Disclaimer: I'm a theist but not of the Abrahamic faiths. I have minor biblical scholar and scriptural skills. Also I am not a scientific/legal or
medical expert in any field. Beware of my Contagious Memes! & watch out that you don't get cut on my Occams razor.All of this is my personal
conjecture and should not be considered the absolute or most definitive state of things as they really are. Use this information at your own risk! I
accept no liability if your ideology comes crashing down around you with accompanying consequences!
Explanation: I would have to go with my grandfathers (fathers side) good old .303 Lee Enfield Rifle Mrk III with bayonet and the equipment and
resources he had to make bullets for it. Its a war capable rifle and can kill a man at 500+ meters and has armor penetrating capacity and due to its
high muzzle velocity and 180 grain bullet, it tends not to deflect in wind or foliage. Also I love the iron sights as opposed to fancy optics for
their rugged long term survivability. Its got the accurate long distance standoff large game kill factor that I am looking for in a survival rifle.
It's rapport is quite telling but at the ranges and rate of fire I would be using it and the times, environment and prey I would use it on would
hopefully reduce the need for a quick egress. The construction of the Mrk III is amazingly solid and robust and it can easily be used as a club or a
pike/spear with the bayonet attached in close combat and can easily be fired from the hip for close range snapshot reaction shooting. Its a single
shot bolt action 10 shot box magazine fed rifle and although I would prefer something semi-auto in nature the SMLE MrkIII can produce a high sustained
rate of accurate fire in the hands of a skilled marksman. (The current world record for aimed bolt-action fire was set in 1914 by a musketry
instructor in the British Army — Sergeant Instructor Snoxall — who placed 38 rounds into a 12 inch wide target at 300 yards (270 m) in one minute.
) And in a SHTF situation bullets might not be as easy to come by as people may think, so a conserve what you got and recycle and build your own
ammo is a MUST! So say you got "emily" and 3 x 10 round clips and the skills, tools and resources to say replace a clip's worth of bullets in an
hour (I know thats ages but SHTF surviving may just fubah you a bit) and you have enough on hand resources for say 12hrs of ammo production stored at
your bug-out cache, thats 150 bullets in total and you've got to make that last till you can resupply! Then say you average a dog or pig size kill
1/wk then thats just under 3yrs of ammo before you run dry. Double the size of your prey and have long term preservation and storage available and
suddenly your ammo use for large game will become less and less. Here in Australia the most ubiquitous large animal aside from man is the kangaroo and
they are easily man sized and some of the big reds..well their called big reds for a reason
but locally the plain old grey kangaroo are dime a
dozen so I hopefully wouldn't have to resort to any kind of human wetworks for my main source of protein. The Jungle versions of the Lee Enfield are
also tried and battle tested and I wouldn't mind one of these.
Personal Disclosure: Loved the combo rifle/shotguns of all types! Also really Loved the small 3 shot HD shotgun. I agree fully with the poster your
weapon/s of choice depend on how and where you bug-out to. I've chosen to bug-out to my parents 100 acre property 100 km south of the city I live
Its easily accessible to a local with a 20-25kg backpack (5ltr camelbag) + 5kg Gun and ammo and a mountain bike in about 48hrs (quicker if
motorized). But its surrounded on 3 sides by rather unfriendly (to outsiders) armed farmers who would have to be put out of action before anybody
would get to me and as for the 4th side...well thats all national nature reserve and my blind looks directly out over the whole electric fenceline
between the 2 properties. I wouldn't use a small .22 caliber rifle for multiple reasons although I would fully recommend them for any learner or
persons with small and or slight builds and I would also recommend an air powered rifle as smokeless gunpowder may just be a little hard to come by.
1st reason I wouldn't use it is because a lot of you have been suggesting it and I would want something that stands off a bit more with slightly more
punch to counteract that. Secondly since the .22 and other such ubiquitous calibers are apparently going to be a dime a dozen after the SHTF then I
will have no problems recycling them into a bigger .303 caliber, powder and all!!!. You all seem to require this small caliber gun and ammo to shoot
small game and I suggest a better way to do this is to set snare traps for rabbits and net traps for small to medium sized birds and save your ammo
for game that is medium dog sized or larger (in my case roo's oh and of course MAN!). In any survival SHTF bug-out scenario your going to need a
fresh supply of water and usually that means fishing potential. So if you can fish then why shoot and if you can trap, net and snare small game then
why shoot, and if you can bow,spear and club these animals (takes a very determined expert who should also be quite a bit hungry) then why shoot.
Especially a small common round that can be easily (but I agree...not for some persons but aren't we talking about being survival EXPERTS here?)
recycled into higher calibers that have greater range and knockdown effectiveness.
I too love the idea of shotguns as an all round multipurpose (non lethal bean bag rounds for example) close combat (i.e. 50 meters or less) and
survival weapon and I myself would try and tool up with a couple of good old 12 gauge double barreled sawn off shotguns with 1 barrel loaded with
solid and the other barrel loaded with buckshot. Just point and pull both triggers at once and
worries all shredded! I have heard jokes about
sawn offs being sawn down so far that the shotgun shells actually stuck out of the barrels
and also this anecdote from an old rural stockman my
grandfather (yes the same one) told me a story about...he shot a pig in the skull with a solid slug from a 410 and it ricocheted off and made the pig
really mad but a small .22 put a nice hole in its head and killed it dead. The area of the skull hit by the solid slug was all spider webbed with
fractures but not breached in any way. Sounded bunkum to me