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1000's of FEMA Trailers Moving Into Southern Indiana

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posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by DickBinBush

If you take pictures that are actually worth looking at and considering, I won't dis-credit them. I'm not close minded and thick headed like some other people. Do you think I WANT this to be a concentration camp? Hell no. If you can provide me with something reasonable I can look at, of course I will consider it.

Dude, what about the extremely high resolution arial photos (not sat imagery) that show the facility from all angles? What about those? Surely those will show more than anyone could take at ground level outside the facility? But you will never be satisfied as long as there is some government building somewhere that you can't examine top to bottom, inside and out. It is the same argument as Area 51. Nothing to see except an airfield and some buildings so it must be UFO's! Normal folk realize that it is nothing more than an airplane factory. A secret airplane factory, to be sure, but a factory nonetheless.

Does our government keep secrets? Of course. And they should. Or perhaps you want China to have all our military tech?

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 07:33 PM
Selfridge, MI to Grayling, MI? If that's it, Yes, I'm just northwest of Selfridge. So, that may be what it was for. Thanks for pointing that out

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 07:36 PM
Many of you know how this country isn't prepared for any type of massive chemical, biological, or nuclear disaster. Why would it be hard to imagine our gov't making sure that we are protected incase this ever happens? If they don't setup sites like this we will die before we can get treated or be stuck living on the streets that could have deadly results.

Having the site in a centrally located area makes it easy for most of this country to get to quickly. Maybe the intel the gov't has helped them pick this location. As far as I know there aren't many, if any, gov't intel folks posting on this forum so we have to look at all the facts before any of us rush to judgement.

That storage tank pic that was posted earlier got my attention. If it is for LOX it should have ice forming on it when it is filled. Drive by any hospital and you'll know what i'm talking about. Until I see that ice I wouldn't think there is any LOX in it.

The post that talked about the military not knowing how to treat people is totally false. Besides killing which is the most important job in the military, saving people is next. The Air Force has FEMA like people working in it, they are called Readiness, and they do help FEMA if need be. They train poeple on many things including self-aid buddy care and CBRNE. The Air Force would be the first people I go to incase something bad happened.

Get those pics posted and keep on this story. I think these treatment sites should have geen setup years ago, but it's better late the never. Maybe some intel came in that caused something to finally get done. Processing thousands of people isn't easy and you must have total control over them to have order. This could be another exercise location getting setup. We all know what happens when this gov't starts large scale exercises. Great thread and keep the info coming in.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 07:41 PM
Oh, and the real hooter in the video-

"The air force locomotive indicates miltary involvement in the facility"

Um, like maybe they needed their loco repaired? Or perhaps the USAF should open up their own loco shop. I am sure that would be cost effective to take care of the 6 or 8 locos they probably have. Sheesh. Again, folks need to learn about railroading. A railroad is half transportation system, half junkyard/spare parts bin. RR's commonly dump whatever they are not using anywhere along the right of way. Extra rail? Leave it by the side of the track until we need it. Extra rolling stock? Stick 'em on a siding somewhere.

And to BushBIn or whatever, no I am not suddenly an expert on these things. In fact, it is my interest in Railroading that led me to this, um, board for people who are very special. As for my video experience, it is not really germain becasue I don't doubt the technical aspects of the video, but I use Lightwave 3D since version 5, and am currently cutting on Final Cut Pro. I ran my own independent studio for a while, and still rent out my equipment here in Burbank. Anyone need to rent a jib arm? My rates are competitive. I've also got a bunch of Mole-Richardson lights up to 2K and lots of other goodies. Let me help you with your next whack conspiracy vid!

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by DickBinBush
To think our government is innocent and they're doing everything to serve OUR interests is BS. You can look at Cheney and tell he's an evil bastard. I completely believe they are in it for their own interests. Their interests seem to be death and destruction. It's really very scary that they would do this to their own people but these concentration camps being built by Halliburton are very real.

