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Special Forces - who's the best?

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posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 12:44 PM
I belive they are all equal murders! I belive that any person that joins a clan to go out and murder others should be held accountable personally..

But no Im just following orders.. OR I was told to kill... Most people lack the the personal judgement they where born with to say NO.. Im not going out to kill this person.. However. I think its good to have them around if they break into our house.. Our zones.. But America these days is an agressor.. Breaks into others people zones, and houses.. TO KILL!

Most people in the Military today make me sick.. Yet I know there are some good men and women out there.. But not as many as you might think.. Some are killers of children and women.. Yet they are all told to do it right, so makes it okay...

So who Is the best at killing babies?
WHo is the best at killing women?

I wonder....

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 02:16 PM
Having read though this, and a previous far longer thread on the subject I would like to set a few popular misconceptions straight.

Units such as Green berets,US Rangers,US Marines, Royal Marines(who cross train with US marine Force Recon arther than the 'normal' US marines)British Paras,French Foreign Legion,Gurkkas are NOT Special Forces. They sometimes MAY be involved in 'Special Operations' but this should not be confused with Special Forces units such as SAS,Delta etc

As someone mentioned earlier, any unit which has a Sergent barking orders at troops is not a SF unit.

As for who is the best, that is very difficult. For all round versatility and experience, I'd probably say the Brit SAS. They were the original SF unit and have been in regular action ever since WW2 where despite their small numbers they were instrumental in defeating the Germans in North Africa. Since then they have performed outstandingly in various theatres including,Korea,Oman,Northern Ireland,Falklands,Iranian Embassy Siege,Gulf War,Iraq War and Afghanistan.

The SAS recruits from the best of the best in the Brit Army and the selection process has the highest failure rate of any in the world(around 95%)

The highly secretive SBS are even more elite than the SAS but their field of operations are much more narrow. SBS recruits have to pass SAS selection before they even commence SBS selection!! An excellent book on the SBS is 'First into Action' by Duncan Falconer'

The US SF such as Delta(probably the best in the US) and Seals are full of tough men but a somewhat 'gung-ho' mindset which results in too many mistakes mitigates against an argument to place them above the SAS.

The Aussie SAS are also first rate,maybe even as good as the SAS themselves. It's no coincidence that US Generals specifically requested the assistance of SAS/SBS and Aussie SAS in Afghanistan. Indeed, a SBS unit had Bin Laden tracked down and ready for capture in Tora Bora a few years ago, but was ordered to pull back to allow American forces the prestige of capturing the Al-Queda leader. Unfortunately this delay allowed BinLaden to escape.

If I was in dire trouble and needed a unit to come to my assistance I'd go for Brit SAS, Aussie SAS, Delta, in that order

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 07:47 PM
Dude, I don't know where you're getting your information, but the Green Berets and the Rangers are Special Forces. Who told you they weren't?

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 07:36 AM
No one told me they weren't. I fully understand the concept of SF and the groups you refer to are definately not. Just like the Royal Marines,British Paras,FFL; the Rangers and GBs are ELITE INFANTRY. And yes, the aforementioned are among the very best infantry in the world, but that's what they are,infantry.

Special Forces are a completely different kettle of fish altogether. Delta Force and Seals SAS/SBS are Special Forces. They operate in completely different ways to elite infantry/shock troops.

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 04:30 PM
What are the best special forces? How about the Swiss Guard?

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 04:31 PM
Those that work outside of time. Those special forces are something more then dreams.

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 07:28 PM
I know that Delta Force in itself doesnt fall under the full rank of military hierarchy. They are allowed to grow their hair out and are actually specifically instructed to fit in with whatever population that they are supposed to be part of. My dad almost went delta, but he broke his back during a training exercise and was discharged. But he was telling me about a guy that parked his car in a place that he wasnt supposed to and an officer came out to reprimand him and he just looked at the guy and said go ahead and tow it. So theyre in kind of a class of their own. Also I'm sure that there is like hunter killer teams, or recon teams employed by the CIA or any other country that we will never know about. Those are probably the best special forces.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 06:30 AM
I'm not sure who's got the best special forces in the world. Yeah, Delta are good. And SEALs. And British SAS.
But I don't think anyone can touch us Aussies.

