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Moving out of the U.S.A

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posted on Nov, 1 2006 @ 05:58 PM
Hey everyone.After reading a lot of the b.s. going down here I really REALLY want to get out of the u.s. you know if you dont like it leave! well i want to
Has anyone here made the move from us to europe or asia or just anywhere but the u.s.??
I know it's not an easy thing to do but i would like to hear your guys' input and maybe get some tips/help or something HONESTLY I WANNA GET OUT
Spain seems nice plus i know spanish any other suggestions????

posted on Nov, 1 2006 @ 06:20 PM
I hope that you find what you are looking for, not sure that you will but you might and i hope you do.

Personally i will never leave the USA, if there was a problem that i couldn't live with i'd do whatever it takes to change it.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

posted on Nov, 1 2006 @ 06:32 PM
Badge, Better thicken up the skin a bit...My family and I moved to NZ 2 years ago on a company contract...1 year to go, and what I have learned is that whatever our politicians do back home...we pay for, with the sly anti-american, tongue in cheek, I was just taking the piss or mickey out the yanks remarks.
Even in countries that are our allies, everyone thinks NZ is so great...well they wont hesitate a second to bash us in their radio, newspapers, resturant conversations...etc
Over heard a lady on halloween saying..." It's just another of those bloody horrid American holidays"...I corrected her and told her the roots of Halloween have nothing to do with the U.S....we might have made it fun for the kids...but we did not invent it...trick or treating has been around for a very long time.
Even my Brit friends say...damn, they do give it to the Yanks, don't they.
Overseas living is an eye opener...Stay in the U.S.

posted on Nov, 1 2006 @ 06:54 PM
Move to Rejkavic (spelling ???) Iceland. Nobody ther really gives two s**ts what antics we're up to...if we (USA) blow ourselves off the damn block for that matter. It's far enough but not that so much to not have nose-bleed seats for the light show....Boozing all night (which lasts 18 hours) on glacier filtered Vodka while convulsing to the beats of Paul Oakenfeld...yeahhh....morning breakfasts of goat we're talking !! It retains it's ant colony like simplicity but remains a very hip nation.....What more could you expect from the country that gave you Bjork !! Reasonable rent prices ( 2000 U.S. buckaroo's for a 700 sq. ft studio) and a growing economy in the fishing industry...grab your pole !! ?? nuff' said.....oh but bring a coat though.

Just stay here kiddo' trust me. I live in the most ridiculous county IN the U.S....AKA " The O.C." and at times I want to leave....but I love my country and my fellow Americans !! Besides, we have really cool T.V. shows !!

posted on Nov, 1 2006 @ 07:47 PM
once i was looking at Costa Rica
but that got saturated with wanna-be expatriots

now i'm doing a look see at Panama
maybe even Haiti/Dominican Republic landmass, because its so '4th world',
but only If Panama gets into a Costa-Rica type of upscale-cosmopolitianism

as a very last resort, i would consider central/S.West Turkey...
that area where there are numberous underground 'cities'
~begun in the 600BC era & added on all the way thru the 1100's AD ~
~that area is also elevated & remote enough to escape the ravages of
plundering hordes of displaced persons of wars & should escape the rising
waters as a result of the global warming phase~

in the interim, i'm going to become a non-person by living on the rivers
& waterways here on the east coast....traveling as the seasons change

[edit on 1-11-2006 by St Udio]

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 12:28 PM
If you like action, go to Mexico, the town Oxana or some such.

Seriously, any spanish/latin or english speaking country would be good. Many countries learn english or spanish as a second or third language. Germany and France do not learn english so don't go there. Here in Scandinavia we learn english as second, and can choose the third. German, french and spanish is learned in most schools. German was the most popular, but the last 5 years or so spanish has risen up as the most popular third language. Very many people travel to Spain and even buy a summer house there.

As to avoiding anti-americanism, put in a spanish word here and there and noone will mistake you for an american.. or simulate english dialect... Live three months in Scotland and you'll be mistaken for a scot...

