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1000's of FEMA Trailers Moving Into Southern Indiana

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posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 03:57 AM
I wanted to add to my last post, because I tried to edit it and lost all that I posted so this is just a continuation of that.

What I wanted to say was that I know that there are two locations mentioned in this thread and that I wanted to mention Beech Grove so that someone would have the means to verify this. I cannot spend the small amount for what it is worth as I am just that broke, but if someone has the few dollars to do it, it would dispell the rumor that Beech Grove is a government facility. It can be simply done with two tools.

First go to this site and find the plat number for the site:

Indianapolis General Data Viewer

Then simply go to the Marion Co. treasurers website and search for the property owners records to see who owns it.

Marion Co. property search

By this, I think it would show that Beech Grove is not linked to anything since it is still a privately owned parcel.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 10:57 AM

You pretty much killed any argument from me, so..touché

Guess we'll just have to wait and see..not like we were going to stop it anyway if something was happening

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 09:33 PM
This thread has sort of split in two directions: The Amtrac Station (i.e., detainment camps) and the FEMA trailer movement. I'm waiting on crazy oubliette to come back with photos of the train station.

Both are deserving of attention, however, I have found three articles here, here, and here, dated September 19, 2006, that state FEMA has moved their trailers to the Jefferson Proving Ground near Madison, IN. These articles seem to be copied verbatim from an Associated Press release. They are the only three sites I've found that mention anything about this, which is a little curious, but I wouldn't say suspicious. The articles say FEMA signed a two-year agreement.

I would be curious to hear from Fairy if there are any further developments. The trailers, some of which might have been occupied by Katrina victims, were supposedly toxic from the articles I read. And probably most of them need to be cleaned out. I would suspect there would be activity there for a while because, as these articles say, these are storing grounds - they would need to be secured, cleared and cleaned.

I can't really see a point in pursuing the FEMA trucks too much further (as much as I'd like a juicy story). However, I trust Fairy will keep us up to date on those goings on...again, FEMA, I've heard, has gone from a humanitarian, rescue sort of organization, to a more military, command and control organization. Which could be why FEMA took such a crap during Katrina.

Because this thread started with the FEMA trucks, I'd like to suggest having oubliette (when he returns), or anyone wanting to post on the detainment camps (which includes the Amtrac Station) - a subject that must get more attention - open a new thread on that topic, and continue this one with FEMA info only...just a suggestion...I do love the title, " fema death camp in indiana trailers trailer".

[edit on 27-9-2006 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 10:33 PM
..The title does sound a bit like a headline for the SUN..

As to whether or not to split the thread..they are seemingly two different subjects, yet they are connected, both physically, with Beech Grove being less than 1 hour north by rail, and conceptually...JPG is harboring much more than FEMA trailers and personnel...much like, I believe, the Beech Grov facility. This place has been slowly undergoing preparations for 'whatever' for the past 6 or 7 years..I DO believe both subjects to be inter-related..that was the point I was originally trying to make here..not simply the trailers being brought in, although I was hoping to hear a plausible explanation for them.. but, the possibility that things are in the end stages of preparation. I will continue to post what I learn..I wish someone would come here, do some investigating on the inside of the fence..I'm not that courageous...I'm a

posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 12:45 AM
I was torn as to whether or not to open a new thread on the detainment camps, because there is so much info on them, but because I believe Fairy is sincere, I will post what I can find re: the detainment camps.

First, here is a video of what a "detainment camp" looks like. The content in the video can be interpreted in a number of ways, however, this does seem accurate with regard to the appearance and layout of these detainment/processing/labor centers. Let your skin crawl.

Second, there is an individual who's posted a sort of summary that mentions the origin of our "internal security" at the time of the American Revolution, through "Operation Garden Plot" in 1968, through Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld's 1980's initial planning of the "Continuity of Government" (COG), and "detention of enemy combatants" (orig. U.S. citizens, "detention of civil disobediants"), this includes, obviously, U.S. citizens, Rex-84, on up through our currently accelerating military/police joint operations and includes a list of "Executive Orders" (examples). There is not a wasted word, I promise.

