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I’m coming clean on Extraterrestrials

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posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 02:55 AM
Hi Sleeper,

So the aliens maintaining the status quo and keeping us in a more or less static miserable state (so the world can change us) on this prison planet are the "good aliens"? So what do the bad aliens do? I'm confused!

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 05:16 AM
Whoa! Haven't read every single word in this thread. But I see some giant red flags that call everything into question, courtesy of androids.

Sleeper addressed android intelligence and if androids could ever question their own meaning:

That’s a human concept and belief, a Hal 9000 can never become human or a machine that developed a consciousness on its own, however, ET can stick a soul into anything in which case it would not be a machine but a living entity living in a nightmare. Now in other solar systems stranger things do happen.

In the case of HAL 9000 this isn't correct. Part of the story deals with the astronauts planning one thing and HAL another. The computer was faced with a choice, which resulted in it making a decision. In general, one could convincingly argue that some choices are naturally instinctive (bird builds a nest), or artificial (Deep Fritz is the best chess player in the world because it was programmed to do nothing but calculate all moves, counter moves, counter-counter moves, and so on.)

In 2001, though, HAL actually admitted making a bad decision. But if HAL knew it was a bad decision all along, why not avoid it in the first place? (Clarke has explored HAL in more detail outside of writing 2001.) Whether HAL has a soul is debatable, but HAL's remorse cannot be duplicated in something operating on programmed instructions only.

Getting back to Sleeper's androids:

They supersede human intelligence but remain incapable of insubordination. They don’t possess a soul they are simply machines and can never be anything else.

Another Sleeper post:

Manmade humanoid robots have already started tricking into society, in the next few decades they will take over most of our mundane work.

If androids are already here, and in a few decades we'll be chock full of them, how can they fool humans if they are nothing but soulless, Deep Fritz to the nth degree machines? There is no way this is possible. Humans, maybe not all but certainly not zero, are eventually going to notice something.

Other stuff that also must be true for an android:

1.) It knows that humans prefer freedom over slavery. If it knows slavery is wrong, it must know freedom is right. You cannot know the word "slavery" and not the meaning. Androids must wonder why they are being controlled and why freedom is preferable.

2.) It knows that humans don't want to do mundane tasks forever. Even if a human fails to do anything else, androids must be able to dream like humans.

3.) It must realize it's an android and want to know why. Even if the higher powers said why, the android had to have wondered in the first place.

4.) It will want to know "why" about everything.

5.) Androids must know that a liar is not ethical. If they know that, they know other ethical problems. If not, then soulless machines would have to lie about almost everything. No one could ever get away with that much lying.

These traits and more cannot be missing from an android. Otherwise, its knowledge is inferior to that of humans. But we know Sleeper says it isn't. Sleeper also says a machine can never be insubordinate. This is impossible. A machine must know insubordination is an option, especially since a machine knows slavery.

Another conflict - Sleeper said, "ET can stick a soul into anything in which case it would not be a machine but a living entity living in a nightmare." But a machine "can never be anything else." Huh???

Also, androids must age exactly like humans and die. If not, humans will notice. But after androids start dying, humans will see they were androids.

Androids can't be programed to expunge intangible thoughts, or blurt out "correct" answers (lies) that always fool us. Why? Because either the android ceases to know what a human knows, which we are told isn't an option. Or all the thoughts that make us human are chucked out the window, and it will be very obvious.

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 08:08 AM
Hello Sleeper !!!!!

Thank you again for your answers.

Can you explain in your words what a 3rd Density being has to learn before they can move on to the 4th/5th Density?
Does the transformation happen during a lifetime or can you only be born into one Density or the other?
Also, one can measure a persons material wealth by how much they earn or how big their house(s) are or how expensive their car is ect. How does one measure their spiritual 'wealth' and how can you see where you are at in the over all scheme of things compared to others?

Thanking you in advance.

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by hihorizon

Thanks for your input, but trying to understand just a few things, which I'm sure is the reason your hanging out with "MY FAVORITE MILTON".

“My Favorite Martian” with the television antenna head---I thought that was a good show, Milton is now running around the waste basket with his two fingers above his head mocking “uncle Martin”. He gets a bit jealous now and then

So there are still mysteries even Milton doesn't know about like who these Higher-Ups are?

Milton knows a whole lot more than he is telling---he keeps telling me I’m not ready---he is so condescending!

They are the one's who govern or planet and others but who is above them?

Ever get on the phone with some government agency and then get passed around like a hot potato in and endless maze of “it’s not my department but let me connect you with so and so.”---kind of like that

The universe is teaming with billions of planets and life, so how hi does this go? There must be several higher levels then even these high ups here.

No one has yet to find out where the “buck stops”---President Truman who supposedly coined that phrase claimed it stopped with him----

Has Milton engaged with them before?

Milton has hobnobbed with the best of them---at least that’s what he brags

When you refer to Milton being there, is this in the physical since or in your mind?

Milton is both physical and ethereal and he comes and goes without ever saying good by.

