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Religion 4. Adam and Eve

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posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 07:15 AM
Hello again Sun Matrix: [Part 1 at bottom of Page 5]

. . . . God did not require the bondservant of a woman for His Word to ‘become flesh.’ However, God used Mary and Joseph for ‘appearances’ (Phil. 2:8) sake to fulfill OT Prophecy concerning Israel’s Messiah being the “son of David.” Both genealogies of Matthew and Luke use Joseph’s lineages (Matt. 1:16, Luke 3:23) and we all know Christ is the “supposed son of Joseph” (Luke 3:24). Mary is the sister/cousin/relative (‘suggenes’ #4773) of Elizabeth (Luke 1:36), which makes her “from the daughters of Aaron.” Luke 1:5. You see only sons of (Luke) and fathers of (Matthew) in both lineages. Mary’s connection to the line of David is through her husband Joseph! Matthew 1:18 ( betrothed), Luke 1:27 (engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the descendants of David).

Sun >> I was just showing you that I did not make this stuff up as you seemed to indicate.

On the contrary – I believe your interpretations to be common and regurgitated by ‘cut and paste’ theologians and ‘wantabe’ Bible commentators all over the internet. The fact that others agree with your explanation in no way aligns your interpretations with Scripture. 2Tim. 2:15.

Board Posting Guidelines say,

"MEMBERS: Do not simply post news articles in the forums without comment. If you feel inclined to make the board aware of current events, please post the first paragraph, a link to the entire story, AND your opinion, twist or take on the news item."

Saying "Here" and pasting the opinions of someone else is not acceptable. Even if I quoted every word of your third party commentator and proved each argument dead wrong, ‘cut and paste’ spin doctors commonly cannot defend their copied tripe in the first place. Please present ‘your’ interpretations and I will do the same.

My purpose for writing here is to prove beyond all doubt that Evolution AND Creation are 100 percent fact, which appears to fit in with the ‘conspiracy’ theme quite well. However, Jesus Christ is the “Only Begotten Son OF GOD” (John 3:18) and NOT the product of the Genesis 1 sixth day races OR Adam’s Genesis 2:7 ‘incarnation.’ Christ Jesus is the “one Mediator” between God AND men (1Timothy 2:5) and the “IMAGE of the Invisible God” (Colossians 1:15), because He is something ‘in between’ God AND men . . . That is what it means to be the “Son OF GOD.”

God bless you,

In Christ Jesus,


[edit on 20-9-2006 by Terral]

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 09:54 PM
Originally posted by Terral

It's slow, what the heck. Your quote:

No sir. While this point is answered above, ForestLady’s [ her name is intriguing

Why would you find the name ForestLady intriguing? Is it because you have mixed paganism with Christianity and come up with your own crock.

My purpose for writing here is to prove beyond all doubt that Evolution AND Creation are 100 percent fact, which appears to fit in with the ‘conspiracy’ theme quite well

That's your take on it. I would say your purpose is to mix paganism and Christianity and keep the blind from seeing the truth.

By the way, twice you have cried to the mods, be man enough to handle your own affairs.

And that Adams broken body flying through the Kosmos crap is the biggest crock I've seen on this board.

Have a good evening.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 10:58 AM
actually sun-guy there is a very good thread about stargates around here....and it somewhat agrees with adam travelin...u should read it very also says something about the possibility of the garden of eden not even being located in earth..u gotta read it...on the other hand u always sound upset when posting...would that no longer make u a christian but a fanatic? kinda like when u go to a cowboys fan and talk bad about his team? yea seems to me the god u Believe in is hateful and inferior to me...

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Sun Matrix
Why would you find the name ForestLady intriguing? Is it because you have mixed paganism with Christianity and come up with your own crock...

I would say your purpose is to mix paganism and Christianity and keep the blind from seeing the truth.

Christianity HAS already been mixed with Paganism. Pagan mythology is where the idea of Christmas (Yule) came from, as well as Easter (Oestre), etc. Do you think that Christianity simply arose and suddenly all traces of Paganism vanished? No, it took several centuries for the two to intermingle. The Pope knew full well that if he brought Pagan elements into Christianity that the Church would have far more Pagans who were accepting of Christianity. If you weren't so hateful towards Paganism, you might actually learn something about the origins of your own religion.

