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John Lear's Moon Pictures on ATS

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posted on May, 10 2007 @ 06:09 PM
Thanks Cygnific. I really should have seen that.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by Karilla
Thanks Cygnific. I really should have seen that.

No problem..Can't blame you. Sometimes the pages are updated fast, and before you know it, there is a new page again.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 06:21 PM
Originally posted by Cygnific

You are crazy
it's a Titan4B

Looks to me like it could easily hold 3 or 4 astronauts. Drop them off at one of the secret space stations and then take some other kind of shuttle to the moon.

If they launched vehicles from Antarctica, Wallops Island, Vandenberg and White Sands for the past 25 years while we are all looking at the Space Shuttle (where the magician wants us to look) there is no telling what they have up there.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 09:30 PM
I've mucked around with these a bit. There are a few different angles here. I've colourised them purely to make it easier to pick out detail.

It looks less and less.. natural.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 10:22 PM
This angle makes it look more and more like an impact:

And the video that supports it. If it is a hoax, it is one heck of a good job. I mean, they made the video look like the image that we see on the NASA webpages, you know?

This is the most convincing evidence I have seen yet. If it is a hoax, hat's off to the hoaxer. If not, i wonder how many different ways the media can ignore and bury this?

[edit on 10-5-2007 by bigfatfurrytexan]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 10:48 PM
The tube coming out of the end of it doesn't mean it isn't a real anomalie. There are tubes all over the moon that are not natural tubes. They aren't hoagland tubes, worm tubes or naturally formed tubes. In fact, they are transport tubes. Zorgon elaborated on the tube system, i believe it's in this thread. I had drawn a picture of what I thought the tube system looked like after seeing a huge network of them all over Copernicus, and later, Zorgon found official confirmation that, in the event NASA were to build a base on the moon, what the transport tubes would look like... lo' and behold, twas the same exact concept as the one i had drawn while trying to depict what I was seeing in copernicus. Here's my version, created at least 3 months before Zorgon found the official version (which I had never seen):

And here is the official version

Here's the thread where I posted it initially (on December 07, 2006)

Here are other tubes I've found on the moon:

In Copernicus Crater

Larger version:

In Aristarchus Crater

And a huge network of them in Copernicus Crater (after seeing these for a bit, and how they appear (very faint) you start to learn how to pick them out of the images). Warning: Large photo

[edit on 10-5-2007 by undo]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 12:58 AM
They aren't something like crater chains? How large is that area, so i have a relative idea.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by pippadee
Thanks Zorgon. Interesting. But the Titan IV is 204' and 863 tons which is a lot smaller than a a Saturn V but what the heck they both still make lots of noise and smoke!!

Yes that is true, but you are all missing the point... the Saturns were during the 70's Apollo era... And a Titan makes almost as much noise and smoke, yet someone living near Vandenburg didn't even mention the over 100 launches since 1965

The point is if there was an extra 2 or 3 Saturn launches in the 70's, few would have noticed. Now I suppose one could ask those boys how many they actually launched, but I can find that data

What startled me is the logo of the AF TENCAP ( via your link ) It shows an Alien Greys head together with the masonic logo and triangular shape craft all forming a symbolic phoenix!!

That phoenix is the wings of the Space Command... O'Neil of Stargate SG1 was presented a set.

Now I am paranoid.

Thanks, I never knew that translation

you forgot to mention that;
Congress established them in 1977...
Three missions;
...exploiting space systems for tactical applications
...influencing the design of future space systems for tactical applications
...educating warfighters about the capabilities and tactical utility of space systems.

AF TENCAP demonstrates leading edge space technologies with potential to enhance combat capabilities of units in the field and transitions these combat systems to warfighters in a timelier manner than through traditional acquisition processes. AF TENCAP is responsible for keeping abreast of the latest technologies and influencing emerging space systems to make them more supportive of fielded combat forces.

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Yes that is true, but you are all missing the point... the Saturns were during the 70's Apollo era... And a Titan makes almost as much noise and smoke, yet someone living near Vandenburg didn't even mention the over 100 launches since 1965

The point is if there was an extra 2 or 3 Saturn launches in the 70's, few would have noticed. Now I suppose one could ask those boys how many they actually launched, but I can find that data

I grew up about 20 minutes from Vandenberg AFB during that period and those launches were always quite a show. Most shot during twilight hours, blew up high, and fell down offshore in a spectacular light and smoke show. Although, I remember a few during mid day too. While I would not completely rule out the possibility of a manned flight from Vandenberg, there were sooooooo many people working there from the private sector that it would be hard to cover something like that up.
I look more toward Antartica launches myself

[edit on 11-5-2007 by Zarniwoop]

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by johnlear
Originally posted by Cygnific

You are crazy
it's a Titan4B

Looks to me like it could easily hold 3 or 4 astronauts. Drop them off at one of the secret space stations and then take some other kind of shuttle to the moon.

