reply to post by Curiousme
Solution:" MY BED IS SHAKING AT NIGHT". Please keep reading I have been feeling these symptoms for the past six to twelve months and have taken two
and half months to research why this could be happening to so many people. I almost lost my life and my sanity in the process. I'm not a doctor,
just a very observant person that wanted to know the truth and help be able to help all the other posts i see regarding this weird phenomena.
Problem : Yes I know whats causing it, its coming up: Please read the following first then the problem. I will explain why later and it will be clear
why i waited to tell you. I know its hard to believe what people tell you in the state of mind that your in,lonely, scared and thinking just what
in the heck that could be shaking your bed. Let me guess, you are having a host of other problems with no clear medical conclusion, no doctors really
knows whats wrong with you. I just came out of it and now clearly see what the problem was.
Other related conditions that can be caused by this problem
--BED SHAKING AT NIGHT, usually left to right, or at the bottom of the bed preceeding the onset of deep sleep (right before your about to be fully
asleep, not awake and not asleep) then the bed starts shaking or the bed gently rocks with no explanation.
- heart beats abnormal heart palpitations/weird heart twitching or tugging sensations
-heart racing from time to time
-unexplainable nerve twitching
- lethargic feeling/no energy or inability to accomplish once easily accomplishable tasks
- confusion and as much as you try you can't figure out why
- fast onsets of panic or anxiety, rapid breath
- headaches - head feels like its caving in
- light or severe memory loss
-stomach issues similar to gastroentiritis, upset stomach from time to time, diarrhea, indigestion feeling
-- friends express concern about you but you feel like your fine
- feel like someone is pressing on your shoulders or holding you down
- constant weekness, fatigue, and tiredness even when well rested
- intermittent chest pain
- sleep apnea or unconciously stop breathing
- unexplainable loss of appettite
- paranoia, irrational fears, changes in conciousness
- itchiness, dry skin, pale complexion, biting feeling on legs, skin leasions
- frequent nightime urination, usually right before sleep
- depression and confusion with no source, combined with unexplainable bouts of long lasting euphoria
- sleep disturbances, insomnia
- ears ringing
-tingling in arms and legs especially before sleep or upon waking
- hallucinations, seeing devils, ghosts, demons, aliens or reptiles (IF U ARE HERE GET TO THE DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY AND TELL THEM YOU SUSPECT CARBON
PROBLEM: YES ITS EITHER CARBON MONOXIDE AND OR CARBON DIOXIDE TOXICITY, The bed shakes because you are shaking it - from abnormal heartbeats that
usually starts prior to rem sleep. That is why many of us are awaken right as we are about to get to sleep, as aggravating as this is, it is
compounded by the confusion, fear and the gas toxicity. Quote from Wikipedia
"Shunts in the pulmonary circulation or a right-to-left shunt in the heart. Shunts can be caused by collapsed alveoli that are still perfused or a
block in ventilation to an area of the lung. Whatever the mechanism, blood meant for the pulmonary system is not ventilated and so no gas exchange
occurs (the ventilation/perfusion ratio is zero). Normal anatomical shunt occurs in everyone, because of the Thebesian vessels which empty into the
left ventricle and the bronchial circulation which supplies the bronchi with oxygen."
You cannot feel THAT YOUR ARE BEING AFFECTED because of the alteration to your consciousness that CO causes(research this if you don't believe me) ,
that is why it is called the silent killer. While you are under the influence of it, YOU TRULY BELIEVE THAT YOUR ARE THINKING RATIONALLY, BUT TRUST
ME, COMING FROM A NOW DETOXIFYING MIND AND BODY _ IT IS A VERY DANGEROUS STATE OF MIND. You can't see it, smell it, taste it, or sense it in any
way and so you think that you are truly thinking rationally but you really are not. The combination of factors leads to irrational, illogical
thoughts which get deeper and deeper in deliriousness and confusion about things that could be possibly be shaking your bed . The only reason i left
my house was because i became so delirious that i thought i was being attacked by a psyhic and was having a heart attack so i drove to hospital 20
miles away when there is one two miles away (i have no idea how, that is part of the irrational thought), by the time i was there i was almost losing
conciousness and they didn't have a clue.
I have been to many doctors in the last six months and had many tests come back , the only conclusive thing i have been diagnosed with is
fibromyalgia, i have been suffering with sking conditions for a long time and what i could only diagnose as ALS, because of the similiarity in all the
types of symptoms. Of the best doctors around the world - No doctor could help, in my exploration of the subject and my trip to the emergency room
where they relieved me at my request because i was so acutely toxified that i was delirious, confused, had tunnel vision, paranoia, hallucinations,
and was under the impression the doctors were trying to hurt me. Relieving me was gross malpractice, they were more interested in determining if i
had a psychiatric history, which i don't and doesn't really matter anyway, then determining whether it was co posioning, which even in that state i
suggested to them. On a side note for thought, everyone who drives has had the feeling of arriving somewhere to only remember the vague memory of
having driven there. I'm pretty sure that is low dose carbon monoxide poisoining.
