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Originally posted by a1ex
I tried your signature example my signature
is my first name with scribles on top of it....
well the names mostly stays above the imaginary line
but what got me to wonder was that the scribles..they
go from left ot right then up then down...
left to right
up then down
left to right
up then down
I am of the personality type that thinks of all possible scenarios
before making a decision....
left right up and down before making a decision?
Originally posted by loam
I'm sorry, but I'm not very impressed.
Originally posted by loam
I'm sorry, but I'm not very impressed.
Could you kindly explain again the point of these contrived associations?
Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
Do you understand the precept behind the logic?
Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
Sorry for having wasted a bit of your time, but i do sincerely thank you for the contribution.
Originally posted by loam
Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
Do you understand the precept behind the logic?
I do. However, I think a linguist would disagree with your theory operating as a consistent principle in the evolution of language.
(Incidentally, allow me to apologize for appearing so rude. That was not my intention. I re-read my post and realized my brevity could indeed be interpreted that way. I truly was seeking clarification of your concept. )
Originally posted by wiergraf
Originally posted by Vector J
I'm sorry but this is nonsence. You are simply takign words and phrases, flipping some letters upsidedown, reversing bits of others and turning other bits into phonetic representations of a word. You then take whatever meaning you want out of them.
There is absolutely no theory here, its just clever(ish) wordplay.
Show me this 'working' in other languages. And please explain how this 'working' is anything other than you drawing your own conclusions from reagranging a word in an arbitory manner?
I am impressed that you have done so much work with this, but i fail to see anything other than a little word play that could undoubtedly be intrepreted in any number of ways. You go from vaguely interesting example to thourighly ridiculous stretches of the imagination...
Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
It is i who am wrong for having provoked fear in your mind, not yours.
I did not think for a second you were rude. Just confused at the prospect of a new concept.
Let's be honest with eachother, i fear the unknown, i fear change from time to time.
We are both the same in these personality traits, as are most people.
Originally posted by PisTonZOR
It could be like a word processor with automatic spell check, our brains are typing it with our conscious mind and the subconscious mind, this case the processor in the computer is performing the spell check as well as running everything.
Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
Our subconscious mind can recognize patterns we consciously can not, or more to the point, usually do not.
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Or rather...
According to a researcher (sic) at Cambridge University, it doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter be at the right place. The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem. This is because the human mind does not read every letter by itself but the word as a whole.
Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
As for the "show me this in other languages", find me 1 language that is totally untainted, and totally un-influenced by other languages.
Find me 1 language that has nothing in common with other languages.
Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
Perhaps adopting the "It's all Greek to me" angle of looking at it, you could at least acknowledge the possibility of it, because if you cannot acknowledge the possibility of it, it is not possible.
In mythology in ancient times the God of Wars was called Mars whose symbol was the Ram and to this day the Ram is still the symbol in astronomy for the planet Mars.
Some examples may be a stretch for some to see, but since people are not consciously aware of the entirety of the processes that are occuring inside their own mind, can they really say it is absolutley false?
Their judgment and objectivity are subject to what they have available at the conscious level of the mind, which is not processing, nor even listening to the other 99.9999997% of their own mind.
Ever opinion formed, every judgement passed within your mind is you comparing new information to what you already have decided or accepted as truthful and fact. All new information is automatically subject to being held up for comparison, and what you are comparing the new information to is what you already know is true.
And those truths started with something.
Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
People of nobility were said to be descendants of God(s), but to invoke the name of God was too be able to invoke God, which was the justification for the response to Moses's question when he asked "Who is sending me to pharoh?", the response was merely "i am".
the idea that your unconcious mind betrays its thoughts as backwards langue when you speak forward, and that when what is spoken is reversed you can hear 'true intentions'
Originally posted by Athenion
But here's my example of a subliminal message.
Those who use subliminal messages enjoy stew and cheese dip.
dip reversed is pid
Stew pid
also pronounces