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Painting the sky..(pics)

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posted on May, 24 2004 @ 12:51 PM
Could this have anything to do with environmental/weather control rather than some sinister attempt to poison the populous?

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 01:12 PM
Ok i Live in leeds the uk and you always seem to be going on about this so i thought about it and this has happend 3 times now to me i have seen these planes doing this and they seem to cover the sky which is really strange but what got me more is what happens after they have done these silver orbs appear in the sky i have seen these 3 time's and it getting to me so i did some research on this i found this i have a cammra now so i hope to get some vid footage of it but i will keep a look out for them as thet look very intresting i need a top quailty video cause i will get the everdence to prove this

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 10:13 AM
I live near an Air Force base and see those trails all the time. I wouldnt get too worried about poison or anything. What would be the point of the government destroying its own population. Heck I live where crop dusters regularly spray the fields around my house and I'm perfectly healthy.

just my 2 cents

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 11:01 AM
I live in East Fort Worth. There are Heavy Chemtrails all the time over us.
My parents live in Euless off of Main St and Glade Rd. They Spray Chemtrails
over Grapevine ColleyVille and the DFW Airport Area alot.And, at night time,-early a.m. hours when there is hardly anyone about,Street Sweeper
Trucks go around Spraying the population with pesticide and who knows what else!! Ostensibly, they said that this was for the West Nile Virus thing,
but anyone with any real sense knows otherwise!
See this article and these excellant links:

Your Life As A Human Test

Also, see these pages of mine:


posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 08:37 PM
got to see some spraying up close and personal this week. pretty heavy spraying going on in new brunswick and ontario(canada, eh). as described earlier by some observant frequent flyer, the chemtrails spread out horizontally. i noticed our pilot was avoiding going directly through them, too. as we would fly on a convergent path he would vear away from it. this happened about four or five times. while we were in the area being sprayed(about twenty minutes), we were cruising at between at around twenty thousand feet. i could still see cars on the ground. just barely. when we hit clear skies, we climbed up to about thirty thousand. i have never been on a flight where the pilot didn't announce our cruising altitude.
while we were at the lower altitude, i watched the sprayers crisscross over head, as i had watched them from the ground, the day before.
two days later, they were spraying over ontario, and turned the blue sky white over the course of the day. i was driving on the highway for about four hours and was able to watch the whole play.
there is nowhere near the kind of commercial traffic as the traffic i saw in these areas.

interestingly, i also saw a very low flying four prop plane today(i could practically see the rivets, it was so low. it was banking overhead, so i could clearly see it was an UNMARKED WHITE PLANE. (it wasn't spraying, but by law, ALL planes must have identification cleary painted on them. this shows that someone isn't playing by the rules. has excellent pics of 'painting the sky'. i don't know how anybody can look at it and say it's normal.

deny ignorance doesn't mean be blinded by science. use your eyes and memories people. these 'chemtrails' could just be cloud seeding to reduce global warming or something, but they most definitely are a real phenomena. we have a right to know WTF.

i fully expect a full disinfo attack on this info. fire away, evil doers.

posted on Jul, 8 2004 @ 06:13 PM
Well, it's official. I witnessed my first encounter with chemtrails today. I never really doubted all the people out there that have talked and warned about them. I saw theirs and all your pictures, so it seemed real to me. But when you actually see them being made before your eyes (or above your eyes), it hits home just a bit more!!!

Here I am today, working for my grandparents outside on their rather new and large property, (have been all summer) and I look up in the sky sometime in the morning (don't know why, I just like to look all around me sometimes) and noticed a clear blue sky and a couple of "contrails." So there was nothing to really think of. Later in the day, I look up again and there are many "contrails" across the sky and I see a few jets flying across parallel to the trails. Some of the trails had spread out very far and sort of puffed up and out. The newer ones were still thin. This caught my attention because I recognized this as a sign of what everyone talks about when they talk about chemtrails.

So I just sat down and watched the sky, sort of mesmerized. I watched how the jets or whatever they are made pass after pass after pass back and forth. I'm not sure whether it was like 2 or 3 that kept going back and forth, or if it was many that each made only one pass. This was all very very high up by the way. And I sit there for about an hour just watching this happen. More and more trails are made by the jets in rows. And eventually they all expanded in a very strange way. They didn't disperse as they spread. It's like they grew. Well, not like. They DID grow. Major expansion. And the clear sky from earlier was being completely covered by these trails until the sky was all gray.

Here's the real kicker. For all of you who would still say "oh, it's just contrails, nothing weird!" Well, I say that during this whole experience and observence of mine, one or two jets I noticed passed by and made trails, but these were different. These couple of jets' trails lasted for a few seconds and for a short distance behind them, and then just dispersed just like you expect them to do. So these jets must have been your usual planes.

