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Can we be sure that speed of light is unbeatable?

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posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by Nans DESMICHELS

Originally posted by jetsetter
I have always thought that light speed was just another speed. Nothing special about and no reason why we cant break it. Remeber what they said about the speed of sound. They said that it could never be broken.

Because of the state of matter !

because the atoms composing the ship will be disintegrated : these atoms go at speeda near of speed of light !

[Edited on 25-11-2003 by Nans DESMICHELS]

[Edited on 25-11-2003 by Nans DESMICHELS]

You cannot break the speed of light according to current theory not because it will disintegrate you, but because you have mass. Light travels at the speed it does because it has no mass. So the speed of light is theoretically a barrier speed. Light only travels that fast because it can.

posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 09:17 PM
How come light has no mass and we do?

posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 09:20 PM
Im sure as science progresses, we shall come closer to the speed of light.
Im not sure why Light has no mass, I think I learned about it in highschool, but skipped the class, like most of my classes.


posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
Im not sure why Light has no mass, I think I learned about it in highschool, but skipped the class, like most of my classes.


I didn't skip classes, but fell asleep.

Can anyone enlighten me on the subject of the reason why light doesn't have a mass?

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 02:37 PM
yeah if light can't be beaten there are some particals and so on which can go faster, why is that if you know that you will have the key for speeds above lightspeed. maybe we are doing wrong calling it lightspeed and we have to vocus on other things than light. if you can create a ship after with the stucture as that particale. And which sends out or emites the same signals as that partical you might. a theorie is a theorie and they can be broken because they aren't fact. if we limit our imatination we would be nowhere. we haven't got the technologie yet and some say the ship will disintergrate. but if technology progress new materials will arise and shieldings to undo stress on the ship. and as i said if some particals go faster why say the ship might disintergrate those particals don't disintergrate.
so objectives recreate those particals and the effects he has and use it as a space ship

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 03:17 PM
Methinks that photons have no mass, so light isn't affected by the whole infinite mass thingie, as it's mass doesn't increase.....or am I wrong?

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 03:33 PM
link mass a function of gravity? In other words, if an object were no longer affected by gravity, would it still have mass?

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 03:44 PM
i think it is beatable, simply for the reason that i've never thought of light as a speed... i think of it as a period of time. it takes X amount of time to get somewhere. therefore the speed of light could be just for example 5 mph, just it's timeframe has been slown down. therefore matter can be projected faster than light by sending it at it's max speed (eg a rocket at 1000mph) but slowing down the time around it. the object would experience the time lapse but nothing outside of it could. it's all time-space stuff really.

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 03:48 PM
light has no mass because it's not an object - you can't hold it. it's a form of energy. oh and the speed of light is no different to other speeds.. ass long as you are in space, because the only reason you would disintegrate on earth is because of the massive amount of pressure caused by the winds and stuff like that. in space there's no air, theredfore no particles and therefore no pressure against you. i think so anyway. it's a good topic this there's o many answers and they could all be right and all be wrong

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by surfup
How come light has no mass and we do?

Your question is one of the most fundamental questions in physics and has yet to be thoroughly proven.

Modern science predicts that mass as we know it comes from a particle called a Higgs boson. In simplest terms, anything that is composed of Higgs bosons has mass, anything else does not. Light is merely composed of photons, which do not contain the HB. We are composed of atoms, that are made up of Higgs bosons. That's the theory behind it to my understanding anyways

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 09:59 PM
Are there any other particles that doesn't have HG? Other than light.

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by surfup
Are there any other particles that doesn't have HG? Other than light.

I'm not quite sure. Here's a good article about them:

I photons and neutrinos are the only things that immediately come to my mind...

(and tachyons, which probably don't even exist)

[Edited on 27-11-2003 by Sanders]

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 08:15 AM
Everyone is saying light has no mass, but that is not true... everything in this universe has mass... it is can be see, felt, or smelled, it has mass. light is a photon... Which is still a unit of mass. If light had no mass, then it would not be able to reflect off surfaces. this being because it would simple absorb into whatever it was shined against. we cannot grasp the concept of the mass of a photon, but it does in fact have mass.

posted on Nov, 28 2003 @ 08:19 AM
Seapeople... not picking on you, but I do not think mass has a personality... So by saying light only travels that fast because it can means nothing... With that said, if you think light has no mass, then tell me why a extremely strong magnetic field can bend light. Gravity and Magnetic fields acts upon things of mass, so if in fact light had no mass, then why can strong magnetic fields cause light to bend and change course... Just something to let stew in your brain..

[Edited on 28-11-2003 by Dravenn]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 03:55 PM

He has measured cosmic ray velocities from Antarus, he said, which he found to be fifty times greater than the speed of light,
1935-07-11: Tesla, 79, Promises to Transmit Force

Chuck out those Einstein and Relativity theories.
Anyone check this out.
Or the Illuminati lost the papers in a vault and destroyed the

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by Dravenn
Seapeople... not picking on you, but I do not think mass has a personality... So by saying light only travels that fast because it can means nothing... With that said, if you think light has no mass, then tell me why a extremely strong magnetic field can bend light. Gravity and Magnetic fields acts upon things of mass, so if in fact light had no mass, then why can strong magnetic fields cause light to bend and change course... Just something to let stew in your brain..

[Edited on 28-11-2003 by Dravenn]

Magnetic fields have no mass, why would they ONLY effect things which do have mass? Do you have to have mass in order to have a charge? You can have mass and have no charge.

What is another form or energy that has no mass, but can be effected and directed by particles containing mass....heat come to mind.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 05:58 PM
Hi all

To mesure an object you need light, the object is only a reflection of the light. That is why nothing can be faster then light. Nothing can be mesured without light... Everything is light, And the rest is an illution..

We share the light

[edit on 2/19/2010 by eriathwen]

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 04:06 AM
I must flag for you ask a very reasonable question. Ignore those trying to shoot you down even if you are "wrong".

According to Einstein's law, no object exibiting a mass can move through the universe at or faster than the speed of light.

This is no theory, it is law.

Laws in physics cannot be broken.

A good lawyer might argue that an object "exibiting a mass" could be questioned as well as "through" the universe, not with.

Einstein was not wrong. Not at all. I won't bother to point out why his theory is so profound (and I'm a dreadfully slow typer) but there may be situations where his law does not apply.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by surfup

its a given that the speed of light has been known for some time. but!

what is the speed of dark??

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by Dravenn
Everyone is saying light has no mass, but that is not true... everything in this universe has mass... it is can be see, felt, or smelled, it has mass. light is a photon... Which is still a unit of mass. If light had no mass, then it would not be able to reflect off surfaces. this being because it would simple absorb into whatever it was shined against. we cannot grasp the concept of the mass of a photon, but it does in fact have mass.

Photon has units of energy, not mass.
I think that everything can be expressed in fundamental units of energy, but mass is just another variable, similar to electric or color charge, or spin.

Seapeople... not picking on you, but I do not think mass has a personality... So by saying light only travels that fast because it can means nothing... With that said, if you think light has no mass, then tell me why a extremely strong magnetic field can bend light. Gravity and Magnetic fields acts upon things of mass, so if in fact light had no mass, then why can strong magnetic fields cause light to bend and change course... Just something to let stew in your brain..

I am not aware that strong magnetic fields can bend light.

Gravity does not act only on things with mass, this is a common misconception. It acts on everything, because it is not a force like EM or strong force, but a bending of space-time itself.

Electromagnetic fields cannot bend photons, neutrons and neutrinos, because they dont have any electric charge. Their mass does not matter here.

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