Ones home is wherever one happens to live, right? Most people love their home wheter they live in Sahara, at Great Lakes or in an igloo on Grenland...

Just do some research on the countries you are interested in first so you avoid too many suprises when you arrive there.

[edit on 2-11-2006 by Ghaele]

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 04:17 PM

I'm so sick of hearing people say how this country's politicians are messed up. Let me tell you something. I am 15. That's it. And one day I will change this country (assuming we last that long
) by becoming president. Yea. President. Total Resolution.

So the next time I hear about someone who says this country is bad I'll only say this once; We are still a Democracy despite what spooks say. You can still go to whatever church you want, whatever school you want, or even whatever country you want but please, DON'T think you can't make a difference. Just become powerful. You can and will with determination.

Do it Yourself.

Don't make me.

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 04:31 PM
Spain is nice, but a little too expensive to live in. I would say it all depends on what you plan on doing for a living, where you move. If it's a business career, I would say move to Hong Kong or China. If medical or techie, move to India. If money doesn't matter, move to Dubai. It will amaze you how beautiful that place is.

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 04:42 PM
With your name (xochitl) and your ability to speak Spanish, can I ask how long you and your family have been in the U.S.? Are you a citizen?

If you are a citizen, I would ask that you might try involving yourself in the process instead of running away. If you leave, you'll likely find that you gave up more than you gained.

If you are not a citizen, I won't bother to ask how you got here or why you came in the first place. I would just remind you that the "road" you came in on was not a one-way street.

[edit on 11/2/2006 by centurion1211]

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 04:46 PM
Russia is probably looking some honest capitalists.
They are hurting pretty bad over there.
Maybe you could help.

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by TheBadge
Hey everyone.After reading a lot of the b.s. going down here I really REALLY want to get out of the u.s. you know if you dont like it leave! well i want to
Has anyone here made the move from us to europe or asia or just anywhere but the u.s.??
I know it's not an easy thing to do but i would like to hear your guys' input and maybe get some tips/help or something HONESTLY I WANNA GET OUT
Spain seems nice plus i know spanish any other suggestions????

Depends on the country you move to and the skills you have. I want to move to the UK or Ireland, and it is not exactly easy to get over there and get actual citizenship. Also, you should be aware that the UK and MANY other countries have MUCH fewer rights then we do over here.. even the UK is more relaxed on personal rights then America.. I am personally going, well going to try anyways, to move because I hate American culture lol. Personally I would say go ahead and make the move.. as long as you do it for the right reasons.. and besides.. getting over there is hard, coming home is not. Once a citizen in America always a citizen. And if you find it difficult getting home, Mexico's back door to America is wide open for you.

Also, look around on the web, there are alot of sites that help guide you to move. For instance, I had found a site that gives all kinds of information on how to get from America to Ireland.

I have not been able to find good statistics on job pay overseas though, and European housing markets will rape you ruthlessly!
Hope you find the place that feels like home, and get out of this cultural cesspool we have, this god forsaken land.

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by GrouppenCommander112

I'm so sick of hearing people say how this country's politicians are messed up. Let me tell you something. I am 15. That's it. And one day I will change this country (assuming we last that long
) by becoming president. Yea. President. Total Resolution.

So the next time I hear about someone who says this country is bad I'll only say this once; We are still a Democracy despite what spooks say. You can still go to whatever church you want, whatever school you want, or even whatever country you want but please, DON'T think you can't make a difference. Just become powerful. You can and will with determination.

Do it Yourself.

Don't make me.

u r my teenage hero, go gettem tiger

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 04:54 PM
Go to Australia or NZ.

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 05:06 PM
I too am interested in moving out of the states. Been thinking about it for years actually... though I'm also unsure where to go.

I was thinking about taking a trip to NZ and checking it out, but based on what deadbang says... I wonder if I would be discriminated against as an American?

If only there was a website that gave suggestions on a place to live based on certain traits.

