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John Lear's Moon Pictures on ATS

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posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 03:15 AM
unless venus was in the great square of pegasus on that fateful day, and unless it contains a star gate connected to the earth, i'm guessing they might be wrong.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 03:17 AM

Unbelievable thread, knockd me for 6...
nowhere near as much as this pic though...

[edit on 9-4-2007 by Shadoww]

[edit on 9-4-2007 by Shadoww]

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by papajake


Image Name: 4058_h2_raw

Ok, while I'd love to think that there's something to be said for this particular anomaly, I'm afraid I'm going to have to call BS on this one. Reason is pretty hard to see until deeper inspection of the "sphere".

If you look closely, you see a shadow down and to the right of the "sphere". This shadow doesn't match anything else in the area, which it should if it was floating above the surface. Taking that into account, rather than assuming that it's an extraterrestrial craft or government experimental craft, try and picture it as a simple crater within a crater. If you look close, you can see the shadow that is said to be that of the "sphere" is actually the shadow of the SE side of the larger crater spreading over the rest of it, and the shadow just to the NW is that of the smaller crater that's inside of the larger one.

With this in mind, these craters fit into the context of the rest of the image.


P.S. Believe me man, I wanted to believe this one, I really did. I just can't see it being true though. Sorry.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 10:56 AM
How about this one Herr Borg?

from the Copernicus picture near the keep...

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
Yeah I suppose those image experts just haven't a clue how to clean that scanner plate....
Do you know who scanned that image? Judging by the dust and the marks that look like someone tried to clean the scanner before using it, I think it wasn't an expert.

Also, an expert would probably use a drum scanner.

Surely there must be some difference between how a point of light records on film compared to a scanned bit of dust. If we can identify that difference, we can then reevaluate the images in question...
The problem is that the difference is not that big, the stars appear as a point of light, the dust on a scanner glass, if round (and that is the only way of differentiate them at first) appears as a point that reflects the light, so they basically look the same.

Are you up to the challenge? I trust your integrity to do this fairly
That is an interesting challenge, I will see what I can do.

For starts, I have a dirty scanner, so that part would be easy.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by ShadowwImmense.

No, this is immense.

That is a hurricane at Saturn's south pole. You could fit the Earth in there. So I am guessing the edge of atmosphere follows the opening curvature of the supervortex.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by Matyas

Originally posted by ShadowwImmense.

No, this is immense.

That is a hurricane at Saturn's south pole. You could fit the Earth in there. So I am guessing the edge of atmosphere follows the opening curvature of the supervortex.

I don't believe that is Saturns south pole or that there is a hurricane there. That is just more of NASA's obfuscation and propaganda. How come our solar system is full of hurricanes and exploding volcanoes and airless moons and sulphuric atmospheres? The answer: its not. Its all a NASA propanganda effort to hide the truth. And what is the truth? The truth is there is a lot of interesting life out there in our solar system and NASA doesn't want you to know about it.

I respectfully request that if you post anymore Saturnian hurricanes you preface the post with, "Here is some more BS from NASA." Thanks very much.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
I respectfully request that if you post anymore Saturnian hurricanes you preface the post with, "Here is some more BS from NASA." Thanks very much.

Sorry John, I forgot about your NASA allergy. I can look for other verification like a good researcher, and then we (or our grandchildren) could use the vortex as a Saturnian port of entry to raid NASA vessels as they pass by.

edit speilng

[edit on 4/9/2007 by Matyas]

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by zorgon
How about this one Herr Borg?

from the Copernicus picture near the keep...

That could be a lot of things. I see what you're talking about though. Did you see the face just to the right of the object in that one zorgon? Thought that looked like a peekaboo to me.

As for the thing I last commented on, let it be said that it's just my opinion, based on the image that I've been provided with. If there's better evidence in that area that can shed some light on the situation, then post away. I just can't see what was posted as being anything but a crater.


posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 07:29 AM
off topic a moment, but I wanted to link you folks to my OOBE post.
i had a very strange experience about 4 years ago, and decided to
share it. you might find this interesting for any number of reasons:

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by TheBorg
That could be a lot of things. I see what you're talking about though. Did you see the face just to the right of the object in that one zorgon? Thought that looked like a peekaboo to me.

Ah so we are on the same tack now... I had that rectangular shape with the round shadow pegged as a Peekaboo landing platform

As for the thing I last commented on, let it be said that it's just my opinion, based on the image that I've been provided with. If there's better evidence in that area that can shed some light on the situation, then post away. I just can't see what was posted as being anything but a crater.

I agree on that one..
that one does indeed look like a crater

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 01:52 PM
A little trip off topic for a minute... well off the Moon anyway...

Breaking News.... Must see Video

NASA shows absolute proof of Alien activity on Mars...

Now some time ago in this thread we explored the connection between Werner von Braun and Walt Disney...

Well it seems that Disney is still "In the Picture" so to speak...

