posted on Dec, 14 2006 @ 09:26 AM
While I'm not sure it would be my #1 choice, a .22LR would be on my list. As rifles go, its quiet, dependable and even though not advisable, can
be used effectively against larger game and in self defense with well placed shots if necessary. An added benefit? Its dirt cheap. One could
easily stockpile a lifetime's worth of several thousand rounds of .22LR ammunition for a few hundred dollars and never have to worry about scavenging
for ammo. And a 500 round box of .22LR rounds is about the same size as a 25 round box of 12 gauge shotgun shells and its lighter, too. And you
probably aren't going to scare the locals by carrying one around, either. Meanwhile, that AR-15 or AK-47 is an attention grabber and could get
you shot on sight. I'd recommend having one, but not for everyday use.
Myself, I would probably choose a lever action rifle chambered in the same round as my handgun for ammunition commonality. That likely means a
.357, .44 or 9mm. As an added benefit, all three rounds are much cheaper than centerfire rifle rounds and are widely available and used in the US.
The ammunition is smaller and more easily transported than rifle rounds as well. All are powerful enough to take large game to 100 yards or more, yet
the two smaller rounds won't vaporize small game. They are not quite ideal for self-defense, but most models will hold about 10 rounds of
ammunition, enough for most situations. Reloading isn't terribly slow, and with a little practice one fire all 10 rounds, reload, and fire those
10 in about a minute. While I consider them a backup self-defense rifle, a round of .357 or 9mm even at 100 yards is going to ruin someone's day.
Yet, it will not attract unwanted attention nearly as much as that 'assault rifle'.