posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 03:20 AM
The latest update on hagmannpi states they think the main plot is to destroy the "Temple Mount" and blame it on Israel and the U.S......This is what
Israel has been waiting for so they can rebuild their temple.
11 November 2003; 1245 EST: Network analysts Joclyn Ross and "Patriot" have uncovered what appears to be the "precursor event" that will surely be
the start terrorist activities beginning in the Middle East and the United States. In a plan reminiscent of and designed after Kristalnacht (night of
broken glass) that propelled the Nazi Party to power before WWII, al Qaeda terrorists appear to be in the "execution phase" of destroying "their
own" Mosque. The current and most recent political and religious issues regarding the Mosque notwithstanding, the attack on and the potential
destruction of this significant Muslim shrine is designed to enrage Muslims worldwide. The plot to destroy the Mosque by fundamentalist Islamic
terrorists, then placing the blame on the "Zionists and the Americans", if not stopped in time, will be the platform from which all further
retaliatory strikes will be made. This is THE event that has been referenced in a number of sermons, jihad posts, and other channels of communication
that will mark the call to jihad in the United States.
The Al-Aqsa Mosque (Arabic: Masjid Al-Aqsa) is part of the complex of religious buildings in Jerusalem known as either the Majed Mount or Al-Haram
ash-Sharif (the Noble Sanctuary).
Muslim tradition states that Muhammad ascended to heaven from the Mount in 621, making the mosque the third most holy shrine in Islam. After the Dome
of the Rock (690 CE) the first wooden Al-Aqsa Mosque was constructed by the Umayyads, completed in 710 CE. The structure has been rebuilt at least
five times; it was entirely destroyed at least once by earthquakes. The last major rebuild was in 1035.
The Al-Aqsa Mosque is the largest mosque in Jerusalem; about 5,000 people can worship in and around the mosque. It shows a mixture of styles including
Crusader work from when the Crusaders held Jerusalem, during which the mosque was used as a palace and called the Temple of Solomon, in the belief
that the mosque was built on the site of the original temple. Al-Aqsa has been at times the target of attacks by Jewish extremists (see Temple Mount
for more details), but most attempts were averted by Israel's security services
Since part of the mosque's extended surrounding wall is the Western Wall venerated by Jews, this relatively tiny spot in Jerusalem can become the
source of friction. There have been times when enraged Muslims worshiping at the mosque have hurled rocks downward at the Jews praying below at the
Western Wall. A group of Jews known as the Temple Mount Faithful actually have plans to rebuild the ancient Jewish Temple in that area.
[Edited on 11-11-2003 by thehippiedude]