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John Lear's Moon Pictures on ATS

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posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by smartie
Does anyone here know where there is an image which shows any of the stuff we left behind on the Moon, ie Buggy and LEM?
Do any exist?

There are a few... I will see if I can track them down again... but the stuff is to small to see in any images that they let us have... its usually just an arrow pointing to the location...

I do have several of Smart 1 smacking into the moon though... you see this nice plume of dust rising into the Lunar atmosphere...

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 12:14 PM
Here is Petavius B as provided by smartie in AS15-2532:

In the photo below I put blue lines where the 5 and 7 o'clock 'arms' are in 2189. NASA has done a lot of airbrushing in this photo, however there are some very interesting sections comparing it with 2189.

But I am not going to point them out. Its more fun letting you find the hidden data.

Attn: Matyas: Matt you are welcome and even invited to post on this thread. But I would respectfully request that every time I post a photo of what I think is a city or artifact on the moon that you refrain from attempting to divert attention to it with some lengthy diatribe on squares and triangles. You are welcome to start your own thread on squares and triangles but I would respectfully request you quit trying to divert attention to my posts. Thanks.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Beth... lets find this in the old clementine set and the mapper. It will be interesting to compare them

Looking but can't figure out where the heck it is in the mapper. how far and in what direction is it from fecunditatis? south east? north west?

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 12:21 PM
Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by smartie
I do have several of Smart 1 smacking into the moon though... you see this nice plume of dust rising into the Lunar atmosphere...

Thanks for the post Zorgon but as you know a dust cloud cannot exist in a vacuum as the particles will not cohere in a plume.

My question is do you think NASA airbrushed in the dust cloud to make us believe there is an atmosphere on the moon?

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 12:36 PM
This is a photo from the Lick observatory of Petavia B. The 'arms' shown in 2189 and other photos are apparent here but in the 2 and 3 o'clock position as north is UP and 2189 was taken looking west.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 12:36 PM
The series of bumps that are in front of the anomalie?

Temple thingy in the distance

Is this that thingy that looks like a spacecraft from overhead?

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by undo
The series of bumps that are in front of the anomalie?

Temple thingy in the distance

Is this that thingy that looks like a spacecraft from overhead?

Allright UNDO!! Are you trying to spoil all the fun? Can't you let anybody else play?

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 12:47 PM
This one is great. It's from Petavius not Petavius B. But it's still an interesting anomalie. It looks like a pipe on pedestals.

Close up of one of the pipe supports and the end of the pipe, which appears to go into a disc on the side of the crater wall. i found that particularly interesting. hard to get a crater at that steep of angle, no?

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 12:50 PM
Oh no, you can't stop me, I'm an anomalie huntin' machine. lol
Erm, no comment on the anomalies ? just "STOP THAT!"
Men are so fickle.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by undo
Oh no, you can't stop me, I'm an anomalie huntin' machine. lol
Erm, no comment on the anomalies ? just "STOP THAT!"
Men are so fickle.

You did a great job! It was just...... so......instantaneous.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
Thanks for the post Zorgon but as you know a dust cloud cannot exist in a vacuum as the particles will not cohere in a plume.

Dagnabbit How silly of me to forget that...

Well I don't know about NASA
But it sems ESA also shows the dust plume and labels it as such... Are they trying to tell us something?

Or did they forget that they have been trying to convince us "no atmosphere" all these years?

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by undo
Erm, no comment on the anomalies ?

There are what appears to be raised pipelines in the Lick image and the 2189 shot.... You want to find them before I post it?

Good find Undo here You get a Wats cookie...

You can even see the shadow and see beneath that pipe

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Matyas
With that said I believe it is time to return to the Moon.

And It would seem that NASA et al agree with you judging by the degree of planning thats going on right now..

...but are we going in peace for the good of all mankind? Or is the Space Command ready to go along for the ride and "kick some Alien butt..." and take our turf back..

THAT is the question I have

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 03:06 PM
So how about a few of us collaborate and try this... We get ahold of the manufacturers of the HI RES cameras that supposedlycan see o.7 meter objects on the moon and get them on our side as to "where are our cameras pictures"? Basically we try and get them on board with getting NASA to release Images (entire collections of HI RES Images) that they are holding back on. We can put forth the argument that since our tax dollars built that equipment and that we have had the camera company confirm that they contracted them out to build the cameras for the mission that we are ENTITLED to these images.

I will do whatever is neccessary to do my part. Does this sound like even a remotely good idea? I mean at the very least if we can get one of the camera manufacturers on board with a few statements about what images they KNOW those camera can produce we could raise a little hell over at NASA, or perhaps get a rogue reporter to make some news of the fact that NASA has HI RES images of MARS, and EARTH and the MOON, but we only get to see 2 of those. The argument on our side is easy, we have a few billion (dollars) reasons that we should have access to those images.


posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by anathema777
So how about a few of us collaborate and try this.

Marvelous Idea Herr Collaborator
I think Herr Borg was up for this too

In that case I suggest we start where this thread began.. Lunar Orbiter images..

I think getting the originals of those would be all we really need to do, as they covered most of the moon with high res photos...

Now if you are serious I can give you the addresses and phone numbers of the departments most likely to be involved...

