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John Lear's Moon Pictures on ATS

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posted on May, 26 2007 @ 10:08 PM
Hey anybody have any idea what this thing is sticking up out of those "long narrow rays" that are all bunched up here on this version of AS8-12-2209? There are several versions of this photo. I got this one out of Donald Menzels "Astronomy" book published by Random House. You remember Menzel. He was one of the original MJ-12 members. Looks kind of like a rocket ship or maybe a large corkscrew. But thats just a guess.

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 10:24 PM
Originally posted by greatlakes

Here is what we "know" about Ari.C:

Greatlakes, if you can't be more respectful of time honored names or you're just to lazy to type it out I would respectfully request something other than "Ari.C". Too Southeast Mediterranean. Thanks

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by greatlakes
Or maybe you want to BARRAGE the readers here

Barrage is good... don't let em take a breath before the next data is presented.
Keeps em on the edge of their seats...

Ok not only am I now a disinfo agent lol
but Rilence is as well! Cool, I never knew, hey what kind of salary does a disinfo agent get anyways these days.

Actually he said NASA airbrusher LOL, but I suppose the pay is bad, because it obviously makes you grumpy and dissatisfied

It seems John Lear only really wants one viewpoint here on this thread,

Oy... seems you cannot understand sarcasm LOL, well your not the first

Here's another, somewhat more based in fact (although its from scientists and researchers, which of course are all on the disinfo payroll!)

Somewhat based in fact?
No I would not say they are on the payroll, but from what I have seen of scientists lately, they seem very confused...

"The plateau was probably uplifted, ...

"...which are the apparent vents for low-viscosity lavas..."

Seems they are just guessing too, don't really know until they get there...

The region is made up of iron-rich glass spheres

COOL! I wonder what the iron injected glass domes NASA is planning would look like on a spectrograph?

Hey Matyas! If you add iron into a glass dome structure, would that have any effect for Lunar static?

Part of the reason most people THINK the Ari.C is SO BRIGHT is that it is RELATIVELY BRIGHT, as compared to the surrounding DARK AREAS, the sea as they are called.

So NASA having the Astronauts specifically have a look and the fact that they give an eyewitness report that says its glowing more than can be accounted for by Earthlight (as the sun was behind the moon at the time) is irrelevant to your research?

Almost pure anorthosite. Ok what the heck is this stuff, I'm an engineer not a bloody geologist!

Anorthosite is an igneous rock composed mostly of Calcium Plagioclase feldspars. Its dark and usually has Labradorite in it, a feldspar that reflects blue flashes and is very decorative on counter tops...

Its fairly rare on Earth and they don't know yet exactly how its formed, but its common on the moon...

Surely you are not going to suggest that THIS "labradorescence" is the cause of the "glow"

[edit on 26-5-2007 by zorgon]

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by Cygnific
It looks alot like an excavator, or some watermill wheel.

Nice pic of the water wheel. The reason I labelled it "derilict" is that it simply looks broken and is lying askew behind the grades area. We DO have three other "bucket excavators" in that copernicus picture.. All about the same size and emitting vapor or stirring up dust. They are smaller, but all three to scale and look more functional than the huge one

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 10:27 PM
...OK so what the heck is Anorthosite???


Anorthosite (IPA: /aˈnɔːθəsʌɪt, ə-/) is a phaneritic, intrusive igneous rock characterized by a predominance of plagioclase feldspar (90-100%), and a minimal mafic component (0-10%). Pyroxene, ilmenite, magnetite, and olivine are the mafic minerals most commonly present.

Anorthosite on earth can be divided into two types: Proterozoic anorthosite (also known as massif or massif-type anorthosite) and Archean anorthosite. These two types of anorthosite have different modes of occurrence, appear to be restricted to different periods in Earth's history, and are thought to have had different origins.

So there's Anorthosite making up the Ari.C impact zone, ans the definition above...but what about the brightness?

Lunar anorthosites [1] constitute the light-coloured areas of the Moon's surface and have been the subject of much research.

also, and this is the good part...!

