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655,000 Iraqis killed since start of war

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posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 02:29 PM
The casualties suffered in Iraq are horrific but whats even more distubing is the criminal Use of "Depleted" Uranium Munitions by both American and British forces. There use is truly criminal, not to mention the total disregard for the environment and of course the people in Iraq.

Checkout the first link for the effects of DU on humans. These picture are truly horrific and sickening. Every British & American politician and the people who support this war should be forced to see these pictures. Maybe next time they'll think twice about waging war and try and find a diplomactic way to bring about peace instead. As for DU Munitions they should be banned. Got to laugh when you hear Bush & Blair talk about combating pollution and globar warming. Yet they fully support the use of DU Munitions.....criminals!!!!!

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555

The media is trying to control you. Why do so many of you follow them like a bunch of sheep? They are not elected and when they lie they get into no trouble. Why do you trust any of them? Don't you have any self esteem? Why do you let these people do this to you? Instead of attacking the source of the problem you are attacking each other. That is just what they are betting you will do. As long as they can keep us arguing both the Politicians and the Media can take turns controlling us. Wake Up!!!!!!!!!!

You have voted Blaine91555 for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

Obsolutely!! Divide and conquer. I am also, sadly, guilty of this at times. Well stated. Big Up's!

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 05:17 PM
There are two sides to every story on with this one you have lies, murder and mayhem and on the other you have a well documented survey carried out by scientists who have collated not just verbal evidence but documentary evidnce as well.

So to the disbelievers even if you take the lower figure of the wild estimates its 300k+, thats how many Saddam Insane killed in 25 years of terror. So for all those who wish to spread democracy and support war give yourselves a big pat on the back.

And the best of it is that troops may be kept there for another 4 years, so plenty more murder and mayhem. Another Vietnam for America, our actions in Iraq has created a vacum into which everyone with a grudge against the UK/USA is going there just so they can kill our soldiers and the Iraqi people who support them.

Here's an idea why not pull the troops out, send in the politicians, and the rich who pay and control them. We'll make it fair we will give them gun's so they will have a fighting chance, about as much chance as our troops and the Iraqi people have.

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 05:37 PM
HEY! If this genocide means I can eat McDonalds at a new disneyland type of operation, and then go visit a Wal-Mart to re-up on supplies and go watch a movie at a cine-plex in Iraq in about ten years, then damnit it is allll justified. AmerIraq will be a wonderful new capitalist haven for us Westerners and we should all appreciate it.

Oh wait... thatd be like the same thing we did to the Native Americans here. Oh well.

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by kindred
The casualties suffered in Iraq are horrific but whats even more distubing is the criminal Use of "Depleted" Uranium Munitions by both American and British forces. There use is truly criminal, not to mention the total disregard for the environment and of course the people in Iraq.

Checkout the first link for the effects of DU on humans. These picture are truly horrific and sickening. Every British & American politician and the people who support this war should be forced to see these pictures. Maybe next time they'll think twice about waging war and try and find a diplomactic way to bring about peace instead. As for DU Munitions they should be banned. Got to laugh when you hear Bush & Blair talk about combating pollution and globar warming. Yet they fully support the use of DU Munitions.....criminals!!!!!

Every one sights these studies but can anyone show me an enviromental evaluation of these countries before the US started using DU rounds in them? I haven't seen one yet. I worked in the UAE, KSA, and Oman and none of these countries are what I'd call concerned with the enviroment. I've visited some parts of the Warsaw pact and didn't see too much concern for the enviroment there either. What other man-made enviromental factors are contributors to the increase incidences of cancers and birth defects? I don't condone the US use of DU rounds against non- armored vehicles. But every one of these studies places all the blame in these countries on DU when it is clearly not to blame for all the problems these countries face. While the US use of DU rounds is clearly not helping the situation, the motives of the sites is clearly one sided and their conclusions are skewed.

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by TONE23
I am really at a loss here. 600,000 Iraqis are dead... and we are helping this country again how?

The death of 600,000 iraqis is well worth preventing another 911. US foreign policy exists to help the US, not other countries.

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211
This all politically timed to influence the U.S. elections coming up. Read this article just in from CNN (no friend of the current administration) regarding this outrageous report: (my bolding added)

CNN Article

AMAZING. Centurion debunks the story ... others debunk ... and yet there are still some who post that America is scum; it's Bush's fault; etc etc etc.

Hey folks .. the figure is flat out wrong. This is just to influence US elections and it's wrong. But hey .. I guess bashing the USA and/or Bush is more fun than understanding the situation and seeing the FACT that the story is bogus, eh?

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
The death of 600,000 iraqis is well worth preventing another 911. US foreign policy exists to help the US, not other countries.

please say you were being sarcastic

to condon the death of over 600,000 people what kind of person are you?
if thats how the US protects its people by killing countless thousends then the United states has become the true evil

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 07:01 PM
Some of you people will believe anything!
As long as you think it is critical of Bush

Hey! CNN how about doing an investigation on your own instead of reporting on, in your own words "a controversial new study"

With the likes of CNN and their ilk, denying ignorance has never been easier!