[edit on 9/26/2006 by DickBinBush]

Well When I went to quote this passage here it seems to have changed its self since reading it.. oh what to do.. what to do.. You have me at a loss for what to say now!

Basically what I was going to say is what you I think summed up, though I now don't remember what you said.. It was rather rude, but to the point.

During the time we inhabbit the earth, that time we call now, to say the government undergoes consperiacies is to single your self out as a "nut". Someone who doesnt understand the actual situation, or as TIME magazine even says, living in an entirely different world then those who would be called "normal."

Then as time goes by we look back at our selves and we realize 3 things.

1. We dressed funny and had bad hair.
2. We talked funny and for somereason old TV always looks outdated
3. We realize the "Nuts" where actually "Normal" and the "Normal" lived in "Ignorance equivalent to being a nut"

Lets look back at Pearl Harbor. After the event, within hours, days, weeks, years, a few decades.. if you said we let that event happen, that we allowed the murder of our men, you where nto only a "nut" in the eyes of the public, but you border lined treason.

We now accept that there may have been information to prevent or act on the Japanese agression. We entered the war, a fight we knew we would win, it catapulted us into the world stage and since then we have remained a world super power.

Vietnam. Gulf of Tonkein, an attack that launched us into war with VietKong as a proxy war against communism, over 10k Americans die and an unknown number of civilians. Had you said in 1969 that the Gulf of Tonkien attack was a hoax, a fraud, a "conspiracy" you might very well have been laughed at.

We now know as a fact it was a fabricated story, we went to war because we wanted to go to war, we where never really attacked.

9/11, you may say today that the government did it. I think 30 years from now we will all look back and say "Man, those nuts where right on it again"

Maybe history should take lessons from the conspiracy crowd. If there is a credible conspiracy then there is a flaw in the official story. That flaw alone permits investigation into the facts.

Are there prision camps in America. There are detention centers, camps, there is a rail system and a air system to transport people, there is the capability to control the population with an iron fist in the event of a nuclear war, biological infection, dirty bomb attack, or even a politcal uprising where the government in an attempt at self preservation will impliment these programs. Does America have the man power to do so? I have many friends in the Army and Marines, none, and I mean not one of them would ever put another American into a concentration camp (not death camp - I don't see evidence of them being built) The army is not loyal to the federal government over its people, if anything the Army is against the administration.

The military-industrial complex profits from wars, not the men fighting them, they are used as tools to grab land and resources for a select few bilionairs and the welfare of the economy, they themselves sacrifise it all for a pay check that no where near rivals that if they got a normal job. Why would they, the men fighting back the government if the government moved into action?

The next problem with these concentration camps is the American population is armed. Many armed to the teeth. How many of these Americans would go into carts like cattle to the slaughter house? Do you really think we are so weak, so watered down by our pop culter, so used to their luxuries, their BMW's, their HD TV that they wouldn't fight with anything they had when asked to board a train and give up their home?

In the event that these camps opend America would have to suffer a complete economic shut down, everyone looses everything.

Why doesn't America riot in the streets like the rest of the world? Why do we not protest like we used to, join in political debate more often, join rallies and openly go out of our way to make a difference and stand up against evils? Because we are affraid to loose all those comforts. Because the middle class man, white brown and red, they are busy, they have kids games to go to, bills to pay, work int he morning and a dinner to supply at night. They don't have time to cause problems, that is why since the French Revolution the western governments have loved the middle class. The population not rich enough to give money and time, not poor enough to be angry and hostil and to busy to care.

Take that away you have a problem, men with nothing left to loose but their little plot of dirt and the family around him. Can you see US Reserves fighting white collar America? The government can do it on small scales, like Katrina in New Orleans, un-official martial law was decalred and all fire arms where confiscated, on a national scale, trying to control 300,000,000 people is a far bigger task then a few hundred or even thousand.

Don't concern your self with these trailers, it is probably a government over spenditure to help an elected official put a little more green in his pocket, no big deal. The facilities have been there since the 1980's, they are most likely biological detention centers in which, if your on the outside anyways youll be glad are there.