Before we start however we must be clear on one thing... All through these threads we keep saying "NASA" While they are at the forefront of info sharing to the public and are the media front, its not NASA that is responsible for everything...

We are talking Defense Contractors, NSA and other assorted "Big Boys" here. It's my belief that we can safely pick on NASA because they know they are hiding something, so couldn't take it to court to press liable etc. Look how long Hoagland and others publicly and in print say things against them. But when you start moving up the ladder, make sure you have your safety harness very well secured...

Bear in mine that the company who made the Lunar orbiter imaging system IS a defense contractor... but I am sure LO images should be declassified by now yes? If not a FOIA form is easy to get (have one right here

I wouldn't recomend the "I'm a tax payer where are my pictures.." approach, certainly not at first. Just because your tax dollar paid for it, when it comes to defense spending... just try and push THAT and see where it gets you...

Lunar Orbiter High Res images were taken for the Department of Defense... same as the Clementine set... (We can try for those next but Ihave already written to many Navy contacts regarding Clementine images with no luck getting the high res other than what I posted in the Clementine thread

Here is a quote from the company that did the LO set...

"On a typical Lunar Orbiter mission, the photographic system provided high-resolution pictures of 4,000 square miles of the Moon's surface with enough clarity to show objects the size of a card table."

A CARD TABLE!!! Now I posted this twice before... but NOT ONE PERSON followed up on that card table resolution.... THOSE are the images we want... the ones that are on the floor in Zarniwoops avatar LOL

Now if your ready to make those phone calls or write those letters... [I would suggest one letter with names, not a barrage of random calls and letters or the doors may slam in our face....

Below is a list of ITT contacts Unlike most of the names I have in my database of contacts, these are posted publicly on the ITT secure website so I see no problem posting them...

Designed and built by ITT

ITT Corporation
Space Systems Division
1447 St. Paul Street
P.O. Box 60488
Rochester, New York 14606-0488 USA

Washington DC Business Office
2600 Park Tower Drive
Suite 601
Vienna, VA 22180 USA

High-Resolution Commercial Imaging Systems
Don Vandenberg
1447 St. Paul Street
Rochester, New York 14606-0488
585-269-7718 (voice)
[email protected]

Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Systems
Greg Zaremski
1447 St. Paul Street
P.O. Box 60488
Rochester, New York 14606-0488
585-269-7081 (voice)
[email protected]

Precision Optics
John W. DeRock
800 Lee Road, B601
Rochester, New York 14606-0488
585-269-6128 (voice)
[email protected]

Space Science Systems
Peter Ewanechko
800 Lee Road, B601
Rochester, New York 14606-0488
585-269-7113 (voice)
[email protected]

Additional Defense Contacts

[edit on 13-4-2007 by zorgon]

[edit on 13-4-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 06:46 PM
lol nah, you just go to NSA, knock on the door, and say "Hi, where are the card table resolution Lunar Orbiter photos?" Then hand them a printed out copy of the response Zorgon received that the resolution was card table. And of course, smile.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by johnlear...would respectfully request that every time I post a photo of what I think is a city or artifact on the moon that you refrain from attempting to divert attention to it with some lengthy diatribe on squares and triangles. You are welcome to start your own thread on squares and triangles but I would respectfully request you quit trying to divert attention to my posts. Thanks.

Hey, no prob, but was I doing that? Are you referring to the time I suggested using fractal geometry to find inconsistencies in the lunar photos? I think the only other time I mentioned geometry was in response to undo. And there was another time I mentioned in response to Z some promising geometric theories by a rather bright chap in the UK when Z was riding me about getting a craft off the chalkboard and into the sky.

If I am doing this more often than I am aware of, by all means please let me know. I have no intention of diverting attention from your posts! In fact, I look forward to them every day!

As an aside, my best days of pool playing was when I was thinking in "squares and triangles"

Just kidding. No more geometry, no more news from BS/NASA, scouts honor!

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 05:09 AM
Maybe someone can help me on what I am seeing as Smart 1 makes impact on the surface of the Moon. The impact area raises a plume of dust into the air can anyone tell me why this dust cloud is rectangular in shape? Is it do to the format of the photo?

Furthermore maybe I am seeing things but at a distance away from impact it looks like several ripples are on the surface. Could this be a shock wave I am seeing or is this just the terrain. Rik Riley

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 10:46 PM
Oh good grief, these russian Zond images are absolutely
loaded with anomalies. There's so much, it's nearly
impossible to know where to start.

However, there's a major problem:

The resolution was awful, or rather the quality of the equipment.

So whereas you can see clearly there are literally
hundreds of anomalouss objects, they are in such a high
state of guckiness, that extracting them from the surrounding
terrain ends up looking like psychological wishful thinking.

i don't mind saying, it's very frustrating to be able to see
these things fairly clearly, realizing they are artficial and
biological, and not being able to conclusively prove or
identify them to the satisfaction of the various levels of
monitor screens present on
the internet or internet connections that wreak havoc on
digital images
(which range in ability to see minute
details and levels of grey, so dramatically, that's its
almost impossible to get a common consensus on
even the known, accepted landmarks) .


[edit on 14-4-2007 by undo]

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 06:13 AM
We need a whole new thread, dedicated to just
this page!

oy. that's all i can say. oy.

[edit on 15-4-2007 by undo]

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