So you can't say that it's just the atmosphere at the certain time and about the temp and the moisture and all that crap. Those two planes flew through the EXACT same atmosphere as all the others did, and they didn't leave behind whole fricking growing CLOUDS! Plus, I'd never seen so much air traffic over one little space before. I mean, at any given time, I could look up and see 3 or more jets up there doing their thing (whatever it is). I live in eastern Iowa and there are no major cities or airports around. So what the heck?????

I'm not saying this is the first time this has ever happened in my area, but only the first time I've noticed this. Man! Anyone else who live in my region see this happen at all????

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 08:18 AM
SimpleTruth, why the double post?

posted on Jul, 21 2004 @ 05:23 PM
Hi, i have taken an interest in chem trails for quite a while now. The rainbow effect you describe is most certainly ice and water deposits at high altitude reflecting light. I was a military high altitude sky diver and have seen this hundreds of times and it looks really strange when looking at it from above. I do however believe there is somethin going on with chemtrails although i dont know what. I have read all sorts of reasons from blocking out harmful sun rays to the beginning of a new world order by drugging us all up. Its hard to believe a lot of it but there is somethin going on without a doubt. Before i discovered A.T.S. i was reading a rival site that had huge amounts on chem trails ill see if i can steal some of their info and put it in this forum as a link.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 11:47 PM
Um...I just have to say something. It looks like a cloud formation. Just like when u look at one cloud, it can look like a duck.

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by Yasuhiko23
It looks like a cloud formation. Just like when u look at one cloud, it can look like a duck.

The point of the matter is directed at the contrails, which I am assuming this thread is for the purpose of chemtrails.

However, when the cloud or jet contrail falls through it sometimes turns to ice, as said many times before. No doubt that it is an awesome site, but none the less, is not uncommon and nothing out of the ordinary.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 01:32 AM
maybe you should move, because you have been hit with it my friend...
I went to New Orleans once for the weekend and saw them in the sky, when i left, i heard a lot of people got sick.... And i dont think it was Marde Gras hang over

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 03:51 PM
To all the debunkers out there please explain how is it that two different planes flying at the same time have different kind of contrails? One dissapearing right away, another staying in the sky for hours.
Here in chicago you don't need to be a genius to figure it out.

Give me a break.

And as for the reason for it:
1. global warming - it's cheaper to treat the symptom than the cause. [ refer to scientific proof of decreased amount of sunlight on earth ]

2.. overpopulation requires control of the population, also, making people sick means more business,

3. causing dementia for people is a sure way to brain wash them and prevent them from questioning the government.

The Darkening Earth
Scientific American
Aug 1, 2004

Much to their surprise, scientists have found that less sunlight has been reaching the earth's surface in recent decades. The sun isn't going dark; rather clouds, air pollution and aerosols are getting in the way.

... been implicated in cooling tendencies, such as the slight decrease in global ... a phenomenon called the indirect aerosol effect-which reflects sunlight away. ...

Earth takes a dark slide: Less sun reaching land
Global dimming affects weather, agriculture

Kenneth Chang, New York Times


check out this site on how to stop chemtrails:

[edit on 9-8-2004 by psilocin]

[edit on 9-8-2004 by psilocin]

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by psilocin
To all the debunkers out there please explain how is it that two different planes flying at the same time have different kind of contrails? One dissapearing right away, another staying in the sky for hours.
Here in chicago you don't need to be a genius to figure it out.

Give me a break.

It's called "flight level separation" which is a fancy way of saying that the planes are flying at diffierent altitudes. Since the temperature and relative humidity of the atmosphere is highly altitude dependent, it doesn't take a genius to figure out why two planes with two different types of contrails can be visible at the same time.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 08:06 PM
That might sound resonable, however, there is a clear difference between the two, and i have never seen anything in between these two. The trails either remain for a long time, or disseapear, there is no in between.
The difference is clear. And given your argument by the logic it would mean that we could see variations of the two, but that is simply not the case.

It's called "flight level separation" which is a fancy way of saying that the planes are flying at diffierent altitudes. Since the temperature and relative humidity of the atmosphere is highly altitude dependent, it doesn't take a genius to figure out why two planes with two different types of contrails can be visible at the same time.

[edit on 9-8-2004 by psilocin]

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 08:38 PM
Not nessessarily, even if the planes had a minimum of 1,000 feet verticle separation, that is still quite enough for two completely different types of atmospheric conditions to exist. As it is, the vertical separation was probably much greater than 1,000 feet. There are and have been pilots on this board who can attest to the fact that often only a slight change in altitude can mean the difference between contrailing or not.

Since you don't even know what altitudes the planes were flying at, you can not make any conclusions as to the different conditions they might have been flying through.

Tell you what. Why don't you subscribe to Flight Explorer for a couple of months. Track the "Chemtrail" planes and find out what they are. What altitudes they are flying at, flight numbers etc.