Don't give the government to much credit, they are not god, they will never be able to bring us into dictatorship with out loosing much of the land and population, after which they would be no more powerful then Canada. No offense to Canada.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 08:30 PM

Werd. Can you imagine what would happen to the stock market if any of this moonbat stuff came to pass? Even Haliburton stock wouldn't be worth a dime. That is really the thing that clinches the deal. Supposedly this is all being done in the name of the rich elite, but most of their wealth is in securities. Let me tell you, Ford isn't going to be selling many cars when their workers and customers are being herded into the gas chambers, so what is the motivation? Depopulating the country for exactly what reason? Elbow room? With all the homeonwers in the gas chamber, the real estate market isn't going to be doing too well either, so where is an evil plutocrat to put his money? I guess they are just planning to feast on all our corpses. Sheesh. Moonbat.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 10:20 PM
I am with you somewhat that my statement about the military being a one trick pony (killing) was a limited view of it, but only to an extent. The military may have these elements, but they are set up to control, recon, and/or kill. They are not a humanitarian organization, and they suck at larger relief and medical operations. That's not why they were created.

The problem is not "Can the army render aid," but rather "Why would they?" Why would the army, marines, Homeland Security, or Air Force be responsible for anything but command and control - with force. The military would not be needed on home soil unless people were not going to roll over and do what our government is obviously going to demand people do if these camps are put into use.

These camps are military fortifications, can process a large number of people, but cannot house them - in a safe, healthy and humane manner (see Katrina). If these camps are put into use, you can bet you will be living what you saw with the Katrina survivors. It will not be pretty.

The big question is - what is going on with these FEMA trailers? So far the only mass sighting is in Indiana. The location does seem to be centrally located. Our government, in the event of something ugly, will be whisked off to secret bases (VA, PA, DC, WVA, etc.). So who are the people in Indiana? If there were a large nuclear attack, those FEMA trucks would probably be the command center for communications...

But this begs a creepy question - namely, why is FEMA setting up a permanent spot, obviously at great expense, in Indiana? There's an answer that's smacking you right in the head - Whatever is going to happen will not happen where FEMA has set up (I'm meaning at the exact location). The government, Dept. Homeland Security, and FEMA are obviously operating (to my mind) on two assumptions: 1) That they aren't going to get hit there, 2) That they suspect they know who is (the third option is 3) These powers are not acting with knowledge of a potential outside attack, but are planning something themselves...)

Are we (and our military) being distracted by war abroad while our government quietly puts further nefarious plans into effect at home? Why was there no mention on the national news about almost 2,000 FEMA trucks entering into, and setting up camp in Indiana? Should someone be sending a polite "heads up" fax or email to the local or national news? Would they even respond? My money's on no...

Too much to think about, but it's a start...I think I read in this thread that military personnel were performing drills at elementary schools where they were ushering children onto buses in a fake evacuation.

Imagine the military beating parents to the schools and taking children before their parents could get to them....guess what, they will take your kids, and later, you, and you will have no recourse. Are you going to call a lawyer at that point? No. You're going to go where the guy with the crew cut and machine gun shouts at you to go, because martial law has been put into effect... is anyone concerned yet?

[edit on 26-9-2006 by OnTheDeck]

[edit on 26-9-2006 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
These camps are military fortifications, can process a large number of people, but cannot house them - in a safe, healthy and humane manner (see Katrina). If these camps are put into use, you can bet you will be living what you saw with the Katrina survivors. It will not be pretty.

No, they aren't. Of the "camps" on the list I linked, all the ones I am familiar with are absolute bs.

But this begs a creepy question - namely, why is FEMA setting up a permanent spot, obviously at great expense, in Indiana? There's an answer that's smacking you right in the head - Whatever is going to happen will not happen where FEMA has set up (I'm meaning at the exact location). The government, Dept. Homeland Security, and FEMA are obviously operating (to my mind) on two assumptions: 1) That they aren't going to get hit there, 2) That they suspect they know who is (the third option is 3) These powers are not acting with knowledge of a potential outside attack, but are planning something themselves...)

