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Kerry is Rove's October Surprise!

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posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 12:15 AM
Personally, not having served (T.G.), I think what Kerry misspoke was pretty accurate. I broke my butt and my bank going to college and on to graduate school and NONE of those folks I know who finished college and/or graduate school ever signed up for any military service. I know of ONE guy who dropped out of undergrad and flew rescue choppers for a few years. That's it.

Now, some good friends down the street sent their oldest son to the University of Hawaii last year in a desperate attempt to keep him from joining up. He came home last spring from HI, told me he HATES college and promptly signed up with infantry. He's at basic now and BOY DOES HE HATE IT! He IS an idiot and now he knows it. He got sucked in by a recruiter when he was vulnerable. Tough luck pal.

Not all military are idiots. But most have some issues IMO whether financial or mental that causes them to give up their liberty and be willing to be told where to go and who to kill and possibly not come back or come back REALLY MESSED UP physically and/or mentally. For me it's similar to prison guards - either they can't get another job to save their lives or they just love being the bad-ass in charge.

The people I feel kinda sorry for are the National Guard who never expected to be in Iraq. I guess the "National" part means the nation of Iraq, right? Chumps.

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 06:01 AM
Well of course there are dumb people and under achievers in the military...George Bush immediately comes to mind.

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 06:33 AM
The only thing left for Kerry to do is commit suicide at this point.

That is the only way he could get out of this- at which point the news stations would say he would be sorely missed.

I still think he works for Bush and Rove- History will prove that eventually.

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by jtma508
Other than medical deferments, the only way to stay out of the draft was by virtue of a student deferment.

Not entirely true. There was also something called an "occupational deferment".

Originally posted by jtma508
In actual fact, Sen. Kerry did not insult or demean our service people. He did not imply it either.

Yes he did imply it. That is the way that people took it, including top members of the Democratic party, the National Commander of the American Legion (Who is, btw, a constituent of Kerry), and the troops:

Originally posted by tsloan
All the above is Rush or Fox news talking points.

Oh geez, I'm busted!

Is that all you got?:shk:

Originally posted by tsloan

Want find this on FOX NEWS.

What are you talking about? FOX News mentioned this several times yesterday.

And I visited his blog early on in this fiasco, and the overwhelming majority of posts were disgusted with his "botched joke".

John Kerry is the only "botched joke" in this entire debacle.

Originally posted by Jamuhn
That's the crazy thing about this age of media snippets. Everyone is so quick to get their information, they don't care about the context. If they can find a few words in a sequence that sounds bad they run with it. And then you get this BS....It is pathetic that people keep falling for the same manueveurs over and over again.

Yes, Tony Snow's "Tar Baby" comment comes to mind.

Originally posted by BenevolentHeretic

Originally posted by KnowItAll
SHAME on all of you who are stating that the military is basically full of idiots and underachievers (paraphrasing)!!!!!!!

Yes, you would have to "paraphrase" (more accurately, totally manufacture) wouldn't you? Because NO ONE is saying that!

I beg to differ:

Originally posted by seattlelaw
Not all military are idiots. But most have some issues IMO whether financial or mental that causes them to give up their liberty and be willing to be told where to go and who to kill and possibly not come back or come back REALLY MESSED UP physically and/or mentally. For me it's similar to prison guards - either they can't get another job to save their lives or they just love being the bad-ass in charge.

The people I feel kinda sorry for are the National Guard who never expected to be in Iraq. I guess the "National" part means the nation of Iraq, right? Chumps.

Emphasis added.

Originally posted by dgtempe
....And Jsobecky, are you implying this is the October surprise? How, unless what i said before that Kerry's in bed with Rove?

No, I don't think so. Remember, Kerry was speaking in Pasadena. Hannity said that before the Kerry gaffe hit the press.

In the 70's, Kerry did it to the troops in VietNam. In Iraq, he called our troops terrorists. Now this.

I think his true colors have been exposed.

Edit typos.

[edit on 2-11-2006 by jsobecky]

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 07:53 AM
Enlisted enter the military with 100% having a high school diploma or GED. The civilian population of the same age has an 89% holding.