If they launched vehicles from Antarctica, Wallops Island, Vandenberg and White Sands for the past 25 years while we are all looking at the Space Shuttle (where the magician wants us to look) there is no telling what they have up there.

Oh yes, i totaly agree with you on that.. I'm pretty sure they have alot more there then some vegitation in a cabinet to see how it grows. Not even to mention what the Russians can launch and where..You know why the USA and Russians teamed up in a period the cold war was still a hot topic?

posted on May, 11 2007 @ 04:48 PM
a 'parked spaceship'..?

just found this have not watched the video..(i have dial up and not worth the frustration..)
there is even a link to page 9 of this thread ..

here is an old link to rocket launch sites around the world......
here a site with the nuber of lauches, by country, of payloads launched into earth orbit and space..

i was unaware of just how many launches there have been and the number of sites around the world.....plenty of room to ..oh..say put extra 'nauts on the moon or equipement or....whatever

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by clearmind
i was unaware of just how many launches there have been and the number of sites around the world.....plenty of room to ..oh..say put extra 'nauts on the moon or equipement or....whatever

Thank you for your contribution clearmind. I did not have actual numbers. I will add that data to the website this weekend....

Now I posted this data in the latest "bash John Lear" thread
but it was really meant for us here....

A lot of questions have been raised about how and where they could make secret launches from, and I am amazed no one else came up with this yet

In any case I told you that I would talk about the Aquila....

So without further ado here is a three post "revelation" Pay attention there will be a test and questions at the end...

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by darkbluesky
By the way, it's being kept from the public quite unsuccessfully as evidenced by the number of web sites, books, and discussion forums like ATS, where it's openly discussed daily.

Well one of the theories we have is that they are gearing to a major release of secret info in the near future and I have a lot of evidence to support this...

However ATS is one of the best sites for this kind of discussion, and all you have to do is look at [this threadto see the reactions to anything out of the ordinary... Imagine then what its like all over the web. I bet the government knows this... counts on it... and most likely feeds it to keep people guessing.

As long as people trying to bring stuff to public attention have to suffer ridicule and abuse, the government can do what it wants... anyone sees something they merely point to the conspiracy nuts..

One main factor in this is that people generally DO NOT read links to material in most of these discussions... I posted military documents from the DoD, AFRL and LANL regarding work on teleportation and stargates... the mere fact that these bodies are even TALKING about it should get peoples attention... yet only a few people even glanced at it and there were no comments at all in three threads until I "badgered " some to look at it.

What does this mean? There are literally THOUSANDS of documents available online about things like work on stargates, gravity shielding, warp drives etc. They are public, but not easy to find... so they are invisible to the majority of the public...

Unless you know what you are looking for, where to look for it, and recognize it for what it is, you won't find it...

Now we are talking secrets launches...

How about launching from a moving platform at sea? You can go anywhere with one of those...

Maybe something big enough that can launch Delta IV Heavy component rockets?

That would put a new twist into the picture wouldn't it?

And how about if that Launch Platform was an international venture, proving they are working on this together?

And what if the Launch vehicle was a Joint Boeing Energia venture? You know Energia... the RUSSIAN company who builds the RUSSIAN shuttle Buran?

Hmmm that would really put a twist into things...

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 12:28 AM
Don't worry its coming.....

Boeing and Energia in partnership... setting off any bells here?

Boeing defense contracts...

Now then how much of a stretch to figure out that the US military has a few of these around as well?

Okay so we have a floating launch platform NOT hidden from the public that can launch Delta IV Heavies as well as Russian/US launch vehicles...

Delta IV Heavy Lifter - Space Freighters In Fact And In Fiction

he Delta IV Heavy rocket is capable of the following payloads and orbital targets:

* 48,000 pounds to low-Earth orbit (LEO) like the International Space Station
* 28,000 pounds to geosynchronous transfer orbit (used by communcation satellites)
* 22,000 pounds to Trans Lunar Injection routes to the moon
* 17,000 pounds to Mars-bound trajectories

22,000 pounds to the Moon 17,000 pounds to Mars?
thats a lot of Astronauts and supplies

Wait for it there is more....

[edit on 12-5-2007 by zorgon]

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 12:30 AM
Have I got your attention yet?
Now the here is the Aquila...

Aquila Cargo Transport

Yes a search will lead you to "Chronicles of Riddick"

This is a report of a work in progress. So far as the author is presently aware, this topic has not been previously addressed. Proprietary work by NASA or others may, however, exist that address similar topics.

