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Here is what we "know" about Ari.C:
Originally posted by greatlakes
Or maybe you want to BARRAGE the readers here
Ok not only am I now a disinfo agent lol but Rilence is as well! Cool, I never knew, hey what kind of salary does a disinfo agent get anyways these days.
It seems John Lear only really wants one viewpoint here on this thread,
Here's another, somewhat more based in fact (although its from scientists and researchers, which of course are all on the disinfo payroll!)
The region is made up of iron-rich glass spheres
Part of the reason most people THINK the Ari.C is SO BRIGHT is that it is RELATIVELY BRIGHT, as compared to the surrounding DARK AREAS, the sea as they are called.
Almost pure anorthosite. Ok what the heck is this stuff, I'm an engineer not a bloody geologist!
Originally posted by Cygnific
It looks alot like an excavator, or some watermill wheel.
Anorthosite (IPA: /aˈnɔːθəsʌɪt, ə-/) is a phaneritic, intrusive igneous rock characterized by a predominance of plagioclase feldspar (90-100%), and a minimal mafic component (0-10%). Pyroxene, ilmenite, magnetite, and olivine are the mafic minerals most commonly present.
Anorthosite on earth can be divided into two types: Proterozoic anorthosite (also known as massif or massif-type anorthosite) and Archean anorthosite. These two types of anorthosite have different modes of occurrence, appear to be restricted to different periods in Earth's history, and are thought to have had different origins.
Lunar anorthosites [1] constitute the light-coloured areas of the Moon's surface and have been the subject of much research.
Physical characteristics
Since they are primarily composed of plagioclase feldspar, most of Proterozoic anorthosites appear, in outcrop, to be grey or bluish. Individual plagioclase crystals may be black, white, blue, or gray, and may have a beautiful iridescence known as labradorescence. This kind of feldspar is known as labradorite.
by greatlakes:
The region is made up of iron-rich glass spheres
quote originally by zorgon:
COOL! I wonder what the iron injected glass domes NASA is planning would look like on a spectrograph?
Originally posted by greatlakes
[qoute]With regards to the opinion (not really a theory at all) that the Ari.C area is an Alien device and is radiation spewing out into the atmosphere of the moon, thus turning BLUE...
This relies heavily that the crater is a protrusion DOME in an octagonal shape with spokes coming off the protrusion dome. THIS OPINION IS FALSE, it iss merely the imagination run amuck, and a trick of the minds eye showing you something thats not really there.
[justified rant]Wow no alien intelligence needed?! Just science and wikipedia? Wow, it took about 3 minutes to search for this stuff on Google! Maybe a little research is needed with regards to the topics on this thread? You decide, but don't speak out to much, the thread GESTAPO might spite you! [/justified rant]
Originally posted by MajorMalfunction
That was some really fine research there greatlakes. I think that people are a bit too eager to jump on some mysterious photo and call it proof of alien life, city on the moon, or whatever.
I guess the X-Files saying is true, though, for some: "I Want to Believe"
If you want to believe in something hard enough you'll find a way to do it.
The simplest explanation is usually the correct one. Your explanation was far simpler than thinking there was an alien intelligence behind it all.
Originally posted by SpaceBits
Hi, I'm new to this site,
Originally posted by zorgon
Welcome new victim.... errr seeker
by John Lear:
Somebody is worried. But why would anybody be worried about a nuclear reactor on the moon?
Sorry I'm not that naive to believe that alien technology, whether purely by aliens, or in collusion with the military, is going to rely on some giant nuclear reactor on the moon. I mean cmon, WE are working on technologies TODAY dwarf nuclear energy technology and make it a thing of the past, like in the dark ages kinda past.
Do you really believe that alien technology is going to rely on this archaic technology-Keeping in mind that these aliens found a way to travel LIGHT years to earth, or a way to cross the dimensional barrier to us?!
Originally posted by johnlear
Greatlakes. Why are you assumming that, if it was nuclear reactor, that this is 'alien' technology? *snip* Don't you think that if aliens came from lights years away that they would have a better way to 'excavate'?
Originally by John Lear:
'They', the aliens are definately amuzed at our actions, from time to time, but they are here to help us mature.
Originally by John Lear:
No, they don't trade souls as a commodity. Aliens help in the maturing of souls.
Originally by John Lear:
During those 21 days they underwent hypnosis to help them forget a lot of what they saw. The main thing NASA was interested in was that they didn't divulge the color of the daytime sky. They also didn't want them talking about the huge alien constructs, cities, mining operations and all kinds of other anomalies and artifacts.
Originally by zorgon:
You did however forget the part that labradorescence is not the same effect as fluorescence... it needs sunlight to give the effect it is a reflected effect, and furthermore, it has to be at a precise angle... A large slab of Labradorite especially the variety Spectrolite will cut beautiful gems with the effect looking like gasoline spills in water... but it is NOT very bright
Originally posted by greatlakes
((This is Copernicus Full Color mosaic (the orig image is 21 mb). It is a full flat image of the entire lunar surface in false color I just turned the brightness down and contrast up to reveal only the MOST LUMINOUS areas of this image.))
Originally posted by zorgon
.. USGS map-a-planet images that are up to .01km/pix resolution created from the .cub images that are over 2 gig in size that the image you posted is a greatly reduced version of...
Originally posted by greatlakes
Yes do you really want me to post inline images 60 mb a pop?! of course they are greatly reduced.
Regarding the .cubby files, has anyone found a way to translate these files?
Originally posted by zorgon
But there really is no need, as those .cub files are simply the data files for the USGS map-a-planet image set... so you can access them a section at a time with your browser
But most other anomalies that I see here, including ARISTARCHUS CRATER, are the imagination run clearly amuck, with NO objective analysis and tabloid types of postings.
Originally posted by greatlakes
Hey linux users! You have been chosen to embark on a quest...!
ok can any linux users use the above program to translate the .cub file and post the links? Cmon its ez
[edit on 27-5-2007 by greatlakes]