Perhaps FEMA has realized that Indianapolis is a much less PROBABLE terror target than, say, NYC, LA, Chicago... It doesn't mean they have some cabal with Al-Quaida and are co-ordinating with them on where the bombs are going to hit.

Why was there no mention on the national news about almost 2,000 FEMA trucks entering into, and setting up camp in Indiana? Should someone be sending a polite "heads up" fax or email to the local or national news? Would they even respond? My money's on no...

Yeah, 2000 trailers in Indiana. This is surely a recipie for a domestic holocast! And I assume you monitor all news sources for unimportant stories about FEMA moving trailers to Indiana. Sheesh. Another moonbat.

I guess FEMA shouldn't move anything or have trailers. And I love the previous post about how useless a trailer would be for detention. Can you say Shankorama?

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 11:06 PM
In fact, I am now considering taking another hike to the garbage dump up above the Brand Library in Glendale (frequently listed as a "Concentration Camp" site) with my digital camera and a photo sequence that will remove any doubt about the legitimacy of the photos, and the innocuousness of the site. I will do the same with the "Valencia" reservoir site, and when I get a chance the Pearblossom site, and you guys will see there is nothing funny going on. If anyone can tell me more about the other California locations on the page, maybe someone in the Bay Area can go to see the "Filmore" site and I have no idea where the "Santa Paula" site is. I would invite ATS folk to investigate all the other sites on the list that are local to them. It will at least get you out of Mom's basement. We might even uncover "the truth". I have checked the SoCal sites, so the rest of the nation is your apple! Here is the list:

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by DickBinBush

Our country is being turned into a resemblance of Nazi controlled Germany

So here's my prediction:

A nuclear bomb will detonate in a major city, causing panic (clearly). That panic will lead to a surrendering of MANY rights and liberties. Martial Law will be enforced. Any anti-Bush protestors, conspiracy theorists, or suspected terrorists will be jailed, tortured, and probably killed, without trial. Our constitution will crumble. The Patriot Act will gain power. The 22nd Ammendmant will be no more, therefore allowing Bush to steal a third term (fourth? fifth? SIXTH?).

We will bomb Iran with nuclear weapons. We will bomb Syria, with nuclear weapons? I don't know. Pakistan will be a target. Somalia, Sudan, Lybia, Lebanon, Palestine..all of these suspected terror countries. North Korea will proceed with their nuclear program. We will "ignore" them until they strike South Korea or Japan. We will attack them, possibly with nukes. This will open the flood gates. Europe and Australia will fear the "you're either with us or against us" statement of Bush, and join our side. At this point, there is nothing holding China and Russia back. China will use this to take over Taiwan. This will start a war between China and the United States, and of course Russia will be on China's side. Watch Venezuala as well. They may use Cuba to get close to our mainland. Soon, you could have a war on every continent except Antarctica.

Everything will be taken over by the government in the United States. People dying of manufactured diseases, people dying of radiation, people in military and concentration camps, multiple "terrorist" attacks, martial law, no rights, no freedoms, no liberties, no constitution. Bush stays in power. No freedom of speech, which means anybody who would question or create conspiracy theories about the nuclear attack would be jailed and killed. No constitution, and Bush staying in power, means a smooth sail into this North American Union. Canada and Mexico's resources will be taken advantage of. U.S. Military presence will be high in both countries (basically an occupation). After's anybody's guess..

Pay attention to the Illuminati: New World Order trading card game.

Fascinating that you get your politics from a bizzare kids game. Very interesting. So when the next President is elected, and Bush goes into retirement, and none of this other shiat comes to pass, I am sure you will be here on this forum admitting that you are a moonbat and that you were wrong, wrong, wrong.

Of course if you are right, none of this matters, it is already too late, so I say enjoy life until you are herded into the Amtrak repair house to be gassed, you lovely nutter you! I love ya man. Just get a grip, OK?

