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Painting the sky..(pics)

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posted on Feb, 19 2004 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by HowardRoark
If the law was revised, then the revision is aplicable, not the original statute.

this makes it obvious that nobody in the government, military or private sector has any motivation or desire to test chemicals on the population.

i mean, sure they bothered to spend the mountain of cash to write those laws, but SEE, ....they revised them.

i mean sure, they've done it before, but that's ancient history. we only stopped being barbarians like last week, or something.

nothing to see here move along.

ditto the weaponisation bill.
ditto the patent.
ditto, 'own the weather'.
ditto your own eyeballs.

posted on Feb, 19 2004 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by billybob
ditto the weaponisation bill.
ditto the patent.
ditto, 'own the weather'.
ditto your own eyeballs.

2+2=4, no?

posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 11:56 AM
You know. This is a long shot, I've got nothing to back it up but maybe what's being sprayed is beneficial. Bioterrorism has been a pretty big issue in the past decade. Maybe it's somthing like an immunization.

Then again, maybe it's vaporized marijuana to get everyone to chill the # out. Both would have many posotive effects.
First, you'll never get EVERYBODY to get an immunization shot, but the more people you have, the more money the gov. makes (taxes and so fourth). Maybe it's some genetic goo, aimed at speeding up the evolution process. Maybe it's a chemical to make smarter. Maybe it's actually nano machines that we breath in and the gov. can keep track, id or even keep us in check. Maybe it's poison...

There's a lot of maybe's...Until you guys can get any clues at all...SHUTUP. With the information you guys have, it's nothing more than a rhetoricle question.

Yes, I sat here and read this entire thread and obtained absolutely NO new information. Yes, that put me in a bad mood...and why? I understand that discussing a topic with other people is a good way to expand your knowledge, but when you're bring nothing new to the table, it's futile.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 05:04 PM
If it was something good or beneficial, wouldn't they want to take some credit for it?

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by TJ11240
If it was something good or beneficial, wouldn't they want to take some credit for it?

Whew! Exactly - if it is some sort of chemical AND they are not telling anyone, then it can only be something negative - period. Sure is a lot of debate with only one conclusion.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by godservant

Originally posted by TJ11240
If it was something good or beneficial, wouldn't they want to take some credit for it?

Whew! Exactly - if it is some sort of chemical AND they are not telling anyone, then it can only be something negative - period. Sure is a lot of debate with only one conclusion.

And the conclusion is . . . .

They are not spraying us with anything.

You are just seeing normal contrails casued by the large volume of air traffic due to the growth of the air travel industry.

Why do you think that contrails should behave any different than normal clouds?

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 05:51 PM
Aside from chemtrails, hasn't anyone been surprised by the fact that the sun disk looks non circular ?

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by masterp
hasn't anyone been surprised by the fact that the sun disk looks non circular ?

Uhm no, I haven't noticed that myself. but then again, I don't normally stare at the sun.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by masterp
Aside from chemtrails, hasn't anyone been surprised by the fact that the sun disk looks non circular ?

keep your eyes peeled, masterp. look to the skies!
i (as stated elsewhere) noticed the sun is not as yellow looking as it used to be, and now appears to be whiter. others have noticed as well. i will check to see if i notice this elongation.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 10:34 PM
How are you supposed to tell the difference between a "Chemtrail" and a Contrail? Because at low enough altitudes, Contrail's will and do spread out to cover a vast area. I live right next to a Major city, and 3 Major Airports. However, there has been times when, after seeing the sky covered, a lot of people seem sick, or just feel down if you will. I'm not sure of any correlation, but who knows.

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 02:33 AM
Greetings and Salutations all,

I rarely post, however after following this thread from the beginning, I feel inspired to.

I personally would like to thank Howard Roark, Affirmative Reaction, Stuart Allsop, and Milk, among others, for their well researched, concise, and informative efforts. It's people such as these that help the ATS community rise above the blind acceptance of any and all conspiracy theories. As the ATS motto implies, most of us are here to "Deny Ignorance". That means deciding the veracity of an argument on the weight of the FACTS, (scientific and provable) either for or against it. I for one feel that the above named have given their opinions and supported them in good faith with scientific proof. Furthermore, I honestly believe that any one of them would change their opinion if faced with irrefutable proof contrary to their views.

