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girls... what do GIRLS want

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posted on Jan, 10 2007 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by JackofBlades
That's probably true but I don't really want a girl who bases her entire attraction to you on your biceps.

Right, she will find ways to test you on other factors (courage, leadership, sexual prowess and money being the main ones IMHO).

Muscles and physical fitness just help to create that initial "spark" of interest.

I suppose I should qualify all this by saying that I'm talking about grown, mature women here, women who have options and who are selective and competitive.... and not high-school "puppy love" type girls....

posted on Jan, 11 2007 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by whitewave
9) Girls your age are twits. They're from the "give me, get me, take me, buy me" generation and most are not worth the time of day. (same is true of guys your age. sorry)

Very true. Is it the brainwashing from the endless mindless crap tv shows thats done the damage!! Dumbing down of society

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by conspiracymaster
for the most part im sure its simple what guys want... but i want the truth... what do you want girls? do you want a scrawny punk kid or a bodybilder or a gentle guy or

what is it exactly, for you???? details, details, details...

women want everything under the sun and more. on top of that they're needs are always changing and they're NEVER satisfied. ever. trust me when i say this. why? because they bore too darn easily.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 03:21 AM
Mostly, they want the perfect man for somewhere between two weeks and two months. Then he's no longer perfect; so they have to go back to looking.

'Cept for the one I married. Luckily for me, her wants and needs coincide, and never seem to change. . . .

I'm curious why you'd even ask, what women want. Changing yourself to suit other people is not healthy. Be yourself, and live with the consequences.

When I tried to FORCE the issue, and actively "find my mate," I was the most miserable I'd ever been. A constant parade of brazen strumpets tortured me mercilessly until I wondered about moving to the woods or a monastery.

It was when I gave up and started having fun on MY TERMS that I started to attract women. By that time I was 25. But oh well. Probably kept me from catching a deadly disease.

posted on Jan, 13 2007 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by conspiracymaster
for the most part im sure its simple what guys want... but i want the truth... what do you want girls? do you want a scrawny punk kid or a bodybilder or a gentle guy or

what is it exactly, for you???? details, details, details...

Hmmm... Cannot speak for ALL girls of course, just for myself, and I've been around the block a few times.

When younger, (yeah I'm prolly old enuff to be your grandma.. shrugs), what really attracted me were the 'baaaaaad boys'. Those that were good-looking rebels, confident, true to themselves, driving hot cars or ridin' Harleys, living by their own rules, yada yada yada... (I actually became a 'biker's mama', went with the likes of 'Snake', a member of the Hells Angels). And although I found out that many members in the Hells Angels are truly wonderful and kind people, and it was very exciting to be with a 'baaaaaad boy', a lot of negatives went along with it. Not having learned my lesson the first time around, I later up and married a man who was a 'baaaaaaaaad boy', so exciting he was to me. Even though, he wasn't exactly what one might call a great catch. Excitement can wear off... And then what was left is what was really deep down inside each of us. Something I hadn't thought to look at in the first place.

Soooooooo.. I finally 'grew up' and took a look at what really is important in life. It's not about good looks, how much money a guy has or doesn't have, where he lives, what he drives, who his friends are, how big his muscles are, whether he has a 'six-pack', or even the size of his ****.

What matters in life, is who he is inside, who I am inside. Do our values in life match? Are we honest, with ourselves and each other? Can we communicate... that deep down soul-searching kind of sharing our own truths with each other? Can we really LISTEN to each other, even hear what isn't being said? Are we willing, capable, of being each others best friend? Can we be gentle and kind to each other? Can we keep a sense of humor and not take life too seriously at times? Are we each able and willing to sacrifice some of our own needs for the needs of the other? Are we able to do some give and take when we don't agree on something? This list surely isn't all there is, there's much more, but this is enough to give you an idea what I want. And yeah, it's good to have a LITTLE bit of a 'baaaaaaaaaad boy' and 'baaaaaaaaad girl' in a relationship.... just to keep things fun.

Peace to all,

[edit on 1/13/2007 by NotOnMyWatch]

posted on Jan, 14 2007 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by NotOnMyWatch

Originally posted by conspiracymaster
for the most part im sure its simple what guys want... but i want the truth... what do you want girls? do you want a scrawny punk kid or a bodybilder or a gentle guy or

what is it exactly, for you???? details, details, details...

Hmmm... Cannot speak for ALL girls of course, just for myself, and I've been around the block a few times.

When younger, (yeah I'm prolly old enuff to be your grandma.. shrugs), what really attracted me were the 'baaaaaad boys'. Those that were good-looking rebels, confident, true to themselves, driving hot cars or ridin' Harleys, living by their own rules, yada yada yada... (I actually became a 'biker's mama', went with the likes of 'Snake', a member of the Hells Angels). And although I found out that many members in the Hells Angels are truly wonderful and kind people, and it was very exciting to be with a 'baaaaaad boy', a lot of negatives went along with it. Not having learned my lesson the first time around, I later up and married a man who was a 'baaaaaaaaad boy', so exciting he was to me. Even though, he wasn't exactly what one might call a great catch. Excitement can wear off... And then what was left is what was really deep down inside each of us. Something I hadn't thought to look at in the first place.

