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Moving out of the U.S.A

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posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by st3ve_o

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
thats because they suck their thumbs into their pre-teens, another peculier habbit that my american mother laughed at on a daily basis.

erm no it's because british dentistry is #e

over here personality comes first unlike over the atlantic

so are you denying that brit kids up to 10 or 11 years old suck their thumbs? girls seemed to be the worse about it, but I saw alot of boys doing it to.

and dont give me that crap about personality either because it's BS. brits are jerks in the first degree, I think the only people in europe that are worse are the damn french.

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
so are you denying that brit kids up to 10 or 11 years old suck their thumbs? girls seemed to be the worse about it, but I saw alot of boys doing it to.

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 03:48 PM
haha wow I never thought my post would still be on the front page with 4 threads to it..I just don't dig a lot of the stuff here..the overworking..the constat stressing on money and corporatism I'm sure it's all over the world but I just get the feeling Europe is a little more laid back and they don't seem to be all money hungry bastards there..thanks for the compliments guys..yes i have very straight teeth hahaaha as of now I'm still thinking Spain..I could find a job there I mean I won't move until I have a career going ( I'm studying to be a Crime Scene Investigator) And I'm sure Spain has it's share of crime which i can help solve..but yeah thanks for the input everyone

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 04:27 PM
Of course Spain has crime to be solved!
Of course knowing spanish might be a plus (Spanish spanish not Mexican spanish.) Europe is just like America in some of the big cities, every place is different but the strive for success is in any successful state. Unless your going to move to a small city, but you can find those in America all over the place. Europe has that European charm though, America does not..

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 05:02 PM
yeah haha well i know mexican spanish but i have heard spain spanish and i can pretty much understand living in that country im sure i would pick up their kind of spanish really quickly

posted on Dec, 9 2006 @ 05:16 PM
I've been to every state in America, every country in Europe...even Andora and most of South America. I have been in Asia now for two years and after seeing ,living almost everywhere except Africa and the middle East, I would choose the following places. These are just my opinions, feel free to disagree or trash them. This is just my top 4 places now. 10 years ago my ist would have been much different, including Sweden and Germany but they are way too expensive for Americans now.

1)Argentina- Specifically Buenos Aires (The Paris of South America). Great people, vibrant living. The country exudes class. The food is awesome (read everything beef). Prices are about 40-50% of the US. The ratio of gorgeous people is hard to beat anywhere in the world. The music is fantastic.

Downsides- You'll get a little Anti-Americanism. Not much. The government and financial situation is a bit tenious. It's a little dangerous off the beaten track in the major citys.

2) Thailand- It's called the land of smiles officially. The people are first rate, it's very affordable, they love everyone (even Americans). I've never heard a Thai speak a harsh word about Americans. All Americans convieniances are here at about 30% of the price in America. Internet, American fast food, bookstores etc. etc. The country is beautiful. The food is some of the best on the planet.

Downsides are: The language is tough and Thais don't speak much English. There are enough Expats from all over the world. Thailand has a warped image in the minds of most westerners. There ideas of what's important in life are 1000% different than Western values.

3) Spain- Costa Del Sol. Paradise with Sangria. The people are wonderful. The days are lazy and the nights are an all out party. The living costs are about 80%-120% of the US. US standards of almost everything..some things are a higher standard than the US.

Downsides-European tourist central and they will definitly give you problems about the US government. You'll hear it day in and day out. Other than that it's US light as most of Europe is. Sorry to say that but it's true.

and one more for the adventerous:

4) Cambodia- I was scared as hell to go there the first time. Wow was i being paranoid. The young people ALL speak English there now. It's still a bit "wild-west" but I never felt in danger at any time. It is CHEAP.. SO SO CHEAP. $150 a month will get you a 2 bedroom house with maid's quarters. The people are the friendliest I've met except for Poles in the early 1980's under Communism. You are truely free here. You can do pretty much anything you want as long as you don't hurt anyone. Wanna open a bar. Just open it. No licenses. No pharmacies really. Just goto the super market and buy whatever you need. Heck the national dish is "Happy" pizza and Bubble tea. Happy=Hemp.(I don't partake mind you.. just saying). The beaches are some of the best anywhere in the world. Seriously.. The people are unreal. Khmers rock !

Downsides- The poverty can be stifiling at times. It just breaks your heart and you can't help everyone. The trash collection is laughable but it's getting better. Cambodia had a MAJOR brain drain. Anyone with the slightest bit of education was killed under the Pol Pot regime. So you have a very uneducated society. It's changing with this new generation but progress is as you would expect. Cambodian food is crap. EEk !

posted on Dec, 10 2006 @ 01:03 AM
What about Ireland? My understanding is that Irish folks are really nice.

But, I don't know if moving anywhere really helps if we've got a global control situation happening. We may be fighting garbage no matter where we go.


posted on Dec, 10 2006 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by st3ve_o

licking cake off his finger, lol.

This is the strangest habbit I have ever seen among british people, and the most prolific.

This is unheard of in the US, mostly because anyone who sucks their thumbs at that age here gets their asses squarely kicked for it.

there are even 17 year olds in britain that do this!!!!

They wouldnt make it five minutes in an American public school.

[edit on 10-12-2006 by XphilesPhan]

posted on Dec, 10 2006 @ 05:01 PM
Wherever you go you have to accept that the USA is not the flavour of the month right now. You are going to get a ribbing, you are going to be held personally responsible for the policy decisions of G.W. Bush.

It's not fair, it's not right, but you either have to take it and deal with it, or just stay home.

The NZers have a long history and tradition of resisting the US. Famously for refusing US naval ships that might be transporting nukes from entering their ports.

But if you can break thru in whatever local community you join, and show them that you are a decent person, you'll be okay.

posted on Dec, 10 2006 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan

They wouldnt make it five minutes in an American public school.

Best to check some sources before making such wild claims...

...He was a teenaged thumb sucker, but now, in his 40s, he no longer indulges habitually.

...That's not the case for Harvey, who at age 55 still enjoys sucking his thumb. Harvey, a retail store owner in Long Island, N.Y., prefers not to disclose his last name for fear of ridicule.

...When his stepdaughter, age 19 — not surprisingly a thumb sucker herself — went off to college recently, Harvey predicted that she would find three other thumb suckers living in her dorm. "It turned out that she had three on her floor."


posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 10:13 PM
hey new guy here on the forums. Ive been scouting the threads and saw this one. Well i married an Canadian girl and moved to Quebec, been here for about 2 in half years. I was from Philadelphia, PA. Quebec is about as close to Europe you can get without actually leaving the continent. I live in Montreal and its pretty different, less freedoms, and much more regulation and basically its going down the #ter faster than you can say what? If you lived a decent lifestyle in the states and move to Quebec, or anywhere in Europe its generally much more socialized and they don't let you have that much fun, at least without paying out the ass for it. If i could move back, i would, but i have to get money to move back since it takes money to move and plan and such.

Most people find out and ask me why i didn't take my wife to the states(another issue altogether). I know many whiners in the US, not saying you, but have no clue what they have till its gone. With that said. English Canada is your best bet for any American wanting a similar lifestyle without sacrificing to much.

posted on Dec, 22 2006 @ 11:02 PM
Respect and knowledge knows no age, whatukno.

(new account this is from GC112)

posted on Dec, 23 2006 @ 12:28 AM
Spains not any safer thats for sure. Terrorists have attacked there as well. Not sure what you are running from. Its a big country. Its ok if you do want to leave though, there are millions more that are dying to take your place.

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