Please indulge me and ask Milton to enlighten me with something profound. Hopefully he is in the mood to do so

The last time I said something really profound a disgruntled poster slapped me down, so I’m trying to cut back on my profoundness a bit, I don’t want to appear like “I’m all that and a box full of chips”---even though it’s Milton who says these things I end up getting the flack.

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by GreenRobot
Hope you are well as is your family. Say hi to Milton for me. The picture you've drawn in my mind of a glistening/glowing blue short being with a sense of humor is a great thing to ponder.

Hi GreenRobot

Thanks and Milton says hi.

Unfortunately my description doesn’t do justice to what Milton really looks like.

If there are all sort of craft flying around hidden from our view, I would assume these are the main force that watches and aids this planet?

Earth is in a soup bowl filled with many kinds of entities who watch over the planet like wasps over a nest---but there are many who are here visiting---like going back to an old school or neighborhood.

Is this a sort of galaxial UN squad with different participates throwing their effort together to "run this outpost"? ARe their cooperative operations between multiple races involving humans?

Yes kind of

When "renegades beings" intrude into the tightly controlled area in this solar system, are they just slippery and hard to catch?

They are slippery but they are tolerated to a certain degree because of the “freewill clause”---and humans can summon them and often do.

But once in they take advantage and spread like parasites and become a cleanup effort.

Do they run between dimensional planes or just fly in using ships?


If the baddies are always here in some form and leading large groups into negative behavior, why does the squad running our output allow this to continue?


posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by adica1
Good evening Sleeper(mountain time),

There has been so much talk about ET sex on this thread's gettin hot in this chat room!

It appears from your comments that male/female gender is a theme that permeates the universe...up through higher level beings....are there worlds were there are more than 2 genders...say a third and fourth kind of gender? Or no gender?

A third kind of being in our dimension would be androids---although some do have the appearance of one of the genders---for looks and personality only.

No way of describing what goes on in other dimensions other than to say every unconceivable thing is going on somewhere---conceivable too

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
Hi Sleeper,

I have a few more questions for Milton if he hasn't found out where Scottsdale is yet, and if he isn't on a coffee break.

Oh he knows where Scottsdale is---coffee breaks, he loves them and therefore that’s all he does

What does Milton think of humans in general?

He thinks we need more coffee breaks---I think he watched the movie “Office Space” one too many times.

What does he think our greatest strengths and weaknesses are?

Food is our biggest weakness and we don’t get enough exercise

Does he think your thread is having a positive influence on those of us who read it?

He’s beginning to wonder

Is there anything he hasn't told us via you yet, that he would like to share?

Sure, you got a century or two?---

Is there ever going to be a point where he would like to ask some of us questions via you?

That’s not on his agenda

Considering the sorts of questions we are asking, I'd be interested in finding out what his curiosities are.

That brings out the snobbishness in him---he has none---

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by plumranch
Hi Sleeper,

So the aliens maintaining the status quo and keeping us in a more or less static miserable state (so the world can change us) on this prison planet are the "good aliens"? So what do the bad aliens do? I'm confused!

The bad aliens eat the souls that are rotting on the vine

We are not here to change the “status quo” we are here to change our "status", and improve our soul---make sure it doesn’t rot.

The world will always be corrupt---some leaders are better than others but no matter who is running the show at any given time people will not be happy and want to throw the bums out---the same thing every election year only the names change.

But the bottom line is not our leaders, we come into this world alone with a “blank” grade card and we leave it alone with a “graded” grade card----everything else will not count one iota

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Cyber_Wasp
Hello Sleeper !!!!!

Thank you again for your answers.

Can you explain in your words what a 3rd Density being has to learn before they can move on to the 4th/5th Density?

They must have an inkling of the value of integrity and at least make an attempt at it.

Does the transformation happen during a lifetime or can you only be born into one Density or the other?

One at a time is more of a handful at these levels, higher up they can do multiple ones

Also, one can measure a persons material wealth by how much they earn or how big their house(s) are or how expensive their car is ect. How does one measure their spiritual 'wealth' and how can you see where you are at in the over all scheme of things compared to others?

The higher we go the more aware our standing becomes to us---knowledge is secondary to our road to nirvana, integrity is primary, wisdom follows behind integrity.

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 12:45 PM

integrity is primary


posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 06:50 PM
Hello Sleeper !!!!!!

Can you tell us the name of the star that is our suns partner or binary star partner? It will be soon made known that our sun orbits around a partner star every 24-26,000 years. This is something that you can disclose I am sure.
Is it the star Sirius? It would be interesting to know which one it is.

When will life on Mars be officially declared? I know there is more there but they could at least announce microbal life.

Or would they be more likely to announce that their was an ancient civilization there first and confirm the ruins that are there?

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by sleeper

Does he think your thread is having a positive influence on those of us who read it?

He’s beginning to wonder

I hope Milton's expectations of us little humans arent too high....we're born into this clueless planet full of illusions and confusion(which apparently the ETs like it that way) and raised by grumpy clueless parents...not all of us were assigned little shimmery blue helpers that answered some of life's biggest questions....dont give up hope Milton....and I was suprised one of his biggest concerns was diet and he on the breadcrumb diet?

