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For all the Athiests.........

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posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 08:18 AM
or Enlightment... same stuff... it's just the differant areas or views that people get hung-up over...

Lotta good stuff here on this Thread and sure the 'pigs' have had/are having a great time with Religion... theres a-lot of great stuff in the bible, they had to put it there to 'hook' you...

The idea is to KNOW JC and His Woman Mary yourself ! Yeah, GOD BLESS the child thats got their OWN !

Keep rapping brother... sharing the Truth that is in all of us... when we lick the 'mind-control programs'... Awareness and its Infinite Levels...

LOLove etc ... Ave Maria ! Jesus the Playwright ! the WO- MAN

posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by shihulud
Skyway, Dominicus - You can pray as much as you want as there is no evidence (scientific anyway, I know you religious types have your own bizzare notions of evidence) that praying does any good whatsoever.

You are mistaken. There have been numerous scientific studies conducted on hospital patients that have clearly shown the efficacy of prayer. There have even been scientific studies that demonstrate a positive effect on plants that are prayed for.

But there are countless individual experiences of the power of prayer that go unreported.


[edit on 6-10-2006 by SkyWay]

posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by SkyWay

Originally posted by shihulud
Skyway, Dominicus - You can pray as much as you want as there is no evidence (scientific anyway, I know you religious types have your own bizzare notions of evidence) that praying does any good whatsoever.

You are mistaken. There have been numerous scientific studies conducted on hospital patients that have clearly shown the efficacy of prayer. There have even been scientific studies that demonstrate a positive effect on plants that are prayed for.

But there are countless individual experiences of the power of prayer that go unreported.


[edit on 6-10-2006 by SkyWay]

personal experience is subjective

evidence is objective

therefore, personal experience is not evidence

posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by dominicus
A person cannot say that some-one is not humble and arrogant just by the use of words. Unless you personally know that person, everything you have to say about them are assumptions, and as a matter a fact most people that have PM'ed me never found an ounce of arrogance or un-humbleness anywhere

I wasn't commenting on how you are in-person. My opinion was based purely on how you put yourself across on the forum, and in my opinion you're slightly arrogant to say the least. You say that you're enlightened, yet a truly enlightened person would not profess that he/she is so, and would definitely not seemingly gloat that they are enlightened.

Originally posted by dominicus
I didn't say that you were persoanlly unhappy for not having God when I don't know you , your beliefs, or your relationship with God, if you have one. What I have stated is an observance of the majority of people in this world. Majority does not equal everybody, but I see you cannot find any peace in any of my words and that is too bad because I have again humbly dropped gems.

You observed that the majority of people in the world are unhappy, and thus the main contributer to their unhappiness is not having God in their lives, and they're always trying to fill their lives with meanlingless materialism? That's quite an observation, especially when there's no evidence to support such a claim whatsoever.

Originally posted by dominicus
since you do not personally know me and you fail to read between the lines of all of my posts in this thread, I think people can come to their own conclusions about your comments.

I'm usually a good judge of character.

Originally posted by dominicus
There are more agruments that are in favor of the existence of God then there are for the non-existance side.

In-favor of God = The Bible, Miracles, Jesus, Jesus' face appearing on a slice of toast.

Not in-favor of God = Common sense.

Yeah you're right, there are more arguements 'for' God.

posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
personal experience is subjective

evidence is objective

therefore, personal experience is not evidence

Personal experience can be both subjective and objective at those times when a personal experience can be observed by others, such as when an individual has an answer to a prayer that is witnessed by other people as well. That personal experience then becomes both subjective and objective.

For example: If a person who has been injured in an accident prays that his injuries be healed, and then is healed in front of wirnesses, that personal experience of healing is subjective from his point of view and objective from the point of view of the observers. In such an instance, subjective and objective merge in one common experience.

[edit on 6-10-2006 by SkyWay]

posted on Oct, 7 2006 @ 01:08 AM
You obviously want scenitifc proof that prayer and thought effects our surroundings, which is unfortunate because this is something that is rather obvious besides the fact that prayer is mentioned in the Bible.

