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Moving out of the U.S.A

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posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by zooplancton
my folks have long talked about relocating to canada for health care benefits. or dual citizenship at least. if we had affordable care here in the states i think it would change their views. but we don't. cold...I can barely deal with Hungarys winters. (and michigan is colder than hungary!)
Im an atlantian (from Atlanta)
(actually from even further south, cause Atlanta had cold winters for me.) Maybe Im reptilian...oops not the U.F.O. forum.



posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 12:49 PM
Hey the Badge,
If thats your picture on the avatar,come and live in Wales!
You are hot.
Be sure to bring all your sisters too.

Actually,its not that great here either,and the weather sucks.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by annestacey
Check on Nicaragua. It's the new retirement location. You can get beach-side properties for a low price right now.

Nicaragua is virtually unknown--and usually misunderstood--by most people, which is why forward-thinking investors can find some of the best real estate deals on Earth in this country. For the record, this country is not in the midst of a civil war...and it's not a Communist state. It has, however, suffered from a serious case of bad press.

As The Wall Street Journal recently reported... "Suddenly, Managua has a skyline. New hotels and shopping centers--with elevators, and even escalators--have sprouted in a capital flattened by a 1972 earthquake and laid low by failed socialism. Arco gas stations, Pizza Huts and McDonald's golden arches rise from the gentle hills. Once a live-fire franchise of the Cold War, Nicaragua and other Central American countries have embraced franchise capitalism."

The paper continued: "U.S. companies arrive to build power plants and telephone networks, to sell hamburgers and pizza. Foreign investors who were fleeing the country a decade ago put $280 million into Nicaragua last year."

Have to wonder what the foreign investors (think American capitalists) think now that Daniel is back in power?

"For the record, this country is not in the midst of a civil war...and it's not a Communist state." --how long will they be saying this?

Originally posted by JackJuice

In the USA I'd recommend State College, Pennsylvania. Its the little city in the middle of no where, which means there is an economy but a fifteen minute drive will put you into the country...

Into Amish country too, I might add. I love seeing the teams of plow horses in the fields during planting season.

State College is the Penn State main campus. And as such has the 2nd highest cost of living in PA, next to Philly--muy expensive.

But take a 30-minute drive and you're in Appalaccia. My village is a 45 minute drive and 86% of the people here are below poverty level.

I'd recommend Spain to anyone who can get there. I lived in Andalucia (southern part) in the mid-80's and it's absolutely wonderful if you like great people and simple living. I'd return there or Italy in a heartbeat.

Andalucia has a regional accent (like the US southern states) and they tend to lisp their 's' and 'z' sounds. Buenes dias sounding like buena di-ith, but you get used to that.

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse
Hey the Badge,
If thats your picture on the avatar,come and live in Wales!
You are hot.
Be sure to bring all your sisters too.

Actually,its not that great here either,and the weather sucks.

ahahaha dude thanks! yeah that's me. I have no sisters
(only child) but I have a lot of girl friends who are "hot " hahaha Wales ? sounds nice

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 04:23 PM
Yeah I'm really digging Spain right now!

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by TheBadge
Hey everyone.After reading a lot of the b.s. going down here I really REALLY want to get out of the u.s. you know if you dont like it leave! well i want to
Has anyone here made the move from us to europe or asia or just anywhere but the u.s.??
I know it's not an easy thing to do but i would like to hear your guys' input and maybe get some tips/help or something HONESTLY I WANNA GET OUT
Spain seems nice plus i know spanish any other suggestions????

I moved to Japan two years ago, I like Kyoto a lot better than any place in the US.

[edit on 10-11-2006 by JamesMcMahn]

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 08:48 PM
OUCH! Thats your pic! .. hot damn.

Yeah, youll fit right into Madrid. Parties and clubs all over.

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 05:59 AM
If I was going to live some where else I reckon I would go for Bhutan.

Its an amazing place,and it has Yetis.

Also they have really tough tobacco laws there,which would help me quit smoking.