Also significant to the point of being painful is that the Dept. Homeland Security has awarded Haliburton (once headed/now aided by Dick Cheney) an almost half a billion dollar contract to construct detention and processing facilities in the event of a national emergency (article, article, article, bad Cheney, article).

Some bullet points:

-- Chavez' speech to the UN General Assembly
-- With FEMA, you can travel "national emergency" style, or you can travel "civil disobedient" style. Neither are very pretty
-- FEMA was created for national disasters and civil defense
-- Detention camp plans orig. with Oliver North and Cheney
-- Rules of Displacement
-- State of Emergency - civil liberties gone
-- Posse Comitatus Act - invalid
-- U.S. Army Civilian Labor Program
-- Seditious talk or writing brings consequences
-- Natl Lawyers Assoc. watching Ashcroft/Gov. strip our nation bare
-- Camp Locations

If any of this seems unpleasant to anyone, I suggest reading up on what's going on behind the scenes...what our media is instructed to ignore...

[edit on 28-9-2006 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 09:30 AM
Everyday, more and more, our government is stripping away everything - everything - granted to us by the United States Constitution. As more legislation is passed everyday granting more power to the president/military/government and takes more away from the citizens for which it serves, we are moving closer and closer to a dictatorship. This imbalance is now at an unprecedented and frightening level, and appears only to be moving us toward a, and I do not take these words lightly, totalitarian fascist state.

The Posse Comitatus Act, for example, prohibits Federal military personnel and units of the United States National Guard under Federal authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within the United States, except where expressly authorized by the Constitution or Congress. The Posse Comitatus Act and the Insurrection Act substantially limit the powers of the Federal government to use the military for law enforcement. Not anymore - see Waco, Texas, April 19, 1993.

U.S. Senator John Mccain in an article dated September, 26, 2006, offered some opposition to detainee legislation that President Bush is pushing through that would unconstitutionally suspend habeas corpus. The legislation will pass, and Mccain's (or anyone's) weak attempt at opposition reflects an inability to see the larger picture; i.e., a lack of the importance of giving someone gasoline and ignoring the fact that he may later ask for a match (a poor analogy, but you get the picture).

A Writ of Habeas Corpus is a latin term which roughly means an "order to have the body produced". It means that the person who has custody of the body of the person in question must bring him to the court to see if he can legally be held away from the person or organization seeking the body.

In modern day terms it is usually (though not always) meant to order to the state to defend why it should be allowed to hold or punish someone. It is how a case goes from the state system to the federal system. It must question a ruling or decision that has federal constitutional issues that the prisoner (or convict) is challenging. Say bye bye to that.

Another alarming article dated September 27, 2006, starts, "The House approved legislation Wednesday giving the Bush administration authority to interrogate and prosecute terrorism detainees..." The article also states, "The legislation would establish a military court system to prosecute terror suspects..." and that "also provides extensive definitions of war crimes such as torture, rape and biological experiments — but gives Bush broad authority to decide which other techniques U.S. interrogators can legally use. The provisions are intended to protect CIA interrogators from being prosecuted for war crimes." Also of interest is that "the GOP has been embarrassed as the White House and rebellious Republican senators have fought publicly over whether Bush's plan would give him too much authority." I say way to go rebellious Republicans - that's not rebellion, that's the fear of absolute rule striking the hearts of those slowly watching the axe fall.

Our government is turning their wild-eyed, paranoid gaze upon us - the citizens they were meant to protect - and the fact that I am merely pointing this out is sedition

posted on Oct, 8 2006 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by jtma508
Personally, I find the possibility that the government has a nazi-esque extermination plan in the works outrageous.