Here is all the scientific proof you need:

Random number generators along with the random television fuzz that occurs on TV channels that don't work, can all be manipulated simply by our thoughts. IF we can manipulate random events such as number generators, then imagine what we can do for other things including the healing of others especially when in prayer groups !!!!!!!!

Check your PM again. Also you hit the nail on the head with your last post, the one above this one. The day after becomming indwelled by God and Enlightened, I did a 360 and was never the same person, which was witnessed by my big circle of family, friends, and co-workers. The majority(unGodly) of them didn't believe a single word I said and they started talking behind my back that I need to take it easy with all this God and transcendent stuff, a small minority began to listen to what I had to say(about Bible and Enlightenment), and the smallest minority knew that I had reached this state based on my words and changes that took place in my being (personality, character, likes, dislikes, circle of friends, hobbies, etc) Your right in the way that a person that Subjectively experienced Enlightenment and God can be an objective example only in as much as his words, actions, and being produce.

Leave the arrogance alone for now, you've said it a thousand times already and so far you and 1 other person that disagree with me are the only people to use that weak argument. If some-one is Enlightened, they do not keep it to themselves. They try to share it with the World and help others to become enlightened. Your argument states that everyone who claims they are enlightened isn't really so because they wouldn't profess it. !!!!!! How would we know that it exists then??? Yes I do "gloat" about being Enlightened so that people will take notice and listen to me exalt the fact that it is a achievable state using the Bible and subitting to God. I think if there is anything justifiable to Gloat in, it would be the subject of knowing and becomming enlightenend through God and the Bible!!!!! I am gloating About GOD !!!!!!!

Jesus on toast is a strong argument in your favor isn't it?

Envy, Jealousy Hate, Greed, Anger, Arrogance, Lust, Pride, and all the other numerous negative faculties are the precursors to all the negative happenings in our world. If we begin to dimsantle these in ourselves, then we get steps closer to Enlightenment and unpolluted decisions and judgements, i.e. that we are not to Judge. Still Luv ya, though we are definately not seeing eye to eye on any of these matters.

posted on Oct, 7 2006 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by dominicus
You obviously want scenitifc proof that prayer and thought effects our surroundings, which is unfortunate because this is something that is rather obvious besides the fact that prayer is mentioned in the Bible.

Prayer cannot be tested in a laboratory. The only way prayer is thought to work, is as a placebo effect, that if a person really believes God is there and that the prayers are working, then they can find the will to live.

However, there will never be 'scientific' proof to prove the power of prayer, as it cannot be tested.

Originally posted by dominicus
Leave the arrogance alone for now, you've said it a thousand times already and so far you and 1 other person that disagree with me are the only people to use that weak argument.

Disagree with you? I only disagree with you saying the majority of people are unhappy and fill their lives with materialism, porn, sex, money etc. I'm not using your arrogance as an arguement for anything, so it's not a weak arguement. That's just how you've come across on these forums. It'd be nice to hear you admit it.

Originally posted by dominicus
If some-one is Enlightened, they do not keep it to themselves.

Then how can they say they're humble?

I really find it hard to acknowledge that you're 'humble' when you come on here with your self-riteous-better-than-everyone-else attitude, and still claim that you're humble.

Originally posted by dominicus
They try to share it with the World and help others to become enlightened.

By telling us we're unhappy and like to fill our lives with meaningless things? That's not really helping, because it's not true and it's what made you seem arrogant, to think that you're in some way better than others.

Originally posted by dominicus
Your argument states that everyone who claims they are enlightened isn't really so because they wouldn't profess it. !!!!!! How would we know that it exists then???

There are other ways of showing your enlightenment. One of them definitely isn't to gloat on a forum, to put other people down in the most unhumble fashion ever.

Originally posted by dominicus
Yes I do "gloat" about being Enlightened so that people will take notice and listen to me exalt the fact that it is a achievable state using the Bible and subitting to God.

So you want to be noticed? Did you miss a few hugs when you were younger? Do you miss being the center of attention and this is the only outlet you could find? The fact that you even admit you gloat about being enlightened, truely shows that you're not enlightened at all. How can you gloat and be humble at the same time!?