Spain sounds cool though-but I would avoid living too south,as the place is hotting up and turning desert-like in places.They have pretty bad forest fires there as well.

Maybe I am biased though,as I wanted you to come live in Wales!

edit,messed up picture.

[edit on 12-11-2006 by Silcone Synapse]

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse

Spain sounds cool though-but I would avoid living too south,as the place is hotting up and turning desert-like in places.They have pretty bad forest fires there as well.

Andalucia is hot and desertlike. We had huge segora cactus along the fenceline at the base in Rota. Prickly pears were a common sight at the markets. What the heck they do with them, I never learned.

As far as heating up, I remember 115 degree F days with a wind they called 'levante' that blew sand all the way from the Sahara--gritty. Winters are mild though, ice on the edges of mud puddles was the coldest I'd ever seen it.

Like I said, life was simple. No a/c, not even screens on the windows. No central heat either. Just little roll-around butano heaters to move from room to room to take the chill off the air. The same bottled fuel (like for a gas grill) used to heat water and cook with. Taxi's even had spare bottles in their trunk to switch over to if they were on long trips and ran out of motor gas.

The thing to lust after when you get there is a Vespa. I still miss mine after all these years. I sold it to my travel agent who's office was around the corner from the street I lived on when I left. He got a good deal, under 3 years old and less than 5,000 miles. I bought my dining room set with the proceeds, the navy was shipping it for me.

It was kinda cute to see whole FAMILIES riding past on a scooter. Dad driving (naturally), little kid standing between his legs on the platform he put his feet, steering along with him (I used to carry a seabag full of laundry there or that butano bottle when I needed to pick one up), mom sitting on the back holding a toddler. The perfect family vehicle--for a while.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by Baphomet79
If you've got the start-up capital, check out Bermuda. Nicest people on earth, beautiful island, and English hospitality. That is if you can put up with Bermuda Shorts being considered acceptable business attire, was hard for me and I only visited for a week. And the whole driving on the left side, but it just takes some time to get used to.

I was stationed in Bermuda for 2 years. It is a beautiful island. But Bermuda has drawbacks too. It's a great place to vacation, but I'm not certain I would want to live there. When I was there, you were only allowed one 4 wheeled vehicle (car or truck) per household. There are size and age restrictions on the type of car you can bring in to the country. That's why most people ride mopeds. Bikes have to be 100cc or less.

Bermuda also has a problem with crime. But most of the people are great. They are very laid back. If I were independantly wealthy, I might move there. St. David's or St. Georges Island would be my choice. I lived in St.George's Island on the corner of Suffering and Pain.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 08:47 AM
Darkelf, I was stationed in Bermuda also, 1980-82. Right out of bootcamp. What luck, eh? Isn't that one of the bases the USN's moved out of?

As lovely as it is (and believe me, it IS), I never even considered recommending it as a place to relocate to. It's so expensive, there's a 33% import tax and almost everything there is imported!

As I recall, it was one of the highest standards of living in the world. And only about twenty square miles of land.

Most nights found me at St. George's Pub on the Square, our home away from home. glug, glug

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by TheBadge
Hey everyone.After reading a lot of the b.s. going down here I really REALLY want to get out of the u.s. you know if you dont like it leave! well i want to

Don't let the door hit your butt on the way out!

HONESTLY I WANNA GET OUT Spain seems nice plus i know spanish any other suggestions????

Canada or the UK. Otherwise, you're going to be speaking a foreign language for the rest of your life, and living in a relatively foreign culture.

What is going on in the US that you are so hateful of that you want to leave? It'd be important to note that so that you don't go somehwere where its also happening.
Off hand, I'd suspect that you'd have to scratch of pretty much any country in the western world or its sphere of influence, if you don't like the US. So that'd pretty much leave parts of central africa, arabia, mongolia, etc.
Maybe places like venezuela or nicaragua.

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 11:30 AM
I have a question though. Why leave america? We're going to get over the bush crisis soon. I bet you when Bush leaves office we're going to have hilary clinton as president and she'll change america's future. As far as what countries you may visit, I recommend going to france. I went to france before, and i have some cousins there. It's a really exciting place to visit!

