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9/11 Conspiracy hits South Park

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posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by doctorfungi
And bsbray11,
This thread is about South Park so keep it that way. Save your crap for all the other BS threads.

Pick a thread and use it to tell me why what I just posted was "crap" or "BS".

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 10:49 PM
Or just to the links in my signature and watch "Screw Loose Change" and read all the facts on

Loose Change: Half Quotes, Miss-Quotes, Lies and Deceptive pictures at their best.

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 10:50 PM
That's not proving anything. Please insert another quarter and try again.

Loose Change: Half Quotes, Miss-Quotes, Lies and Deceptive pictures at their best.

Who was it that came up with the pancake theory? and who is it that isn't standing by it today?

Ohh wait that was NIST and FEMA, try again pal, even the pros are becoming a tad redundant on their own theories.

[edit on 10/9/2006 by ThichHeaded]

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 11:13 PM
Who mentioned Loose Change, Fungi?

Btw, referring us to links that we've already seen and debunked, is not a discussion. I could point you to Scholars for 9/11 truth. Unlike "9/11 myths", the Scholars site has actual structural engineers, mechanical engineers, physicists, chemists, etc., that are actually formally educated.

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 03:54 AM
back to topic. I can assume that reactions will be posted right after the episode airs? Non-american fans like me can probably catch it the next day on youtube.
Still curious where they gonna bring it, probably straight to the land of the ridiculous and the utterly absurd (love that place, go cartman!). But who knows, occasionaly some truth slips into the writing...
We'll see tomorow, i guess.

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 04:54 AM
Yeah I can't wait for this episode, you've gotta love southpark

If anyone can't get it in their country like me. Then check out this site for a torrent d/l

Mr Twigs

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 04:57 AM
very much look forword in seeing this SP event and breaking it down here after it airs!!!! woo!

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 05:15 AM
Ok here's what I'm guessing they'll do.

Eric Cartman tries to convince Kyle that the Jews were responsible for 9/11 as a nutural Cartman way of ripping on Jews. Kyle will deny it at first and then start believing him until Stan starts talking.

Stan's dad will buy into another conspiracy and go crazy as he always does lol.

Throughout the episode South Park will demonstrate the stupidity of 9/11 theories.

In the end Cartmen gets proven wrong and Kyle says what he's learned today...

I'm 70% sure that's what'll happen lol

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 05:26 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11
Who mentioned Loose Change, Fungi?

Btw, referring us to links that we've already seen and debunked, is not a discussion. I could point you to Scholars for 9/11 truth. Unlike "9/11 myths", the Scholars site has actual structural engineers, mechanical engineers, physicists, chemists, etc., that are actually formally educated.

They are just spouting the same crap. I can't believe so called 'professors' have such a lack of common sense and logic.

They have links to Loose Change and 9/11 mysteries on their front page! Two movies that have been not only debunked, but showed to be spouting a bias so full in itself that the creators are actually LYING and making stuff up to prove a point. It's the same crap recycled over and over.

What you're failing to realise is that people who are higher up in the same fields as the 9/11 scholars say that the scholars are stupid, crazy and mislead. The nubmer one structual engineering company supports the official story. There are people working on 9/11 investigations with far more experience than the 9/11 scholars and their conclusion is that the official story is true. What makes you think the scholars know it all? When CT'ers are questioned about that all you get is "They are working for Bush" without one peice of evidence.

I don't know what's worse... a sheep for the Government or a sheep for a movement that is dangerously close to a cult.

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 06:59 AM

They have links to Loose Change and 9/11 mysteries on their front page! Two movies that have been not only debunked

Screw Loose Change is a very sad excuse for a debunking piece, even worse than Popular Mechanics!

It does however point out SOME errors in Loose Change. Hardly a decent debunking piece.

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 07:16 AM
Isn't Screw Loose change basically the equivilent of some guy replaying a documentary and just saying "Nooot Uhh" over and over again, scene by scene?

And ontopic, I'm sure South Park will be funny, and it will be about the jews.

And ironically, they are probably the real people behind it all.


posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11

Originally posted by doctorfungi
Unfortunately for the CT'ers

Maybe you can be the first to tell me what "CT'er" means.

"Conspiracy theory'er"? "Conspiracy theorist'er"?

Got some real intellectuals on here, don't we?

Though I dont use the term "CT'er" myself, I believe it stands for Conspiracy Theorizer.

"Theorizer: (?), n. One who theorizes or speculates; a theorist"

Hope that clears some things up.

[edit on 10-10-2006 by JohnDoe43]

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by snoopy

The way I see it is that the leigitmate CTers will find this very funny. It's the people who are just posers who will be offended by it. Thats beause for some people it attacks them personally since they use CT issues to justify their personal existence an purpose in life. Where as real CTers jsut want to get to the bottom of things and find answers and not use conspiracies to compensate for things missing in their lives. Those ones are usually the ones that make real CTers look bad by bringing up these insane baseless theories. Probably fed to them as misinformation to discredit the real Cters.

Excellent take on matters, not just regarding this thread but the internet in general.