Physical characteristics

Since they are primarily composed of plagioclase feldspar, most of Proterozoic anorthosites appear, in outcrop, to be grey or bluish. Individual plagioclase crystals may be black, white, blue, or gray, and may have a beautiful iridescence known as labradorescence. This kind of feldspar is known as labradorite.

So it clearly states that the anorthosite can be blue or grey in color, that it has iridescence and is found to be the material IN ARISTARCHUS CRATER.


Origins of Proterozoic anorthosites

The origins of Proterozoic anorthosites have been a subject of theoretical debate for many decades. A brief synopsis of this problem is as follows. The problem begins with the generation of magma, the necessary precursor of any igneous rock.

So it seems primarily sourced from MAGMA.

Ok, here again the definition of Anorthosite:

Anorthosite (IPA: /aˈnɔːθəsʌɪt, ə-/) is a phaneritic, intrusive igneous rock characterized by a predominance of plagioclase feldspar (90-100%),

So it's 90-100% plagioclase feldspar...ok. Lets take a look at this crazy stuff shall we.

Looks bluish to me, no need for aliens once again.

Very crystalline in make-up, appears brownish, translucent.


As luck has it, this disinfo agent found a picture.

The following micrographs are from Lunar Anorthosite 60025.

Hey they look very glass-like and BLUish greenish!

Also, shows that lunar samples have been taken of Anorthosite from the Apollo missions.

With regards to the opinion (not really a theory at all) that the Ari.C area is an Alien device and is radiation spewing out into the atmosphere of the moon, thus turning BLUE...

This relies heavily that the crater is a protrusion DOME in an octagonal shape with spokes coming off the protrusion dome. THIS OPINION IS FALSE, it iss merely the imagination run amuck, and a trick of the minds eye showing you something thats not really there.

As in a previous post, here it is again:

Image #1

Do you see the protrusion of the octagonal shape and the buttresses or arches or spokes?

Image #2

This is THE SAME IMAGE as Image #1, the only difference is that I have rotated the it from Image #1.

Now what do MOST of us see? I see a crater with indentations in an octagonal shape with ejecta material in the form of ridges coming off the crater from the impact center.

So the Ari.C can be viewed by the minds eye in two quite distinct ways. One looks like intelligent design was at work, aliens and the like (image #1), the other (image #2) looks like a perpendicularly direct impact (almost 90 degrees or perpendicular to the lunar surface) spewed ejecta radiating outward from the impact site.

It is similar in effect as the following crater examples:

What do you see?

Now what do you see?

[justified rant]Wow no alien intelligence needed?! Just science and wikipedia? Wow, it took about 3 minutes to search for this stuff on Google! Maybe a little research is needed with regards to the topics on this thread? You decide, but don't speak out to much, the thread GESTAPO might smite you!
[/justified rant]

[edit on 26-5-2007 by greatlakes]

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 10:44 PM

by greatlakes:
The region is made up of iron-rich glass spheres

quote originally by zorgon:
COOL! I wonder what the iron injected glass domes NASA is planning would look like on a spectrograph?

READ ZORGON..READ. That part of the quote is referring to the dark mare of the moon area surrounding Ari.C.

With regards to the BLUE COLOR AGAIN, the images at
Here are referred to as Mikes Astro Imaging Lunar images.

The following image is from Mikes Astro Imaging of Ari.C appears to have it as bluish in color.

But then in the image of the same region (Ari.C) on his website, the color appears "different". WHY? Here's the image:

Mikes Astro Imaging

I EMAILED Mike about this anomaly, and he stated that the region does appear bluish, whitish and brownish at times. *OMG ALIENS*

No not aliens, he stated that the reason for the color changes is all DUE TO THE PARTICULAR PHASE THAT THE MOON IS IN at the time of imaging. Again, no alien power plant spewing archaic radiation into the atmosphere needed here.

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 10:46 PM
Well, if the thread gestapo comes, I'll watch your back.

That was some really fine research there greatlakes. I think that people are a bit too eager to jump on some mysterious photo and call it proof of alien life, city on the moon, or whatever.

