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What if TV was a version of mind control?

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posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Neon Haze

Lets face it, the concept of advertising is baseless if you can't reach your target market.

Thats ware the on/off switch comes into play

I can see in the not too distant future, never having to watch or see an advert for a product or service other than that of products you would actually buy.

Actually buy lets look at that statement. If you were going to buy them anyway way why do you say your being controlled. You are given a nudge to think this product is bettert then the other one. A nudge or suggestion is far from mind controll and or brainwashing.

I bet you already knew that McDonalds spends a massive amount of money achieving head count through their doors??? But.....

Did you know they probably spend just as much in working out new ways of getting people to leave the premises in the quickest time possible??

Tactics such as: -

Blowing cold air onto customers in cold climates and hot air onto customers in hot climates....

Ensuring the music played is repetitive and almost inaudible to the ear. but audible enough to be subconsciously annoying.

Organising the seating so everyone can see the queue of 'waiting to sit' customers.

Your Data on Mcdonalds is wrong. They are spending billions on remodiling and trasforming there stores away from fast food and more twords a sit down restaurant. People who stay longer spend more money.

My point is this... We are all being controlled but not just by TV... By anyone who has enough money to do it and a need to do it.

I'll say it again!! We are not being controlled. If infact we were actually being controlled would we be having this conversation? No we would have our butt's planted in front of the telvision not thinking.

The best way to try and avoid this social programming is to be aware it exists. Try thinking before you reach for the goods in the shop, and above all open your eyes and question all that is put in front of you.

Finally something we agree on. Its all about thinking, using your head. Dare I say it yes I do. Using COMMON SENSE. Get up off the couch turn the TV off and go outside.

Tools only have the power we give them. Advertiser can have the biggest army of fraudian rejects in the world if you dont like ther product the psyco babble isnt going to force you to buy it. Its too easy to blame TV and the advertisers. The real blame lays squarily in the laps of the consumers. Dont look at TV for the problem look in the mirror

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 09:41 AM
Wow, i suggest you watch This
commercial by malginas, i think its OK for budweiser to say 'Thank You' to the troops, but that video tries to drum up so much emotion....thanks Neon haze for the comments, ive heard SOME of those things concerning Mcdonalds, do you have a source? Yes the integration of TV and Internet will be something to watch. I seriously feel that almost everwhere you go, you are are vulnerable to be 'manipulated' by the 'manipulators.' Yes capitalism is great, but as i said in the first post, i believe there is an ATTEMPT at some form of control concerning the Television. I think we need more awareness on this subject...

[edit on 8-1-2007 by capsitan]

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 10:26 AM
try this.

This will be the last time I post on this topick. You people are just not ready to hear the truth your so focused on looking for a conspiricy that you will ignore every thing else. Good luck in your search

[edit on 8-1-2007 by angryamerican]

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 10:44 AM

I am gross and perverted
Im obsessed n deranged
I have existed for years
But very little had changed
I am the tool of the government
And industry too
For I am destined to rule
And regulate you

I may be vile and pernicious
But you cant look away
I make you think Im delicious
With the stuff that I say
I am the best you can get
Have you guessed me yet?
I am the slime oozin out
From your tv set

You will obey me while I lead you
And eat the garbage that I feed you
Until the day that we dont need you
Dont got for one will heed you
Your mind is totally controlled
It has been stuffed into my mold
And you will do as you are told
Until the rights to you are sold

Thats right, folks..
Dont touch that dial

Well, I am the slime from your video
Oozin along on your livinroom floor

I am the slime from your video"
Cant stop the slime, people, lookit me go

A rather famous 20th century poet/song writer said it all.

The problem with TV or 1 of them is small children watch them 24/7, they may not be your kids and yes there is on on/off but many don't use it. It is certainly very strong conditioning and tends to shape most of our understanding of politics, nation, even self. 'Our minds are totally controlled

[edit on 8-1-2007 by polanksi]

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 11:06 AM
Check out what happened to these kids in japan from watching a cartoon on tv.

Hundreds of Japanese kids are sitting innocently in front of an animated cartoon when pulsating red beams of light shoot out of the eyes of one of the characters — Pikachu, the rat — causing convulsions and vomiting in a mass epileptic-like seizure of the young audience.

More than 700 viewers of the popular cartoon "Pokemon" — most of them children — were rushed to hospitals after they experienced convulsions, vomited blood, and even fell unconscious after viewing the four-second scene, which flashed blue and red lights at 20 "flickers" per second.

[edit on 8-1-2007 by etshrtslr]

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 11:30 AM
There ya go. I was hoping someone had a story like that...Now is that a coincidince?? Maybe a test?? Maybe the enviornment?? Man vs. machine.......

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 12:44 PM
Of course tv is mind control....