BTW, my name, Forestlady, is not because of Paganism; it is because I LIVE in the forest. Don't be so quick to judge, Sun Matrix, you have no way of knowing what others think unless they tell you.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by forestlady

Christianity HAS already been mixed with Paganism. Pagan mythology is where the idea of Christmas (Yule) came from, as well as Easter (Oestre), etc. Do you think that Christianity simply arose and suddenly all traces of Paganism vanished? No, it took several centuries for the two to intermingle. The Pope knew full well that if he brought Pagan elements into Christianity that the Church would have far more Pagans who were accepting of Christianity. If you weren't so hateful towards Paganism, you might actually learn something about the origins of your own religion.

Please, I'm fully aware how paganism has been mixed with Christianity. I'm also fully aware where paganism comes from. BTW your Christmas Yule log comes from Babylon from Nimrod and Easter comes from Ishtar, Oestre, Astre, Astarte, Ashtorith, Eostre, Eostara, Anath, etc, etc, etc, etc. who is Semiramis the queen of Babyon. She goes by many, many, many other names including Isis from Egypt.

The Popes can say they mixed paganism with Chistianity so more people would accept Christianity but that's just an excuse for becoming Myterey Babylon in Revelations. The Roman empire couldn't stop the truth by killing Christians so the Catholic Chuch was formed to take over Christianity.

If someone wants to come on the board and say, I'm a pagan, and here's what I think and why, that's great, good for them. But if someone comes on the board and says I'm a Christian and delivers a pagan mismash and twists the Bible, I take issue with that.

BTW, my name, Forestlady, is not because of Paganism; it is because I LIVE in the forest. Don't be so quick to judge, Sun Matrix, you have no way of knowing what others think unless they tell you.

Here you are accusing me saying that I have no way of knowing what other think and yet you just did that very thing telling what you think I know about paganism and Christianity.

I don't have to read his mind to see why he was intrigued by the name Forestlady. I can read his spirit.

posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 08:30 AM
Sun Matrix, Sparky (mentioned):

Sun Matrix >> It's slow, what the heck.

No sir. You have no arguments in support of your very weak case, so you intend to stand upon your soapbox and play the fool . . .

Terral Original >> No sir. While this point is answered above, ForestLady’s [ her name is intriguing

Sun >> Why would you find the name ForestLady intriguing? Is it because you have mixed paganism with Christianity and come up with your own crock.

Heh . . . You quoted my comment about ForestLady’s name and offer your unsupported dribble concerning your own personal conclusions. Why not just say “Here” and use your ‘cut and paste’ theological skills to avoid presenting your own counterarguments using Scripture? This is yet another pathetic example of Sun diverting attention away from his inability to offer anything substantial in defending his own Denominational dogma above. The bottom of Page 3 contains two posts against your nonsense, with Page 4 including a barrage of posts against you and your sidekick (Sparky). However, even with a mountain of Scripture supported arguments standing against your position, Sun has the gall to claim “It’s slow . . .”. That is truly funny . . .

Terral Original >> My purpose for writing here is to prove beyond all doubt that Evolution AND Creation are 100 percent fact, which appears to fit in with the ‘conspiracy’ theme quite well

Sun >> That's your take on it. I would say your purpose is to mix paganism and Christianity and keep the blind from seeing the truth. By the way, twice you have cried to the mods, be man enough to handle your own affairs.

That would be your job to prove using Scripture. 2Tim. 2:15. The only whining on this thread has been from Sun and Sparky. I have not had conversations with any Mod about anything written on this thread. I am the new guy and do not even know anybody here . . .

Sun showing his colors >> And that Adams broken body flying through the Kosmos crap is the biggest crock I've seen on this board.

Heh . . . Again, you choose to pass judgment rather than defend your previous arguments using Scripture. Every word posted against your nonsense remains standing above in this thread, until you gather the courage to actually “quote me >>” and make a case for something else using Scripture. 2Tim. 2:15. The only thing on display from you is your unbelief . . . Scripture says,

“For as IN Adam all die, so also IN Christ all will be made alive.” 1Corinthians 15:22.

I have already presented the case for Adam being the ‘type of Him who was to come’ (Romans 5:14), even if you never see the intricacies of this teaching in a million years. Scripture says of Christ:

“For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many.” 1Corinthians 12:12-14.