Originally posted by dominicus
Envy, Jealousy Hate, Greed, Anger, Arrogance, Lust, Pride, and all the other numerous negative faculties are the precursors to all the negative happenings in our world. If we begin to dimsantle these in ourselves, then we get steps closer to Enlightenment and unpolluted decisions and judgements, i.e. that we are not to Judge.

You passed judgement by saying the majority of people are unhappy.

And in small doses those emotions are not bad. We feel what we feel because we're human, you seem to be trying to deny your natural emotions and be something that you were never meant to be.

Originally posted by dominicus
Still Luv ya, though we are definately not seeing eye to eye on any of these matters.

Then don't love me. I didn't ask for your love, and nor do I need or want it.

posted on Oct, 7 2006 @ 05:47 AM
Did you even click on the link that I just put up?

That is so obvious to the power of thought, of which prayer comes from a much deeper place. If our thoughts effect so much, then think about how much more is prayer!!!! It's just so obvious in that link!!

The only justifiable form of "gloating" or "boasting: (which is a better term since gloating has negative canotations around it), is boasting for the Love of God that I and others have, how great it is to praise God, and be blessed with Enlightenment along with many others in this world and the fact that this is available to all is my motivation for comming on here and debating athiests in the first place. It was never to fulfill some self-righteous arrogant needs. I would choose a monastery over the presidency any day.

It is still true that the majority of people are spiritually sleeping and it will continue to be true til we have divine intervention in this world. This seems to bother you that I have made this statement and causes my to question whether you feel you are in that majority. Since this is the case when it comes to the majority of people, it is the reason why we have so many of these individuals trying to fulfill themselves with material things, vices, addicitons, etc. This is not a statement I make to raise myself above the majority, but to open peoples eyes to the truth of this statement and that something can be done about it if a person finds this to be true.

It has never been about, this is how I see it and I shall stand back and let it be. It was about stirring up yours and others emotions in the first place which from the beginning of making this statement I was successful in doing. In no way was this statement made in the context of your so called arrogance. Self-righteous only to the point that I strive for righteousness in myself, friends, family, and fellow man including strangers as yourself. In righteousness I cannot boast because no one is righteouss except God no matter how hard we strive for it. Yes a high level of righteousness can be reached but I include myself in the majority of people being far away from such high-ness since I am continually in the process of reprogramming myself from the old ways and old self.

It is possible to have Enlightenment, tell others that you have it, and remain humble. All the poeple who have done so, always come under attack and it is part of the process. To regain my humbleness from your perspective I am willing to go as far as apologize for any words that I have spoken that you or anyone else have viewed as arrogance. I also conclude this by stating that nowhere in any of my motivations for these posts did I at all smell any self arrogance in my being when I come before you all naked as the day I was born with only the truth and the hopes of proving that God exists and enlightenment is possible through the Bible.

By being Enlightened, it does in not make me better than the majority I spoke of nor anyone else. I just happen to see and know a few things that are going on behind the curtains of reality and the more I strive for humbleness, Love, and to be like nothing, the more is revealed. Is a childless billionaire more important than a factory worker with 9 kids?

The one thing I cannot do is to stop Loving you when I know where you come from, what your part of, and who made you. Yes it is true that we are not to judge and I passed a judgement on the majority of people, however sometimes we have to do what were not supposed to in order to make a point. What other way could I have said that without passing a judgement, even though I strive not to judge?

Again I end this in much Love and appreciation for you and your posts and I thank you for teaching me and strengthening my ability in argumentation in our verbal exchange. Please know that God Loves you unconditionally, and yet it's all about acknowledging this FACT!!!!!


posted on Oct, 7 2006 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by dominicus
The only justifiable form of "gloating" or "boasting: (which is a better term since gloating has negative canotations around it), is boasting for the Love of God that I and others have, how great it is to praise God, and be blessed with Enlightenment along with many others in this world and the fact that this is available to all is my motivation for comming on here and debating athiests in the first place. It was never to fulfill some self-righteous arrogant needs. I would choose a monastery over the presidency any day.

