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What if TV was a version of mind control?

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posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 07:39 AM

quote: Originally posted by angryamerican
This will be the last time I post on this topick. You people are just not ready to hear the truth your so focused on looking for a conspiricy that you will ignore every thing else. Good luck in your search

opps forgot about that Ok no problem Darkelf I'll stay away.

Its just sad that you obviously inteligent people can be brought down the conspiricy road so easily. your being led every bit as much as you say they are. so how are you different. Its a shame you folks think so little of your neighbors and fellow man.

[edit on 17-1-2007 by angryamerican]

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 08:33 AM
I dont think any of us think negative of our 'fellow man' but most of us dont appreciate the ATTEMPT at control/manipulation. I love the america that follows the constitution and the bill of rights, not the america that subversively spies on people without causes and brings fear into homes by mode of Television.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 10:45 AM
Angry American said as an answer to my post on page 2:

That is rude and uncalled for you don't know us/them and I/they don't know you. Its un fare to judge those whom you don't know. Its un fare and totally uncalled for. What ever happened to manners.

Then you say this:

Its just sad that you obviously inteligent people can be brought down the conspiricy road so easily. your being led every bit as much as you say they are. so how are you different. Its a shame you folks think so little of your neighbors and fellow man.

Funny how I explained why I said that the way I did, but you do not acknowledge that, and not even say something along the lines of an apology or like "whoops, my mistake" Then you go and do what you accuse me of, being rude. That we are not aware of being prone to conspiracy!

Look inward before you point fingers, hasn't 'Oscar the grouch' taught you that?
I'm rude? Well right back at ya pal!

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by angryamerican

quote: Originally posted by angryamerican
This will be the last time I post on this topick. You people are just not ready to hear the truth your so focused on looking for a conspiricy that you will ignore every thing else. Good luck in your search

opps forgot about that Ok no problem Darkelf I'll stay away.

Its just sad that you obviously inteligent people can be brought down the conspiricy road so easily. your being led every bit as much as you say they are. so how are you different. Its a shame you folks think so little of your neighbors and fellow man.

You misunderstood me. I was not pointing to your threat to stay away from this topic. I was posting in reply to your continued insistence that that there is no attempt by television to control the masses.

–verb (used with object)
1. to announce or praise (a product, service, etc.) in some public medium of communication in order to induce people to buy or use it: to advertise a new brand of toothpaste.

Advertising, by its nature, is manipulation. When I was in the Navy, I went to school to learn sales techniques. Navy Recruiters have a sales script that they must memorize and follow. The Navy knows what advertisers know; that most people don’t buy a product because they need it. They buy it because they believe they need it.

Advertisers have 30 to 60 seconds to instill a desire for their product. They do not use logic to sell their product because they know that their product is just like everyone else’s. They appeal to emotion. They want you to visualize yourself with their product. Once they get into your head like that, then you have a connection to their product. Which image do you think is stronger; an image in your mind of a vehicle or an image in your mind of you driving that vehicle?

The same is true for television programs. Take the show Jericho, for example. It is entertaining, but at times, poorly written. This causes the person watching the show to think about what they would do differently from the characters. Now Jericho is in your head and you’re thinking about what you would do in a post apocalyptic world. Fast forward to the eleven o’clock news, and you’re now processing real world information on top of your imagined experience during a nuclear war. Do you think that your interpretation of world events would be different had you not watched the program Jericho?

We no longer watch shows to see what the characters will do next. We watch to see what we would do next. When we do that, we insert ourselves into the program and it becomes an experience. We have created a memory of our own actions in an imaginary event. This is similar to day dreaming. Many athletes utilize this technique, imagining hitting the mark. The imagined memory of success is no different to the mind than the memory of an actual experience of a success.

Do television show producers use this technique to manipulate their viewers? Maybe; is there a reason it is called programming?

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 11:39 PM
Darkelf brings up a good point, when i was reading that post i was thinking of MTV. I forgot to mention this but if any of you are in or are observing the MTV generation, most of the kids remind me of a bunch of clones, like on the real world how they try to pit the characters against one another. And how the big coorperations are trying to get rid of public access Television. Advertising has now become exclusive instead of inclusive.

Another indirect effect of advertising is to modify the very nature of the communication media where it is shown. Media that get most of their revenues from publicity try to make their medium a good place for communicating ads before anything else. The most clear example is television, where this means trying to make the public stay for a long time and in a mental state that encourages spectators not to switch the channel through the ads. Programs that are low in mental stimulus and require light concentration and are varied are best for long sitting times. These make for much easier emotional jumps to ads, which can become more entertaining than regular shows. A simple way to understand the objectives in television programming is to compare contents from channels paid and chosen by the viewer with channels that get their income mainly from advertisements.

