Somethings should be discovered, not taught. This is one of those subjects, but fortunatly for most, most people will not accept it.
Our minds work the same, you and i.
How conscious are we? How conscious of our own thoughts are we, really?
Science has an answer. It has been done.
By hooking up electrodes and monitoring our brains, evidence exists that we have a conscious and subconscious mind.
What is a "thought"?
merely a spark of electricity between two brain cells, between the synapses, a small electrical impulse passes a bit of information from one brain
cell to another.
Our brains utilize electricity to communicate amongst eachother. A spark of electricity between brain cells. But, water conducts electricity, and we
are mostly water, are we not? So, it stands to reason that occasionally there may be a "miss-fire" and the electrical impulse may inadvertently be
recieved by an adjacent brain cell.
Back to our fractionalized mind, our broken mind, our mind that has borders .....
Back to the electrodes, and monitoring of brain activity in people.
We are not consciously aware of all our thoughts, now are we?
We have a mind that can be measured, monitored, and evaluated, but ironically by the very mind that is broken, fractionalized, and seperated.
Scientists have measured the conscious part of the mind and found that it averages 2,000 sparks of electricity per second being shared between brain
There are 2,000 bits of information being integrated and processed per second in the conscious mind.
Scientists have measured the subconscious part of the mind and found that it averages 400,000,000,000 sparks of electricity per second being shared
between brain cells.
There are 400,000,000,000 bits of information being integrated and processed per second in the subconscious mind.
We are consciously aware of 1 out of every 200,000,000 thoughts our own mind has.
We are not consciously aware of 99.9999998% of our own thoughts.
We are not consciously aware of 99.9999998% of our own thoughts.
You are not consciously aware of 99.9999998% of your own thoughts.
When you began school did you learn trigonometry on day one? Did you learn geometry on day one? No. First our minds are required to accept as fact
the precursers neccesary for new knowledge. We began school and first learned how to count. Later, after we had accepted that numbers are true and
factual, we added on to our accepted truths new knowledge. After we learned how to count, we learned how to add and subtract. Later we learned
multiplication and division, and then algebra, and so on, and so forth.... Why?
Our minds operate in accordance with the "Law of Association". This dictates that we must consciously accept a thing as true before we can include
it as a known variable to take us to a new thing we do not know. This is how our minds go from the known to the unknown.
Since we integrate and process new information in accordance with the "Law of Association", what was the first accepted truth? What is at the core
of our "Law of Association"? What was our first truth?
"Self Pre-Serve". What does it mean?
Self Before I Serve.
It stands to reason that if we do not comprehend consciously 99.9999998% of our own thoughts, we probably are not consciously aware of how that
99.9999998% reflects in everything humans create, make, invent, etc....
Is there a subliminal aspect to all we make, or do just our conscious minds affect our shared reality?
One more time, because this is important.
Is there a subliminal influence/aspect to all we make, or do just our conscious minds affect our shared reality?
Do you think you know the true answer?
Are we aware that all sensory stimulation provided by your senses first gets deliverd to the subconscious mind?
Are we aware that everthing we touch, everything we see, everthing we smell, everthing we taste, everything we hear, first gets delivered to the
subconscious mind?
ALL our incoming information first gets recieved by the part of the mind we are not consciously aware of. And it is our defense mechanisms that are a
result of "Self Preservation" which either permits us to know what our senses are telling our mind, or does not permit our conscious mind to
Since humanity is collectively unaware of over 99% of their own thoughts, it stands to reason that we are not consciously aware of the effects our
subconscious mind has on all we create, to include language.
Could language created by a mind that is unaware of over 99% of it's own thoughts contain influences by the 99% of it's own mind? More importantly,
if our subconscious minds influence our language in a far deeper way than we are consciously aware of, could this be utilized to influence others
using only language?
Are there apparent subliminal influences in language? Does subliminality in language effect peoples actions, and behaviors?
I think yes. However, i do not always believe that this subliminal quality has the power to change a person's intentions. Intentionality is yours,
but if your intentionality is as real and as truthful as you are, then you would come to know these things in and of yourself.
If we knew ourselves, and were honest with ourselves, we would be able to see and know that such things have influence over us.
I'll be using the "external" option to isolate examples where meanings and truths can be extrapulated from words and phrases.
Remember phonetics, the further back in your learning proccess, the more subliminal, perhaps. Phonetics. "Law of Association".
Are You Tame?
Are = R
You = U
R U Tame?
*the e in tame is silent. phonetically pronounced: Tam
R U Tam
reversed ....
*with a silent e
not good enough?
another, perhaps?
in lip
both in reverse ...
ni pil
spelled another way, but pronounced the same....
still not convinced, huh? Can't says i blame ya.
Give a good enough Effort and you may win a Trophy
You in i Gave
U N I Gave
U N I Gav
reverse ....
spelled differently ...
Could everything be encoded by our collective subliminal minds, or those who know how it influences?
Could everything ........ ?
Evil you ate was off the tree in the center of the garden, which caused you to know how to evaluate between good and evil.
father became father when he made her fat ..... her fat ...... fat her ..... father.
Could everything be encoded?
What happens when you open a can of Whoop Ass?
It usually means
WAR!!!! right?
What do you need to do to open that can of whoop ass?
Take off the
lid, right?
Add (
+ a
Raid, and you have an attack, a robbery, a gang who is performing the raid.
But, what if this raid is
seen across(
Earth? one of the most ancient names for Earth is
UR (from ancient Babylon, the
first civilization).
Opened a can of whoop ass that always results in
war when the
lid is removed, add (
raid with things stolen and killing
performed by a group which is
seen across(
add em up and: War lid plus raid seen across Earth.
War lid plus raid seen across Earth
War lid + raid seen across Earth
War lid + raid seen across Ur
War lid + raid seen t Ur
Warlid + rade seen t Ur
Warlid + rade cen t Ur
Wor ld +rade cen t ur
World +rade cent ur
World +rade centur
World trade centur
World trade center.
Too much, perhaps?
Too much of a stretch?
Well, the opposite of Teach is pronounced Cheat, then. Back to the basics.
It may be seen as a stretch of the imagination for some, understandibly, but how aware are most people of their own thoughts?
answer: 0.0000001%
Everything humans have labelled, has been labelled with a mind that is not entirely consciously aware of it's own motivating factors, because those
factors lie within a part of their mind that they are not consciously aware of.
Before you close your mind to the idea, find peace with yourself. Keep a journal. When you write, write knowing that no one else shall ever read it,
but you.
[edit on 11-9-2006 by Esoteric Teacher]
[edit on 11-9-2006 by Esoteric Teacher]