Well, a lot of factors go into this subject. I'll touch lightly on a few of them, though other members might/have already.
The thing is, the future isn't set in stone. There is only a "probable" future. With the state that our world is in at this point, it would make
since that the probable outcome is chaotic. But thus is life. See the thing is, we can voluntarily change the path of the future. If someone is going
to die of cancer because they're smoking, they can change their future by quiting to smoke. Or they can ignore the vision and end-up dying of cancer.
Understand what I'm getting at? We the people controll the future, but if we continue to screw the world like we are now, the "probable outcome"
will undoubtedly be chaotic. But we can mold our own future, to make a "peaceful era", per say.
Also, things of destruction and war leave larger vibrational imprints. And what I mean by this, is that the more something impacts the masses, the
bigger the energy frequency. A larger energy frequency is more capable of spanning greater distances of non-linear time and space. See, this is why
positive and chipper predictions arn't seen more often: because thier vibrational imprint isn't nearly as strong as one that emotionaly and mentaly
disturbs people on a higher level. It's harder to probe. But in contrast to this, you would think something peaceful would bring the bliss of the
masses to a level that far exceeds our fear and turmoil of disaster. But again,
we mold our own future.
To wrap this all up, I want to talk about something I learned while studying Huna. Your thinking controls your world. So if your some huge pessimist
that thinks the world is nothing but chaos, war and famine, the chances are that is what your world with evolve into. This is because if we focus all
our energy to the negtive, we'll be leaving a negitive outcome. If everything in the world has energy, and all our energy is connected, this negitive
energy will effect the positive in-turn (and visa-versa). And, although I am sad to say, most people's attention will only be grasped by bad news.
Of course, good will always come of the bad. And many times (though un-fairly), bad of the good. So even if people keep predicting a hectic era, just
hold out, and the good will always come.