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by bodrul
to condon the death of over 600,000 people what kind of person are you?
if thats how the US protects its people by killing countless thousends...

Let me see here, bodrul, you have gone from "600,000" to the killing of "countless thousands." Which is it, bodrul, hrm?

Furthermore, "countless thousands"?!
Is that a double negative or simply something said that makes no definitional sense?

S: (adj) countless, infinite, innumerable, innumerous, multitudinous, myriad, numberless, uncounted, unnumberable, unnumbered, unnumerable (too numerous to be counted) "incalculable riches"; "countless hours"; "an infinite number of reasons"; "innumerable difficulties"; "the multitudinous seas"; "myriad stars"; "untold thousands"

Taking into account the definition of 'countless', you still went on to attribute a number value to that 'countless'.....oh my.

Another debunker article discrediting Eisenhower's 'favorite' (Not) newspaper, the New York Times:
AP, NYT Report Inflated Number of Deaths in Iraq

[edit on 11-10-2006 by Seekerof]

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 07:24 PM
thanks for getting the definition (god knows your reason behind it)
whats your problem i shall use the term countless if i please (unless you think it would have been worth while to mention over 600,000 twice?)

also bravo you know how to use definition

give your self a pat on the back

a quick edit
the iraqi death toll is countless since people are dieing every day/week thanks to the USs action

[edit on 11-10-2006 by bodrul]

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by bodrul
thanks for getting the definition (god knows your reason behind it)
whats your problem i shall use the term countless if i please (unless you think it would have been worth while to mention over 600,000 twice?)

Ah, yes, you can most certainly use words as you so please, as such, please do continue to carry on.

also bravo you know how to use definition

give your self a pat on the back

I would have much preferred to have given you the "pat on the back" for properly using 'countless' versus "countless thousands." Bet.

[edit on 11-10-2006 by Seekerof]

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 07:41 PM
One thing I heard, not sure if this is true, but the Iraqi population has been in decline for the last couple of years . Brings pcutures into my mind of a de-population program in progress.

[edit on C:Wedocu10e10 by Opus]

[edit on C:Wedocu10e10 by Opus]

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by bodrul
please say you were being sarcastic

Of course not.

to condon the death of over 600,000 people what kind of person are you?

I'm part of that 'people' that nuked two enemy cities to end a war sooner. You think today is any different than back then?

if thats how the US protects its people by killing countless thousends then the United states has become the true evil


posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 08:12 PM
You'll find that this survey isn't as "debunked" as some on here like to make out.

In fact, the methodology is US government approved methodology for obtaining death figures. Go figure.

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by steve99
The last estimate I saw here was 45,000 about 2 months ago. Where did the other 620,000 come from. That has to be an inflated number, if that many were killed it would be all over the news.

And why do you trust the news?.....

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by Opus
One thing I heard, not sure if this is true, but the Iraqi population has been in decline for the last couple of years . Brings pcutures into my mind of a de-population program in progress.

That's what I was thinking as well. The NWO needs to bring down the earth's population. Who's next?

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 09:08 PM
Whether the 600,000 is accurate or not, what Nygdan said is cold, calculating, and 100% true. US foreign policy exists for the sake of the US.

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by dbates
Wow! That says quite a bit. If the coalition forces are only responsible for 31 percent of the deaths (out of 655,000) who's responsible for the rest of these deaths? Someone else besides the U.S. is responsible for over 425,000 deaths. I guess we should get to the bottom of this. This whole thing seems shady and sensationalized to me.

Well, All these car bombs, and mass killings can be directly attributed to the US being present in the country.

So just because the 31% are killed directly from US Tank, and machine gun fire..
The Rest are a result of the suicide bombings from the insurgents that hte US has created....

655,000 does seem pretty high...
But what do you expect when the forces on the ground refuse to do ' body counts '
When they refuse to achnowledge the REAL level of violence
When they use loop holes and gimmics to lower the number of coalition casualities..
and when they control the media comoing out of Iraq, to picture them as succeeding.

655,000 does seem high, but what do you expect the public to state, when the government wont allow us any proper information.

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 10:58 PM
OK, so Saddam is on trail for genecide which is, I beleive, a war crime for killing some 200K people, therefore the US and Bush should also be under those charges. Opps he change the law, refused to abid by previous ruling.

Just remember folks, what the government does to others, is exactly what they will do to you - because in their eyes it is an "us"(The leaders, politicians, and statesmen) and there is "them"(the public, surf's, etc).

It is a sad sad day, but Karma is a biotch and it is always paid in full.

As for American foriegn policy. With all due respect how does anyone that shovels that tripe not walk into walls for being so short sighted? It is precisely the foriegn policy being the way it is(Only caring about the bank rollers of business and government) and not the average person that got Amerika into this mess.

And who paid for it? The people! Who didn't pay for it? Those that drew up the foriegn policy!

If you trample on peoples human rights, if you disregard the rule of law. If, by your lies 100's of thousands of people die then you are a war criminal and you will be brought to justice one way or another.

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