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 08:01 AM

Isn't Screw Loose change basically the equivilent of some guy replaying a documentary and just saying "Nooot Uhh" over and over again, scene by scene?

At least half of it yes.

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 10:18 AM
regardless of what conclusions the show comes up with, it will definitely stir up some debate. The truth cannot be stopped. NeoCons, stage another attack and we will take you down.

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by doctorfungi

What you're failing to realise is that people who are higher up in the same fields as the 9/11 scholars say that the scholars are stupid, crazy and mislead. The nubmer one structual engineering company supports the official story. There are people working on 9/11 investigations with far more experience than the 9/11 scholars and their conclusion is that the official story is true. What makes you think the scholars know it all? When CT'ers are questioned about that all you get is "They are working for Bush" without one peice of evidence.

I don't know what's worse... a sheep for the Government or a sheep for a movement that is dangerously close to a cult.

I don't think they're working directly for Bush. I think most of them are just too scared to say anything for fear of their careers. Professors who speak a different viewpoint are ridiculed & sent home.

How come they refuse to do any peer analysis when different hypothesis are brought to their attention & an opinion is solicited? They won't even look at them. If they're so confident they're correct then how come they don't just do the analysis & prove it? It's because they're too scared, not because they're right.

The two co-chairmen of the 911 Commission have even said the Government was not fourthcoming with information, and that we have not been told the whole truth! The government gave bogus timelines, etc., and some testimony & informantion had to be ultimately obtained by subpeona!

Now, not to be totally off topic with this post, I too love South Park. They're dead on with a lot of the stuff they write. I just hope they do a good job with this episode too & tell it like it is. . . That there are still many unanswered questions out there that the government refuses to acknowledge. . .

fixed quotes

[edit on 10-10-2006 by 2PacSade]

fixed on 2nd attempt

[edit on 10-10-2006 by 2PacSade]

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by freakyty
When Kyle and Stan hit the road in search of the truth, they come face-to-face with the masterminds who pulled off the most elaborate, intricate and flawlessly executed operation in American history.

It's the bloody crab people! They've ALWAYS been the ones behind 9/11. I said as much on 9/22... see?

(edited for compactness)

Originally posted by thelibra
As for what I believe about 9/11... it was the crab people. And no amount of evidence, or even a signed affidavit by Trey Parker, the President, the Pope, and God, will change my mind. Those bloody crab people are responsible and I know it.

Originally posted by 2PacSade
So I take it that if we can capture a high ranking CRABbarean official, and he/she/ ( unisex individual correct title placed here ), spills the beans & unequivocally denies they had anything to do with it, then you will change your mind?

Absolutley not. Everyone knows the crab people are a bunch of filthy liars, and even if they told what they thought was the truth, their true shadow-masters would be the real ones pulling the strings anyway. Any sort of alleged "proof" that the crab people didn't cause 9/11 is nothing more than a disinformation psyop!

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 11:26 AM
Anyone who gets upset or offended by South Park takes themselves far too seriously.. Im a World of Warcraft player and thought last weeks episode was the Best Episode Ever. Bloomin hilarious!

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by dawa
Anyone who gets upset or offended by South Park takes themselves far too seriously.. Im a World of Warcraft player and thought last weeks episode was the Best Episode Ever. Bloomin hilarious!

My wife looked at me halfway through the episode with a blank, yet accusatory look in her eyes.

"You got every one of those jokes didn't you?"
"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!...err... you didn't?"
"I'm guessing they were playing some kind of game?"
"Oh... err, well... See, an MMO is..."

(2 hours later)

"...and that's why that joke was so funny."
"You have way too much time on your hands."
"Bitz! Shut up, get in the kitchen, an' make meh some pah!"
"I beg your pardon?"
"You will respect mah authoritah!"
"Sorry, honey."

Anyway, I blame South Park for my sleeping on the couch that night.

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by WolfofWar
Isn't Screw Loose change basically the equivilent of some guy replaying a documentary and just saying "Nooot Uhh" over and over again, scene by scene?

Pretty much.

It's like someone applied trollish forum behavior to a documentary by inserting comments over top of it.

Pretty much, on the technical issues at least, anything you can imagine up that would make what they're saying false, the creator of SLC says it. It doesn't have to be totally logical, or supported, just like NIST doesn't have to back up what it says, or publish its test parameters, or release the construction drawings, or 1000s of photographs and video segments.

Hell, it doesn't even have to debunk anything. Most of the time, some people just offer a secondary explanation for any given phenomena and consider that a debunking. It doesn't work that way.

Loose Change has errors because the creators played fast and loose with the information. They shouldn't have done that, but the piece is far from the 100% trash so many people like to claim. 9/11 Mysteries has even less bad info, and the majority of these documentaries, especially for 9/11 Mysteries, is verifiable anyway.

If you want something really factual and objective, check out videos of Steven Jones' lectures on Google video. It's a lot dryer than the above two documentaries, but Jones hits home on the facts, and I've yet to see anyone criticize or try to "debunk" those videos.

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