Soooooooo.. I finally 'grew up' and took a look at what really is important in life. It's not about good looks, how much money a guy has or doesn't have, where he lives, what he drives, who his friends are, how big his muscles are, whether he has a 'six-pack', or even the size of his ****.

What matters in life, is who he is inside, who I am inside. Do our values in life match? Are we honest, with ourselves and each other? Can we communicate... that deep down soul-searching kind of sharing our own truths with each other? Can we really LISTEN to each other, even hear what isn't being said? Are we willing, capable, of being each others best friend? Can we be gentle and kind to each other? Can we keep a sense of humor and not take life too seriously at times? Are we each able and willing to sacrifice some of our own needs for the needs of the other? Are we able to do some give and take when we don't agree on something? This list surely isn't all there is, there's much more, but this is enough to give you an idea what I want. And yeah, it's good to have a LITTLE bit of a 'baaaaaaaaaad boy' and 'baaaaaaaaad girl' in a relationship.... just to keep things fun.

Peace to all,

[edit on 1/13/2007 by NotOnMyWatch]

I agree totally..Well said!! I think that is the reason no-one should get married until they are at least 26!
People need time to mature and grow and subsequently know what they want.

posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by conspiracymaster
for the most part im sure its simple what guys want... but i want the truth... what do you want girls? do you want a scrawny punk kid or a bodybilder or a gentle guy or

Just because it seems most men want the same thing, does not mean that such a generalization can be said of women.

It is impossible to say all females want this or that ....

Some women put more emphasis on finding a man who is financially set,
others will settle for just financially stable.

Not all women find the same attributes attractive to them, however....

If i had to make a generalization as to what most women would want ...

1) Good Hygiene, relatively good health and good looks.

2) According to a poll i saw once: A Sense of Humor! Women love to laugh and spend time with someone who amuses them in a positive way. A sense of humor can go a long way ... and i speak from experience.

3) Someone who is paying attention to what they mean, and what they say. Otherwise, they are not even a real friend. Someone who is honest, trustworthy. Someone who demonstrates this by maintaining eye contact, listening to the conversation, and someone who is not too afraid to ask her a question about something, and trust her judgment as well.

4) Someone who makes them feel good about who they are, and activley pursues ways to make her feel better about who she is.

She wants you to really acknowledge who she is.

She wants you to really be able to recognize her for who she is.

She wants to know she is accepted for who she is, as she is.

If you can not recognize her, acknowledge her, and accept her for who she really is, then how can you love her?

Those are some of my thoughts on the subject.


[edit on 19-1-2007 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Jan, 19 2007 @ 04:53 PM
Here's what I've learned.....

I have enjoyed the company of a number of fine women and married a few of them.

I'm pretty ordinary looking, not rich, not a great lover, but I do try and dress nice. And I've asked my lady friends, "what do you see in me" and everyone of them has said "you're funny."

So in my particular case, I guess I make them laugh and feel good about themselves, because I do give honest compliments and appreciate some of the most absurd things, life places all around us.
When I lost my fear of rejection and became able to live in the moment and have fun with both males and females without all the self concious BS is when it all turned around for me in so many ways.

I used to be racked with fear of almost everything but with a little professional counseling, good friends and a mentor; I can honestly say "bless your heart" and mean it.

posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 08:44 PM

Others want the cars, and the house, as well as you must

Plus now they want your job, and aren't interest in marriage as much.

All and All the make me:

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
1) Good Hygiene, relatively good health and good looks.

I have all of them (actually I got told today I was very good looking). I have good health apart from when I get that 'Man-Flu'. The worst, potentially fatal kind that only attacks men and makes them incapable of doing anything - but we all get that, right guys?

2) According to a poll i saw once: A Sense of Humor! Women love to laugh and spend time with someone who amuses them in a positive way. A sense of humor can go a long way ... and i speak from experience.

When I'm with a girl/woman I can have them literally in tears, side split wide open, roaring with laughter (in a very UN-sexy way)

3) Someone who is paying attention to what they mean, and what they say. Otherwise, they are not even a real friend. Someone who is honest, trustworthy. Someone who demonstrates this by maintaining eye contact, listening to the conversation, and someone who is not too afraid to ask her a question about something, and trust her judgment as well.

Always do that. I find conversations with women fascinating because they make everything sound much more interesting than it really is.

4) Someone who makes them feel good about who they are, and activley pursues ways to make her feel better about who she is.

I compliment, I flatter, I kiss a** and I mean every word of it. I don't compliment unless I mean it.

She wants you to really acknowledge who she is.

She wants you to really be able to recognize her for who she is.

She wants to know she is accepted for who she is, as she is.

If you can not recognize her, acknowledge her, and accept her for who she really is, then how can you love her?

When I am around women I love their individualism. I can't stand women who are carbon copies of their peers and actively seek out women who will only be themselves...

So why do I only attract women who lead me on, break my heart and leave me unable to trust other women?