I guess the X-Files saying is true, though, for some: "I Want to Believe"

If you want to believe in something hard enough you'll find a way to do it.

The simplest explanation is usually the correct one. Your explanation was far simpler than thinking there was an alien intelligence behind it all.

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 10:50 PM

Wow you actually DID try to use labradorescence... and in a very lengthy presentation as well.

You did however forget the part that labradorescence is not the same effect as fluorescence... it needs sunlight to give the effect it is a reflected effect, and furthermore, it has to be at a precise angle... A large slab of Labradorite especially the variety Spectrolite will cut beautiful gems with the effect looking like gasoline spills in water... but it is NOT very bright

And the Anorthosite would not have big slabs of Labradorite, but small flecks distributed at random angles throughout the igneous mass...

Therefore you WOULD NOT see labradorescence in just Earthlight... and it certainly would never be as bright as has been observed. Stick to engineerring, rocks is not your strong point

As to your black and white image of Aristarchus...

It looks like the Hubble Space Telescope "image"

here is the original...

The above image was created by J.Garvin and his team. It is a composite image that is one frame of an animation. Below is the relevant data. You can compare the name on the image to those below.

HST imagery of Aristarchus Crater draped over simulated topography

Greg Shirah (Lead)
Alex Kekesi
Greg Bacon
Studio: SVS
Completed: 2005-10-12
Scientist: James Garvin (NASA/GSFC)
Data Collected:
HST: 2005/08/16 - 2005/08/21;


So that image was created for an Animation by NASA

If you look at the data sets above you will notice Clementine 1998...

JRA and others here at ATS can testify to the fact that this was there at the NASA site. Since beginning this thread that information has been changed... so we know agents are "lurking about" in here

Clementine Satellite
And just because our research does not meet your views is no reason to be insulting

[edit on 26-5-2007 by zorgon]

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by greatlakes

[qoute]With regards to the opinion (not really a theory at all) that the Ari.C area is an Alien device and is radiation spewing out into the atmosphere of the moon, thus turning BLUE...

The radiation appears contained.

This relies heavily that the crater is a protrusion DOME in an octagonal shape with spokes coming off the protrusion dome. THIS OPINION IS FALSE, it iss merely the imagination run amuck, and a trick of the minds eye showing you something thats not really there.

This opinion is false in my opinion.

[justified rant]Wow no alien intelligence needed?! Just science and wikipedia? Wow, it took about 3 minutes to search for this stuff on Google! Maybe a little research is needed with regards to the topics on this thread? You decide, but don't speak out to much, the thread GESTAPO might spite you!
[/justified rant]

Somebody is worried. But why would anybody be worried about a nuclear reactor on the moon?

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by MajorMalfunction
That was some really fine research there greatlakes. I think that people are a bit too eager to jump on some mysterious photo and call it proof of alien life, city on the moon, or whatever.

I guess the X-Files saying is true, though, for some: "I Want to Believe"

If you want to believe in something hard enough you'll find a way to do it.

The simplest explanation is usually the correct one. Your explanation was far simpler than thinking there was an alien intelligence behind it all.

Yes I want to believe too but some of this thread can easily be explained by science, work thats been done before by scientists and researchers.

Regards to the thread police, i believe this is particularly telling of the attitudes towards anyone new posting i this thread:

Originally posted by SpaceBits
Hi, I'm new to this site,

zorgon's reply:

Originally posted by zorgon
Welcome new victim.... errr seeker

This is classic intimidation techniques, albeit subtle and in humor. This is exactly why most of us are her in the 1st place, to denouce and reveal the gov't and military tactics at ridicule and cover-up.

by John Lear:

Somebody is worried. But why would anybody be worried about a nuclear reactor on the moon?

Sorry I'm not that naive to believe that alien technology, whether purely by aliens, or in collusion with the military, is going to rely on some giant nuclear reactor on the moon. I mean cmon, WE are working on technologies TODAY dwarf nuclear energy technology and make it a thing of the past, like in the dark ages kinda past.