Officers have a much higher college degree rate than civilians of the same age population.

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by HoorahUSMC
That is three days of him clarifying that he was calling Bush an Idiot.

Three days of a BACKPEDDLE that was LAME.

He CLAIMS that he was trying to say that we are in Iraq because Bush was an idiot who got poor grades. KERRY got LOWER grades than Bush.

BTW .. my above posted statistics show Kerry is wrong about education levels in the military as well.

Geeeze ... he said exactly what he meant; his backpeddle was found to be severely lacking; and his so called apology was NOT an apology. It was fingerpointing.

'I am sorry my words were misinterpreted ..' That's not an apology. That's pointing fingers at the American people. He took no responsibility for his words because be believes them to be true.

He has a long history - decades long - of trashing the troops. This is just one more incident in a long string of them.

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 11:22 AM
More officers have higher degrees - yeah, but what does that have to do with enlistment figures? How many officers have died relative to the total since the invasion began? The officers are smart enough not to go out on patrol.

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 11:26 AM

I guess the above link is why the right is sooo bent about Kerry I suppose this would shield George Allen from another right wing blunder.

WOW!!! Wonder why this hasn't surfaced? And just think Kerry isn't even up for election?

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 11:47 AM
It's quite evident that Bonesman Kerry is simply bring back balance of the two parties. Like Justin Timberlake is bringing back sexy, Kerry's task leading to the Nov. Elections is to restore balance with the Republican core. After the well documented congressional page scandle that rocked the house, the task of evening out the balance for the (R) Bush Administration is to assign loose lip Kerry to the task of making the Dems look shameful like always. Same thing took place during the 04' elections, anyone with two feet & heart beat could have beat the incumbent, but it was speedo wearing windsurfer guy that flip-flops his stance was responsible for losing the elections.

Kerry & Teresa became life-long servents of the NWO after the successful assassination of contra informant Sen. J Heinz. The mass inherited wealth of his estate was Kerry's payoff towards the S&B society.

[edit on 2-11-2006 by syntaxer]

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 11:52 AM
Hee hee, that George Allen is something else. 'Thuggery by Thugs' should be the public mantra of the right as it is certainly their way of controlling the message and the masses. They use it abroad so why not use it at home. I suppose he's lucky he wasn't incarcerated as a terrorist. I love that the guy is a marine too. What a bunch of a-holes.

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by tsloan

I guess the above link is why the right is sooo bent about Kerry I suppose this would shield George Allen from another right wing blunder.

WOW!!! Wonder why this hasn't surfaced? And just think Kerry isn't even up for election?

Are you implying that it hasn't been shown on the MSM? Because I saw it several times myself, including twice on FOX News.??

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 12:43 PM
Well if it hadn't show up...then Kieth Olbermann wouldn't have show it? But I think this is a big enough stink here in Washington since the GOP has spin control on every single radio station around D.C. to make sure this doesn't get more than a glance by the....How is that Rush would say?..."Drive by media". so as the right would say the liberal media spins things.I think this is a good indicator that the media isn't intrested in spinning things for the left cause if that were the case Republican senator George Allen (Va.) would be plastered all over the media instead of Kerry cause when a Republican senators hit men attack a war vet and independent reporter and then spin the story to say he was working for the Jim Webb office and the story was untrue kinda debunks the whole liberal media.

I just wonder why Kerry is being plastered for a joke when he isn't even up for election? Can you sit back and tell me that the left and right are NOT using this to deflect having to talk about the issues? Or, you just going to hop back on the bash Kerry cause it's fun and we don't need to face the issues bandwagon that seems to have been spun into everyone mind by the media on this topic?

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by tsloan
I just wonder why Kerry is being plastered for a joke when he isn't even up for election?

- It wasn't a joke. He said what he meant. He has a 30 year history of lies against the military.

- He is in the senate. That makes any anti-troop remarks that he makes important.

- He was within a few hundred thousand votes of becoming president in 2004. We almost got stuck with him.

