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A Chinese's opinion

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posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by gs001
missile will be enough, isolated military bases are good targets for their attack:-)
aircraft carriers can be destroied by submarines, you should pray for finding
our submarines before your carriers sink.

You mean for China to attack?

I'm not aware of any large amount of isolated military bases
within the reach of Chinese missile technology.

Do you know how many nuclear weapons China has? you don't? so don't I:-)

Well I don't know down to the number, but I do remember
hearing it was around 327.

Money is not a problem for China, if China want to make more nuclear weapons,
no one can stop.

It's not so much we can't stop you, as it's that we just don't
care that much to stop you, we don't see you as a real threat
the way we see Iran.

USA not only gets hatred from Arabia world, but also get hatred from China,
Russia and Latin America....etc,

To be technical, the general arabian people hate our govern-
ment, not us, in fact they quite like the American public, just
our government, not so much.

Russians don't hate us, to my knowledge, they don't seem to
really care what we do.

Latin America does'nt hate us either, they like Americans, and
even when it comes to our government, I think alot of the
hatred is just for this administration.

even its ally EU angry about its behavior, such kind of country deserves punishment.

The EU is'nt angry with us that much, I mean yeah alot of
Europeans, just like alot of Americans hate the war in Iraq
and the general War On Terror.

And why should Americans be 'punished' for something
there government does?

They should'nt is the answer.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei

Do you know how many nuclear weapons China has? you don't? so don't I:-)

Well I don't know down to the number, but I do remember
hearing it was around 327.

A quick simple search would put the projected total a little higher than that.

There is considerable uncertainly in published estimates of the size of the Chinese nuclear weapons stockpile. In the late 1980s it was generally held that China was the world's third-largest nuclear power, possessing a small but credible nuclear deterrent force of 225 to 300 nuclear weapons. Other estimates of the country's production capacities suggested that by the end of 1970 China had fabricated around 200 nuclear weapons, a number which could have increased to 875 by 1980. With an average annual production of 75 nuclear weapons during the 1980s, some estimates suggest that by the mid-1990s the Chinese nuclear industry had produced around 2,000 nuclear weapons for ballistic missiles, bombers, artillery projectiles and landmines.


[edit on 23/11/06 by Implosion]

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 01:59 PM
Ah well, I suppose I should do a search next time.

I was'nt really trying to figure out how many they actually
had, just tryingto prove a point.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 02:04 PM
Well in the late 1990's China had about 18 ICBM's, while the US has about 6,000. And 13 of the 18 ICBM's were aimed at the US and I believe the rest was aimed at Russia. Who knows how many China has now :shrugs:

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by gs001
missile will be enough, isolated military bases are good targets for their attack:-)

Let the pissing contest begin.... Against our laser turret defense systems?

aircraft carriers can be destroied by submarines, you should pray for finding
our submarines before your carriers sink.

You honestly think chinas pathetic navy stands a chance against americas? A carriers defense against submarines is submarines. Chinas subs would be destroyed by american subs before they even left harbor.. So now how do you go about takeing out Americas aircraft carriers with out your inferior submarines that are now a heaping pile of junk at the bottom of the harbor?

when nuclear weapons ere used, no one will care about its accuracy.
that means both side have determined to destroy this planet.

But in your scenario, china has one shot to get it right. After that china would be compeltely destroyed. One nuke wont destroy America. But 10,000 american ICBMs would destroy all of china 1000 times over. And we still have our missle defense shield.

each side will try their best to throw more nuclear bomb to other's territory
If some targets missed, nuclear missiles from submarines will help fulfill
the task.

And america would win that battle due to the sheer size of its nuclear arsenal.
Remember, your inferior chinese subs would be destroy by a superior american navy. while american subs would be free to wreak havoc of the chinese mainland.

Do you know how many nuclear weapons China has? you don't? so don't I:-)
Money is not a problem for China, if China want to make more nuclear weapons,
no one can stop.

I dont know how many nukes china has. But like you said neither do you. However, I do know that the US has alot more then china.

USA not only gets hatred from Arabia world, but also get hatred from China,
Russia and Latin America....etc,
even its ally EU angry about its behavior, such kind of country deserves punishment.

And this comeing from a person who lives in a country that is known for its inhumane treatment of its own ppl.

America is the most hated most despised country regarded by some ppl.... But in that same breathe i can say that america is also the most loved, admired nation on earth. People risk life and limb just to get to america. They brave high and unstable seas just to step foot on american soil. We stand for freedom and will destroy those who come between us and that. This world trys to americanize itself. China is trying to copy itself after america. Thats something those comme b*stards wont tell you in there propaganda filled history books. We americans dont care what the ppl of the world think of us. Its not our job to worry about such silly things. We dont lose sleep at night because the chinese hate us. I think alot more of it is in your head then it is real.

And guess what?.. China cant do a damn thing about it... Simply put. Our willys bigger then yours!