While I don't pretend to know what the government is up to in regards to the many prison camp sightings around the country, I do know that the powers-that-be count on your disbelief for no other reason than the thought being "outrageous". I prefer to research things myself and then draw an opinion, rather than simply dismissing a possibility because the explanation is evil and monstrous.

I researched the Flight 800 issue very heavily and over many years. I believe it was what eventually brought me to this site. I've spoken to investigators and family members. That plane was shot down. Not a pretty picture at all, but one I'm forced to believe in due to common sense and an open mind.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 03:59 PM
I'm back to update on the incoming Fema trailers..they are still arriving, day and night..I have personally seen them traveling in pairs, coming into town, at the rate of 2 every 10 minutes, or so. They are arriving around the clock..the number of them staggers the mind. They are coming from a direction that is fed by interstate, so, I don't know if they are coming from the northern part of the state, or the southern states. Does anyone know where they may be coming from?

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 04:49 PM
I just came across with this. Maybe this will add to the thread.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 06:03 PM
Also, here an article very interesting...
Halliburton detentions camps for US dissents and muslims?

Sen. Lindsey Graham suggested to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales a new target for the administration’s domestic operations -- Fifth Columnists, supposedly disloyal Americans who sympathize and collaborate with the enemy.

“Almost certainly this is preparation for a roundup after the next 9/11 for Mid-Easterners, Muslims and possibly dissenters. They’ve already done this on a smaller scale, with the ‘special registration’ detentions of immigrant men from Muslim countries, and with Guantanamo.”

[edit on 12-10-2006 by Vitchilo]

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 05:41 PM
I too used to live in that area(Lawrenceburg).. I hunted at Splinter Ridge and drove by Jefferson Proving Ground many times. I know the signs say "live munitions" may be on the grounds..I know on special hunts they have there some areas are not included. I haven't read this whole thread,
but would like to add that some UFO sitings have occured in that area. I myself saw stationary bright light above that area- that was reported on one of the sites by someone else. Oh well that is another story-maybe.

I mean it makes sense to have trailers centrally located right? I guess that area is as good as any.. The thing you mentioned about school drill is odd.. Keep us posted.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 02:43 PM
Being an ex navy speacial forces member i can say with certinty that alot of what is talked and argued about on this site is true. Some facts and names are off by some but the point is still the same. I do have a problem with this farkrefugee guy acting like he is all knowing. I lived in cali for most of my life except for when i was in the navy and until 6 months ago when i moved to colorado. There are lot of things going on in california by the goverment in plain sight. Most people just do not know what they are looking for.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 07:55 PM
I live in Indiana as well, and I have seen the white FEMA trailers, hundreds of them. I have seen this facility as well

its a creepy place, right next to them main Indianapolis rail system. Mind you most of the mid-west railroads comes through Indianapolis. It is also really close to one of the largest military complexes in the US, the Indianapolis MEPS center. I went through this building for processing when I joined the National Guard. Its a tightly run military base, bigger than the Pentagon.

# is going to hit the fan really soon, and most people are ignoring what is really happening. Our current administration is corrupt. I fear my own safety even reading/posting information anymore.

George Bush is the anti-Christ. And no, you don't have to believe me. The current events in the middle east is Biblical, and very soon Bush will rise to power and make his attempt at ruling.

Don't believe me? Thats fine. Just think about it. - for more information. The end times are here, and even if I'm wrong about Bush, this country is about to fall anyway.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 11:26 PM
If you google maps jefferson proving ground, and switch to a satellite view, just west of the airport on the satellite view is a near perfect star of david made by some roads.


posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 05:59 PM
This is very eerie...

Now I know why the government would need thousands of shackles...

I was visiting my brother this last summer. He is a machinist for a large company that does lots of military contracts. He is one of their top engineers. He said they were contracted to make thousands of shackles. I asked him what those whould be used for. He suspected to shackle people. I thought maybe for the war over seas. Now I realize the shackles are probably for all of us...or at least the ones who don't obey.