Do you really believe that alien technology is going to rely on this archaic technology-Keeping in mind that these aliens found a way to travel LIGHT years to earth, or a way to cross the dimensional barrier to us?!

[edit on 26-5-2007 by greatlakes]

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 11:29 PM
Now with the Ari.C information that I presented, here is something that I DO BELIEVE may be something that NASA or whomever is covering up. I have not done alot of research into this so far, NOT MUCH CAN be done I'm afraid on the image, it's like a ufo pic, you can't re-image it, you can only speak to the eyewitnesses, study the images and the like.

The photos have been taken from public sources (websites) and are posted here with the image id#'s etc...

Image ID: AS14-66-9301,
Apollo 14
Magazine: 66
Frame: 9301

The anomaly image.

See the Blue points of light in the image? It is in multiple areas of the frame, not just in the upper portion.

Appears to have been *ahem* modified by someone:

Now the anomaly could be lens flare, although it does not appear to be a common type of lens flare, and it appears in discreet locations thru the image...

Also the origin of the censoring or it could also be looked at as *cleanup* of an image, is unknown, but the modding can be seen in multiple sources, multiple sites, as well as the the unmodded images.

And here are the hilighted area of the image:

[edit on 26-5-2007 by greatlakes]

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 11:33 PM
Originally posted by greatlakes

Sorry I'm not that naive to believe that alien technology, whether purely by aliens, or in collusion with the military, is going to rely on some giant nuclear reactor on the moon. I mean cmon, WE are working on technologies TODAY dwarf nuclear energy technology and make it a thing of the past, like in the dark ages kinda past.

Do you really believe that alien technology is going to rely on this archaic technology-Keeping in mind that these aliens found a way to travel LIGHT years to earth, or a way to cross the dimensional barrier to us?!

Greatlakes. Why are you assumming that, if it was nuclear reactor, that this is 'alien' technology? The spaceport in AS8-12-2209 certainly doesn't look 'alien'. It looks like a plain old spaceport to me. And the buildings and roadways, spheres and tubular structures in the "City Square' don't look all that 'alien' to me. And the mining camp in LO1-102 doesn't look all that alien to me. Why would aliens build a little 'control tower' like we have here on earth? And the excavators? Don't you think that if aliens came from lights years away that they would have a better way to 'excavate'?

Sorry greatlakes, this stuff is not 'alien'. It's probably ours.

posted on May, 26 2007 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by johnlear

Greatlakes. Why are you assumming that, if it was nuclear reactor, that this is 'alien' technology? *snip* Don't you think that if aliens came from lights years away that they would have a better way to 'excavate'?

Perhaps I'm assuming that this is what YOU ALLUDE TO because of YOUR following posts...

Originally by John Lear:
'They', the aliens are definately amuzed at our actions, from time to time, but they are here to help us mature.

and...with regards to the soul collector on the moon...

Originally by John Lear:
No, they don't trade souls as a commodity. Aliens help in the maturing of souls.


Originally by John Lear:
During those 21 days they underwent hypnosis to help them forget a lot of what they saw. The main thing NASA was interested in was that they didn't divulge the color of the daytime sky. They also didn't want them talking about the huge alien constructs, cities, mining operations and all kinds of other anomalies and artifacts.

And just for the record, I feel that the 'parking garage and SOME other anomalies, are the ones that DO SPEAK of intelligent design. But most other anomalies that I see here, including ARISTARCHUS CRATER, are the imagination run clearly amuck, with NO objective analysis and tabloid types of postings.

[edit on 26-5-2007 by greatlakes]

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 12:04 AM

Originally by zorgon:
You did however forget the part that labradorescence is not the same effect as fluorescence... it needs sunlight to give the effect it is a reflected effect, and furthermore, it has to be at a precise angle... A large slab of Labradorite especially the variety Spectrolite will cut beautiful gems with the effect looking like gasoline spills in water... but it is NOT very bright

So what are all of these BRIGHT AREAS on the moon, are they ALL alien bases, or ALL HUMAN MADE NUCLEAR REACTORS or all figments of imagination or perhaps they are BRIGHT GEOLOGY FOUND ALL OVER THE MOON, ie: rocks ?