YES, I really strongly feel that you have been chronically inhaling toxic fumes in low doses, probably between 50 or 200 parts per million. At 30
parts per million it will affect the those in the elder years and weak immune systems. It is coming from you stove, gas heater, gas appliances and
mainly, usually your gas water heater output vent and it will pool toward the ceiling or floor without proper ventilation. Most of us don't think
about properly ventilating our living spaces and this compounds the problem. If you can eliminate gas appliances as a cause, becuase you have no gas
appliances, and there are no factories eminating fumes nearbly(carbon monoxide is created when burning any fossil fuels), then it is most likely the
stagnant exhaled air you and your family/roomates are exhaling and not venting properly. Once or twice of inhaling stagnant air and you would be
okay but if you chronically don't get enough fresh air(oxygen), you will suffer many continuous health effects. You always need to keep the air
moving in your house and replacing it, if you are worried about outside pollution or contaminants outside then install a hepa purifier, ionizer or
other filtration methods to clean the air before the air enters your living quarters.
As soon as I had the gas service turned off I felt immediately better. I still am recovering because i have had no oxygen treatment thanks to our
great emergency room services, but i will be making an appt for some type of natural oxygen treatment(research these if new to these). This is as
brief as i could be right now to get the messsage out, i will be composing a website shortly with all the saftey warning guidelines, scientific
research and some reading suggestions. I can only hope I can help some of the scared, lonely people out there at night that are wondering why the
heck their beds keep shaking when it is completely obvious to the individual that they are not the one doing it. Trust me I know, it took me two
months to finally come to this conclusion, I research some of the most craziest reasons why this could be happening very obviously because i was
being chronically gassed in low doses, i believe it took 3-12 months of constant inhalation at low doses for me to form a toxic body to the point
where it was like what i can only describe as a "five day bad acid trip" and i have never done acid in my life. The thing that is really bad is
that even after the gas was turned off because of the environmental recognition of the place where i was literally dying(my house), i immediately
started to have a panic attic . I had to assure myself after a call to the gas company and thorough inspection, to calm down and not start the bad
cycle of panics again. The effects on the consciousness are the most severe, if you do not catch this before damage occurs, it can cause irreversible
brain and nerve damage. I'm still healing so i'm sorry if some of the sentences are long or cut off. I'm not saying everybody that has these
symptoms has this problem, but please investigate this first because it is the most severe out of the suggestions i provide.
If you have rulled out the possibility of an earthquake(use the internet for this), your roomate or neighbor having some fun on their own or with
their significant other(mostly in apartment dwellings), or any other physical cause of why this is happening then please call the gas company have
them come with a CARBON MONOXIDE METER AND SNIFFING EQUIPMENT and have them thoroughly do a inside to outside search. It is odorless, you need a
meter to detect it. You will need to supervise the gas company technician to make sure they do a thorough inspection because they scoff when you
mention a leak i'm guessing because of liability purposes. Don't be paranoid of afraid when reading this, i don't think its a conspiracy or
anything like that, just not enough knowledge about this toxic element Carbon monoxide that kills approximately 15,000 people every year. On a side
note, if you determine this to be the case , professionals can fix this problem for you easily, it is identifying this as aproblem that is so
difficult. Please consult your doctor for test regarding CO or CO2 toxicity, anemia, and hypoxia. I have turned off the gas to my entire house, and
feel better than any cure or doctor has ever been able to make me feel. The brilliance of OXYGEN, without it you will become anemic and/or
hypoxic[hypoxia or hypoxemia](research these terms-google it). YOu should at least do a normal & arterial blood test, and urine tests, the male
abnormal values in my tests are as follows, urine - low specific gravity = 1.000L, glucose = .5 G/DL@, urobilinogen < 2.0, and gran absolute was close
to the high limit = 8.0 and normal blood tests abnormalities, white blood count high =12.2, mean platelet value low = 7.0, did not get to finish
aterial blood test due to my confused uncooperative state. Metabolic panel showed high glucose = 218mg/dl. If you are reading this and thinking that
there is no possible way that any gas is leaking, just check it. Please, it doesn't cost anything, just call them and tell them you suspect CO leak
and have them come with sniffers. If there is still no leak just please do a couple of routine tests at your doctors office. At least this will help
to eliminate this as your problem. Since breathing fresh air for just 3 days 80% of the above symptoms have gone away. I am writing this at 2 am in
hopes that it can help someone get over "one of the worst most memories of my life." Everyone i talk to notices an immediate difference in my
personality and appearance, color in my face, no slurred or mumbled speech, liveliness and awareness. I can't stress enough the importance of a
fresh air supply. Also leaving your house for a few hours if you have been chronically poisoned will only reduce symptoms not eliminate them. You
need medical treatment, natural medicine preferably but if you like the normal way is fine.
Also these factors amplify (make worse) Co poisining: cigarettes, car engine fumes on freeway, alcohol, cannabis and few others, do your research!
I love you all and hope i can at least have helped one person save themselves from an early departure. There is too much good for all of us to do to
be taken out early. Best wishes and success in a new life of clarity, thanx to fresh air.