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The shaking bed

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posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 09:29 AM
Hi all,
I do not know if this is the correct place to post this but it seems the best place.

I have experienced my bed shaking at night for the last 15 years. It always seems to start when I finally get comfortable. My ex-wife and ex-girlfriends never seemed to feel it. I just recently got remarried and my wife now feels it every time. She also feels when I am not home. For awhile I thought it was just muscle spasms but I think it is to fast and to hard of a shake to be that.
The only way I can explain the shake is if you try to shake your bed with your hand as fast as you can, with out moving your hand very hard.
I have lived with this for awhile and it never bothered be to much. Recently it has been getting harder. A couple times I have heard my name whispered right in my ear before it starts.
I am really confused on what could cause this whether it be physical or something different. I would appreciate any suggestions on what it is and how to get rid of it. Thank you.

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 09:50 AM
Just to share, my grandfather once while visiting our home mentioned that he felt prankster spirits trying to bother him by shaking the bed he was lying on. He mentioned it to us but we just dismissed it as him just trying to get us spooked. Anyways, over the years I learned that there are people who are predisposed to such occurrences based on sensativities and other factors. That is why in your experience as well as ours, no one else noticed. The spirit can't harm you if you just ignore it, it might just leave you alone. What it really wants is for you to acknowledge it. Here' is a site for you to browse. I would not worry about it if that is the only thing that you and your new spouse have experienced.

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 10:23 AM
Thank you Jinnez for your reply and the link. I was really hoping it would be more of a physical explanation than a ghostly one. But I will take your advice and ignore it and hope it goes away.

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by Curiousme
Hi all,
I do not know if this is the correct place to post this but it seems the best place.

I have experienced my bed shaking at night for the last 15 years

All I can say is WOW
I thought I was the only one who experienced it.. I have never even mentioned it before as i always put it down to a high speed nerve twitch or something before..

The only time it seemed unusual or severe was about 3 months ago when I was positive we were having a slight earth tremor over here..

I,m curious.. does yours always seem side to side too?

I have never experienced a ''top to bottom shake'' before..

also had it for years

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 10:48 AM
Agent_T, not that I am glad you experience this also, but I am glad I am not alone.

Yes mine seems to shake side to side and not up and down also.

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 10:59 AM
Have an older church member who mentioned a benign ghost in their house. She even named it. It shook the bed, once, and she thought it was her husband....but he was offshore, and her her son was at college.

She's not predisposed to having her imagination run away with her. She was very skeptical when she first started experiencing things. She still didn't seem to fully accept what was happening.

In our faith, we tend to believe the following: (faith is individual, not everyone believes the same in a body of people):

1. No such thing as ghosts. Or, when there are, it's the result of witchcraft messijng with the dead (ala Saul, Solomon, and the hunted witch) , or some ther random miracle (Moses, Elijah, & Jesus on the moutain) . When it happens, we're not supposed to talk with them (some actual command).
2. Demons are locked up until near the end of time.
3. Angels only make their presence known when necessary. If they do show up, they are likely treated as mere humans.
4. Miracles don't happen any more. Especially human caused.
5. Someone who talks about ghostly encounters is a bit crazy.
6. When crazy things happen, you can pray it away.

For her to say: there's defiantely a ghost in my house. It hasn't harmed anyone, isn't inclined to speak, and is best ignored until it botheers me. :comming from such a background, and staunchly so, would put her at odds with much of her family. She still stands by it.

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 01:56 PM
If my bed moved from side to side I would be #ting my pants !
Do you mean you can clearly see the actual bed moving from side to side ? Or do you feel as though it is ?

LoL will I sleep tonight ?!

Well at least you get a free rollercoaster ride !

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 02:26 PM
Thanks for starting this thread. I have noticed it myself a few times over the last few months but just blew it off.

About a year ago I had an episode which scared the crap out of me. I was falling asleep and (this is very hard to explain) I hear, in my head but yet external, an incredible BANG, like metal hitting metal and at the exact instant a sudden feeling of death. I opened my eyes and woke up but felt that if I hadn't I would be dead now. I was shook up all day (I was going to write about it here but didn't). That happened a second time about a month later at which time I told my wife about it and I haven't had it happen since. But it's still very vivid in my memory.

Recently though, a few times over the last couple months I've felt the bed "shake". I don't think it shakes physically. But rather it's in my head or I just "feel" it shake. It happens for only a second or so and it's usually side to side. However, it very well could be just be me flinching as I'm falling asleep which slightly shakes the bed and I become concious of the feeling. At first it scared me. After a couple times though (it's only happened a few times) it doesn't bother me and it hasn't happened again for quite a while now.

Oh yeah, then my head spun around and I vomited pea soup all over the walls!

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 03:24 PM
How bout setting up a video camera and actually capturing it on tape?

This is not a one line post.

