Think back to 9-11. FEMA and a few other emergency management groups were put into place in New York and Washington in the days and weeks before 9-11.
Now, we have FEMA trailers, thousands of them, moving on an old train yard? This after last year when they "couldn't" move quick enough to get to
New Orleans? Why do they need to move into southern Indiana and an abandoned train yard of all places? Don't you think that's a little weird?
Military movements. Up here in Michigan, I've seen a few unmarked black helicopters, which I've never seen before outside of my visit to Washington
D.C. back in 2000 (that's understandable though). But Michigan? I've also seen military jets. I'm not good at identifying jets so please don't ask
what kind. And I'm sure there are no links on it. But I have nothing to gain by making it up.
Detention camps being built now? Why? What is the rush? Ask youself this..why now? Why not five years ago? Why not three years ago? Is it really just
coincidence that FEMA trailers, military movements, nuclear subs being dispatched to the Gulf area in the Middle East, and detention facilities
(concentration camps basically) are being built..and all this is happening at the same time? Is it really JUST coincidence..honestly..?
I don't think so. All of that ON TOP OF the stories about a nuclear attack imminent. Nuclear attack drills taking place all over the country. Alex
Jones going nuts over this after he correctly pointed out a plan to stage a terrorist attack and frame Osama Bin Laden. All of this doesn't include
the Pentagon's revised pre-emptive nuclear doctrine, Cheney's Second 9/11 plan to nuke Iran after any terrorist attack whether they are responsible
or not, Gen. Tommy Franks a few years back stating that it was very possible that "terrorists" could detonate a nuclear weapon in this country.
Let's not forget the stories that there is a member of Al Qaeda in the U.S. and has been for two years, he has nuclear material, the F.B.I. is for
WHATEVER REASON not interested in picking him up, these warnings for muslims to leave the country, "Osama's" final message that is scheduled to
come very soon, his permission he received to kill TEN MILLION people..
The list goes on and on people..Bird Flu, SARS, Anthrax, West Nile Virus, Mad Cow Disease, E-Coli on spinach for christ's sake..Can you sit there and
honestly dis-credit all of these and label them as coincidence? Can you possibly do that with logic and common sense in your head? There is no way you
This is getting scary. And I don't get scared often..
Diseases, terrorist attacks, nuclear weapons, concentration camps..ALL OF IT is happening during THIS administration..that's not coincidence at
Our country is being turned into a resemblance of Nazi controlled Germany
So here's my prediction:
A nuclear bomb will detonate in a major city, causing panic (clearly). That panic will lead to a surrendering of MANY rights and liberties. Martial
Law will be enforced. Any anti-Bush protestors, conspiracy theorists, or suspected terrorists will be jailed, tortured, and probably killed, without
trial. Our constitution will crumble. The Patriot Act will gain power. The 22nd Ammendmant will be no more, therefore allowing Bush to steal a third
term (fourth? fifth? SIXTH?).
We will bomb Iran with nuclear weapons. We will bomb Syria, with nuclear weapons? I don't know. Pakistan will be a target. Somalia, Sudan, Lybia,
Lebanon, Palestine..all of these suspected terror countries. North Korea will proceed with their nuclear program. We will "ignore" them until they
strike South Korea or Japan. We will attack them, possibly with nukes. This will open the flood gates. Europe and Australia will fear the "you're
either with us or against us" statement of Bush, and join our side. At this point, there is nothing holding China and Russia back. China will use
this to take over Taiwan. This will start a war between China and the United States, and of course Russia will be on China's side. Watch Venezuala as
well. They may use Cuba to get close to our mainland. Soon, you could have a war on every continent except Antarctica.
Everything will be taken over by the government in the United States. People dying of manufactured diseases, people dying of radiation, people in
military and concentration camps, multiple "terrorist" attacks, martial law, no rights, no freedoms, no liberties, no constitution. Bush stays in
power. No freedom of speech, which means anybody who would question or create conspiracy theories about the nuclear attack would be jailed and killed.
No constitution, and Bush staying in power, means a smooth sail into this North American Union. Canada and Mexico's resources will be taken advantage
of. U.S. Military presence will be high in both countries (basically an occupation). After's anybody's guess..
Pay attention to the Illuminati: New World Order trading card game. One of the card's is titled "Terrorist Nuke", that same card has two towers in
it, which resemble the twin towers, with one exploding, and it looks EXACTLY the way the second tower did when it got hit. Another card has the
Pentagon on fire. Other's mention "Popultaion Reduction", epidemics, "Combined Disasters", "Kill For Peace", "New World Order: World War
Three", "Messiah", "Law And Order" which shows a cop type guy beating on a civilian, "Hurricane" (Katrina?) it's also worth mentioning CNN had
a story in June 2003 that hurricanes were "predicted" to double..strange huh?, "Tidal Wave" (Tsunami in southeast Asia?), "Earthquake" major
earthquakes have occured in Iran and Pakistan..These are just a few before one of the final cards.."Tape Runs Out.."..that's kinda creepy..
This card game was released in 1995 and has accurately predicted many events during this administration..
It's only coincidence it's titled "Illuminati: New World Order" right?
Illuminati: New World Order Card Game
So, my fellow ATS friends, this is starting to heat up. It's all coming together. Watch things very closely. Somebody should make a thread for weird
movements or warnings and everybody post there. You can't say that my prediction is crazy..all of this is happening for a's too
World War Three and the New World Order have set in..Keep your eyes open and buckle's about to get really really bad..
[edit on 9/26/2006 by DickBinBush]