You cannot possibly gloat or boast about anything in a humble fashion.

Originally posted by dominicus
This seems to bother you that I have made this statement and causes my to question whether you feel you are in that majority.

No, I'm not in the majority group of people you describe as 'unhappy'. The only thing that bothers me is that you're so dissilusioned that you believe all these people are unhappy and that they would all be happy if they found God.

Originally posted by dominicus
Since this is the case when it comes to the majority of people, it is the reason why we have so many of these individuals trying to fulfill themselves with material things, vices, addicitons, etc. This is not a statement I make to raise myself above the majority, but to open peoples eyes to the truth of this statement and that something can be done about it if a person finds this to be true.

Open people's eyes? Who are you to tell them they're unhappy and that they need God and they should stop filling their lives with materialism? And so what if someone gets happiness from materialistic things, that has nothing to do with you. You're self-riteous, think you're better than everyone else, and absolutly love to put your self above everyone else.

Originally posted by dominicus
It was about stirring up yours and others emotions in the first place which from the beginning of making this statement I was successful in doing.

I'm a passionate person, you could stir me up if you dropped a piece of litter on the street, I may not care at all about the litter, but I may just be passionate enough to have go for the sake of having a go. You were successful in making yourself look like a self-riteous arrogant dissilusioned thinks-he's-enlightened person. You're in no way humble at all, I can't believe you can't see it. I'm not humble, I know, but I don't go around pretending to be something I'm not.

Originally posted by dominicus
It is possible to have Enlightenment, tell others that you have it, and remain humble.

The way you approached telling others was not humble.

Originally posted by dominicus
To regain my humbleness from your perspective I am willing to go as far as apologize for any words that I have spoken that you or anyone else have viewed as arrogance.

You started this thread with a sentence along the lines of 'There's more evidence FOR God than AGAINST God'. That's in no way humble. There's suggestable evidence that a supernatural being of somesort, which we don't fully understand, exists, however there is also suggestable evidence that a superbeing does not exist. Contrary to your supposed 'humble' opinion, there is no clear cut winner.

Originally posted by dominicus
Is a childless billionaire more important than a factory worker with 9 kids?

What's this got to do with anything?

Originally posted by dominicus
The one thing I cannot do is to stop Loving you when I know where you come from, what your part of, and who made you. Yes it is true that we are not to judge and I passed a judgement on the majority of people, however sometimes we have to do what were not supposed to in order to make a point. What other way could I have said that without passing a judgement, even though I strive not to judge?

If you truely strive to not judge, then don't judge people. Make a statement without judging. Also make a statement about being enlightened without sounding so unhumble, it might help. You say you strive to be humble and not judge, yet you seem to avoided both of those goals.

You don't know where I come from, you don't know what I'm a part of and you don't know who made me.

Originally posted by dominicus
Please know that God Loves you unconditionally, and yet it's all about acknowledging this FACT!!!!!

If it's unconditional, then I don't need to love him back. kthnx.

posted on Oct, 7 2006 @ 09:09 AM
dominicus I had a look at your link (quite interesting BTW) and have read/seen similar accounts. However this has nothing whatsoever to do with prayer as prayer is by definition

A reverent petition made to God, a god, or another object of worship.
. The link you posted was for thought control and I saw no mention of gods and religion. So there is still NO evidence that prayer works.

posted on Oct, 7 2006 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by dominicus
Check your PM again. Also you hit the nail on the head with your last post, the one above this one. The day after becomming indwelled by God and Enlightened, I did a 360 and was never the same person, which was witnessed by my big circle of family, friends, and co-workers. The majority(unGodly) of them didn't believe a single word I said and they started talking behind my back that I need to take it easy with all this God and transcendent stuff, a small minority began to listen to what I had to say(about Bible and Enlightenment), and the smallest minority knew that I had reached this state based on my words and changes that took place in my being (personality, character, likes, dislikes, circle of friends, hobbies, etc) Your right in the way that a person that Subjectively experienced Enlightenment and God can be an objective example only in as much as his words, actions, and being produce.