It dictates what is considered a cool trend, what music to listen to, what to eat, what to do, it manipulates the minds of those who watches it in order to fit the economic need of the system..

Go outside in the streets and listen to led zeppelin and wear some hippy clothes and you won't be considered cool and you will be considered weird... now i don't even care what i wear and no media is gonna tell me what music is off limit... but sadly that's not the case for the majority of the population who are like a giant clan of mtv worshippers....

It's no coencidence that when a style of movie comes out there is like 10 others of the same style following right behind... like comic book movies for instance, martial arts epics, extreme gore movies, medieval epics, 3d animated movies, teen comedies, ect.... the list goes on....
Don't wonder why they class movies in terms of ages....

What about music... there is no real music anymore in the mainstream it's just talentless empty headed fools who makes noises for advertisment purposes...

little 12 years old girls dresses up like skanks that's no coencidence either, there's a bunch of music video clips with little kids dressing up like skanks......

The perfumes, gotta wear some axe perfume to get laid or else it's never gonna work...

pimples, can't have no pimples or else girls won't want anything to do with you.

Beer, those who subliminaly craves death become alcoholics and those who can't get a girl gets other girls drunk so that he even stands a chance, that's what those comercials are designed for to inflict upon our consciousness.

Cars, gotta have the best car out there if you want girls to like you or if you want to be considered cool you know...

Fastfood..... speaks for it self.

Every objects, every things you can buy are meant for one thing and one thing only,

To relate to a social situation that you will be facing and that you will subconsciously have purchased in advance the product for that moment with out even knowing why you bought it.

subliminal is the link between the subconsciousness and the consciousness, you're doing something for a reason deeper then what you are consciously aware of and subliminal is the connection between that reason and your conscious action from it.

Every conscious actions are a result of a subconscious reason and the more you develope this link between the two the more you can see things on a deeper level it's like a trampoline between your subconscious and your consciousness, the more you go down into your subconsciousness the more you will bounce higher with more awareness in your consciousness.

There is a way to break the subliminal, once you are conscious of the subliminal it's like a lock that is unlocked and it can no longer be locked in your life. Once you know it's there it can never be hidden from you because once you are conscious of your subconscious it goes into your conscious state of mind and is no longer subliminal.

Example of this: if you look at a photo with a subliminal message to it you are subconsciously aware that it's there because in your subconsciousness you know everything, it's simply information that is in the collective consciousness that you are not currently consciously aware of so therefor
the momment you become consciously aware that there is a subliminal in the picture it's no longer subliminal because it's in your conscious stream of thoughts.

Yes wake up people, tv is the essence of mind control.

posted on Jan, 8 2007 @ 11:56 PM
Thanks to angryamerican for the info about mcdonalds....Yeah, selfless makes a good point about how the products you buy are totally integrated into the social life. I think it is obvious that alot of people are HIGHLY INFLUENCED by the commercials on TV. Also the repetitous commercials 3 times in a row??? I cant think of it now but its some type of cream you put on your forhead....

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 12:31 AM
Why do people keep bagging their best friend?

Face it, you'd all be much different people if it wasn't for television.

You'd all be healthy, active, free to make choices based on trial and error, actively seeking family time and free from the current trends such as slang, curse-words, bling bling and grilles.

Gee, why WOULDN'T you watch television?

Just kiddin'.

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Unrealised

Face it, you'd all be much different people if it wasn't for television.

You'd all be healthy, active, free to make choices based on trial and error, actively seeking family time and free from the current trends such as slang, curse-words, bling bling and grilles.

Hmm Me and My family are like that now. Most of the people we hang around are also like that. When the tv is on in our house its on the weather channell or one of the learning channels. We use our free will often and turn it off.

But of course we cant do that because tv is controling us so how can we turn it off, it hasnt told us to.

Seriously thow Just because a person chooses to be fat and lazy doesnt mean they are being controlled. It is a personal choice made in the sub consious mind. But most people are so quick to blame something else, rather then our fellow man, or our selves. A televiosion is a tool like this computer Ime using now. Give it some serious thought before you all go blaming a simple devise. You should instead be blaming the slob in front of the tube.

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 10:02 AM
I saw a documentary like 10 years ago about someone on some local TV station who "accidently" hypnotized dozens of people watching the show. These people suddently stood up and went to the closest garage to buy as much tires as they could
There was an example of this woman who didn't stop buying tires in the same garage until her credit card was blocked. Has anyone else seen the documentary or heard this story ?

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 10:03 AM
well said sir!

you can blame tv for peoples low self esteem

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 12:45 PM
If you don't think TV is influencing you and your life, you are a bigger fool than I thought you were before.
You are deceived and don't even realise it!
I guess that's the essence of deception.

(aimed at anyone who grew up watching TV)

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by Toadmund
If you don't think TV is influencing you and your life, you are a bigger fool than I thought you were before.
You are deceived and don't even realise it!
I guess that's the essence of deception.