However they have a new partner now...

Lockheed Martin !!!

So it seems that NASA and buddies have one of the worlds best Fantasy film makers in their employ....

Whether or not you believe there is anything going on here... this movie should be awesome... IMAX "Roving Mars"


posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by GringoStarr

Originally posted by johnlear
Its obviously a 3 or 4 level parking garage, the ramp is on the left.

You're a funny guy! At least I hope you are.

These are some great photographs, but some of your comments are rather off the wall. I respect your information and your insight, but some of these comments left me scratching my head thinking, "is this guy serious?". I'm left with the feeling that you are in fact joking around, but with so many people wanting to know more, this might not be the best plan of action.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 02:24 PM
With all due complete respect, would you guys mind please keeping this thread on topic. It's annoying to have to read about Mars and out of body experiences in a moon pictures thread.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by braddman
With all due complete respect, would you guys mind please keeping this thread on topic. It's annoying to have to read about Mars and out of body experiences in a moon pictures thread.

Sure no problem...but once in a while we take a side trip because whats happening on the other planets is relevant to our studies and we have our biggest audience here in this thread...

We have posted literally hundreds of moon anomalies in this thread... and it seems to me sometimes that the really good ones are just ignored by most or not seen because the thread is so large... so from time to time we review them so new people can keep up...

But understand also that it takes a lot of time to find, edit and gather relevant material for moon images... so forgive me if we take a break from time to time

To those just coming through the threads... landoflegends is temporarily down so many images will not be there in the older threads... this will be fixed in a few days...

However the mirror site has all the material... just read the menu page and you will find ALL the anomalies posted so far...




This last menu has the other planets in the Solar System as well as I find info that is relevant... including an awesome list (not finished) of Craters on Earth

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
A little trip off topic for a minute... well off the Moon anyway...

Breaking News.... Must see Video

NASA shows absolute proof of Alien activity on Mars...

Great video but I don't see how this proves anything. First of all this is an animation and second of all it says nothing to suggest that there is alien life on Mars. Seriously, I don't know why you are posting this at all in this thread.

[edit on 10-4-2007 by brigand]

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by ArMaPThe problem is that the difference is not that big, the stars appear as a point of light, the dust on a scanner glass, if round

True but would not a point source of light likely be more clear an well defined and a reflection of dust be more out of focus?

Also I do not know if this applies in Apollo photos but I have seen stars exhibit an asterism[sp?] effect in other photos while must scanned dust looks like fuzzy blobs

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by brigand

These are some great photographs, but some of your comments are rather off the wall. I respect your information and your insight, but some of these comments left me scratching my head thinking, "is this guy serious?". I'm left with the feeling that you are in fact joking around, but with so many people wanting to know more, this might not be the best plan of action.

It might not be. But I haven't learned my lesson yet. Thanks.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
True but would not a point source of light likely be more clear an well defined and a reflection of dust be more out of focus?

No. Dust, being just over the glass, is as focused as the object being scanned.

That is why in the following image we can not say what points are on the cover of the DVD and what points are dust on the scanner glass.

After cleaning the glass, we can see that some of the points remain, those are the ones on the DVD cover.

Sorry about the image, but I do not have any real photograph with stars that I can use and that was the only black thing I had at hand.

Also I do not know if this applies in Apollo photos but I have seen stars exhibit an asterism[sp?] effect in other photos while must scanned dust looks like fuzzy blobs
Like the photo on this article? I think that it depends on the lens, after all the stars are just balls of light.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by ArMaPLike the photo on this article? I think that it depends on the lens, after all the stars are just balls of light.

Yes exactly but if I scanned that image on your scanner the asterism would show, but the dust spots wouldn't have that

I am going to bring up an old one here, just because I know you like it
and because I was told to "stay on topic"

Unfortunately I will have to go back to Mars for a moment... but I promise, its extremely relevant to the thread...

It seems that the Giant excavator in the above image... [oh yeah? prove me wrong then] has been moved to MARS....

This was presented by Mike Singh in one of the many Martian threads... the relevant info is found here

Tracks on Mars by Mike Singh

Two things I want to point out... the "ramp that Mike circled, and the other "structures around his question mark...

And to the "Its a rolling rock..." crowd..

Please be so kind as to explain to me where the "rock" is that created the big straight track in the center. The track starts on the left... and ends right at that "ramp" Either way it moved, there is no rocks present that could have made the track.

So.... comments?

And thanks to Mike for finding this one

Oh and one last thing... the center of the image where the curved track is is the bottom of the gully, so the left and right portion of the track are both uphill... so no matter which direction it moved in, it would be going uphill...

And before we discuss momentum... be aware that the gully is filled with loose sand, yet the track is evenly spaced throughout its length..

NASA makes no comment on these tracks so far... and letters as yet have not yielded a response... but they did crop this from the 261 meg full image and displayed it with the tracks dead center...

[edit on 10-4-2007 by zorgon]

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