When God heals the body or the SPIRIT of a person in the presence of others, that blessing affects both, the person healed, and the persons who witness it. The person who is healed is blessed in the improvement that the healing brings to his body and/or spirit, and those who witness the event are blessed because they are shown the love and power of God in the change of the person who has been healed.

In brief, it is almost as much of a blessing to witness a miracle as it is to experience one.

posted on Oct, 7 2006 @ 05:56 PM
By now you have successfully made youself look foolish by your repeating cyclical comments. I wonder how you can go about proving any of what you say, let along proving that I am not Enlightened. Your words are pure entertainment in the trueset sense of the word and yes I do know where you come from, who made you, and the fact that one day all knees shall bow. If you could prove me wrong, then I would kill myself on live T.V. to prove that I would rather taste death then walk around speaking words that are untrue !!!!! In reality I have so much compassion and it hurts me inside to know that you don't know and don't believe in truth. Although you shall see upon physical death as everyone else will as well when the time comes. The beauty of it all is that even though God loves you and everybody unconditionally, God is also infinitely Just. I ponder the question of how long you will continue to walk in your polluted and disillusioned reality perspecitive. The visible world along with your mere perspectives aren't even a billionth of a tenth of whats really going on, but you my friend don't see it and it saddens me because of the compassion.

However I understand that because of free-will, you choose to explore your limited belief systems, perspectives, and skepticisms. Do you understand that in the perspective of everything that exists, infinity, eternity, that you my friend, along with myself and everyone else, are nothing in the big picture. That's where the requirement to humble yourself comes from, because upon admitting that in reality you are nothing, you begin to explore nothingness and explore the cores of yourself in relation to God. It takes time, but finally after excepting that there is a God, asking God to come into your heart, and submitting to the Lord , only then does nothing become something with the indwelling of the Lord. Only then can you become self realized and God realized of just how united and beautiful it all is. Even though you don't know this, except as frameworks of what I and other enlightened persons have said, these are realizations that are available to you if you simply submit yourself to God. When it's all said and done, you will be in a place beyond faith. Faith is to believe in the things that are unseen, but after you reach enlightenment, you see and no longer rely on faith, but simply know God to be truth!!!!!

So how can we be friends and turn this discussion into the best ways to humble ourselves before God and men????

posted on Oct, 8 2006 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by dominicus
It is still true that the majority of people are spiritually sleeping and it will continue to be true til we have divine intervention in this world. This seems to bother you that I have made this statement and causes my to question whether you feel you are in that majority. Since this is the case when it comes to the majority of people, it is the reason why we have so many of these individuals trying to fulfill themselves with material things, vices, addicitons, etc. This is not a statement I make to raise myself above the majority, but to open peoples eyes to the truth of this statement and that something can be done about it if a person finds this to be true.

Hello Domenicus, still enlightened I see...

The wise man speaks because he has something to say
The fool speaks because he has to say something

Are you saying here that I, like the majority of people, am spiritually sleeping because I do not believe in a non existent God?

How does your enlightenment manifest itself?

Shauny is rightt, PRAYER does not work, see this site :
and click on: Try praying

posted on Oct, 8 2006 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by dominicus
By now you have successfully made youself look foolish by your repeating cyclical comments.

Yeah, diminish my character to take the focus off you. Sometimes you need to repeat yourself, saying things once doesn't often do the trick.

Originally posted by dominicus
I wonder how you can go about proving any of what you say, let along proving that I am not Enlightened.

By your own definition, you're not enlightened. You admitted that you gloated/boasted about being enlightened, which is not humble at all. You've got a ways to go if you truely want to be enlightened. I suggest starting with avoiding gloating about the fact that you're something you're not.

Originally posted by dominicus
Your words are pure entertainment in the trueset sense of the word

Well I'm glad I've been a somewhat entertaining read for you.

Originally posted by dominicus
In reality I have so much compassion and it hurts me inside to know that you don't know and don't believe in truth.

One word.. 'Arrogant'. I'm not sure how at all you can think you're humble. Telling me what I believe is false, is not humble.

