However due to the nature of your wish to alter the immediate past the very fabric of time was irreparably corrupted...the end result was that
JamesHawking's prediction did in fact come TRUE and the world did in fact end.
Thanks a lot
I wish my cats would learn to use the toilet - and FLUSH!
Your control over your huge mutant kitties living in underground sewers is shortlived as someone who has control over their large mutant Dogs chases
down and kills all the kitties...
Ooohh! I can almost smell it cooking. Granted but then a dead spider happens to wind up in the seasoning they put on your meal the particular day your
eating there and you have severe stomach problems for a week.
I wish the kids wouldn't let the cats in every time we turn our backs
That would be cool. Granted! But then you land in a manhole that someone has just taken the lid off of and you go down into the sewer and get washed
all the way to the treatment plant.
Granted, but you only have that god-awful SingStar for the PS3 and only a 5-minute demo of Red Steel for the Wii. You get so bored, you jump off guessed it, cliff!
I wish I could find a job this week so I can buy loads of stuff that I don't need.
But the jobs sucks that bad you go insane, and the stuff you dont need turns out tto be a pack of lions and a pack of hyeinas(sp?)
You are eaten.
I wish so many people hadn't been pushed or fallen off cliffs!!!
Granted, but then they would have been burned alive. And would you really want that on your mind? No, no you wouldn't, unless your some kind of
sick-psychopathic cliff hating kind of person.
Soooo...the afterlife ain't so bad. That fall was something else....definitely won't have the guts to do that again (very punny) as I sit here
nursing the most amazing Texas Tea, whilst being fanned by my semi-nekked, deaf/mute pool guy thing bothers me...
I never finished my wish...
So here from the afterlife: I wish my pool was filled with champagne... (the powers that be seem to feel it's overkill and have refused to comply) so
I must take this to the higher ups here on ATS...
I am so sorry that your dead, but you seem happy enough, I'll grant your wish. Unfortunately though, the pool guy likes the champers so much, he
explodes, somehow killing you again.
However as sometimes happen fate addition to being less morbid we are also forced "clockwork orange style" to relive the "Kindness
Thread" for all eternity.
I wish that Raoul hadn't exploded and killed me...I barely got a sip out of My Texas Tea!