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 03:28 PM
It happens to me occasionally. Sometimes when I have to get up early in the morning, just before the time is near, it will feel like someone is shaking the bed. Usually mine is just a gentle shake though.

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by mecheng
I was falling asleep and (this is very hard to explain) I hear, in my head but yet external, an incredible BANG, like metal hitting metal

I have also had this happen to me. Although I never had a feeling of death. I have also heard a zapping noise when i start to doze off which will wake me up real fast.

Originally posted by Arawn
Do you mean you can clearly see the actual bed moving from side to side ? Or do you feel as though it is ?

Yes you can see the bed actually moving. Sometimes I watch my bed post as they sway, not alot but enough to tell its moving.

Originally posted by Arawn
Well at least you get a free rollercoaster ride !

That is true, but there is no loops.

I really would worry if that happened.

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 09:35 PM
Yes you CAN see the bed moving sometimes..

I am still convinced it,s some kind of twitch.. but the feeling is so odd you almost don,t want it to stop so you can reassure yourself it is actually happening..odd to explain to someone it hasn,t happened to..

It,s like...''am i imagining this??? I ,ll let it go for a bit longer""

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Curiousme
Hi all,
I do not know if this is the correct place to post this but it seems the best place.

I have experienced my bed shaking at night for the last 15 years. It always seems to start when I finally get comfortable. My ex-wife and ex-girlfriends never seemed to feel it. I just recently got remarried and my wife now feels it every time. She also feels when I am not home. For awhile I thought it was just muscle spasms but I think it is to fast and to hard of a shake to be that.
The only way I can explain the shake is if you try to shake your bed with your hand as fast as you can, with out moving your hand very hard.
I have lived with this for awhile and it never bothered be to much. Recently it has been getting harder. A couple times I have heard my name whispered right in my ear before it starts.
I am really confused on what could cause this whether it be physical or something different. I would appreciate any suggestions on what it is and how to get rid of it. Thank you.

the shaking is caused by an energy pump which your guardian uses. Each person has this but not too many people are aware of it. The guardian generates energy for traveling on other dimensions. They'll stop when they have enough energy. There's nothing to be afraid of. Just show love and the guardian will communicate with you possibly.

posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 08:06 PM
ive had the same experience,over many years,not all the time just maybe a few times a year. it normally starts with what sounds like wind rushing through my ears..and then the bed goes haywire(side to side) doesnt really bother me though,i just roll with it,only lasts for a miute or so...once the wind starts,i know its going to occur..

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 10:34 AM
I am sorry to say that I don't approve of your "guardian" theory. Yes I believe we all(or most of us for that matter) have some form of "Protector"/guadian/angel. I'm not too sure about your "dimension" theory though.
Despite what you see in the movies as "friendly" ghosts who scare the crap out of you, but their intentions were good, I am here to tell you that's bull.
I strongly believe that your "guardian" will never frighten you. When someone's guardian/angel is near & is doing something revealing, I do not think one should feel fear. I have had very bizarre encounters, some might call a few of them spiritual & I have never felt any form of fear, despite how bizarre it may seem. The ones that I have encountered and felt fear are definitely ones of evil nature.
And no, it's not your nervers or small muschle spasms. I suffer with seizures & get alot of muscle spasms daily & you will know the difference.
Also, if your current wife says she feels the bed shaking too, that disproves any theories of neurological problem.
You definitely have something in your house that takes pleasure in making you feel uncomfortable or doesn't like you very much.
My advice; if you believe in blessing your house, get a priest or pastor to do so, and/or move out. And hope it's not a clingy entity that won't follow you for nearly all your life.
Also, nernous twitching/slight muscle spasms are sometimes a sign of Parkinson's disease and other diseases. If you still feel that the cause may be neurological, go to a doctor & get some tests done.

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 08:19 PM
This has happened to me a few times. I too felt like it was a small tremor, but I do not live near any fault lines. I remember listening a few years ago to an Art Bell show where the guest said that it is your spirit guide helping you to perform an astrial projection. Somehow it helps you acheive the correct vibration for an out of body experience.

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 08:26 PM
You're not alone.

I have experienced shaking beds many times before. Its as if someone trips on the bed waking me out of a sound sleep.
I've also felt someone sitting on the bed, and who can forget my haunted pillow!

I've told the story here before about the pillow i had and the pillow HAD A HEART BEAT...thump....thump...thump....I threw that sucker away and went and got new pillows and never experienced this

I can deal with the bed moving but the pillow blew my mind!!

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 12:40 AM
try this. Ask the shaking to slow down a bit. You'll find it has intelligence. It's just your guardian generating energy.

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 06:33 AM

I dont mean to take away from the shaking bed, but a pillow with a heart beat is farrrrrr worse.

I kid you not.

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe

I dont mean to take away from the shaking bed, but a pillow with a heart beat is farrrrrr worse.

I kid you not.

I would think so. Try looking at the positive. Atleast it didn't have intestines & rectum & didn't take a crap in your bed.

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