(aimed at anyone who grew up watching TV)

That is rude and uncalled for you don't know us/them and I/they don't know you. Its un fare to judge those whom you don't know. Its un fare and totally uncalled for. What ever happened to manners. Just for clarification influencing and controlling are two very different things. All interaction in life with animate and inanimate objects influence us in some way.

[edit on 16-1-2007 by angryamerican]

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 10:52 PM
That's why I said this:

(aimed at anyone who grew up watching TV)

I realised that some people who posted believed they were above the TV influence, but I did not mean them specifically as to be rude to them. So I wrote the disclaimer (in quotes)

I believed I was above it too, but I think it does influence me, but I don't know how, and that is freaky

It influences others, and they also influence others, groupthink and such, blah, blah, and other stuff, etc.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. I was probably distracted watching TV.

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 11:46 PM
I believe the powerful are in love with television. Why? for one, tv creates short attention spans. the television programs/commercials are constantly moving. thus, the viewers thoughts are fleet of foot. and it is the thought of the people that creates organization. and it is the organization of the people that creates action. and it is the action of the people that the government fears most.

[edit on 16-1-2007 by LooseLipsSinkShips]

posted on Jan, 16 2007 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by LooseLipsSinkShips
and it is the action of the people that the government fears most.

Well said! We are the biggest threat to the elite and their government.
We are the majority, and could be a strong one if the system wasn't set up to devide, and keep people squabling among ourselves over situations that are created by the elite for that very reason, to keep our attention on ourselves instead of them.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by angryamerican
I'll say it again!! We are not being controlled. If infact we were actually being controlled would we be having this conversation? No we would have our butt's planted in front of the telvision not thinking.

Tools only have the power we give them. Advertiser can have the biggest army of fraudian rejects in the world if you dont like ther product the psyco babble isnt going to force you to buy it. Its too easy to blame TV and the advertisers. The real blame lays squarily in the laps of the consumers. Dont look at TV for the problem look in the mirror

Originally posted by angryamerican
This will be the last time I post on this topick. You people are just not ready to hear the truth your so focused on looking for a conspiricy that you will ignore every thing else. Good luck in your search

I am not saying that you are wrong, but I believe that you are “preaching to the choir.” Those of us who post here are already aware that we have a choice. We endeavor to find even the slightest example of how news media, programming, and commercials attempt to control how we think. We are aware, but do you honestly think that the majority of the population is actually aware or even cares to practice awareness?

The following article was published in 2004. It shows the effect of television on the senses and mind development of children. I recommend it to any one who seriously doubts the effect of television:

Surveys indicate that 7-17 year olds average between 25-30 hours per week, while some pre-schoolers may be viewing up to 60 hrs/wk. In 1971 average viewing time for pre-school children was 34 hrs/wk; most recent figures suggest 54 hrs/wk. This means that in many instances, the majority of some child's waking hours are spent with the TV on.
Surveys further indicate that by the time children graduate from high school, they will have spent more hours in TV viewing than in school. Assuming an average of 3 hrs/day, children view 20,000 commercials a year. By age 16, they will have witnessed 200,000 violent acts, including 33,000 murders.

I watch a few shows for entertainment, but mostly it’s the History Channel or MSNBC. I recognize the impact television has on society as a whole. Yes, it does come with an off/on switch. How many people actually turn it off except to go to bed? How many people use the sleep function to turn their sets off after they fall asleep?

I grew up in the 50s and 60s and have seen first hand how TV has changed over the years. Bottom line is yes, TV can be mind control if we allow it. You obviously don’t allow it and I commend you for your actions. Keep in mind, however, that you are in the minority.

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 05:33 AM
Right on darkwolf, that was a good example. I think this is one of the most mature posts ive seen in a while..As i think we agree (most of us) that there is an attempt to try and influence us for varying reasons. Im not surprised by that article. It is very interesting. If there is one important thing out of this thread it is that we need to be AWARE of the fact that manipulation is rampant in the media, i mean why do you think that all of the major news networks show news that is not important, well maybe important to some people but they dont have the hutzbah to report on the major issues. Why? i believe because they are ALL being controlled by the illuminati, but thats just my opinion. Its about being aware...

posted on Jan, 17 2007 @ 06:56 AM
didn't russia ban pokemon, because they said the cartoon was used for some sort of mind control, or something.

class film that they live, carpenter made a class film there, shame the general public did not take it in.

did anyone see bill gates speech recently at ces, where he was laughing they have not figured out what they are going to do yet while people are asleep. ROLL ON THE DAY WHEN THEY JUST TRANSMIT ADVERTS INTO YOUR MIND WHEN YOU ARE ASLEEP.

[edit on 17-1-2007 by andy1033]

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