- He wants to be president and has already told numerous sources that he's 'the democratic front runner' and that he intends to run again. (he's dreaming - Hillary is the front runner!!)

Considering that he's in the senate and that he definately thinks he's a presidential candidate .. then it is important to look at what he said. And considering his history - it is very clear that he said exactly what he meant.

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 03:03 PM
How could Kerry be the October surprise if he's not in on it?

Just luck? I think not.

He's given many speeches and never insulted anyone. How did this one work out so well to the Republicans advantage????


posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by tsloan
I just wonder why Kerry is being plastered for a joke when he isn't even up for election?

- It wasn't a joke. He said what he meant. He has a 30 year history of lies against the military.

- He is in the senate. That makes any anti-troop remarks that he makes important.

- He was within a few hundred thousand votes of becoming president in 2004. We almost got stuck with him.

- He wants to be president and has already told numerous sources that he's 'the democratic front runner' and that he intends to run again. (he's dreaming - Hillary is the front runner!!)

Considering that he's in the senate and that he definately thinks he's a presidential candidate .. then it is important to look at what he said. And considering his history - it is very clear that he said exactly what he meant.

And you think Senator George Allen who is being shined up here in D.C. to become a 08' runner isn't worth the "liberal media's" time to smear all over the networks after his hench men ran a marine war vet through the Oklahoma drill as he approached him to ask questions on real issues.
Funny how Kerry's "bad Joke" one of many that have flew out of his mouth over the past two months just so happens to be sooo bad on the day Republican senator George Allens hit squad take out a war vet? That seems a little funny and unless you live here in Washington D.C. you have no idea of the Republican Damage control mafia that has been on the local radio and T.V. outlets to keep this getting more air time than Kerrys stupid joke.

I would think that people would be more upset that a war vet was pretty much ran through the floor after trying to ask a question to a Republican senator since we all know the right Supprts the troops and all? Right???.. I mean having your hit squad take out a former vet with a question is how the right rolls isn't it? Am I just not getting that a assualt is far more insulting to me than a bad joke....Oh yea I forgot! That bad joke was just enough to shield the right from answering any questions on a failed Iraq policy that has gone from "Stay the course" to "We never said stay the course" Or maybe it was to shield Rush from slandering hollywood celebraties with disabilities or maybe it could shield the speaker of the house from answering questions about how long he knew Foley was play internet grab ass with 16 year old boys...?
I mean which one of these issues is Kerry suppose to shield?


posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by tsloan
Well if it hadn't show up...then Kieth Olbermann wouldn't have show it?

I don't know from Keith Olberman. I have never watched him.

But I think this is a big enough stink here in Washington since the GOP has spin control on every single radio station around D.C. to make sure this doesn't get more than a glance by the....How is that Rush would say?..."Drive by media".

You may be right about the radio media. Liberal radio shows have a dismal record in the US; look at Air America Radio. But liberals control other forms of media, including newspapers like the New York Times, the Boston Globe, and the LA Times. All of which are rapidly losing subscribers, btw. And with the exception of FOX News, they control TV. FOX News is the #1 cable news network, btw.

so as the right would say the liberal media spins things.I think this is a good indicator that the media isn't intrested in spinning things for the left cause if that were the case Republican senator George Allen (Va.) would be plastered all over the media instead of Kerry cause when a Republican senators hit men attack a war vet and independent reporter and then spin the story to say he was working for the Jim Webb office and the story was untrue kinda debunks the whole liberal media.

The point is, Allen himself did nothing. His staffers and security ejected a heckler who was getting dangerously close to Allen. Where's the news here?

I just wonder why Kerry is being plastered for a joke when he isn't even up for election?

Because, as FF has pointed out, he is a top Democrat who was the presidential candidate in 2004. At the time of his "botched joke", he was out on a campaign tour for Democratic candidates.

Can you sit back and tell me that the left and right are NOT using this to deflect having to talk about the issues?

Of course they are. That's the current state of politics in the US.

Am I just not getting that a assualt is far more insulting to me than a bad joke....