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 11:47 AM
hey badge, i can't see your teeth - but if they are straight don't move to the UK, only crooked teeth people can live here

id personally move to spain or australia.

[edit on 2-12-2006 by st3ve_o]

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by GrouppenCommander112

So the next time I hear about someone who says this country is bad I'll only say this once; We are still a Democracy despite what spooks say.

Sorry to burst your bubble kid but for one we live in a Republic not a democracy. Remember the pledge of alligence?

Secondly I am taking over the Earth in 2012 there isnt going to be a presidency for you to achieve. J/K

I think your a little too young to remember what freedoms were taken away, sure you can choose what church you go to what stuff to buy heck your even still allowed to think creativly. Now though to be quite honest if you were to walk around with your gun in a holster on your side you would most likely be arrested even though its a legal thing to do.

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by deadbang
Badge, Better thicken up the skin a bit...My family and I moved to NZ 2 years ago on a company contract...1 year to go, and what I have learned is that whatever our politicians do back home...we pay for, with the sly anti-american, tongue in cheek, I was just taking the piss or mickey out the yanks remarks.
Even in countries that are our allies, everyone thinks NZ is so great...well they wont hesitate a second to bash us in their radio, newspapers, resturant conversations...etc
Over heard a lady on halloween saying..." It's just another of those bloody horrid American holidays"...I corrected her and told her the roots of Halloween have nothing to do with the U.S....we might have made it fun for the kids...but we did not invent it...trick or treating has been around for a very long time.
Even my Brit friends say...damn, they do give it to the Yanks, don't they.
Overseas living is an eye opener...Stay in the U.S.

no kidding. I lived in britain when I was a kid and all I ever heard were anti-american remarks coming out 9 or 10 year old mouths! Their mothers and fathers were all the same way. I got picked on because I had an "american accent", not to mention I got into fights with the brits quite often in school. They seem to have some wort of grudge against the US, as evident on this board. The friends I had were outcasts mainly, kids from wales or scotland who the brits seemed to exclude. basically, they are a$$holes.

Dont listen to their propaganda, europe isnt any better. In fact, I think they are alot worse off than is commonly known.

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by st3ve_o
hey badge, i can't see your teeth - but if they are straight don't move to the UK, only crooked teeth people live here

id personally move to spain or australia.

[edit on 2-12-2006 by st3ve_o]

thats because they suck their thumbs into their pre-teens, another peculier habbit that my american mother laughed at on a daily basis.

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by Astygia

How hard is it to get a job in Aus or NZ, I wonder...

Easy peasey ... depending of course on what you do or want to do.
But I can say, as a native Aussie currently living in Japan, there is no place like Australia. Melbourne specifically. And the job ops are endless. I hear alot of companies in various industries are outsourcing at the moment due to lack of willing Aussie citizens which is a shame.

I managed to secure a job that required a degree simply by workin my way in over 3 years at a gas company. Good money although the $AUSD is not as good as the $USD of course. But Australia is SO easy to live in
I doubt you would have a problem finding a good job.

Hubby and I are moving back there once he retires from the US Navy. There or NZ
He doesn't care to live in the US anymore either and my desire to do so has dwindled to zip over the last couple of years. Don't get me wrong, the US is a great country ... to visit. As it stands today, I wouldn't want to live there though.

So you're not alone on feeling the way you do badge!
I wish you well on your endeavour

[edit on 2-12-2006 by ImJaded]

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
thats because they suck their thumbs into their pre-teens, another peculier habbit that my american mother laughed at on a daily basis.

erm no it's because british dentistry is #e

over here personality comes first unlike over the atlantic

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by st3ve_o

erm no it's because british dentistry is #e

over here personality comes first unlike over the atlantic

lol just had to give U a
for this, shame about the dentistry over there though

Brits are like Aussies in that way
Personality is certainly more important than concession-stand bling and fake or real (does it really matter? :@@
designer clothing to attract the opposite sex with

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