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 02:49 PM
Whitewave, you crack me up!
You ROCK!!

However, I will say that muscles (esp. the bulky kind) don't do very much for me, other than tell me that part of his time is spent looking in a mirror, admiring himself.

Seriously, he could bench press a car - it wouldn't attract me.

(Besides that, if he were that worried about physical health, he'd be all over my case cuz I am not in the best shape a girl my age should be. And if I wanted a physical trainer, I'd hire one.)

I'm a teddy bear girl. I don't wanna hug a rock, or a twig. Me likey bears!

I love a good debate/discussion. I hate arguing over petty nonsense (seriously, what's the point??).

Money doesn't mean #. I'd rather be happy and livin' in a cardboard box than unhappy and rich.

Reliability is a necessary factor. As is honesty.

In short - I completely agree with 99% of what Whitewave said (that 1% being the 'muscular' thing).

posted on Feb, 3 2007 @ 11:50 PM
the word bear creates such horrendous images in my skull.

damn you internet, damn you!!!

posted on Feb, 4 2007 @ 12:44 AM
pandora's box has officially opened...

To give an answer to your question as that of a dictionary definition, I think I would have more chance of constructing a device that will render God's thoughts in a format for human understanding.

But I do know that it varies probably even more than it does for males.

posted on Feb, 7 2007 @ 10:21 PM
its all good everybody, ive somehow found a girl who likes me as much as i like her. for more come to my newest thread in relationships.

[edit on 7-2-2007 by conspiracymaster]

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 06:39 AM
Its all god for me too.... I've just decided to give up on the more malevolent sex and live for myself. Women cause too much stress and heartache for me.

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 10:02 AM
ok, first let me state that I am taken so, while most of the ladies want me, they can't have me. As such, allow me to pass along what it is about me that makes me so damned desireable.

The first group are essential. Without these, you are going to wind up dating an inflatable girl named candy.

1. Confidence. Not to be confused with arrogance. Be confident but don't push it. A confident guy can snag a lady far hotter than one would normally expect. Why? Because his confidence means he knows something (what? who cares?) and that is appealing to women.
2. Intelligence. This is subjective as the girl who wants you might be as smart as an over ripe banana and, therefore, your little intelligence might appear as Ensteinian to her.
3. Sense of humor. Again, this is subjective. Everyone's sense of humor differs. Sarcasm and dry wit are not always understood and appreciated by the fairer sex. The same goes for gross out humor. The day a man tells me his girlfriend farted and held his head under the blanket is the day we see monkeys skating on the icy beaches of hell.
4. Appearance. This does not mean six pack abs, bulging biceps, square jaw etc. This means, you look as good as you can. I read somewhere that strippers look at two things when they approach a man in a strip club. Watch and shoes. This indicates money to them. Not all women are strippers but all women want to be seen with a man who's appearance won't be an embarrassment. So, shoe shines, tucked in shirts (when they should be), no holes in your clothes (jeans are ok), no stains in the pits or elsewhere. Looking good is feeling good and feeling good breeds confidence.

Lesser things women look for.

5. Money and success. Nobody wants to be with a guy who can't afford to take her out to a hot dog stand for lunch. This doesn't mean only the rich guy gets the girl. On the contrary, we all stand a chance, provided we aren't projecting an image that says we don't care about being able to provide for a family (yes boys and girls, that is something women think about).

6. Good looks. Sure, we all want arm candy and the model handsome guy will probably have an easier go at getting the girl but if he doesn't have the first 4 qualities, he's only going to get his foot in the door. Women will see that he is good looking and that's it and they will, eventually move on.

So, boys, hold your chins up, walk tall, act like you know what you're doing (even if you don't because we generally don't have a clue) and do not, at any turn, play childish games with the ladies. Be honest, be yourself and be confident. You'll get what you are looking for.

How do I know all of this? Because I used to be just like you guys. Clueless and lonely. Now, I am a millionaire with dozens of girlfriends at my beck and call. I have 6 volumes of "little black books" and I am constantly turning down advances from the ladies.

If you want to learn more, please send $59.99 for my book and video to
My Mom's Basement
Losertown, USA 10021

If you act now, I'll include cutouts of models that you can position all over your basement so you can feel like you're having a wild orgy and, as an added bonus, I'll send you three different recordings of women pretending to like you and, because I am going crazy withholding all of this knowledge, I'll even throw in one inflatable girl from my unused collection.

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 10:31 AM

Something tells me you're not taking this entirely seriously.... are you being sarcastic???

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 10:37 AM
everything was dead serious, until I started talking about how I used to be lonely too. I figured that much was obvious. If it wasn't, I apologize.

don't send money to me expecting these things and don't expect my mom's basement to be a real address.

posted on Feb, 8 2007 @ 03:47 PM
guys i need some feedback on my new girlfriend.

click here and post your thoughts.


[edit on 8-2-2007 by conspiracymaster]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 06:22 AM
yea man
all girls loves muscles
they admit it and the ones that dont admit it even like it more
so u just need to look good and to act good
the other depends if the girl is gonna like if ur her type...

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