Looks like I will need to explain better, because you seem VERY messed up....like my mom.
I guess there are just people out there who can't grasp the fact that life is a memory.
You don't live here and now because it is the past, you only live a memory, and can think of what to do at the moment...that is our physical
However...as I had previously stated, if you knew ABSOLUTELY nothing of your life...what did you live? Sure the things you did happend, the things
that happend to you happend to you...but that's all gone now...nothing happend...because that is all nothingness is.
My mom always tries to counter with..."well I remember what happend, others know you were alive" but we aren't eachother, we are all individuals,
all that matters in death is what is happening to you, not who lives to know you.
Besides what happens when everyone else dies and you are completely forgotten.
That is why there is something in us...I call it our individuality, that continues...it's not a personality, it simply IS us...our existance...going
from life to life.
It is this existance that is us...our bodies, merely a possessed being from which to view the world.
Back to being nothing...you MUST open your eyes...and ask you the real truth: What if I were nothing? What am I then?
You as anyone would answer, nothing....you are nothing if you are nothing...DUH
But nothing is nothing, it leaves no room for memories, for presents, or futures...it is nothing....it also leaves no room for pasts...the
past...which we see through memories and words and now pictures....also becomes nothing.
That past that makes up everythign we are...is gone. If when you die you become nothing, then ALL becomes nothing...and anything you were...anything
you saw and anything you knew, dies with you...nothing happend, nothing is happening, and nothing will happen.
There isn't even any time while in nothing, so there is no way of knowing that you are nothing...you are nothing.
Nothingness...as you probably can feel, is impossible....my good man....it is impossible for US to be nothing...everything we are, is based on
existance, we can not become a rock, and cease to exist.
For if we were to become nothing, then that is all we are...and we'd be no different then something without a soul, a robot can think, but it is
nothing...only something to us...but for now...nothing to itself.
That is why there is an existance, that survives our bodies....it is what we are, not humans...but existance, our bodies merely what we experience
this world through.
And all our "souls" are individual, that is why I am not you and you not me...but we still are connected, all of us...connected to what could be
called god...connected to the "cosmic memory".
The very memory of the universe...everything that happens...it "remembers" because without memory, it falls into nothingness....we can't see it,
nor tap into its knowledge...maybe because we are too ignorant, maybe because it's not an actual being, but a literal state of existance...but it's
there....and when everything passess into nothingness, it will remain as will we, until another universe comes. And our cycle of experiencing begins
It is because of that supreme memory that everything does not simply cease to be, because while we have like a scar on our souls, all that happend to
us...we have no knowledge or even a conceivability of anything that happens out side of the furthest reach of our telescopes..but this consiouness
knows, it experiences all that is inanimate, it flows through the waters, rises with the mountains, blows on the winds both earthly and stellar.
It IS everything, we merely are individuals, torn from it by possessing these higher life forms...and when we die...we do not lose that individuality,
because we are no longer a part of the "cosmic memory" "great conciousness" call it what you will. We now have only our experiences, which means
we can not return to the great conciousness by simple nature alone....no, rather we go on being individuals and when we die we continue to become one
with the cosmic memory once more, sharing all that we experienced. Then to be born again.
However, I now believe that if your soul has experinced much cause of pain and suffering, too much evil that your soul is scarred forever...your
individuality is stolen, and you become as close to nothingness as you can...you become a memory...no more future...but that memory, prevents you from
becomming nothing, which is of course impossible.
Now I just laid upon you WAYYYY To much and your first thoughts will be to immediately dismiss it...but work with the previous statements of how you
can NOT become nothingness...and if you work with it long enough, you'll see how I evolved that thought that I did about life, and how it works.
After all, there IS purpose in this universe, to explore it, and experience it...to not do those things goes against our very natures.....and there is
nothing in our minds that makes us want to explore, it is in our soul.
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