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The shaking bed

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posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 10:20 PM

Have you discovered what the bed shaking is yet? Everytime it happends, do you feel some sort of vibration around your body and like someone is walking around your bed ??

If so I had the same experience 5 months ago. It is your Guardian Angel- a friend from the upper dimensions.

Next time you experience it, say 'hello' in your mind. By law, they are not allowed to intefere with your life unless invited by you. So next time say 'I invite you by my side'. And you will feel the love and power they have to protect you.

The bed shaking is symbolic to -WAKE UP. We are at an awaekaening at the moment as you can probably see. And that is also why you have the beings from the upper dimensions representing LIGHT here to help us. The "Shadow" ones dont want us to go any higher so thats why they try to create a 'fear atmosphere', because fear lowers the vibration back down. Love raises it up. That is how the universe works.

It has been 5 months now since mine as shaken my bed. And now they (I have 3 by the way)follow me around everywhere and defending me from the tricks and toys those Reptilians guys like to play on people.

Also, decorate your room with white flowers, fresh plants and spirituality statues- they love that, since they are going to follow you anyway.

Good luck

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 11:14 PM
Interesting. I too have experienced this. A few things that have come to my mind...

To me it feels like the vibratory feeling of a massage chair. I also experience a "HUM" and thought it may be a physical manifestation of the sound I constantly hear. I do not have tinnitis, I did get my ears checked out. I do not live in an industrial area.

It is only the lower portion of my bed, from the knees down is where I feel it. I do not have any medical issues that I am aware would cause this. Lastly, when this happens, I am usually so relaxed and tired, that rather than being alarmed by it, I just blow it off and go to sleep. I remember becoming fully awake only once to wonder if it was my kitty purring by my feet making the vibration but she was not there and I simply settled back in to sleep, just slightly aware of it as I slipped off to sleep, not scared or alarmed. I find that interesting because if I was in a fully awake state I AM DEFINITELY the type of person who would be investigating what that IS!

This makes the theory that some have mentioned in other threads about this actually being your own "chi" or positive energy originating from within yourself a viable explanation to me.

Another personal theory I have thought about, and one I have never heard elsewhere is, based on the "HUM" I both hear and feel. I live right smack next to one of the great lakes, with large industrial cities about 40 miles to the north, 60 miles to the south and about 120 miles across the lake. I've wondered if it was possible for sound/vibration waves to bounce off of the water, or otherwise travel from these other cities and make physical or aural vibrational waves in other areas that people could pick upon. Cymatics. Sound and water can be a powerful thing. Do you live near any large bodies of water? or hydro anomalies?

As to why the bed vibrates, it would be great to find the answer, however it was the OP's mention of having his name whispered that really got my attention as I have had that happen countless times over my life and wish I knew what it was! "Weird" thing about that, I can never tell if it's a male or female voice!

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 11:49 PM
I am so freaked out!!!! Ok so I will start from the beginning. I moved into this place about a year and a half ago. It is a brand new house on an old lot where people have lived before. So about a month after I moved in the big metal furnace door was on my bed when I can home. I thought that was a little weird then I kind of forgot about it. About 3 months ago I felt this really bad burring on my hand while i was sleeping I woke up and looked down and something scratched my hand it looked like a cat scratch 3 marks. Then about 3 weeks ago a picture frame while I was sitting watching tv fell off my desk and literally flew half way across the room and never broke and the frame itself is glass. So I kind of just ignored all of that because I though there has to be an explanation.
Well then last night the scariest thing happened. I just fell asleep and all the sudden it felt like some one shoved my bed against the wall. Like someone was standing at the end of my bed and pushed with their knees. I immediately woke up freaked. Then my bed started to shake. So then I thought well maybe its an earth quake. I jumped out of bed turned on my light and nothing was moving. I looked at my water glass nothing not even a ripple. So I got back in bed with my light on. The bed started to shake. At this point I freaked. I honestly felt like something was there watching me making my bed vibrate. I turned on the tv. After about 5 min or so it stopped. It felt like longer. Now I am afraid to go to bed! I am a college student losing sleep because I am scared to go to bed. What should I do? What do you think it was? Do you think all of the other things could have been paranormal? If all of the things were paranormal the activities have been increasing which is scaring me. Please help! I hope you don’t think I’m crazy because I was WIDE awake I jumped out of bed.

edit on 10-3-2011 by karir because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-3-2011 by karir because: spelling

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
You're not alone.

I have experienced shaking beds many times before. Its as if someone trips on the bed waking me out of a sound sleep.
I've also felt someone sitting on the bed, and who can forget my haunted pillow!

I've told the story here before about the pillow i had and the pillow HAD A HEART BEAT...thump....thump...thump....I threw that sucker away and went and got new pillows and never experienced this

I can deal with the bed moving but the pillow blew my mind!!