[edit on 043030p://444 by semperfoo]

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 05:35 PM
Semper that is the thing...Chinese people DON'T hate us. Most admire the United States for the schools here (like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, etc.) and the much higher standard of living. We are known as a "great" country, and many hope China becomes like the US.

And you are right, a lot of people in the world do hate the US. But most of the world is also adapting and making American culture their own. How does that saying go?

Actions speak louder than words.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei
To be technical, the general arabian people hate our govern-
ment, not us, in fact they quite like the American public, just
our government, not so much.

Russians don't hate us, to my knowledge, they don't seem to
really care what we do.

Latin America does'nt hate us either, they like Americans, and
even when it comes to our government, I think alot of the
hatred is just for this administration.

You have got some punishments, one of them called 9.11, right?
unfortunately, some people in the world can't distinguish which
fault is made by your government, which one is by US people:-).
But as a democratic country, people will be responsible for
everything did by your selected government, on the contrary
we Chinese can say we are not responsible for the behavior of
our autocratic government

You honestly think chinas pathetic navy stands a chance against americas? A carriers defense against submarines is submarines. Chinas subs would be destroyed by american subs before they even left harbor.. So now how do you go about takeing out Americas aircraft carriers with out your inferior submarines that are now a heaping pile of junk at the bottom of the harbor?

destroy China now, I believe with in 5 years, you will win
a war with China.
in 5 to 15 years uncertain, in 15 years you will fail.
So be quick.

[edit on 23-11-2006 by gs001]

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by gs001
You have got some punishments, one of them called 9.11, right?
unfortunately, some people in the world can't distinguish which
fault is made by your government, which one is by US people:-).
But as a democratic country, people will be responsible for
everything did by your selected government, on the contrary
we Chinese can say we are not responsible for the behavior of
our autocratic government

Well depedning on who you talk to, 9/11 would'nt be called
punishment, personally I think it was some religious nutjobs,
and some key individuals in the government and rich people
who knew something, but did'nt do anything to further there
own goals.

True, we do elect our government officials, but we still can't be
held reponsible for their actions, since the majority of them lie
to us, and do the opposite of what they say they'll do.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 07:31 PM
How imbecile and childish you guys are.

Discussing who would win a war while both sides are being sodomized by their own leaders.

The arms race is very sad and is only a profit machinery for the 1% @ the top.
Anyone seriously discussing has failed to grasp the fact that war is used to make money, and there are no other reasons for US-Wars.

Once again. Congratulations for being blind, manipulated and sodomized.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by osram
How imbecile and childish you guys are.

Insulting fellow members is against the T&C, please
refrain from doing so at any point in the future from
this point on.

Discussing who would win a war while both sides are being sodomized by their own leaders.

We are not being anally raped by our leaders.

The arms race is very sad and is only a profit machinery for the 1% @ the top.
Anyone seriously discussing has failed to grasp the fact that war is used to make money, and there are no other reasons for US-Wars.

No, the arms race is to be better than the other country(ies).

No, war is fought because atleast one party either wants
something the other(s) have, or want to destroy the other


posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by gs001

That's an interesting point - we have heard from a Chinese person, but from the UK, not from China itself. This suggests that censorship is still alive and well in the good ol' PRC. Some of you might remember the case with Google adapting itself to censor certain sites in China - does this not prove censorship is still around too?

I come form Beijing----capital of China.
Up to October this year, China has 123 millions of netizen
rank the second in the world.
censorship? yes, but they only focus on few very sensitive
topic such as falungong, 1989.6.4.... etc
no one can control so many netizen and so huge data stream, right?

I wouldn't consider Buddhist sites a 'sensitive topic' that needs hidden from the Chinese public.

The firewall does have its limitations, you are right in saying they cant hide everything from everyone and theres always ways around a firewall, but they do do a decent job of it.

Not that our own governments are any better, there all filled with lies and deceit.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei
Well depedning on who you talk to, 9/11 would'nt be called
punishment, personally I think it was some religious nutjobs,
and some key individuals in the government and rich people
who knew something, but did'nt do anything to further there
own goals.
True, we do elect our government officials, but we still can't be
held reponsible for their actions, since the majority of them lie
to us, and do the opposite of what they say they'll do.

Of course, they are called terrorist. Some of their ideas are
completely unacceptable, for instance Muslimize(if have this word:-))
the world. but some aims of them are rational, for instance
control their own oil resource, oppose USA's pro-Israel policy..etc
USA always blame on others, never self-reflect its own hehavior.
that is why it gets so much hatred.
My sentiment to USA is always fluctuating, I wonder if USA is
really promoting freedom and democracy to the world or just use
this as an excuse to achieve their own interest.

I wouldn't consider Buddhist sites a 'sensitive topic' that needs hidden from the Chinese public.

becouse communist think falungong threatened their power.
In China you can do anything just like in other democratic
countries except challenge the power communist party,
that is autarchy

[edit on 24-11-2006 by gs001]

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by gs001
Of course, they are called terrorist. Some of their ideas are
completely unacceptable, for instance Muslimize(if have this word:-))
the world. but some aims of them are rational, for instance
control their own oil resource, oppose USA's Israel policy..etc
USA always blame on others, never self-reflect its own hehavior.
that is why it gets so much hatred.
My sentiment to USA is always fluctuating, I wonder if USA is
really promoting freedom and democracy to the world or just use
this as an excuse to achieve their own interest.