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 05:07 PM
hey thanks everyone

Oaxaca is pretty I have been there Mom is from there hahaha yeah i am a citizen of the usa born and raised Mom from mexico my dad is from the east coast...I still believe i'm gonna do it haha thanks I;m still thinking Spain!

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 05:13 PM
Hey GC112
I was just telling my daughter how this country needs some young blood with new ideas and ideals to turn this great land around. Go for it

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 05:18 PM
austrailia, a nice place, iv'e been there. try there. and it is a large land mass too. if you like the farm sceenery. best wishes. why do you want out? i do not think we are that bad are we? you know something i don't? why are you leaving?

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 05:18 PM
Check on Nicaragua. It's the new retirement location. You can get beach-side properties for a low price right now.

Nicaragua is virtually unknown--and usually misunderstood--by most people, which is why forward-thinking investors can find some of the best real estate deals on Earth in this country. For the record, this country is not in the midst of a civil war...and it's not a Communist state. It has, however, suffered from a serious case of bad press.

As The Wall Street Journal recently reported... "Suddenly, Managua has a skyline. New hotels and shopping centers--with elevators, and even escalators--have sprouted in a capital flattened by a 1972 earthquake and laid low by failed socialism. Arco gas stations, Pizza Huts and McDonald's golden arches rise from the gentle hills. Once a live-fire franchise of the Cold War, Nicaragua and other Central American countries have embraced franchise capitalism."

The paper continued: "U.S. companies arrive to build power plants and telephone networks, to sell hamburgers and pizza. Foreign investors who were fleeing the country a decade ago put $280 million into Nicaragua last year."

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by TheBadge
hey thanks everyone

Oaxaca is pretty I have been there Mom is from there hahaha yeah i am a citizen of the usa born and raised Mom from Mexico my dad is from the east coast...I still believe i'm gonna do it haha thanks I;m still thinking Spain!

Spain is an excellent choice. How old are you, if I may ask? .. Spain, especially in the capital, has a thriving night life. If you want a fun, laid back life style with all the great traditions of Spain, I would make the move! I am going to suggest you stay away from Mexico.. It is great to move back to the land where your family originates from but they have incredibly restrictive laws against immigrants working inside the country (ironic they want us to let them all in huh?
) so you may be without a job in Mexico.. where as Spain's economy allows skilled workers a fair chance. Spain is under the EU, they offer easy to get (as easy as these things get anyways) worker permits. They have special programs for Americans coming over to work in the EU, it does not give you citizen ship though
. you have to live there for a while under a permit of some kind for, I want to say 5 years? before you can apply for citizenship. I may be wrong on that so make sure you research it lol.

I too am interested in moving out of the states. Been thinking about it for years actually... though I'm also unsure where to go.

Sit back.. relax.. maybe read a good book.. where do you see your self? On a street corner in a bustling city with a huge market, the smell of the sea? Maybe a classical land, like Italy, mixed with all that is modern.. where does your family come from? Do you mind over populated cities, or do you prefer small town and rolling green hills? My idea place is western Ireland, a small town maybe, a little farm perhaps. I used to live on a farm as a child.. then the city and the traffic came and swallowed it up. That is America, sprawl and road rage.

The reason I want to move away from America, is because of the culture (or lack there of) and a desire to move back to where my ancestors used to live. America is not right for everyone .. we are very unfriendly people.. how many people talk to their neighbors every night? .. My neighbors a skitzo freak.. always peeping out the window. I am sick of the political correct atmosphere and the broken cities, the falling economy and the poor government. America is not for everyone, and it is not "unpatriotic" to want to move away either.. the land failed you, you did not fail the land. IMHO

Another thing about moving away is you will most likely make more money working here in America, and you pay much less in taxes.

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 05:51 PM
Just remember, you hear horrible things about the American government, but the truth is most places are as bad or worse. And in America, its harder for them to violate your rights then in most places since people bitch about the Constitution.

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