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John Lear's Moon Pictures on ATS

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posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by TheBorg
Hey zorgon, watch out for those Moonbies. I've heard that they masquerade as nurses in hospitals. They may be after you for trying to reveal their presence.

How did you KNOW????? Said her name was Veena...

Well at least she had red hair...

[edit on 15-8-2007 by zorgon]

[edit on 15-8-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by Matyas

Originally posted by XyZeR
It's beyond me how a meteor hitting the moon could create such patterns

Yer right thar hoss, them's developer fluid spots, most likely someone with developer fluid on their hands touched the negatives when they were a developin'!

Yes you are correct about the developer fluid... but not about the hands touching them...

Not unless it was Aliens or the Secret Space Corps...

The films were developed on board and the original 70 mm film negatives crashed on the moon... we got video feeds back

Sorry don't mean to burst bubbles but we had to eliminate all those kind of bugs early in the game to find the real stuff...

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by MAC269 that we the white mice are all just about to be left behind, not a pleasant thought???

Ah but that is just the point... we at Pegasus have decided to gather as much info as we can and make sure we are not left behind... even have some good patents and designs for a spacecraft... even added some interesting people to the "staff" lately that have titles in their names LOL

the white mice, or sheeple, will never understand no matter what you show them and they probably will be left behind...

So ... Hey now there is a recruitment poster waiting to be made....

Seriously though, with all due respect to the skeptics, I have difficulty understand how you can look a a clip from an Apollo image that shows this...

and sit there and tell me we have shown nothing. That one image alone, without any others... this one image that is note enhanced and easy to see on the NASA original of Daedalus Crater... should be more than enough to make you stop and think...

Personally I think those that do not see... don't even stop to look, nor ever examine an original we point to in a graphics program... but then thats my opinion... I could be wrong

To John....

Hey John... you know those spheres on the Haunebu/Adamski type craft? Seems a little birdie sent me a little gift on how they work, patent and all

SHHHH Not giving THIS one away
Your mine would be a great place to put a test center... its far enough away

[edit on 15-8-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by JelloFaust
Hmm, the links in the first post do not work anymore. Are there new links? 200 Pages of posts, so I don't even know where to begin to look...

All the images are there... you will have to wait till tomorrow for the high res Copernicus though... I need to redo the links if ATS ones are gone...

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 03:49 AM
Dear Zorgon

You have put in a massive amount of good work on this subject.

Now do correct me if you think I am wrong but to me this photo seams to show 2 building to the upper right surrounded by a wall in a square configuration. YES???

It’s one of the sharpest photos I have seen can you give an approximate size of the facility???

Can you give any idea what so ever why they would need a wall???

Who would it be designed to keep out???

Or am I just not thinking laterally enough.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by MAC269
Now do correct me if you think I am wrong but to me this photo seams to show 2 building to the upper right surrounded by a wall in a square configuration. YES???

LOL we call this the "Compound" Its one of the better ones as it is clearly spotted in the original... we had the size worked out before I think I wrote it down I will check tomorrow as we know the size of Daedalus Crater.

The Borg also found some other objects in the original... but look just to the top right of the "compound" See the grouping of spheres?
More on that soon

Why a wall is a good question... yet the whole thing looks like an old castle type setup with the village outside or it could be like Sam's Town here in Las Vegas

What I mean by that is that the walls are buildings and there is a glass cover overtop Here in Vegas we do it to keep the heat and desert out...

It has a whole forest inside with cliffs and water falls and a river.. Tried to find a better picture but you get the idea Multi stories "wall" with a glass cover and a whole different environment inside

LOL I see that one got your attention

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 04:32 AM
The problem with that picture Zorgon, and I must say it is curious, is that there is no context, nothing to compare its size position etc.
I mean it could have been taken in your garden.

Do you have the same shot showing the surrounding area?

BTW hows the leg? You realy shouldnt let little old ladies kick you

This post in no way should imply or suggest that I believe there is anything on the moon that was not left there by Apollo Astonauts.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 04:50 AM

Originally posted by Chorlton
The problem with that picture Zorgon, and I must say it is curious, is that there is no context, nothing to compare its size position etc.

Well its about the 20th time we have shown it the original is at NASA. See what happens when you spend so much time telling us there is nothing there... but miss the good stuff?

Do you have the same shot showing the surrounding area?

But of course... I never clip anything without the original...