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 03:33 AM
its called programming for a reason

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 03:52 AM
Hey good thread, sorry I dont have time to read it all, but it reminded me or something I was thinking about a while ago, and I just want to write it down before I forget.

Anyways my computer is against my far wall in my room, and my TV is behind me, so I have to swivel around in my chair to see it. So while I'm on the computer and my TV is on, (I usually have the lights off) I can see flashing on the wall from the TV, usually from commercials. Its suprising how much flashing is going on, just from someone waving a product on screen, and the scenes changing.

So I was thinking that the flashing could be at a specific frequency, one that is condusive to sleep, or hyptnotism for that matter. They sell sleep masks that flash and beep at a certain frequency to help you sleep, and one way to hyptnotize people is with flashing lights (like in Exorcist 2).

Any thoughts? I think the flashing is too fast, and not all commercials flash at the same speed, but maybe the first one is at a fast speed, and the last commercial before the show comes back on is slower; as a way of 'bringing you down' to a certain level.. ? Probably not, 'eh? But an interesting thought.

(On a separate note: Sometimes when I'm on the computer I'm trying to remember something and feeling a mental block, and I always remember what I wanted to - by switching off the TV!)

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by ViolatoR

Anyways my computer is against my far wall in my room, and my TV is behind me, so I have to swivel around in my chair to see it. So while I'm on the computer and my TV is on, (I usually have the lights off) I can see flashing on the wall from the TV, usually from commercials. Its suprising how much flashing is going on, just from someone waving a product on screen, and the scenes changing.

So I was thinking that the flashing could be at a specific frequency, one that is condusive to sleep, or hyptnotism for that matter. They sell sleep masks that flash and beep at a certain frequency to help you sleep, and one way to hyptnotize people is with flashing lights (like in Exorcist 2).

Any thoughts? I think the flashing is too fast, and not all commercials flash at the same speed, but maybe the first one is at a fast speed, and the last commercial before the show comes back on is slower; as a way of 'bringing you down' to a certain level.. ? Probably not, 'eh? But an interesting thought.

This is one of the main things that i was trying to get information about, the flickering, ive heard people tell me that it makes them fell 'funny'. I cant find any information on this but ive been trying to search on the web. Ive found infomation on the frequencies of the brain but not how the television can influence them, but here is some info on subliminals

Subliminal mind control also plays to the suggestibility of humankind (i.e., the presumption that we are not much more sophisticated than sheep). The technique, most famously used in advertising, involves embedding secret images into harmless-looking images in order to "sneak" a message directly into the viewers subconscious.

Subliminal advertising has existed for a long time in the form of subtle visual cues embedded in still pictures, but the technique first hit the big time in the 1950s, when marketer named James Vicary invented a method for inserting subliminal messages into films.

His technique would flash a simple text message for a single frame on a movie screen. While viewers were enjoying a nice movie, the words "Eat popcorn" or "Drink Coke" would flit by on the screen too quickly for the conscious mind to see. The results were anecdotally reported to be spectacular, with massive increases in theater concessions sales. The apparent success of the technique (which was never replicated in a controlled scientific setting) alarmed the hell out of most people and subliminal advertising was subsequently banned (although it still pops up in insidious ways, especially in liquor ads for some reason).

The use of subliminals in mind control of the "Big Brother-evil empire" variety has never been extensively documented (unlike the use of drugs, see below), but it stands to reason that if the technique is even marginally effective, someone is probably using it.

Subliminals and hypnotism have also been adopted by the "self-help" crowd, as a way to assist people in difficult tasks which they would prefer not to accomplish through self-discipline and hard work.

These include, most prominently, quitting smoking and losing weight. Retailers everywhere stock endless recordings of happy white-sound noises (such as ocean surf or New Age ambient music) which feature subliminal audio tracks running underneath, with messages such as "You don't want to smoke" or "You don't want to eat."

While scientific types are highly skeptical about the effectiveness of subliminals, science hardly matters to people who want to make a quick buck, or people who want to quit smoking without tears.

posted on Jan, 18 2007 @ 04:51 PM
I don't know why but sometimes i watch the stupidist white trash on Springer. TV is just a pacifier to the masses to keep them happy and not whining to the Government.

posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 12:00 AM
I find another technique used to advertise a product on TV are illogical ads.

Those commercials that are so dumb, that people talk about it.
"Did you see that stupid commercial about..." or "That ____ commercial doesn't make any sense at all!"

"Apply directly to the forehead"

Stupid things stick in peoples heads, like a song you don't like, I used to hate it when I was a little boy and I had something like "Baby Cindy pees a-lot, time to change her drawers, la, la, la, lala"


posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by Toadmund
I find another technique used to advertise a product on TV are illogical ads.

"Apply directly to the forehead"


Thats the one i was thinking of! How they say it 3 friggin times in a row, god thats annoying.

