me that this goes on in the civilization that Milton is from, probably because I dont' understand it.

What is the reason for this to happen? Is it by choice or is it for some type of birth control. Did this happen to Milton at his birth or when he was old enough to remember it? Is there some sort of heirarchy in his race that requires this?

It makes me think of a movie I saw some time ago about an Emporer in China who had thousands of eunuchs that kept thier parts in a jar after removal. I think the point there was that they were to serve thier leader only and should have no other earthly distraction. Is this in anyway why something like this would be done to Milton?

Once again, Thanks, and if Milton would be so kind as to explain this one, I'd appreciate it.

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