To back this up. Alot of you have been saying that it depends on the support and weapons and all of that. Think the other way. No support. Basic weaponry and provisions.

There is a record of an SAS team in the 60s who spend 65 - yes - 65 days in the desert with no coms, no transport, and no food. They walked back having completed their mission and set the record for the longest mission time away from base. Another team spent over 80 days in the same conditions in the early 80s. Then a team of six men from the Aussie SAS spent 110 days away from base with no coms, and no support in the middle of Afghanistan at the start of that conflict. When the returned they were reported to have killed over 230 enemy troops and had completed their mission in full

If you can find a delta or a SEAL who can beat that then your doing well.


Dr Death

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by devilwasp
is there anything like rainbow six in the real world
also if you say the navy seals are the best then why oh why do the sas/sbs always beat you @ war games
no offence but you obvisioly havnt seen the training regime for the sas/sbs or the fact that you are under more observation onoce you are part of the sas/sbs
also you hear lots of stories of people being navyseals but do u ever hear about any sas/sbs people NO because if they dont tlk about being in the sas/sbs
the gurkas,seals,spetnaz are pretty scary but the sas/sbs are better

I know this quote is from quite a while back, but I just had to respond. Have you ever known a real SEAL? I have, and I've never once heard of them brag about being one, nor did they ever volunteer the information. The SEALs you always see on TV are due to the U.S. Media, and how U.S. journalists just love to show everything. Trust me though, what you see on TV isn't even a fraction of what they actually do. To state that one force is better than the other is an opinion more than anything else, as we all take pride in our nation/military. It is in fact a childish argument, and I would dare say one filled full of ego and no experience. I state what I know from experience as opposed to what I have read. At the same time however, I have also admitted that I have a certain biased perspective due to certain affiliations. Bottom line, different groups of Specialists exist to excel at differing tasks in different environments. No one group is the end all, be all of every task, and it is thus impossible to ever state as a fact that one group is the best, or better than all else.

Originally posted by devilwasp

Originally posted by rogue1
What a load of complete and utter BS. No SAS soldier has been awarded a Medal of Honour no will mthey ever. That report is one of the biggest load of BS I've read so far.

...actually its true, saveing two CIA well one since the other was KIA at that point.
The SAS fireteam arrived , then saved the CIA man and helped take back the fort. The fort was rather stupidly guarded by only 50 men while there was 200+ prisonors.
Also they took back the fort with help from the local forces might I add, you may want to look up there.

It is common knowlege that the Brit media made up stories about the SAS in Afghanistan because the US didn't really need them and didn't assign any important missions for them.

They didnt assign them to guard the CIA team in the first place, they where passing by.

Really, so thats why it was an american team that made the film that I saw it on?

SAS might have been there, but in all actuallity it was the SBS who were not only credited, but awarded the Medal of Honor for it. They managed to rescue a Central Intelligence SAS (Yes, the CIA has a SAS as well) Officer. Let's face it though, that prison uprising was a great example of U.S. SpecOps and British Special Services working together.

Originally posted by Broadsword20068
Moving silently through the woods isn't some super secret; there are only sooo many different ways to step; otherwise, it just takes constant skill and practice. The Native Americans could do it.

And land survival is land survival. I would think pretty much any country can have special operations forces great at land survival. It's just if they have ones that specialize in jungle warfare, mountain warfare, desert warfare, careful with these "former SEALs" you run into these days. There are more phony SEALs out there (literally) these days then real SEALs. It is almost getting out of control they even say.