Originally posted by Toadmund
Stupid things stick in peoples heads, like a song you don't like, I used to hate it when I was a little boy and I had something like "Baby Cindy pees a-lot, time to change her drawers, la, la, la, lala"


[edit on 19-1-2007 by capsitan]

posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 02:13 AM
I havnt had time to read all the posts here, so excuse me if im jumping in cold.
I decided about a year ago that TV is a tool that *some* use to drain human emotions from our systems.might sound silly? but its really not. think about why you watch TV. TV shows = full of emotions, usually upsetting, TV news = usually upsetting, TV sport = huge emotional responses, especially from people that gamble on sports...... the list goes on.......
When you stop wathing TV you will actually suffer withdrawl-symtoms, which are hidden deep within the human mind, after years and years of being brainwashed and being *told what to do, and what is real*
The BBC (british broadcasing corporation) are the ones that actually run the UK.The BBC, otherwise known as the British Brainwashing Corporation, recently completed 2 docu-drama's, one about a lot of 7/7 un-ansered questions, and another on the Jean Charles de Menezes shooting.The BBC were told under no circumstances should these docu's be aired.They placed a D-Notice on it and destroyed all the footage.

IMHO, the very best thing on TV is the OFF button...
try it, honestly its worth it

posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by capsitan

Originally posted by Toadmund
I find another technique used to advertise a product on TV are illogical ads.

"Apply directly to the forehead"


Thats the one i was thinking of! How they say it 3 friggin times in a row, god thats annoying.

Originally posted by Toadmund
Stupid things stick in peoples heads, like a song you don't like, I used to hate it when I was a little boy and I had something like "Baby Cindy pees a-lot, time to change her drawers, la, la, la, lala"

[edit on 19-1-2007 by capsitan]

Saying something 3 times is a method of mind control. You remember it better. Also in the Manchurian Candidate remake the "activation code" for each soldier was to say their name 3 times.

Stupid things stick in your head - which is why they're used. Like when an advertisement says "women and men love it!" You are used to hearing 'men and women' so when they say it backwards it forces you to think about their advertisement longer. It lingers in your head. Plus jingles are a great tool to get people to actually sing along to an ad.

posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 04:17 AM
Here's some food for thought. Consider that you can't find a "mental institution" of size anywhere in the industrial world that doesn't have a percentage of patients who are fully disturbed about the "TV Programing", being used to "mind control" them. People with no connections to each other, from different lands, different cultures, different languages, etc., ...yet a certain percentage have this same button pushed.

On the other hand, if a person is truly under "mind control" ...they would not be aware of it, and in fact would reject the notion as evidenced in experiments reported in the book, "The Body Electric" by Dr. Robert Becker (I think, been years since I read it). The V.A. in Loma Linda, Calif. were conducting experiments (see book) until the D.O.D. shut them down for being successful... apparently they didn't want other agencies developing what they've had for sometime.

One experiment @ Loma Linda used a cross-section of people, both sexes, varying ages, varying marriage status, etc. One Friday they beamed some sort of electrical message into the noggins of the collective group to acquire a list of twenty different items. The list was constructed to include at least some items that each individual would have no reason to pursue. The test subjects went home and went about their separate lives over the weekend.

The following Monday they were all asked what they did, and to list all purchases and/or acquisitions since the previous Friday. All had acquired the list of 20 items, and all had developed seemingly logical (to them) impulses on their own to do it. Even when they were told the instructions to acquire them were beamed into their noggins during the previous Friday's experiment... they fiercely rejected the notion.

It seems when an external thought is planted in the brain, the brain internalizes it to make it, its own... and at that point it is virtually impossible to convince the subject that the thought was not of their own making! One example was a single man, about 20 years old, living alone, no girlfriend at the time, no sister, ....yet over the weekend he purchased a box of Kotex (one of the list items)! When he was questioned why in the world would he go into a store and buy Kotex, he proudly shared _his_ great idea that he came up with while driving home... they'd make perfect "buffers" to buff his shoes when he polished them. When they told him that it was "planted" in his mind to acquire Kotex along with all the other items that he got over the weekend, and they even showed him the prepared list, he adamantly rejected the notion. Even though the others in the test acquired the same items, his reasoning was his own and he refused the evidence otherwise. And of course, his reasoning was indeed his own... no logic was planted with the list, just to do it. But once it was planted in his brain, his brain adopted it and supplied the "logic" necessary to carry out the instructions on his own.

What the experimenters found most interesting, was that after the test subjects were told of the experiment... they rejected that reality. Their logic on the items came from the same place all their logic came from, and no one was going to tell them different!