I am well aware that I'll probably be labeled as a disinformation agent of the Government, Illuminati, or Masons by TheNeo and BillyBob and other die-hard chemtrail believers for this view. So be it, their entitled to their own views too.

Once again thanks to all of those, from both sides, who continue to argue their views amicably and intelligently. You make ATS a better board. For the rest; there is always Ignore.


posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 05:26 PM
Im pretty sure i have a complete answer for u. I recently took a meteorology and to me it sounds like the gov is trying to controll the weather. There are 2 possibilities condensation nuclei, or freazing nuclei. Freazing nuclei would be something dropped into clouds such as dry ice or silver nitrate to cause rain. Condensation nuclei helps to form clouds and is usually some kind of smoke because at least a little smoke or dust is needed to cause clouds to form. The only thing is this is very expensive, so my guess is they could be testing new cheaper chemicals in large amounts to see if they work.

hope it helps.

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 07:02 PM
They are spraying theese chemicals to get rid of certain poisons they no loger wish to try to bury or place in the sea....just a theory

id also like to say ......has anyone been having headaches more often than usual????

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 08:50 PM

I personally would like to thank Howard Roark, Affirmative Reaction, Stuart Allsop, and Milk, among others, for their well researched, concise, and informative efforts. It's people such as these that help the ATS community rise above the blind acceptance of any and all conspiracy theories. As the ATS motto implies, most of us are here to "Deny Ignorance". That means deciding the veracity of an argument on the weight of the FACTS, (scientific and provable) either for or against it. I for one feel that the above named have given their opinions and supported them in good faith with scientific proof. Furthermore, I honestly believe that any one of them would change their opinion if faced with irrefutable proof contrary to their views.

I completely agree with you, i have posted on other boards and watched arguements like this turn into counter productive sh*t slinging fests. It is refreshing to see a thread like this even given that certain people seem to have no evidence to back up anything they have said. Thanks from me to a lot of the people who have posted wisely and presented valid well informed arguements.

I have nothing really to add to this thread but i have taken a lot of knowledge about various aviation, meteorological and chemistry topics.


posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 08:54 PM
ach! my eyes! too bright! next time, don't take a picture of the sun. i'll bet ur eyes r fried. all i c is the rainbow and that's nothing new

posted on Apr, 18 2004 @ 09:35 AM
Bumped for stuey

If this doesn't help explain the chemtrail hoax, then nothing will.

posted on May, 3 2004 @ 11:04 AM
Well, that's what you get when you got too many airplanes, too many boats (oil chemtrails in the water),
too many trains, too many rockets. Too many nuclear testing fields.

There's no mystery about that. Too many people getting too much money, and having to do what everyone else is doing....not thinking.

Now that we all are working together to find a solution to our poluted environment, lets start to introduce some of those 'cRaZzy' ideas that the big ole greedy-for-gain corporations have been putting on the back burner and instead of working at progress, they've been lazily (eyes closed, mind closed) using the fuel in all those tanks they've built to transport all the filth into the place we live. Now if we truly are a technologically advanced civilization...then why are we still existing on so old things such as the motor car?

New sources of energy and transportation that are in harmony with the environment. Meaning LIVING things. Please.

(I was referring to "luxury", in the title.)

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 06:12 PM
[edit on 20-10-2004 by antipigopolist]

posted on May, 12 2004 @ 05:10 PM
Them some wicked CHEMtrails, Bangin.

For the "contrails" crowd, I can only say:

1. I once lived right in one of many flightpaths of Sea Tac Airport. I currently live near Mc Chord Airbase.


I have seen heavy airtraffic under numerous weather conditions come and go, and I dont see chemtrails every time. I seldom see chemtrails anywhere near the airport. I do see them quite often around Mt Rainier, North Of Everette, and over the puget sound quite often. I have heard there is a secret base near Mt Rainier, the Puget sound hosues several navy bases including Bangor, with Nuke subs, and North of Everette...who knows? Contrails my ass, they are doing something wierd.

Thanks for the post Bangin. Too bad I dont have a camera, or Id keep it hand and take a picture of some of the wicked Chemtrail formations I see over MT Rainier sometimes. The certainly are not a common occurance, when they do happen, you notice, big time.

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 11:19 PM
O.K. here you go, chemtrail activists:

a new chemtrail board

as if we needed one more.

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