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Originally posted by GeeGee
Hi Sleeper,
Are the ET entities at Dulce "evil"? From all the reports made on this place, it doesn't sound too friendly.
Will reincarnation ever be proven?
What did you believe in prior to your ET experience, as in what happens after death?
Originally posted by Chiiru
well, I finally managed to get the time to sit down and read your blog sleeper lol. I'm at a loss for words I think. It made me think, which is a big from me. Very interesting stuff for the most part
reply to post by sleeper
) And what's your astrological sun sign? I'm thinking you're a Cancer or Pisces!
Originally posted by muse801
So, Sleep,
Given the imensity of it all, and our tool box fixes--if we are listening, why the pain? Is the pain part of this earth?
Is the pain necessary? Do we make this pain up? Where is the pain coming from.
Luckily I have been living through it, and coming out of it okay. Hell a Panera baguet and soup or an ATS read pulls me out real fine,
But, why was this pain put upon human beings in the first place?
Yes, I am stronger. more understanding....I follow that drift...
Is Et having fun with this/us?
Is Et garnering energy from us?
Using human logic, something is not so right here.
Not so pretty big humorous to me right now!?!
Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
Hi Sleeper,
Ok, so this bit about blood has me curious. Being a person who used to faint at the sight of it, I learned to get over it after I had children and had to deal with boo boo's. Also working in an emergency room doing admissions work helped. Nothing like a fresh stab wounded victim walking up to your counter for help! Hey, I had to get over that unless I wanted to be the one admitted!
So anyways, with comments in here, I checked out blood types by google. I came across some interesting information ranging from diets geared towards your blood type, to people in Korea and Japan asking what your blood type is instead of your astrological sign(supposedly has to do with personality types), to blood types being changed due to alien cross breeding with suggestions that the original blood type of humans was O.
I guess my question is, do any of these things have to do with blood and why you aren't telling us anymore about it?
Originally posted by zenfish
Hi sleeper,
Since it's becoming kind of Halloweeny around my neck of the woods and there's all this blood inquiry, I would like to know about those vampires you mentioned.
Various others have spoken about parasites, or beings, on other dimensions. They feed on our negative emotions and try to get us to indulge as much as possible in them. Tolle makes some great statements regarding these things, but he's far from the only one. It seems that if you are indulging in negative thoughts it's a good chance that those thoughts are actually an entity feeding on the emotions those thoughts engender. They aren't actually your thoughts, but an entity diguising itself as your thoughts. And you make the mistake of identitfying with those thoughts and thinking that it's all you and "your" problems.
The way you were talking about vampires it sounded like they were beings that can actually be seen, like other people. Is that correct?
I'm concerend with this because I think there have been times I've come close to zombie land, as you have described it, and I'm not out of the woods yet.
I spend a lot of time in low mental energy and being rather spaced out at times. It's not a spontaneous good space with few thoughts.
On another note, according to what you have said it seems that we here on earth are amongst the biggest dopeheads in the universe. Is that right?
Rather humiliating if so. I guess humility is a good thing.
Originally posted by sleeper
reply to post by Chiiru
Hi Chiiru,
Glad the blog got you thinking because what's out there is more real than what is down here on earth.
There really are bigger and better hamster wheels in this galaxy and some hamsters down here don't like that idea---
Originally posted by plumranch
Hi Sleeper,
My question concerns astrology and the large attachment humans have with what appears to be an outmoded system. Why does it continue?
My understanding is that it was used by the early peoples and gods to mark eras. Like certain gods presided over this age and when that age passed a different god or group of gods presided. So the exact time of the passing of the age was important so no toes were stepped upon.
It is of course interesting to note that we are passing from one age to another now (Torus to Aquarius ?) and the date of the passing is in question. 2000 ? 2012? 2020? and etc. Does the new age bring anything new to the table? Thanks!
Originally posted by adica1
Anyway...Sleeper was 911 part of a bigger plan to change the conciousness of the world? Or was that just the result?
I certainly has open more eyes that any other event in history. Is clearly was a complicated job by some kind of black ops or something much larger then we can imagine with many involved and the elite have benefited. Can you elaborate?
Originally posted by Chiiru
Have you seen "Taken"? (by S. Speilberg, etc, that miniseries on Scifi), how much of that do you think Speilberg has taken from accounts, and how much do you think is true or false (yes yes I know Its a fictional series, however I see quite a few parallels to 'real life' experiencers). I used to watch it, and enjoy it, Its a good series IMHO, but lately I can't watch it without being agitated by some of the scenes. Gah.
Originally posted by sleeper
Originally posted by zenfish
The problem with that line of thought is that we can blame others---demons or aliens, on our problems---which lead to futility since there is nothing we can do about it.
Those that fall for that become hopeless and eventually zombies.
The fact is we need to continually push back on these negatives that pervade in our head like Salmon swimming up stream---btw, why the heck do Salmon have to swim upstream to spawn other fish don’t have to do all that extra work---
Yes they can take physical form and show themselves---but those that see them see nothing more before they are taken away.
Yeah I lived through the sixties and seventies too------but the number of zombies are increasing with the indulgence of some new drugs
I think you are out of the woods, how could you go back in knowing what you know?
On another note, according to what you have said it seems that we here on earth are amongst the biggest dopeheads in the universe. Is that right?
It goes without saying