Originally posted by dominicus
I ponder the question of how long you will continue to walk in your polluted and disillusioned reality perspecitive. The visible world along with your mere perspectives aren't even a billionth of a tenth of whats really going on, but you my friend don't see it and it saddens me because of the compassion.

My polluted and disillusioned reality perspective? Now surely that's not a judgement.. and my 'mere' perspectives? You're one arrogant, pretending to be enlightened, person, you really are. If you're an example of an 'enlightened' person, then I do not want to be one. There's nothing wrong with being spiritual, however there's something wrong here about the way you've gone about telling us you're enlightened, and also telling us how 'wrong' we are as a society to not follow what you do.

Originally posted by dominicus
However I understand that because of free-will, you choose to explore your limited belief systems, perspectives, and skepticisms.

My belief is limited? My belief is unlimited, because I can up and change at anytime. Your belief is the limited one, because you've chosen your one belief, your one idea, and your one concept of God.

Originally posted by dominicus
Do you understand that in the perspective of everything that exists, infinity, eternity, that you my friend, along with myself and everyone else, are nothing in the big picture.

Thankyou for stating the obvious. To us bacteria and insects are small. To some of the bigger animals we are small. Then we've got us in a country, then a continent, then the whole earth. Reach futher out and earth is just a spec on the solar system, which in itself is a spec of the galaxy, further out there are infinite other galaxies, with other planets, with other stars, with other solar systems.. So no, I never thought humans were substantial in any way compared to the universe. And what is your point anyways?

Originally posted by dominicus
and submitting to the Lord

You have any idea how pathetic that sounds? Not trying to be mean or anything or have a go at you. But seriously as the most dominent species on this planet, you expect us to 'submit' to some supernatural being? Why does everything about believing in God always have to do with something like bowing down to him, submitting to him, praying to him, being all unworthy and so on?

Originally posted by dominicus
So how can we be friends and turn this discussion into the best ways to humble ourselves before God and men????

Honestly, I wouldn't want to be friends with you in real life. There's been people on here and in real life that I've sometimes not seen eye to eye with, but still care about and have a mutual sort of friendship. With you.. I just can't stand you, no offence. But 6 billion people on this planet, you can't expect them all to like you.

posted on Oct, 8 2006 @ 04:43 AM
The bible can be interpreted in many different way. Some people interpret it wrong and some correct. You just have to find out what really makes sense. Remember when the church rewrote the bible from Hebrew they translated some things wrong. You will have to research it in order to find the correct translations. Once you do this a lot of things starts to make sense.

posted on Oct, 8 2006 @ 06:57 AM
You are correct. There are deeper and even hidden things in the Bible than are to be unlocked by the reader in due time.

I forgive your untruthful words knowing that one day you will see th truth for what it really is. Until thine eye has been single and your body filled with light, you just know the fasad of it all. If you ever become motivated to dig deeper and question everything, perhaps you'll figure it out. Either way I enjoy the fact that God loves you as do I also.

Let me read that link again and I'll return with some comments.

posted on Oct, 8 2006 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by dominicus
I forgive your untruthful words knowing that one day you will see th truth for what it really is. Until thine eye has been single and your body filled with light, you just know the fasad of it all. If you ever become motivated to dig deeper and question everything, perhaps you'll figure it out. Either way I enjoy the fact that God loves you as do I also.

Way to avoid every single point I brought up in my post..

I'll reiterate for you:

1) You openly admit gloating/boasting about being enlightened. Sure, one can be happy that he/she is enlightened. However, by the very nature of gloating/boasting, you are not being humble - in fact it's the opposite of humble, therefore you cannot truely be enlightened.

2) You argue that my own beliefs are a polluted and disillusioned perspective of reality. You then carry on to describe these perspectives of mine as 'mere' perspectives. If it's not enough for you to say they're polluted and disillusioned, you have to through in 'mere' as an added bonus. This is your 'judgement' of me, again something you're not supposed to do if you're enlightened, but you seem to do it anyway. For one you don't know what my beliefs in a God/Gods are, you also don't know what my perspective on reality is, yet you're still willing to judge.