/hoping for brownie point in the NWO!
//maybe they will make me in charge of gassing all the ATS folks
///you do know that by posting here you are volunteering to be rounded up in the "first wave"

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 11:45 PM
Great post OnTheDeck. Also, did Hitler started his concentration camps before the war or after the beginning of the war when the attention was abroad?

Also, the concentration camps were not staffed with the common soldiers in nazi germany, they were staffed by the SS, the CIA of today. Am I the only one that think that the secrets prisons in Europe were a kind of ``drill``? Also, Bush voted a law that immunize him from war crimes... so he won't fear to end up in court as a war criminal even if he kills 10s of thousands of his own people. Also, it's won't just happen in the US... all the NWO leaders are put in place.
- Canada- Harper
- France - Sarkozy (march 2007)
- Germany - Angela Markel
- UK - Blair ect...

So the ``democratic`` world would say nothing, even agree with the US to treat ``domestic terrorists`` as crap, under the national security. Britain would do the same, France, Canada, Germany against the domestic terrorists and muslims in general.

[edit on 26-9-2006 by Vitchilo]

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 12:13 AM
Theoretically, bush excluding himself from prosecution is stupid.

I mean, if the Nazi's in 1940's germany had of passed a law saying they are think the rest of the world would of let them go simply for that law?

It if comes to be that bush has committed war crimes.. wether he created a bubble around himself or not.. the world community will try him.. and hopefully convict him.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by DickBinBush

Our country is being turned into a resemblance of Nazi controlled Germany

So here's my prediction:

A nuclear bomb will detonate in a major city, causing panic (clearly). That panic will lead to a surrendering of MANY rights and liberties. Martial Law will be enforced. Any anti-Bush protestors, conspiracy theorists, or suspected terrorists will be jailed, tortured, and probably killed, without trial. Our constitution will crumble. The Patriot Act will gain power. The 22nd Ammendmant will be no more, therefore allowing Bush to steal a third term (fourth? fifth? SIXTH?).

We will bomb Iran with nuclear weapons. We will bomb Syria, with nuclear weapons? I don't know. Pakistan will be a target. Somalia, Sudan, Lybia, Lebanon, Palestine..all of these suspected terror countries. North Korea will proceed with their nuclear program. We will "ignore" them until they strike South Korea or Japan. We will attack them, possibly with nukes. This will open the flood gates. Europe and Australia will fear the "you're either with us or against us" statement of Bush, and join our side. At this point, there is nothing holding China and Russia back. China will use this to take over Taiwan. This will start a war between China and the United States, and of course Russia will be on China's side. Watch Venezuala as well. They may use Cuba to get close to our mainland. Soon, you could have a war on every continent except Antarctica.

Everything will be taken over by the government in the United States. People dying of manufactured diseases, people dying of radiation, people in military and concentration camps, multiple "terrorist" attacks, martial law, no rights, no freedoms, no liberties, no constitution. Bush stays in power. No freedom of speech, which means anybody who would question or create conspiracy theories about the nuclear attack would be jailed and killed. No constitution, and Bush staying in power, means a smooth sail into this North American Union. Canada and Mexico's resources will be taken advantage of. U.S. Military presence will be high in both countries (basically an occupation). After's anybody's guess..

Pay attention to the Illuminati: New World Order trading card game.

Fascinating that you get your politics from a bizzare kids game. Very interesting. So when the next President is elected, and Bush goes into retirement, and none of this other shiat comes to pass, I am sure you will be here on this forum admitting that you are a moonbat and that you were wrong, wrong, wrong.

Of course if you are right, none of this matters, it is already too late, so I say enjoy life until you are herded into the Amtrak repair house to be gassed, you lovely nutter you! I love ya man. Just get a grip, OK?