Daedalus Crater is the big one upper left... this is in the small crater to the lower right of Crater 308 (Daedalus)

The crater is 93 kilometer in diameter... I haven't worked out which sub crater has the structure yet, nor a scale of the object

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 04:59 AM
Interesting to note that Daedalus Crater has been selected to receive a huge radio telescope as it is in the "cone of silence" from radio interference from Earth

The need to keep the Farside of the Moon free from man-made RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) has long been discussed by the international scientific community. In particular, in 2005 this author reported to the IAA (International Academy of Astronautics) the results of an IAA “Cosmic Study” that had been started back in 1994 by the late French radio astronomer Jean Heidmann (1920-2000) and had been completed by this author after Heidmann’s death (see, for instance, [1] and [2]).
The center of the Farside, specifically crater Daedalus, is ideal to set up a future radio telescope (or phased array) to detect radio waves of all kinds that it is impossible to detect on Earth because of the ever-growing RFI.


Seems every time I find one piece of the puzzle, two more appear....

[edit on 15-8-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by MAC269 that we the white mice are all just about to be left behind, not a pleasant thought???

Ah but that is just the point... we at Pegasus have decided to gather as much info as we can and make sure we are not left behind... even have some good patents and designs for a spacecraft... even added some interesting people to the "staff" lately that have titles in their names LOL

Well Z if you are going to build a space craft or flying saucer ( time machine ) you could do worse than to read Alfred Jarry's '' How To Construct a Time Machine ''

Considering this little French guy died in 1903, he sure seemed to have some advanced terminology that is way over my head ( no difficulty there ). I have read his essay several times and it seems he is describing Dr Who's TARDIS ( Time And Relative Dimension In Space )

Perhaps you could enrol Bob Lazar??!!

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 11:34 PM
Dear Zorgon

Nice idea that, a beautiful environmentally controlled shopping mal on the moon, Hum.

Ok so for aliens this is no expense as we know it to ship the materials and or at least the tools over the vast extravagance of space to build an environmentally controlled wall like building containing a series of domes. Now thinking in earth terms I can get my head around the domes being that, that is the way we may think of setting up a habitat on the moon. However the construction of a wall shaped living area I would think was a little extravagant even for our alien friends.

I have to say this photo is one of the best I have seen and I would not describe myself as a skeptic in anyway. As I have said in previous postings I think the UFO/ Alien phenomenon is a very real thing I would even say that if they are here, that having a base or even several on our moon is entirely logical. Certainly this photo shows something and that something doesn’t look in anyway natural with what appears to be perfectly straight walls. But walls here on earth are for one of three reasons, either to keep people in or keep them out or decorative not of which I can imagine applying on the moon.

So lets recap

Wall like habitat = a bit pricy even for aliens.
Decorative = a bit pricy even for aliens.
Too keep inmate in = just hid the space suits.
Too keep invaders out = they fly to our moon and they can’t manage a wall not logical.

So I think we have to imagine way out side the box here, I think it would have to be for a very real very important purpose to risk being seen by us the white mice here on earth and if I could possibly imagine what that was I would be a very rich Sci-Fi writer however if I where that I would certainly look here on ATS for new ideas. In all this I am not saying that it may not be just what it appears to be but we really do have to think of a better reason than we have up until now.

[edit on 15-8-2007 by MAC269]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 11:34 PM
Sorry hit the button twice

[edit on 15-8-2007 by MAC269]

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by MAC269
Now do correct me if you think I am wrong but to me this photo seams to show 2 building to the upper right surrounded by a wall in a square configuration. YES???

I have looked at this one a hundred times or so now, and I don't think those are raised structures. Judging by the sunlight direction, those two areas look to be craters with shadows on the right and sun-lit walls on the left. If they were raised objects, the shadows would be on the left side of them. However, they both look almost exactly the same size and both within the boundries of the wall... hmmm.

Originally posted by zorgon
Why a wall is a good question... yet the whole thing looks like an old castle type setup with the village outside or it could be like Sam's Town here in Las Vegas

I have no explanation for the wall or the raised plateau that blocks out the encompassing crater's shadow in a very straight line. That's some pretty cool stuff.
I also think that there are some other very interesting anomalies in the original pic. I'll have to go back and look at what The Borg found.

[edit on 16-8-2007 by Zarniwoop]

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 01:18 AM
Dear Zarniwoop

Great Post love the photo and your text but now look at it one more time please, if the sunlight is from the direction you suggest then why is the bottom right of what looks like a wall black???