So, if TV is "mind controlling" us, we most likely would not know it and would reject the evidence. Perhaps on a larger scale, that's why that small percentage that says otherwise are considered "mental patients". But what if they are right, and for some reason they're the ones that it doesn't take "cleanly" due to genetic nuances or whatever. Perhaps the nuts are running the asylum after all.

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 01:57 PM
Maybe that's why so many have migraine headaches. When I watch tv I get the migraines more than when I used to not have cable and just watched prerecorded movies every now and then. A lot of those I know who get migraines also watch a lot of television. How many migraines were there before television?

I like watching Monk and Psych. I like watching Golden Girls reruns. I watch the news. I used to watch Murder She Wrote when I was a kid. It made me feel good/smart when I figured out the clues towards the beginning of the shows.

Lately though I've been disturbed by some of the commercials advertising violent movies. They don't show the gore, but they show enough leading up to it that it sticks with you and you know what happens. There's a new one that just came out yesterday that they've been advertising for months where this couple picks up a hitchhiker and the hitchhiker ties the man up between two trucks and you basically can tell from the ad that the man gets ripped in two alive. I don't understand why people don't complain about these ads and put a stop to them. And the ads even show during morning cartoons on the weekends. Some of the cartoons shouldn't even be shown to kids.

I've been highly leaning towards canceling the cable though because my daughter wants to watch tv all the time and when I tell her no she'll sneak and watch it anyway. And my mother undermines my parenting in front of her backing her up and defending her when she gets caught. My mom watches a lot of tv and doesn't see anything wrong with it. Lots of family fights over the stupid tv. I'll probably be canceling it soon.

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 02:45 PM
Good point Jessicamsa...Also, has anyone noticed the amount of violent video games being advertised on TV?? What is going on here. What happend to the good old mario brothers type games...I guess thats besides the point but, are they preparing the younger humans for something??? Its all WW2 games and shoot em-up games..

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 04:12 PM

...There's a new one that just came out yesterday that they've been advertising for months where this couple picks up a hitchhiker and the hitchhiker ties the man up between two trucks and you basically can tell from the ad that the man gets ripped in two alive....

What about the DVD jacket to that SAWIII movie? I am sure that might give some sicko ideas just by looking at it.

Yet if Janet Jackson has a 'wardrobe malfunction' everybody is freaking!
It's so stupid, really; sex is bad, violence is OK, how did that ever happen?
Peoples morals are really suspect.

Another point someone mentioned, with all the emotional ups and downs TV desensitises us with, one would think that just maybe that's why George W. Bush is still in power. Nobody gets emotional enough to protest anymore, they have been desensitised, too numb to get riled up about it and do something.
We see the worst of everything on TV, so anything bad in real life is not so bad, comparitively. TV bombards us as well, making anything we can do to change the world beyond our power because we feel our efforts are insignificant, too much everything else going on already, just like our own wasteful habits like driving gas guzzlers, "Why should I care, I am only one person, my cause to Global warming is insignificant, why am I to blame when everyone else is doing it too?

TV can make people into insignificant zombie burnouts.

But, if one watches the right TV show, which are hard to find. (try finding a good science documentary on TV nowadays, remember when TLC had science programs on it?) Some shows can actually help do some good, unfortunately, most shows are complete plastic coated ad-trap crap that merely serves as a distraction from anything socially constructive

I rarely find TV entertaining anymore, thank Jebus the internet still works.

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 06:41 PM
Yes, the graphics are horrible. Lots of violence. And if you complain about the violence, you get the first amendment thrown in your face. But if you try to dissent peacefully, you get attacked.

Locally, a 17 year old male was beaten up and put in hospital by police because he didn't like how they wouldn't help his mother who had been the victim of a hit and run driver and been left to die. It took hours for her to receive help. The police around here are really bad at times.

When people see something bad happen, it seems no one wants to get involved. When I first moved to this town, there was an altercation and this man was beating up his girlfriend and setting fire to things. I was only one who got involved. I called 911. When they got there, he was about to set fire to her and would have too had the cops, etc not been called. You'd think people would at least be concerned that the parking lot was on fire if nothing else, but people were oblivious to it all.

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 09:18 PM
That's interesting because not too long ago this idiot was chasing this woman around town trying to beat on her and he wound up getting beat up, by people (yes, people, meaning more than one) that stopped him from chasing the girl.
His pic was in the paper, he was pinned down by a cop and had a bloody face.

Sometimes people do like to help.

posted on Jan, 20 2007 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Toadmund
That's interesting because not too long ago this idiot was chasing this woman around town trying to beat on her and he wound up getting beat up, by people (yes, people, meaning more than one) that stopped him from chasing the girl.
His pic was in the paper, he was pinned down by a cop and had a bloody face.

Sometimes people do like to help.

That's good to hear. I like hearing stories of people getting together and doing good thing. Makes things a little more hopeful.

What did the courts end up doing to him?

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