The same situation of having ‘many members’ in ‘one body’ is also true for our father Adam. The teaching can be understood through the ‘relationship’ existing between Abraham and Levi, which says,

“In this case mortal men receive tithes, but in that case one receives them, of whom it is witnessed that he lives on. And, so to speak, through Abraham even Levi, who received tithes, paid tithes, for he was still in the loins of his father when Melchizedek met him.” Hebrews 7:8-10.

(Continued Below)

posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 08:32 AM
Trace these ‘relationships’ backwards and you will find Abraham still in the loins of Adam in the day he was cast out of the Garden. Indeed, ‘all living’ (Gen. 3:21) are “IN” Eve in the day she was taken from the side of Adam (Genesis 2:21-22). This explains how “IN Adam” all die (1Cor. 15:22), so those believing our Gospel can be baptized into Christ (Galatians 3:27) to be seated “IN” the heavenly places “IN” Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6). The story of Adam and Eve is given in types, which teach all life derived from a single source (Adam) to be summed up “IN” Christ (Ephesians 1:9*+10), according to the “Mystery Of His Will*.”

Scripture did not teach that ‘all men’ die in Adam, but ‘all die’ as in EVERYTHING (the earth) was made void and darkness was upon the face of the deep (Gen. 1:2). The ‘waters’ above the expanse (Gen. 1:7) is Adam (spirit) and the ‘waters’ below the expanse is Eve. The expanse they share in the overlapping mystery process is “heaven” (Gen. 1:8) or their “Seed.” Adam’s ‘incarnation’ (Gen. 2:7) presents one man with Eve and Seed “IN” Him, which gives our father the image of the singularity expression of ‘the earth’ in Genesis 1:1 BEFORE darkness fell. The division of this universe into a spirit witness (heavens) and water witness (earth) is marked by the darkness (Satan’s forces) depicted by the ‘serpent’ of Genesis 3. Adam became divided according to the precise pattern of ‘the earth’ (Gen. 1:1) becoming the three witnesses (heavens, heaven, earth) of this current broken Creation. Adam is the incarnation of this entire universe in a single living ‘man,’ whether you ever see the truth or not.

There are ten thousand more things to say on this subject and Sun Matrix and Sparky are ready to receive NONE of them. Once again you choose to reveal the tendency to chuck stones at things you in no way even begin to understand. Stone chuckers, whiners and cut and paste theologians have no credibility with anyone. Thank you for helping to define yourself in this one-sided debate . . .

In Christ Jesus even now,


posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 09:04 AM
Hi Forestlady (Sun Matrix and Sparky mentioned):

ForestLady >> Christianity HAS already been mixed with Paganism. Pagan mythology is where the idea of Christmas (Yule) came from, as well as Easter (Oestre), etc. Do you think that Christianity simply arose and suddenly all traces of Paganism vanished? No, it took several centuries for the two to intermingle.

We agree. However, many fail to realize that Roman Catholic rituals like their “Eucharist” is also connected directly to the “Love Feasts” associated with the Greek (Aphrodite) and Roman (Diana) goddesses of love/fertility. Scripture says,

“Therefore when you meet together, it is NOT to eat the Lord's Supper . . .”. 1Corinthians 11:20.

And yet, many among the Denominations find reasons to remove this “NOT” from Scripture to crucify Christ over and over again every day. When Christ said, “Do THIS in remembrance of Me” (Luke 22:19), He was addressing Jews concerning their “Lord’s Passover Meal” observed once a year on the same day (Lev. 23:5, Num. 9:3) at twilight. Christ was participating in the “Lord’s Passover” in the same way He did every year on this same day in keeping with this Levitical Ordinance of Mosaic Law. There is no Scriptural command or precedence for Gentiles observing the Lord’s Passover Supper once a year; much less every day! Paul teaches that believers make up the ‘body of Christ’ (Eph. 4:12), but Catholics transform their wafer into “Christ’s body” (1Cor. 12:27); according to pagan rituals of the Greeks and Romans of Paul’s day.

ForestLady >> The Pope knew full well that if he brought Pagan elements into Christianity that the Church would have far more Pagans who were accepting of Christianity. If you weren't so hateful towards Paganism, you might actually learn something about the origins of your own religion.

Heh . . . touché! Return attacks against the Denominationalism of Sun Matrix and Sparky are really not necessary, as the folly of their interpretations speaks volumes themselves.