Yes, they were terrorists, I was just saying I don't believe the extreme 9/11 theories.

I agree, what those countries do with there own resources i sup to them, and America should'nt try and say otherwise.

I dislike Israel, so i dsaprove of our policy with them as well.

Unfortunately it's not just to spread freeodm and democracy, it's also to makje a profit.

In China you can do anything just like in other democratic
countries except challenge the power communist party.

I could'nt live in China, I question the government all the time.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei
Insulting fellow members is against the T&C, please
refrain from doing so at any point in the future from
this point on.

You are right.

We are not being anally raped by our leaders.

You will have hard time prooving the opposite, iori. No human rights.. absolutely profit-oriented decisions. Nothing else.. I dont know of anything else than global abuse, to describe this situation.

No, the arms race is to be better than the other country(ies).

War is fought because atleast one party either wants
something the other(s) have, or want to destroy the other

Again you will have a hard time prooving wars are taking place because of parties taking advantage of other parties.

I was specifically talking about US-Wars.

30 Billion Dollars were invested into Hitler's Regime at the time of WW 2. And you want to tell me the reason for this war were Alliances, or some "theatre" play?

[edit on 23-11-2006 by osram]Bush and the Nazis

As far as i know fed/us also invested dozens of billions into the fake "Communism" construct, which naturally resulted in alot of wars and profit.

The biggest profit made is the money they take from us, and which is then being used for War-Machinery.. under some absolutely irrelevant, fake reasoning and fictional constructs.

[edit on 23-11-2006 by osram]

posted on Nov, 25 2006 @ 07:05 PM

In China you can do anything just like in other democratic
countries except challenge the power communist party,
that is autarchy

Well, aside from the fact that I think its going to take a helluva lot longer than 15 years for china to catch up to america on any scale let alone military. China is not "just like any other democratic country" Why is it a bad thing to be judgmental of ones government? Thats called 'free thinking' something the chinese havent yet grasped. In china you have to many rules to live by. And like sheep the chinese ppl follow. As long as the the commies dont hurt you or your family life is good. China is a third world country. A country that doesnt take care of its ppl. A country that has a one child policy. A country that condones the killing of innocent children.
It goes on and on and on...

[edit on 073030p://666 by semperfoo]

posted on Nov, 26 2006 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by semperfoo
Well, aside from the fact that I think its going to take a helluva lot longer than 15 years for china to catch up to america on any scale let alone military. China is not "just like any other democratic country" Why is it a bad thing to be judgmental of ones government? Thats called 'free thinking' something the chinese havent yet grasped. In china you have to many rules to live by. And like sheep the chinese ppl follow. As long as the the commies dont hurt you or your family life is good. China is a third world country. A country that doesnt take care of its ppl. A country that has a one child policy. A country that condones the killing of innocent children.
It goes on and on and on...

[edit on 073030p://666 by semperfoo]

yes, China has a lot of problem to face
however, our "third world country" has already terrified a hegemony
If one day China becomes a developed country. its strength
will be several times more than the self-nominated world police
At that time the self-nominated world police will shut up for ever
and the world will not suffer from listening its vomitive doctrine any more.

[edit on 26-11-2006 by gs001]

posted on Nov, 26 2006 @ 02:57 PM
gs001, you are misrepresenting the majority of Chinese people's opinions. Most don't hate the US, nor do they want to "punish" the US (are you the person on here who said that?
). Let's leave that for the warmongers in both countries, unless you yourself are a warmonger

posted on Nov, 26 2006 @ 05:22 PM
Your Chines text says:

Knows the other side and oneself, the side can be ever-victorious

You can translate on the web at

posted on Nov, 26 2006 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by gs001

yes, China has a lot of problem to face
however, our "third world country" has already terrified a hegemony
If one day China becomes a developed country. its strength
will be several times more than the self-nominated world police
At that time the self-nominated world police will shut up for ever
and the world will not suffer from listening its vomitive doctrine any more.

[edit on 26-11-2006 by gs001]

Well im sure "if" that were to ever happen, neither you or I would be around to see it.

But before that is to ever happen china has many, many, many hurdles blocking her path to "Megapower" status.

China more then likly will become a democratic nation in the future. Even now, its slowly starting to turn. As the young chinese want the american lifestyle that means more freedom and less control by the government body over its ppl. If and when this happens china will split up into several different nations. China will go down in the history books as the nation "that could have been".

And if china ever becomes a developed nation you will understand why the US was world police. Protecting your foreighn assets is part of being a superpower.

[edit on 093030p://000 by semperfoo]

posted on Nov, 26 2006 @ 09:09 PM
ouble post

[edit on 093030p://000 by semperfoo]

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