((This is Clementine Full Color mosaic (the orig image is 21 mb). It is a full flat image of the entire lunar surface in false color I just turned the brightness down and contrast up to reveal only the MOST LUMINOUS areas of this image.))

Image 1, original non adjusted

Image 2, turned down contrast and brightness to reveal brightest areas...

Image 3, lights out! Lots of other much more relatively bright areas still seen.

edit:tanks zorgon, changed copernicus to clementine

[edit on 27-5-2007 by greatlakes]

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by greatlakes
((This is Copernicus Full Color mosaic (the orig image is 21 mb). It is a full flat image of the entire lunar surface in false color I just turned the brightness down and contrast up to reveal only the MOST LUMINOUS areas of this image.))

No that is the CLEMENTINE full color image you posted. I am very familiar with that image as well as the USGS map-a-planet images that are up to .01km/pix resolution created from the .cub images that are over 2 gig in size that the image you posted is a greatly reduced version of...

It also comes split as Near Side and Far Side at 60 megs each

I prefer to look at them close up myself...

But I will hold off on debating these lights. I am working on that for the Clementine thread... And I know Undo is just chomping at the bit on this one

I especially like the way the "glow" spreads around the object onto the surrounding landscape, a feature also noticed by the Apollo astronauts

[edit on 27-5-2007 by zorgon]

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

.. USGS map-a-planet images that are up to .01km/pix resolution created from the .cub images that are over 2 gig in size that the image you posted is a greatly reduced version of...

Yes do you really want me to post inline images 60 mb a pop?! of course they are greatly reduced.

Regarding the .cubby files, has anyone found a way to translate these files? THERE MUST be way, unless they are coded, which is doubtful, most likely there are just proprietary data formats. There must be someone that can grab this data and present the images!

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by greatlakes
Yes do you really want me to post inline images 60 mb a pop?! of course they are greatly reduced.

No of course not silly... I merely wanted to point out your error and point the viewers to where all this has been covered before in the Clementine thread when we released the info on where to find these color images, thats all

Regarding the .cubby files, has anyone found a way to translate these files?

Certainly ISIS will do it but that is a linux based program. Its a free program.

Cubit will do it but thats Sandia labs and requires a 300.00 license fee if you are an appropriate institution

But there really is no need, as those .cub files are simply the data files for the USGS map-a-planet image set... so you can access them a section at a time with your browser

[edit on 27-5-2007 by zorgon]

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by zorgon
But there really is no need, as those .cub files are simply the data files for the USGS map-a-planet image set... so you can access them a section at a time with your browser

But are they the highest resolution? If it hasn't been done before, viewing the .cub (cube) files, than it is certainly a worthy effort to try. Perhaps the cube files have not been touched, pristine images..? Counting on the fact that researchers won't translate the images....

Hey linux users! You have been chosen to embark on a quest...!

ok can any linux users use the above program to translate the .cub file and post the links? Cmon its ez

[edit on 27-5-2007 by greatlakes]

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 01:12 AM
Originally posted by greatlakes

But most other anomalies that I see here, including ARISTARCHUS CRATER, are the imagination run clearly amuck, with NO objective analysis and tabloid types of postings.

If this:

" looks like a perpendicularly direct impact (almost 90 degrees or perpendicular to the lunar surface) spewed ejecta radiating outward from the impact site" to you.....

then I don't believe that it is my imagination that has run clearly amuck.

posted on May, 27 2007 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by greatlakes

Hey linux users! You have been chosen to embark on a quest...!

ok can any linux users use the above program to translate the .cub file and post the links? Cmon its ez

[edit on 27-5-2007 by greatlakes]

As its a large download, I will try and get it overnight or tomorrow...And then I have to set it up


Given I have other stuff to do, gimme a couple days and I should have ISIS installed and we can take a look at the .cub files

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