BTW, my name, Forestlady, is not because of Paganism; it is because I LIVE in the forest. Don't be so quick to judge, Sun Matrix, you have no way of knowing what others think unless they tell you.

Heh . . . touché again! Your name conjures up images of Liv Tyler’s character (elf Arwen) in the “Lord of the Rings” Trilogy. Anyone with a name like “Sun Matrix” has no room to be pointing fingers. We must excuse him for these deflection escapades, which are common among those who have run out of arguments to defend their folly. When this severely outgunned in any debate, his ‘fight or flight’ response should be to simply fly away . . .

In Christ Jesus,


posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 09:28 AM
Sun Matrix:

Sun Matrix >> Please, I'm fully aware how paganism has been mixed with Christianity. I'm also fully aware where paganism comes from. BTW your Christmas Yule log comes from Babylon from Nimrod and Easter comes from Ishtar, Oestre, Astre, Astarte, Ashtorith, Eostre, Eostara, Anath, etc, etc, etc, etc. who is Semiramis the queen of Babyon. She goes by many, many, many other names including Isis from Egypt.

No sir. Your paganism has been mixed with ‘Denominationalism’ connected to the ‘manmade’ religions of ‘professing’ Christianity, which Paul calls the “mystery of iniquity” (2Thessalonians 2:7). True Christianity is not a religion at all: It is a ‘relationship’ between the believer in our Gospel and the “one God” through the “one Mediator” (Christ Jesus = 1Tim. 2:5) through the power of the “Holy Spirit” (1Cor. 3:16, 6:19) dwelling in our mortal bodies. Does Christ teach that vast Denominations are on the path to life? No sir.

"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matthew 7:13-14.

You are confusing what the ‘world’ perceives as ‘Christianity’ and what God’s Word calls “a remnant.” Romans 11:5. Those deceived by Roman Catholicism, Greek Orthodoxy and Protestantism are on the wide 12-lane paved superhighway leading straight to destruction.

Sun Matrix >> The Popes can say they mixed paganism with Chistianity so more people would accept Christianity but that's just an excuse for becoming Myterey Babylon in Revelations. The Roman empire couldn't stop the truth by killing Christians so the Catholic Chuch was formed to take over Christianity.

LOL . . . No sir. The Roman Catholic Church represents just one of the primary shoots ‘cut off’ from the true ‘body of Christ’ (Ephesians 4:12) described throughout the Pauline Epistles (Christ’s body = 1Cor. 12:27, His body church = Col. 1:24, etc.). Some among us are baptized into Christ (Gal. 3:27) Himself through the “mystery of Christ” (Eph. 3:4, Col. 4:3), while those blinded (2Cor. 4:3+4) by Denominationalism are baptized into something unholy indeed through the ‘mystery of iniquity’ (2Thes. 2:11). Who is Paul describing here (my notes)?

“But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, men who forbid marriage (for priests) and advocate abstaining from foods (Lent) which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth.” 1Timothy 4:1-3.

Sun Matrix >> If someone wants to come on the board and say, I'm a pagan, and here's what I think and why, that's great, good for them. But if someone comes on the board and says I'm a Christian and delivers a pagan mismash and twists the Bible, I take issue with that.

Then take a good long look into the mirror, because that is exactly what your brand of Denominationalism teaches! ForestLady has you pegged to a Tee and so will most everyone else in due time. Keep up the nice (Heh . . .) work.

In Christ Jesus,


posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by Terral

However, even with a mountain of Scripture supported arguments standing against your position, Sun has the gall to claim “It’s slow . . .”. That is truly funny . . .

Your use of scripture is laughable at best. You put down a ton of BS and then throw a scripture book and verse number behind it like it means something. Any one can do that. I've already proven that you do that.

Heh . . . Again, you choose to pass judgment rather than defend your previous arguments using Scripture. Every word posted against your nonsense remains standing above in this thread, until you gather the courage to actually “quote me

I don't have time to waste disproving all the BS you put out. There have been several other posters that seem to notice that your view of scripture is not the truth. But here is one of your Gnostic statements that is untrue according to the word of God.

because He is something ‘in between’ God AND men . . . That is what it means to be the “Son OF GOD.”

The scripture says the Word was God.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

And the Word became flesh which again disproves scripturally what you say.