Yeah, I know. We just have to go back to this spring when Cynthia McKinney assaulted a Capitol Police officer with her cellphone. I'm sure you were highly insulted by that incident, weren't you?

Kerry didn't even have the integrity to stand in front of the cameras and apologize. He had to hide behind an entry in his blog. He's a coward.

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
The point is, Allen himself did nothing. His staffers and security ejected a heckler who was getting dangerously close to Allen. Where's the news here?

I guess we will let the courts decide what was proper in this situation, as the gentleman said he would be pressing charges against the Senator and his people. Don't know how he can press charges against someone who didn't even touch him physically, but I'm sure there is a lawyer who will argue it.

Jsobecky does make a good point, if you look at the video you see someone, a large man, with a backpack, getting loud and trying to get around Sen. Allen's handlers to get up close to him. In fact he actually brushes up against the handlers as he tries to get though to Sen. Allen before he is physically stopped and then asks a rather insulting personal question. They went overboard in my opinon, but it wasn't as if there wasn't some cause for a little concern considering his actions.

posted on Nov, 2 2006 @ 10:48 PM
Kerry made a realistic and brave statement about the system. That said, it was light and he could of gone deeper.

The neocons didn't like the truth coming out, it was a threat and a big no-no.

Damage control was to brand him "unpatriotic" and keep the hordes on their side. The reassuring ire began.

Afterall, if Kerry was right then we're just cattle. No-one likes to think they're played.

It's so obvious.

posted on Nov, 3 2006 @ 02:31 AM
jsobecky, keith olberman is an anchor on msnbc and has made some very intelligent comments towards the administration. Here is his from last nite. There is a thread on here about a month ago, he made some statements also. Ill see if i can dig em up. I agree whole heartedly with Mr. Olberman and his comments.

Part One

Part Two

Ahh here it is, SO posted it.

Olberman blasts them

If you have about 20 minutes. Id watch the one from SO's thread first, then his remarks from last nite. I applaud Keith Olberman for standing up and saying ON CAMERA what he thinks and feels about what is going on. And giving an educated opinion about them.

To all of you yelling about Kerry. What about the republican Baynor saying dont blame Rumsfield for the problems in Iraq, its the generals over theres fault. Why is noone up in arms about that comment??? ITS THE GENERALS FAULT??? And before you flame me, watch Keiths video and see the commented Context of Kerrys statement.( i will post a link to that statement as soon as i find where i read it or seen it.)

If there was a Draft on, and the sons and daughters of the upper elite were possibly going to be pulled into this war against their own will, you would have seen this end long ago. Thats why there are no massive protests across the country of young people, hell people in general, like there was in the vietnam era, they are not sweating getting sent to their death for a drafted agenda. There is a choice to stay or go. If there was such a long line to get into the military, there would have been no need to lower the criteria to get in.

It is well known that recruiters target low income neighborhoods and schools with the promise of signup bonuses and college tuition for recruits to fill the ranks. At the 2 school districts i worked at, in predominantly lower class migrant worker towns, they had recruiters on campus fulltime with their own offices, paid for office space by the us government.

posted on Nov, 3 2006 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by S1LV3R4D0
To all of you yelling about Kerry. What about the republican Baynor saying dont blame Rumsfield for the problems in Iraq, its the generals over theres fault. Why is noone up in arms about that comment??? ITS THE GENERALS FAULT??? And before you flame me, watch Keiths video and see the commented Context of Kerrys statement.( i will post a link to that statement as soon as i find where i read it or seen it.)

I haven't heard Baynor's statement, but I do agree with you about Rumsfeld. He should go. That is one of Bush's biggest faults; undying loyalty to a fault. I know of at least two times that Rumsfeld offered his resignation to Bush; Bush wouldn't accept it.

The leading favorite to replace Rumsfeld is James Baker. While I would welcome a change, I don't know that I agree with all of Baker's philosophy.

No, the war isn't run by the generals, unfortunately. It is run by the politicians. That's why we're in such a big mess over there.

Edit to add: Thanks for the links - I'll watch them as soon as I get time.

[edit on 3-11-2006 by jsobecky]

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