This work placed a total 129 tons initial base for both the in-crater and crater rim installations, as well as a 90 tons “marshalling yard” at the Earth-Moon L-1 libration point. For launch services, the results of an in-house Shuttle-Derived Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle study were used. It is called Aquila. This vehicle can deliver over 50 tons to low Earth orbit from the Kennedy Space Center, using a combination of Space Shuttle and Delta IV-Heavy components.

A second stage of the Delta IV-Heavy vehicle was used to deliver 15 tons payloads from Earth orbit to docking at L-1. By so doing, no “new start” systems are needed beyond those of the L-1 station and the LRB itself, provided the Aquila and Crew Exploration Vehicle have been previously developed. At L-1, three of these once-used stages are fitted with landing gear and other elements needed to produce a highly capable Lunar Vehicle and it is refueled from propellants delivered from Earth to place the base and to provide a single visit of a six person crew[/b[ to aid the robotic operations necessary to produce a fully functional base.

A Mars mission departing from L-1 with mass of 686 tons can be placed on the trans-Mars trajectory expending lunar-origin propellants and just one of the Lunar Vehicles, requiring an additional 13 Aquila launches. This will permit dual Mars spacecraft to be used for each mission with a 28% mass margin over a single, similar mass vehicle departing from low Earth orbit.


This is one of my answers to Where and How

Edited to Add...
LRB = Lunar Resource Base

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 12:51 AM
Now it has often be said that why would we use "old fashioned out of date expensive rockets instead of the "antigravity" ships...

Very simple answer really... Anti gravity ships would be no less expensive than rockets, indeed most likely much more so that conventional rockets due to the nature of the materials involved...

Second they would not necessarily be well suited for simple cargo transport. You wouldn't use a Yacht to carry ore, personnel (workers) or simple cargo.

Third...The workers at Area 51 are flown in on a simple unmarked passenger plane... so too you would take ordinary workers by the "old fashioned" transports to better keep the secret... besides there is no rush for cargo transit, you would save your good ships for the elite and the military....

Under the guise of "satellite" launches one could send a lot of stuff etc as clearmind pointed out the shear number of launches is astonishing, and the existence of at least ONE movable floating sea platform changes things completely

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 03:35 AM
After looking at some of the pictures it seems the video looks genuine to me. The structure and shape of the shadow above it looks the same in pictures. That would be hard to do in a film. The angle the ship sits sticking out looks the same. At the start of the video is shows the tip of the nose as the camera is zoomed in. Only way you can get a shot like that in that angle you have to be there very close. Details like smaller craters around on the ground etc. Furthermore, I would like to point out since no else has. It looks to me like there is some kind of a trail or path or road leading up to this thing. What are the odds of that? It looks like it leads away to the left to the larger crater. Look at this picture....

posted on May, 12 2007 @ 04:39 AM
Hey, Zorgon. Do you know of anybody who has used Google Earth to look out at sea? There are plenty of areas in both the Pacific and Atlantic where a rig like the one you posted could be hidden.

Apparently there is an island of plastic flotsam the size of Texas floating in the middle of the pacific. Yachtsmen I have talked to have seen it.

If you can find out where one of these Sea Launch platforms is situated I have a boat that can get there almost invisibly. Its got a 2000 mile range on main tanks and is made of wood. If I removed my radar reflector and switched off the radar the boat would be virtually invisible to anything but the most powerful shore-based radar installations and even then I would have to be pretty close to give a return. Just a thought.

To the poster above: I am going to have a closer look at that "path".

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
They aren't something like crater chains? How large is that area, so i have a relative idea.

Not big enough to be crater chains. Not to mention, they are on stilts/raised supports. Also, they are vertically-aligned (upright), and off the ground, which is running perpendicular to the tube circles (the tube walls are really not visible as they are transparent.

[edit on 13-5-2007 by undo]

posted on May, 13 2007 @ 04:32 PM
After pondering the shape of the rocket and the obelisk, is it any wonder that our ancients worshipped the phallus, thinking that the rocket shape was the equivalent of the gods um, privy members? Later, it would degenerate even further into hats on the heads of the gods/goddesses, resembling the head of the um, privy member of the male of the species. They translated what they saw into religion based on fertility and worship of the phallus. Kinda reminds me of that scene in Planet of the Apes when Charlton Heston realizes the group of telepaths in the underground, are worshipping the atom bomb.

posted on May, 14 2007 @ 01:20 AM
Zorgon. Very compelling information on the numerous methods and possible launch locations to get lunar. I wouldn't doubt that we've snuck quite a few rockets up past LEO since the 1970's.

Not related to the current thread flow at all, but I stumbled upon this one a while back whilst obsessed with LO pics, and found it interesting enough to save.

This is what appears to be a V-shaped shadow or otherwise anomalous feature in Mare Orientale. Although, obviously nothing nearby is producing a shadow



original pic located at this link (4187_med_raw)

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