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9/11 Conspiracy hits South Park

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posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by 2PacSade
No mention of WTC 7? Are they nuts? South Park dropped a notch or two IMHO.

Are they that loyal to the official story. . . BOOOOO. . . BOOOOO

Crab People revolt!!! ARRRGGG!!! Now is your time to take power. . .


[edit on 11-10-2006 by 2PacSade]

Oh please! Get over yourself.

That was a hysterical episode, not one of their best but still very funny. Everyone gets it in the neck from Stone and Parker at some point. They're taking the piss every week, and of course it's no big deal to the people it isn't taking the piss out of.

I believe there were some things not right on 9/11, but I didn't let that ruin my enjoyment of this episode, learn to laugh at yourselves folks.

I'm guessing they hit the nail on the head with "1/4 of the American population being retards".

[edit on 12-10-2006 by John Nada]

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by Astygia
You can't expect Parker and Stone to make a substantial political statement through South Park.

They often do actually, for what they can get out of 30 minutes anyway. And some dick and fart jokes of course.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 11:57 AM
It just makes fun of everyone in true South Park style. This episode was not very funny imo, it was lame. The bit where Rumsfeld says "Beautful money! haha" was lol. I was surprised by the blatant advertisment.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by John Nada
And some dick and fart jokes of course.

Ahhhh yes....Mackey's descripitons of the turd throughout the whole episode...hilarious.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 12:43 PM
ANyone who wants to view clips of the show can see them here.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 01:18 PM
WHEN the truth is out, some little fat kid totally needs to say to whoever - 'You nearly got away with it you sneaky butthole.'

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Slice

So the Muslims are smarter and more capable of pulling off 911, than the US government? It would be 100 times easyer for the government to pull off 911, than it would a groupd of Muslims.

[edit on 11-10-2006 by Slice]

It would be 100 times easier if the theory was that the government hijacked and crashed 4 planes and then admitted doing so publicly, but I've never heard that theory. You can't really compare the "ease" of terrorists pulling off the official story with some of the alternate theories involving our gov that include things like missles, pre-taped CGI plane crash video switched in to live television feeds, disappearing passengers, planted explosives, planted eye witnesses, fake photographs, & fake eye witness videos.

Oh and imo southpark was hilarious. Does anybody have a count of how many different phrases were used to descirbe droppin a deuce in the urinal?

I think this is my first post! I'm so excited!

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by redrumten

Oh and imo southpark was hilarious. Does anybody have a count of how many different phrases were used to descirbe droppin a deuce in the urinal?

I think this is my first post! I'm so excited!

Grats Red on your first post! I don't know how many different phrases he used, but when I watch it again, I will count them. I didnt' know you could describe it in sooo many ways.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by jab712
Grats Red on your first post! I don't know how many different phrases he used, but when I watch it again, I will count them. I didnt' know you could describe it in sooo many ways.

"A dook in the urinal" was probably my favourite.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 04:22 PM
It was hilarious... if there's anyone that doubts who they were making fun of, you need only listen to the last 5 mins of the show.

"We do tell people the plain truth, but it's not our fault that 25% of the country is retarded..."

Typical South Park, leaves the insultees unsure if they just got blasted, while the people that can read between the lines got it from the start of the episode to the end of it.

Great job Matt and Trey...

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by sp00ner
It was hilarious... if there's anyone that doubts who they were making fun of, you need only listen to the last 5 mins of the show.

"We do tell people the plain truth, but it's not our fault that 25% of the country is retarded..."

Typical South Park, leaves the insultees unsure if they just got blasted, while the people that can read between the lines got it from the start of the episode to the end of it.

Great job Matt and Trey...

You hit the nail right on the head there my friend

There were a couple times I was wondering if people watched the same show I did....hehehe

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 06:36 PM
Lol sorry to be off topic and whatnot.

But I the missed new episode, I'm going to catch the re-run over the weekend

But since some of you stated that the new one was'nt the best one, IMO the Funniest episode of South Park goes undoubtably to "Chicken Lover" lmao. How funny does that sound? Guess what the episodes about

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 06:45 PM

just watched it, for me it was funny as hell but i have long since stopped trying to make any sense out of anything those two loonies do....and they call other people retarded

world of warcraft episode was even better though

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by jab712
Ahhhh yes....Mackey's descripitons of the turd throughout the whole episode...hilarious.

That was great. I have to say the "chocolate hot dog" is going to be used in my vocabulary now.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 06:54 PM
Right, time to put my Tin Foil Hat on...

Dunno if this has been mentioned, or if its relevant...If the overall tone was less than sympathetic towards CT'ers (as some have said), why was reference made to, or whatever it was? (I haven't seen the show...I haven't got a telly)

Is South Park controlled by the governement? Were they directing people to information which, rather than arousing peoples suspicions, will make them chuckle at the outrageousness of the 'crazies'?

Or was it just 'balance'?

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 09:02 PM
I am a huge South Park fan. I also think 9/11 was an inside job, now here's what I thought of the episode:

1. First off, it was flat-out FUNNY! Not just the 9/11 scenes but Mr Mackey and his varied descriptions of taking a dump in the urinals! Had me in stitches.
2. I actually thought the content actually supported the truth movement, even if they were having laughs at their expense. Factoid-after-factoid came out that could (subliminally?) make the viewer consider this particular conspiracy in a different light. Now, whether Parker & Stone intended it to be that way, who knows, but I wouldn't be surprised if it actually made a few more people think twice and ponder this if they haven't already done so before.
3. They made the viewer aware of 'conspiracies within conspiracies' - layers of deception. Again, whether they intended to educate the public in this way isn't the point, chances are they simply aimed to take the mickey out of it all. But the overall message of it, even if they were having a laugh at it all, was "things aren't as they seem".

Loved how they threw Charlie Sheen in there, and Stan's 9/11 song interlude was a crackup.

You can watch the episode here - #1009. The World of Warcraft episode was brilliant too. One of the best South Park episodes I've seen in a long time.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 09:24 PM

just the most intricate plan ever


it was huge

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 11:15 PM
It not true! It actually worse! Half of all Americans have below average intelligence.

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by jab712

There were a couple times I was wondering if people watched the same show I did....hehehe

I guess they didn't have a clue.

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 08:57 AM
I saw the episode. It was pretty good. I've never been much of a fan of potty humor, but "chocolate hot dog" is definitely going in my repertoire of allusions to poo. However, I noticed something in this thread that cracks me up more than the episode.

A lot of people here seem to think that South Park is supposed to carry the banner for you. That Trey Parker et al are on some sort of moral crusade to make right what once went wrong, to go where no one has gone before, to stand and deliver, to blah get the point. Let me burst that little bubble.

They're a satire TV show. They are in business to do two things: Make Money and have fun.

For those of you who think they're controlled by the government, have sold out, have jumped the shark, have betrayed your trust, have failed to deliver the goods on "what really happened", you need to take a few steps back and realize what you're demanding of a cartoon by two social critics designed to cash in on a very jaded and humor-loving demographic. This isn't the news. This isn't some deep inside-reporting or documentary of truthiness. It doesn't even rank up there with The Daily Show as far as facts are concerned.

It's a bloody cartoon designed to get some laughs out of bitter people.

And it usually does a fantastic job of doing exactly just that. So please, don't go thinking that South Park owes anyone anything, except for its sponsers, to whom it owes some air time during broadcasts. If you want depth of meaning, and facts, and actual thought, don't try to get it from a cartoon, and don't be angry when it doesn't deliver.

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