Pretty scary.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 11:56 AM
Occam's razor:

FEMA grossly over estimated the number of trailers needed post Katrina. Many, many, were left in squalid locations (deep, deep mud in framers fields, etc), for example. I don't mean a couple 100. I mean many thousands. Many of the completely unmaintained tailors decayed to the point of total loss. Which equals total waste of taxpayer money.

The stories abound on the net (easily searchable), post Katrina, about the gross excesses and incompetence over the handling of the tailor issue. Basically, many thousands were ordered, with no investigation as to the amounts that were/are needed, and once they started rolling in by the hundreds at the time, the issue of where to put them became a total debacle. Farm land was leased (again at taxpayer expense) and rows upon rows of these trailers were delivered and subsequently left to rot in the elements.

I think Occam's razor indicated this is a move to salvage what is left in serviceable trailers and secure them in a location that is more suitable to long term storage until the next need develops.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 12:03 PM
I have info. from someone who works there. Employees were told that Fema is bringing in over 1400 trailers there to auction them off. Watch to see if that happens. We were told this by her boyfriend who has no suspision of anything and doesn't realize what is happening. Interesting to see what happens. Any ads for this anywhere?

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by SlightlyAbovePar
Occam's razor:

FEMA grossly over estimated the number of trailers needed post Katrina. Many, many, were left in squalid locations (deep, deep mud in framers fields, etc), for example. I don't mean a couple 100. I mean many thousands. Many of the completely unmaintained tailors decayed to the point of total loss. Which equals total waste of taxpayer money.

The stories abound on the net (easily searchable), post Katrina, about the gross excesses and incompetence over the handling of the tailor issue. Basically, many thousands were ordered, with no investigation as to the amounts that were/are needed, and once they started rolling in by the hundreds at the time, the issue of where to put them became a total debacle. Farm land was leased (again at taxpayer expense) and rows upon rows of these trailers were delivered and subsequently left to rot in the elements.

I think Occam's razor indicated this is a move to salvage what is left in serviceable trailers and secure them in a location that is more suitable to long term storage until the next need develops.

But .. but .. that's not a conspiracy .. that's no fun! Really, I've heard rumors of these train cars equipped with shackles for the past few years now. Anybody have a photo, at least?

By the way, the elements of that video which appear so sinister .. the fences, turnstyles, etc .. I've seen numerous times where expensive/hazardous materials and equipment are used & stored. Hell, I used to work at a refinery that looked a lot like this place (scaled up, of course) - razor wire, heavy duty turnstiles, windsocks. The windsock isn't necessarily for helicopters, either (where did they come up with that?) - factories which produce gas emissions typically have these installed at various points around the perimeter.

The Airforce train. Yeah, its an old switcher that was probably dumped in that yard and forgotten about. Really, do you think a dinky little Airforce switcher is going to be recruited when if martial law comes into effect? Hell no, your butt is going to be shuttled behind a locomotive with BNSF, UP, NS, CSX whatever written on the side. The switcher's presence means nothing - unless of course its first in line to be .. repaired (which is what the facility is officially billed to do).

New pipes leading to a "furnace". So what's the theory now, that people are going to be baked? Regardless, they didn't necessarily look like furnaces to me.

Regarding the power line markers - they might be for a helicopter, BUT - they're also used for cranes .. and guess what - they're doing construction right there - she even showed a crane on the premises.

The only odd part of the video is the mention of the inward sloping fence along that cattleway .. although it wasn't too clear from the video exactly what we're looking at. Regardless, most of the barbed wire seen in the video faces OUT, not IN.

Looks like your typical freight yard to me. Keep people out, keep tabs on the people coming in and out, proximity to railroad tracks, switching yard, large fenced in area for bulk outdoor storage. Pretty ho-hum, really.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by farkrefugee

I'm sure before the only documented Holocaust, during WWII there were skeptics that wanted to see the proof. It was too little too late.

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by fairydusted

There is also a huge area for an ELF antenna, which must be very long (can't remember the formula to determine the length), as in miles.....

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