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Can we be sure that speed of light is unbeatable?

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posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by surfup

Can we be sure that speed of light is unbeatable?

I don't know that we can even be sure lightspeed is a constant. Sure, it fits neatly into the very famous mass/energy equation of Einstein's, but consider how long humans have been able to accurately measure lightspeed.

Consider also, that if the Hubble Constant is even slightly amiss, we might be in an ever-expanding "open" universe, rather than a closed one. In such a universe, it might be possible that at T=0+1, that lightspeed was much, much slower, and has continually increased in velocity by miniscule amounts. It could mean that lightspeed will continue to increase.

yes, I know........... improbable, at least within context of our current understanding of cosmology, photons and spacetime.

I think that lightspeed is unbeatable -- for us, humans on this planet, at this time in our history. Perhaps we are limited by that parameter.

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