Funny i had the same experience expect not sure if it was the pillow that was beating like a heart

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 02:25 PM
A similar thing has happened to me for as long as I can remember. I have switched beds and moved houses but about every month or so at sporadic times my bed will begin shaking. It usually happens right when I get comfortable and it only lasts until I lift my head up tp investigate what's happening and then it stops. I can never actually find proof that it is shaking because it only happens when I'm not looking directly at the bed. I always feel like I'm going crazy and it makes me so mad! X_x

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 04:04 AM
Okay, for those of you who have a problem with your bed shaking, I would like to tell you how I got rid of it. First a little about me. I'm a fundamentalist Pentecostal and am also ex-military Intelligence. I have had the same problem many people here have described, literally for years. The bed shakes/rocks/moves/shifts kinda feels like somebody grabbed hold of part of the bed with one hand and just started mildly rocking it. Its happened while I am fully awake, at times when I'm about to fall asleep. There have been times it has shook so hard it actually woke me up, it has also happened to me at all hours of the day, the time really doesn't seem to matter. And yes I tried applying basic logic to it. "Maybe there is some machine in the house or nearby that's causing it". Nope nothing, I checked everything, then I checked it again, then because I couldn't find ANYTHING I checked again. I'm here now because at about 2:30 this morning it happened again and I finally decided I was fed up with it and wanted to just get a decent nights sleep. To make matters worse when I got up out of bed right after I got the distinct impression that I was being followed rather closely by something that I just couldn't seem to turn around fast enough to catch sight of.

I think its a spirit of some sort (sorry to those of you looking for a scientific answer). Reason being I tried everything I could think of to get rid of it. The only thing that worked was speaking in tongues. It took a grand total of about 3 seconds once I got started for whatever it was to go away. After that I felt perfectly fine, I didn't feel like I was being followed anymore, I'm actually sitting on my bed typing this and I feel just fine. The bed is holding still, I even feel like I can breath a bit better. So to those of you who can do it I would recommend you give it a try. I know its a religious heavy answer but that's what worked for me and I thought I should share it with you all.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 04:13 PM
My experiences with the bed moving began in 2009 along with a BUNCH of other things. I think it can be caused by many different types of Beings. When there is a large bang or boom ahead of time (may be several hours) this is the air displacement noise that happens when an interdimensional Beings comes into our dimension. In our house it sounds like a bookcase going over on a slab foundation it will sound different.

I hunted and hunted for someone else experiencing these things and didn't find anything much in 2009. So I started my blog (ufochick) and later webpage about it all. Sometimes it's like someone sits on the bed, other times the bed shakes. In my case I believe it's an ET/ID visiting but that is because I have seen them beside the bed.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by Curiousme

Hi! Sorry to say that it is nothing paranormal. It is a very well documented 'symptom' of hypnogogic/hypnopompic hallucination - AKA night terrors. This is a common experience for many people, myself included. the shaking is minute body spasms which will not be detected by the other person in the bed. Try to move your little finger or 'pinkie' and it should wake you up enough to stop the bed shaking.

Often stress makes this experience more vivid and frequent. Hope this helps.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 05:55 AM
My bed used to shake and I used to hear these wild growling roars. Scared the hell out of me at first until I realised it was my girlfriends snoring.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by Curiousme

Hi, it's been a long time since you started this, but I thought I'd comment on it. I have had feelings of someone/thing sitting on the bed or depressing the mattress but that's been a long time ago. During that period, there were a lot of manifestations in my house like footsteps going around and around in the room above me, things moving and falling off walls by themselves. Recently though, I was sitting in my computer chair just reading something online when my chair just shook like someone grabbed it and gave it a shake. No one was home with me at the time and it kind of freaked me out I'll have to admit.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 03:31 PM

reply to post by Curiousme

Hi! Sorry to say that it is nothing paranormal. It is a very well documented 'symptom' of hypnogogic/hypnopompic hallucination - AKA night terrors. This is a common experience for many people, myself included. the shaking is minute body spasms which will not be detected by the other person in the bed. Try to move your little finger or 'pinkie' and it should wake you up enough to stop the bed shaking.

Often stress makes this experience more vivid and frequent. Hope this helps.

The entire phenomena cannot be explained away so easily. Many people experience movement of the furniture or bed while they are wide awake and alone. The bed shaking covers a broad spectrum. From the feeling that someone has jumped on the bed to a single violent push and then into all kinds of different shaking.

I am sure night terrors can cause some of it but much more is not so easily explainable.

posted on Apr, 1 2014 @ 10:17 PM

The entire phenomena cannot be explained away so easily. Many people experience movement of the furniture or bed while they are wide awake and alone. The bed shaking covers a broad spectrum. From the feeling that someone has jumped on the bed to a single violent push and then into all kinds of different shaking.
reply to post by ufochick

Read my post above yours, I was wide awake at the computer when my chair was shaken. I have also had the bed shaking and feeling like someone has gotten on the bed.

And maybe night terrors can be caused by this?

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 01:38 PM
Good question, can night terrors be caused by the paranormal instead of the paranormal being blamed when it's night terrors.

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 01:09 PM
I've had strange experiences with ghosts in the past, but this is new to me. A few people have complained that there's a ghost in my house, but nobody has ever seen anything ... it's been noises or just a "feeling."

Here's my current situation: Something hits the side and corner of my bed at night ever since my Boston Terrier died a few years ago. At first I ignored it, but it continued to happen once or twice a week. I became afraid when one night something hit me in the back of the head and woke me up. My husband and I sprinkled salt and prayed the "Our Father" all around the house because we heard it would work ... and it did for several months. We bought a new bed and all was fine until a few weeks ago when I felt the "hit" on the corner of my bed again. A few nights ago, something hit the bed right behind my back ... I fell asleep, and it happened again and woke me up. My plan is to yell, "Leave me alone!" next time it happens. I usually keep quiet because I'm so scared.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 01:31 AM
a reply to: ebehm

Stuff like that has happened to me. It's usually in the context of trying to wake me up.

The worst part is that it occurs in such a way that if you try to explain it to others, you just end up sounding crazy, which I think whatever does it knows. Makes it all the worse but at the same time kind of funny and confusing.

As far as I can gather, it's probably just trying to have some fun with you. Try not to pay it too much mind, if possible.

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