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 04:51 PM
HR - I respect your tenacity and dedication to presenting evidence and defending your beliefs - I might just try the flight explorer option to see what information it yields -
Although I don't understand all the science behind the persistent contrail explanation, it seems reasonable, although to an average civilian observer without your scientific insight, looking to the sky on a clear warm day, it really looks like something is being methodically sprayed across the skies.

As I watched yesterdays late afternoon "contrail" festival across the sky, I did notice one of the planes trails abruptly stopped for about 2-3 seconds, then it began again. There may be a benign scientific explanation for the on/off contrail, however, it just looks very suspicious.

Although the plane didn't "look" like it had changed altitude, I was on the ground, so I don't know. According to your research, the on/off nature of some of the contrails is due to a plane temporarily leaving the "zone of atmospheric conditions necessary to create contrails", creating the "off" effect, and then re-entering the right zone to create the "on again" effect? Am I following you correctly on this?

If not altitude change, could this mean perhaps the jet turned off its engines for 2-3 seconds? Is that possible?

The contrails themselves did not dissipate, however, as they changed altitude - I am assuming they did because of gravity, wind, pressure (and they did get much bigger "looking") - but rather the contrails actually grew into a strange spidery/cirrus cloud-like formation, eventually all blending in with each other to form a cloud cover over the sky.

Do the contrails become something more stable as they "sit" in their "proper atmospheric zone", or does the air pressure hold them "in place" enhancing their continuity?

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by bunkbuster
According to your research, the on/off nature of some of the contrails is due to a plane temporarily leaving the "zone of atmospheric conditions necessary to create contrails", creating the "off" effect, and then re-entering the right zone to create the "on again" effect? Am I following you correctly on this?


I can not understand why some people have trouble grasping the fact that the atmosphere is not homogenous. If it were there would only be two conditions, Clear with no clouds, or totally overcast.

Think about it. Contrails are made of the same thing as clouds, water, or more properly, ice crystals. Therefore contrails should behave the same as clouds. Don't clouds have edges?

The upper troposphere is a turbulent place. If you have ever flown and have run into clear air turbulence, then you will know what I am talking about.

Thermals and gravity waves are two classic examples of atmospheric turbulance.

Originally posted by bunkbuster
If not altitude change, could this mean perhaps the jet turned off its engines for 2-3 seconds? Is that possible?

Possible? I suppose so. Probable? I doubt it.

Originally posted by bunkbuster
The contrails themselves did not dissipate, however, as they changed altitude - I am assuming they did because of gravity, wind, pressure (and they did get much bigger "looking") - but rather the contrails actually grew into a strange spidery/cirrus cloud-like formation, eventually all blending in with each other to form a cloud cover over the sky.

Do the contrails become something more stable as they "sit" in their "proper atmospheric zone", or does the air pressure hold them "in place" enhancing their continuity?

What you are alluding to is a result of the phenomena of supersaturation which happen often at higher altitudes, because the number of aerosols that can provide nuclei for ice crystal formation is low. When a plane flies though a supersaturated area, the additional moisture output from the engines, plus the addition of soot will trigger the formation of a persistent contrail.

You also have to be careful of making the distinction between correlation and causation. Persistent contrails are correlated with certain weather phenomena such as increasing cloudiness. That does not mean that contrails are causing the cloudiness, it just means that both phenomena happen at the same time.

check out these contrails:

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by HowardRoark
When a plane flies though a supersaturated area, the additional moisture output from the engines, plus the addition of soot will trigger the formation of a persistent contrail.

so, the cloud formation is the result of particulates. agreed.

Originally posted by HowardRoark
Persistent contrails are correlated with certain weather phenomena such as increasing cloudiness. That does not mean that contrails are causing the cloudiness, it just means that both phenomena happen at the same time.

and yet, NASA clearly states that CONtrails ARE causing cloud formation(as per the earlier links in the thread).

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 08:32 AM
Billybob, yes, particulate matter plays a role in cloud formation. That has never been an issue. water vapor needs a condensation nuclei in order to form ice crystals.

ice crystal formation

more info

As for the effect that contrails on cloudiness, I am not denying that contrails are causing an increas in cloudiness. Afterall if a bunch of contrails form in advance of a moving weather front, as they often due, then the skys will be partially cloudy a day earlier then they normally would have been before the advent of aviation.

None of this is any proof that "chemtrails" exist.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 01:28 PM
simple explaination. they are contrails. plain and simple. just because you guys don't know how they are made, doesn't mean that they are put there by uncle same. and as far as the 'flu-inducing' theorys... please.

just because you guys cannot see the flight paths/corridors from the ground, and because it looks like a mess to you, doesnt mean there is something goin on. try lookin at it from something as simple as an FAA tracking system. it makes sense. they are just normal planes flying around. once certain speeds are reached, in certain altitudes, with certain weather variables at the right spot, contrails form.

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