Fortunately I've known many REAL SEALs and UDT/EOD. They were under the command of my old man, and I can tell you with the upmost certainty that you would NEVER hear them just walk around and brag about what they did. One of them even went on to become an English Teacher at my high school (He was an English Major). He was a great teacher, and a humble guy, he didn't even look built or anything, but damn was he one tough SOB. One time some gangbanger wanna-be was trying to mess with him in class, he picked the kid up with just his thumb under his chin, and had the kid up in the air with his head in the ceiling tile lol. I would trust these guys, and the many others I've known that did AMPHIB work that started the Inshore Riverine/Small Craft Warfare mindset, with my life. HOOYAH.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 04:11 AM
That's funny, I had a former SEAL english teacher at my High school too. Where did you go?

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by DavidLilley
No one told me they weren't. I fully understand the concept of SF and the groups you refer to are definately not. Just like the Royal Marines,British Paras,FFL; the Rangers and GBs are ELITE INFANTRY. And yes, the aforementioned are among the very best infantry in the world, but that's what they are,infantry.

Special Forces are a completely different kettle of fish altogether. Delta Force and Seals SAS/SBS are Special Forces. They operate in completely different ways to elite infantry/shock troops.

I submit that you are wrong. Rangers, you are correct about however. The Green Beret signafies SF.

To become part of the Army's Special Forces, also known as Green Berets, you need to be mentally agile, astutely aware and physically tough, endure difficult training and face all challenges head on.

Seen here under qualifications & Benefits.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by Johnny Sasaki

Just because they're called "special forces" doesn't mean they're special forces. Compare the Green Berets to other elite infantry around the world, and you'll see they're just that - elite infantry. They're nothing like Delta or SAS/SBS or any of those lads. Not even close. It doesn't matter what they call themselves (I'm sure they dig being called SF, especially as they don't have to do the SF training).

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 12:35 AM
Keep it going, I love this thread. People who claim its like comparing a brain surgeon with a heart surgeon is a load of crap. If their was a special force 'olympics', who would you stick your money on? Who are the most capable allrounders? Obviously though we cant take specialist counter terrorisim roles or the water bourne groups into concideration. Or can we? I know our blokes will hitch a ride with a submarine, make their way to shore and then penetrate 'deep' into enemy territory and stay put for lenghty periods at a time without resupply, regardless of season weather or terrain. Lets even make Iraq or Afghanastan an example. There are alot of countrys 'special forces' operating as we speak, Who would be the last men standing?

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 05:30 PM
haha freaking aussies, whatever.

one moron said Green berets werent special forces, just light infantry haha are you stupid....? Army special forces aka green berets thats a nickname genius. Rangers yes light special infantry but are special warfare capable. Force recon USMC is not concidered special forces since they are not apart of socom. my best friend was force recon made ssgt in 4 years.
Now all you people talk about SAS yes i give them their dues as all SOF groups since only 4% percent of military power fill those boots. All true tough men who bled and sweat for that honor.
I am in US Navy, i am going to BUD/S next year i have 3 close friends there now for class up 272 in june. Now do some reading and not opinionating, SEALs have the hardest selection process in the world, it takes near 2 years and 5 months of conditioning and training to earn the beloved Budwieser aka Trident thuse earning the name SEAL. than add another 18 months of training after all that before one will see combat.

Another funny thing Spmeone said Air force PJ's rescue SEALs, berets etc HAHA wow PJ's main focus is getting downed pilots out of enemy territory mainly air force pilots, they do not stay extended periods of time in field or eliminate enemy targets. SEALs get there own, berets get there own its the brotherhood way, usually the two do it together depending on the area and who is closer.

I see alot of Delta ass kissing here funny how many people have heard of DEVGRU? probably one or two of you, you wont find much because they are more secretive than Delta, 200 hand picked Navy SEALs for this group 3 strike teams, Gold, red, and Blue. The Book Rainbow Six was written using DEVGRU as its inspiration, hence the Six of former Team 6 highly secret counter terrorist unit(now devgru). Now i have never met an SEAL in devgru, they dont wear Uniforms. I know a good amount of SEALs thanks to my time TAD to little creek for pre-BUD/S training, i will say no one commands the respect these men do.

