Thankyou Mr TC
No I am not a JW or even a Baptist. I am a Penticostal.
I will Gladly explain What the Bible says about the different levels of heaven, as well as the positions of the saints.
Firstly do you remember in the book of revelations when saint John spoke about going up to the third heaven. This therefore suggests that there is
more than one heaven.
Paul says that the mosaic tabernacle is only a type of heaven, which is called the true tabernacle, which the lord pitched, and not man (heb 8:2).
The Earthly tabernacle of moses had three places, namely, the outer court, the holy place and the most holy place. These three places correspond with
the New Earth, the NEW Heaven and the New Jerusalem respectively. All these three heavenly places constitute the heavenly tabernacle which ' the
lord pitched and not man'. After Jesus resurrection, he entered into the third place as a minister of the snctuary' (heb 8:2). It is where he is
enthroned as our high priest, ' on the right hand of the majesty in the heavens' (heb 8:1).
The New Earth will be the habitation of the saved who do not have any further spiritual experiences like water baptism, baptism of the holy spirit,
sanctification etc (rev 21:4). The New Heaven will be the abode of the conscience period saints, the law period saints (rev. 11:18,19), the general
martyrs of all dispensations and the tribulation martyrs. (rev. 7:14,15). The New Heaven is Identified by the presence of the temple (rev.11:19). The
overcomers Of the church, called the bride of christ, will inherit New Jerusalem, which Christ has gone to prepare (Jn 14:2). John says he saw no
visible temple there.
From the fall of Adam to the period of the New testament, we find three clear periods or dispensations
1 The dispensation of Conscience
2 The dispensation of Law
3 The dispensation of Grace
1 The dispensation of Conscience.
This is the period from Adam to the giving of the Law through Moses, when man had no law to judge him but the law of conscience. Paul says, 'For
when the gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: which
shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing
one another' (Rom. 2:14,15).
2 The dispensation of the Law
This is the period from the giving of the Law through Moses to the day of Penticost. The highest standard of righteousness of man during this period
was the standard of the law. The saints of the law period are evidently greater than the conscience period saints because God gave them the law to
discipline their lives so that they might become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. (Ex. 19:6).
3 The dispensation Of Grace.
This is the period from the day of penticost to the coming of the lord Jesus Christ. It is also called the dispensation (or the period) of the
church. The saints of the dispensation of Grace are very much greater than the conscience period and the law period saints because -
1 They are redeemed by a better sacrifice, not that of bulls and goats which could not take away sin, nor purge their conscience, but by the blood of
Jesus (heb. 10:1-4, 10,14).
2 They have a better priesthood. In the old testament, the levitical priesthood could not bring anyone to perfection under Aaron; but the believers
of the New Teatament are called to perfection through christ, Who has a continual ministry after the order of melchisedec (Heb. 7:11)
3 The old testament saints could not live an overcoming life, because Satan, who is the author of sin and death, was not destroyed. But Jesus,
having destroyed satan at calvary, has become the author of eternal salvation to the saints of the New Testament (Heb.2:14,15; Col.2:15 Heb. 5:9).
These are a few of the reasons why the saints of the dispensation of Grace are greater than the saints of former dispensations. Jesus himself said
that those who belong to his kingdom are greater than all who were before him ( conscience period and Law period saints) (Matt 11:11).
I hope you found this helpful Mr TC