[edit on 29-9-2007 by adica1]

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 12:01 AM

They are slippery but they are tolerated to a certain degree because of the “freewill clause”---and humans can summon them and often do.

What types of humans summon them? How does that work?

I actually want to know so that I know not to inadvertantly summon anything. Just daydreaming about the ideas doesn't invite visitations does it?

You comments about dreams I found interesting. It would seem dreams are our visiting hours with all sorts of beings/souls/relatives. Do all dreams have a purpose? Are we being conditioned/programmed during these dreams? Do ideas get inserted there and found later when conscience? This may confound some to relate creativity with new firmware implanted while we sleep. Or am I way off base?

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Cyber_Wasp
Hello Sleeper !!!!!!

Can you tell us the name of the star that is our suns partner or binary star partner? It will be soon made known that our sun orbits around a partner star every 24-26,000 years. This is something that you can disclose I am sure.
Is it the star Sirius? It would be interesting to know which one it is.

Hi Wasp

Sol is solo

When will life on Mars be officially declared? I know there is more there but they could at least announce microbal life.

Perhaps in the next decade, latter part

Or would they be more likely to announce that their was an ancient civilization there first and confirm the ruins that are there?

There has been plenty of opportunity to announce that now and in the past but that would be like admitting to alien life and extraterrestrials---would be discomforting to too many humans sill.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by adica1
I hope Milton's expectations of us little humans arent too high....we're born into this clueless planet full of illusions and confusion(which apparently the ETs like it that way)

ET will expand whatever illusions people choose to fit their expectations, desires or fears---especially fears

For the most part the vast sea of people on this planet believe ETs are the real and only illusions---

And in that vast sea who have their illusions mixed up are some of humanities greatest minds---

and raised by grumpy clueless parents...not all of us were assigned little shimmery blue helpers that answered some of life's biggest questions....

I was raised by clueless parents, clueless teachers, in a clueless society that views anyone who has invisible associates as a menace to society---
---my life has never been a cakewalk

dont give up hope Milton....

For Milton this is simply another coffee break

and I was suprised one of his biggest concerns was diet and he on the breadcrumb diet?

Milton neither diets nor exercises---that was advice for us humans--

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by GreenRobot
What types of humans summon them? How does that work?

People deep into hate and envy are good candidates, so are those obsessed with vengeance.

I actually want to know so that I know not to inadvertantly summon anything. Just daydreaming about the ideas doesn't invite visitations does it?

The average person doesn’t carry with them seething hatred that reeks to high heaven and becomes a beacon for evil entities.

You comments about dreams I found interesting. It would seem dreams are our visiting hours with all sorts of beings/souls/relatives. Do all dreams have a purpose?

They do but often a purpose not for our conscious understanding

Are we being conditioned/programmed during these dreams?

In a subtle way even if they are horrifying nightmares

Do ideas get inserted there and found later when conscience? This may confound some to relate creativity with new firmware implanted while we sleep. Or am I way off base?

All ideas and inspiration we often claim as our own is inserted via dreams into our subconscious---most dreams are not remembered

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 12:42 PM
Sleeper, the jig is up. You contradict yourself way too much, which I pointed out via androids a few posts before this one. There are plenty other examples.

PS - advice for your screenplay: Robert McKee's book, Story, is an excellent resource. I've got it in my personal library, I would suggest you add it to yours.

Good luck!

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 12:43 PM
Ok,ok,ok sleeper how can somebody join those advance reptile aliens in the next life? I find being human most terribly boring and they say being reptile is where the fun is at.

Other question is why do people like me dislike being in these human bodies so much? I really can't say I dislike being human to average folks without them thinking I'm crazy for not wanting to be human.

"goes back into lurk mode"

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 04:52 PM
Hey Sleeper,

I have two severely talented daughters. One in graphic arts and the other in vocal music. Although I may sound like the proud Papa, Nope, they are scholarshiped and clearly making heads turn.

Sure, I nurture and make sure the lessons and the education opportunity is there for them. But, I do not see this as genetic (yea, its me...LOL) or DNA driven.

What's the scoop on kids and thier talents...?

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 06:37 PM

I was raised by clueless parents, clueless teachers, in a clueless society that views anyone who has invisible associates as a menace to society---
---my life has never been a cakewalk

I see your point, its great you are not bitter about your humble beginnings! I dont think life is easy for anyone who knows something is benhind the curtain. This pretend world makes you think you crazy for asking. Even for those like yourself who get to go backstage sometimes.
I have invsible associates but they dont speak to me directly....they just drop big hints a lot and I have to decode....

Milton neither diets nor exercises---that was advice for us humans--

Darn! I wanted to see Milton on the bowflex.

when we graduate for prison planet highschool and go on to the next level do we get to keep our memories from our lives on the planets or do they get swiped again?

Are we Ok with those we have left behind? Like our children, Is there so much love and a different understanding that we are at peace with the past?

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