The first special force group goes to america, 1775 the rangers fought guerilla style against the british. By army capt roberts.

SAS was first to INDUCT SOF in 1941 and yes other countries based their SOF on the SAS stlye but have changed it over the years to fit an ever changing enemy and location.

Competing SOF groups is like comparing freaking shoes, some are made for different reasons, why use a pair of running shoes to play soccer in when you can use cleats since that is what they are made for. How about all you people Join the military get picked up for SOF pass the training than talk ****. and for that guy saying thier all baby killers haha wow their blood payed for your fatass to sit on the computer and write such horrible things.....your welcome.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 05:59 PM
oh and as far as EU SOF units got hands down to the Polish GROM wow superb operators very diciplined and well trained

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by ghostpro

No, SEAL training takes 11 months. And that's taking anyone who's in the Navy who meets requirements (is 28 or under, has reasonable eyes, etc.) into being a SEAL. Compare that with, say, the SAS, who recruit the top performers of their conventional counterparts. Training is shorter, because they start with full soldiers, and bring them up to scratch.

Length of training doesn't mean squat.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by dave420[/url]

I couldn't agree more.

To be allowed to apply for Selection to the Special Air Service, a member of the Army must have completed a minimum of 3 years service as an infantryman with a least one operational tour.

With Selection Training lasting 6 months and Continuation Training lasting anything up to a further 3 years [before an SAS soldier is 'fully' trained - in their parlance], I think SAS training is the longest and, as has been pointed out time and time again, you never really finish training for all eventualities.

As to the chap who said Rogers Rangers fought AGAINST the British [English] during the French and Indian wars of 1757, I suggest you read the Ranger website and act accordingly.

For the record, Major Robert Rgers raised 9 Companies of New Hampshire Colonialist Militiamen to fight the French and Native Indians FOR and ON behalf of the English.

So successful was his unit and tactics, that Rogers Rangers were put on the Army Roll and amalgamated with the then fledgling Light Infantry, who adopted his tactical doctrine.

He continued to lead his unique unit against the French and Indians right up until New Hampshire rebelled.

It should also be noted that many regard Rogers Rangers as being the Great Grandfather of the Green Berets - a title they richly deserve.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by Johnny Sasaki
Dude, I don't know where you're getting your information, but the Green Berets and the Rangers are Special Forces. Who told you they weren't?

Only America classes them as special forces, hell most Americans think their Marines are on par with Royal marine Commandos. I'd class Rangers and green berets "Elite" much like British Commandos and Paras.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 02:39 PM
The Rangers have the competition almost every year... its like 4 days of hell. and I think the Austrailians are the toughest special forces with england coming in second and We from time to time take the first or second spots...

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 11:48 PM
good job all... I don't know how many of you have a clue but here is my shot. I was in the Marine Corps as an 0231 (Intel) I have worked with seals, I have also worked with Rangers and the Aussie Diggers. Marines are the best Basic Infantry that America Has. Rangers are High Speed Low Drag infantry and they are the Army's ELITE but they are by no means special forces. The SAS , Delta, SEALS & Marine FORCE Recon are pretty much tops. All of our Special Forces in the US go to the same schools and train together. They are all also housed under SOCOM. Depending on specialties they are broken down as well. for instance SEAL team 6 is a CT team and counter terrorism is their specialty, as far as CT goes the IDF has great guys as well as the (regrouped) German GSG9. I think one of our most under appreciated guys are the Navy , Coast Guard SAR guys/ divers and the Air force Search and rescue. their motto "so that others may live" says it all. It takes 1 type of guy to go in quietly under cover of night to snoop & poop and take out a target when no one knows you should be there... It takes a totally different animal to drop into a hot zone where cover has been compromised, the enemy knows you are there and is effectively killing your guys , to willingly go into the first area where people are being killed and save lives. those are the guys that don't pay for beer in bars!

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