/hoping for brownie point in the NWO!
//maybe they will make me in charge of gassing all the ATS folks
///you do know that by posting here you are volunteering to be rounded up in the "first wave"

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 01:23 AM
Yeah but who will have the guts to stand in front of the US? The UN? As long as others countries will make money with the US they'll do nothing, unless almost a global revolution, all the little friends of the Bush administration will do nothing against him. It's like China. Nobody care what happens to people in China as long as China give them contracts, money and cheap products. And slaves in camps are very cheap.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 01:45 AM
I think anyone wanting to prove the Beech Grove Amtrak terminal is truly a concetration camp should just look at property tax records. I started this search, as I can do in my city and find out tax assessments and property owners for any parcel of land I wish to. Unfortunately, Marion Co. Indiana makes you pay to view online records of property information, which makes me mad (I thought public information was free).

If money wasn't tight, I would find out the street address of the station and see who owns the property, but my guess is according to newspaper headlines announcing Amtrak refurbishing the facility (dated sept 2006) is that it isn't the government.

Anyone want to spend a couple dollars can sign up for this and find out who owns the terminal:

Marion County Tax Auditors search

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 02:07 AM
Mods: Sorry for the double post, but your server seemed to be down. Or maybe it was "blocked". I noticed that when I was able to access the site again, some of my posts have been altered by a mysterious and very powerful authority. Very suspicious. Personally I suspect Haliburton, and I think we should start a thread about it...

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 02:36 AM
It's not the Beech Grove Amtrak he's talking about, it's the Jefferson Proving Ground... near madison county. It's not the same place.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 03:06 AM
I found this interesting article about Detention Centers and Labor Camps.
Bottom line the Bush Cabal is building these camps.
Kellogg Brown & Root a $385 million contract to construct detention centers somewhere in the United States.

Bush's Mysterious 'New Programs'

By Nat Parry
February 21, 2006

Not that George W. Bush needs much encouragement, but Sen. Lindsey Graham suggested to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales a new target for the administration’s domestic operations -- Fifth Columnists, supposedly disloyal Americans who sympathize and collaborate with the enemy.
Only a few independent journalists, such as Peter Dale Scott and Maureen Farrell, have pursued what the Bush administration might actually be thinking.
Scott speculated that the “detention centers could be used to detain American citizens if the Bush administration were to declare martial law.” He recalled that during the Reagan administration, National Security Council aide Oliver North organized Rex-84 “readiness exercise,” which contemplated the Federal Emergency Management Agency rounding up and detaining 400,000 “refugees,” in the event of “uncontrolled population movements” over the Mexican border into the United States.
Labor Camps

There also was another little-noticed item posted at the U.S. Army Web site PDF about the Pentagon’s Civilian Inmate Labor Program. This program “provides Army policy and guidance for establishing civilian inmate labor programs and civilian prison camps on Army installations.”
The Army document, first drafted in 1997, underwent a “rapid action revision” on Jan. 14, 2005. The revision provides a “template for developing agreements” between the Army and corrections facilities for the use of civilian inmate labor on Army installations.
On its face, the Army’s labor program refers to inmates housed in federal, state and local jails. The Army also cites various federal laws that govern the use of civilian labor and provide for the establishment of prison camps in the United States, including a federal statute that authorizes the Attorney General to “establish, equip, and maintain camps upon sites selected by him” and “make available … the services of United States prisoners” to various government departments, including the Department of Defense.
Though the timing of the document’s posting – within the past few weeks –may just be a coincidence, the reference to a “rapid action revision” and the KBR contract’s contemplation of “rapid development of new programs” have raised eyebrows about why this sudden need for urgency.
These developments also are drawing more attention now because of earlier Bush administration policies to involve the Pentagon in “counter-terrorism” operations inside the United States.

posted at the U.S. Army Web site PDF

[edit on 27/9/2006 by Sauron]

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 03:13 AM
I will tell you right now... these are going to be used to kill all the christians when the time of the anti christ comes.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by Vitchilo
It's not the Beech Grove Amtrak he's talking about, it's the Jefferson Proving Ground... near madison county. It's not the same place.

I know this. There are two sites being discussed within this thread. I was talking about Beech Grove, IN.

[edit on 27-9-2006 by ben91069]

[edit on 27-9-2006 by ben91069]

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