What you seem to be doing here is the adult equivilent of a child jumping up and down shouting 'na na na na na, I know something you don't know'.

3) You say that my beliefs are 'limited', when in fact my beliefs are endless as I can change them at any moment. Therefore, my beliefs are unlimited, it's actually your beliefs that are limited because you've already made up your mind, and you've chosen 'one' belief.

4) Why is it that humans have the need to bow down, make themselves feel inferior, pray to some overlord beast thing for help and love? If you could help with that one, I'd be much obliged.

5) And as for not being your friend, don't take it personally.

So if you could address these points, It'd be ever so helpful.

posted on Oct, 8 2006 @ 07:07 PM
Again I have stated that I boast in God and about God. That is the only justifiable form of boasting, which is different from the word "gloating" which has negative connotations. I do not know of any other form of justifiable boasting, including boasting of recieving Enlightenment from God himself. It is boasting in God from every objective perspective possible and in this I give myself credit that non of it is personal boasting, but the humbleness that I am a vessel. How is this not clear to you?

Your beliefs are limited because you do not believe in Enlightenment, that I have been blessed with this state, and that I am anti-arrogance and anti-self boasting. Until you include the possibility of these to to be true, your views are limited.

Since enlightenment does exist, and many people are in this state, it does not make them perfect and still subject to faults and imperfections. Besides it takes years if not the rest of ones life to get used to this state and function accordingly.

I have told you that the objective of submitting to God, repenting, and practicing the precepts of the Bible is in a metyphysical, spiritual, mystical, and tangible re-birth into Enligtenment. You become nothing and in exchange you gain everything with a personal tangible relationship with God, enlightenment, and transcendence. The key is the dismantling of the ego and by submitting to God, God will indwell you and make you one with him and share his knowldge, insights, and other hidden things with you mystically, but to a point since our physical bodies cannot handle higher levels of Enlightenment.

What else is their to say????

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by dominicus
Again I have stated that I boast in God and about God. That is the only justifiable form of boasting, which is different from the word "gloating" which has negative connotations. I do not know of any other form of justifiable boasting, including boasting of recieving Enlightenment from God himself. It is boasting in God from every objective perspective possible and in this I give myself credit that non of it is personal boasting, but the humbleness that I am a vessel. How is this not clear to you?

Gloating or boasting are both childish antics that most of us grow out of by the time we're 10.

Originally posted by dominicus
Your beliefs are limited because you do not believe in Enlightenment

I never said I do not believe in enlightenment. Don't put words in my mouth.

Originally posted by dominicus
that I have been blessed with this state, and that I am anti-arrogance and anti-self boasting. Until you include the possibility of these to to be true, your views are limited.

My views in no way are limited, my ideas of reality are absolutly endless as I have no 'one' belief. You on the other hand have 'one' belief, hence you are the one with the limited narrow viewpoint and belief.

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 05:10 PM
Boasting in God is supposed to be childish because the Kingdom of heaven belongs to those that are like children, i.e. boasting about how much they Love their Father(God), humble, innocent, non-judgemental, and so forth. Those who try to be thise way are the ones that reach Enlightenment.

Yes my view is limited only to the point that I know that to reach Enlightenment, one must Love God with all of One's Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul. Then unlimted transcendence happens. It is also limited because I don't believe that you think the Bible can do all these things, let alone be an authoritative Word of God and you don't believe me to have been Blessed by God with Enlightenment, which I came on here to share with the as many as I can reach and tell everybody what a great contenet happiness I have since I Love God more than anything in Existence and you can too !!!!

Imagine not needing anything and having a personal, tangible, relationship with God with an Open communication channel!!!! I and many others have that and try to share it with others, whom in turn try to come up with excuses why we act this way. People think those dudes with the Megaphones preaching all day are crazy. But what if the guy with the megaphone is the only normal person and everybody else is crazy????

If my "One" belief got me to Enlightenment and the Truth, then call me limited as that is your perspective. That "One" belief is what Originally got me to transcendence and the ability to comprehend infiity and eterinty. The paradoxi of God is closer to the truth than you think.

Praise God !!!!!!!!

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