In this I am not suggesting that you are wrong at all but that area should be white if the sun is coming from that direction???

Look at the creator in the top left that tells me your direction of the sun is correct therefore there is a problem with the wall.

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 01:34 AM
Dear Zarniwoop

I have looked at the photo above again and I am convinced that they are indeed structures and the light in and on the walled section is coming from the opposite direction meaning an artificial light source.

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by MAC269
Dear Zarniwoop

Great Post love the photo and your text but now look at it one more time please, if the sunlight is from the direction you suggest then why is the bottom right of what looks like a wall black???

The sunlight is coming from the direction I suggest (actually I think its a few degrees more left) if you look at all the other crater shadows in the original pic.

The area bottom right of the wall is dark because the crater it is sitting in is casting a shadow from the bottom right to the upper left (based on the sunlight direction). The plateau and wall is lit because it is raised high enough to rise above the shadow cast by the rim and therefore... it is lit

In this I am not suggesting that you are wrong at all but that area should be white if the sun is coming from that direction???

Nah... It should be dark based on the above analysis

[edit on 16-8-2007 by Zarniwoop]

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by MAC269
Dear Zarniwoop

I have looked at the photo above again and I am convinced that they are indeed structures and the light in and on the walled section is coming from the opposite direction meaning an artificial light source.

What exactly convinced you of an artificial light source
Considering nothing else is lit by that artificial light source other than the structures in question.

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by Zarniwoop
I also think that there are some other very interesting anomalies in the original pic. I'll have to go back and look at what The Borg found.

[edit on 16-8-2007 by Zarniwoop]

I believe it's just NW of that crater. In the one next to it. You'll see what appears to be a building with a clear deck of some sort on it, as you can see right underneath it. It struck me right in between the eyes when I saw it. Strange to see something smack me like that. It almost HAS to be man-made.


posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 05:47 PM
Zorgon, they are critizing you at Bad Astronomy Forum...

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 11:49 PM
Didn't want this very informative post to get lost on the 'infrared moon images' thread, so I'm transferring it here

Originally posted by zorgon

Is Aristarchus a Fusion Reactor?

Well without stopping by to look it will be hard to tell... but there is something we can do to demonstrate that it is an unusual power source...

Some time ago i order several papers from NASA and other government departments... documents prior to 1970 that are not available online or at the least hard to find... several of these deal with bases on farside but that is a work in progress and I am still waiting for two more key files under FOIA

But one such document is very pertinent to Aristarchus... it also shows to anyone who has doubts that the Cold War was merely a ruse to get money and power for both side, as von Braun said [manufactured enemy), that they truly were working with us on space issues (Read "Two Sides of the Moon" written by two Astronauts, a Russian and an American and there are also CIA and NASA documents that show this)

21 February 2007
Space Cooperation Highlights 200 Years of U.S.-Russia Relations

Washington – On the same day that NASA commemorated the 45th anniversary of John Glenn’s orbits of Earth in Friendship 7 in 1962, the U.S. Department of State celebrated 200 years of U.S.-Russian diplomatic relations with a February 20 program on U.S.-Russia cooperation in space.


Why do I bring this up here? Well a lot of what we will present over the next few months involves the Russians and this paper involves Russian/NASA cooperation so we might as well set the ground rules early.

One other note... after Aristarchus I will be putting the rest of the data in the moon thread... to hard to follow too many threads

Back to Aristarchus...

This is a set of scans from the document; sections that are pertinent and to the point with highlight and comments

This is before JPL was under NASA

Title and Author

Okay here we see that we are looking at the wrong end of the spectrum, its NOT infrared we want, its ultraviolet...

Instruments and location...

This clip was mentioned in context with the luminosity and I have not yet tracked down a copy of the cited work. When I do you can bet i will be posting it in the "Atmosphere on the Moon' category. Here is an official NASA/JPL report written before censorship telling us about an atmosphere on the moon and that the night sky of the moon is illuminated!

Blue band of color... as we have observed in our photos..

First mention of the H and K spectrum... why this is important will be clear in a few minutes... but it states here "increases towards the ultraviolet"

Blue Violet ultraviolet compared to H and K...

Now look at the table below Readings on Sept 28 1955 show a normal of 0.0 in both H and K emissions from Aristarchus Crater, but look what happens on oct 4th 1955

Seems The Lights Were On on that day.....

Why is H and K important to us?

Continued next post... (need a coffee

[edit on 17-8-2007 by Zarniwoop]

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