John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

There are ten thousand more things to say on this subject and Sun Matrix and Sparky are ready to receive NONE of them. Once again you choose to reveal the tendency to chuck stones at things you in no way even begin to understand. Stone chuckers, whiners and cut and paste theologians have no credibility with anyone. Thank you for helping to define yourself in this one-sided debate . . .

I told you I don't throw rocks, I carry a sword.

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 01:01 AM
Originally posted by Terral

Heh . . . touché again! Your name conjures up images of Liv Tyler’s character (elf Arwen) in the “Lord of the Rings” Trilogy. Anyone with a name like “Sun Matrix” has no room to be pointing fingers. We must excuse him for these deflection escapades, which are common among those who have run out of arguments to defend their folly. When this severely outgunned in any debate, his ‘fight or flight’ response should be to simply fly away . . .

I gave you too much credit as I thought you were smarter. I figured you were smart enough to cut and run.

You called twice for Mod help and countless times for 3rd party assistance showing your weakness right up front.

Coupled with the fact that you now have no power as you are exposed for what you are. I am not deceived as I see you clearly and yet you think I throw stones because you cannot see.

Much to learn you have.

[edit on 24-9-2006 by Sun Matrix]

[edit on 24-9-2006 by Sun Matrix]

[edit on 24-9-2006 by Sun Matrix]

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 07:34 AM
Hi Sun Matrix:

Sun >> Your use of scripture is laughable at best. You put down a ton of BS and then throw a scripture book and verse number behind it like it means something. Any one can do that. I've already proven that you do that.

You have every opportunity to “quote me >>” and present your opposing views using Scripture (2Tim. 2:15), or to continue this whine charade . . .

I don't have time to waste disproving all the BS you put out. There have been several other posters that seem to notice that your view of scripture is not the truth. But here is one of your Gnostic statements that is untrue according to the word of God.

Heh . . . Our conversations are following the distinct pattern of Terral silencing Sun Matrix on each and every point. That is why you continue to reply with these love letters . . .

Terral Original >> Christ Jesus is the “one Mediator” between God AND men (1Timothy 2:5) and the “IMAGE of the Invisible God” (Colossians 1:15), because He is something ‘in between’ God AND men . . . That is what it means to be the “Son OF GOD.”

Sun >> The scripture says the Word was God. “John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” And the Word became flesh which again disproves scripturally what you say. “John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”

Heh . . . And you represent this as a case for something, apart from a few paragraphs of solid commentary? Please . . . The Word “WAS GOD” in the beginning in a time BEFORE time was called into being in John 1:3. In other words, God and His Word are “one” IN His Infinite Realm. However, God sent His Word (Only Begotten Son of God = John 3:18) into this creation (John 3:16) TO SAVE SINNERS (1Tim. 1:15+16). Jesus Christ Himself tells the story,

“Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and have come from God, for I have not even come on My own initiative, but He sent Me.” John 8:42.

Christ is “The Word” made flesh speaking in this verse about “His God and Father” (Rev. 1:6) who “SENT ME.” If you will go back up to John 1:2, then you will see God AND The Word “WITH GOD.” Sun is pretending that God never sent His “Only Begotten Son” at all! He has fallen down somewhere between John 1:1 and John 1:34 and simply cannot get up. The fact that he is so willing to buy this “Jesus is God” dogma with so very little Scriptural evidence shows a willingness to turn a blind eye to most everything Scripture says about God sending His Only Begotten Son into this universe. How can Sun explain the doctrine that Christ is at the ‘right hand of God’ (Rom. 8:34, Col. 3:1-3) making intercession for believers as we speak? He cannot, because the line dividing God and His Only Begotten Son has become nonexistent by way of his IDOLATRY. Just like Israel ran from tent to tent in the wilderness to collect every kind of gold (Ex. 32:1-4) for their molten calf (Ex. 32:4-8), Sun is running blindly from verse to verse in search of his fool’s gold to transform the “Son of God” (John 1:34) into his golden calf of IDOLATRY. He also expects you to do the very same thing by quoting his verses and offering no argument at all. This is a sign that he was duped very easily by somebody coming along with the same pitiful notions . . .

Sun >> I told you I don't throw rocks, I carry a sword.

Heh . . . Please, just have the decency to admit defeat in this debate by simply going away. You are trying to transform the “Son of God” into His Own God and Father with trickery common to many idolaters. The topic is ‘Adam and Eve’ in the Garden (Genesis 1-4). My arguments above await your thoughtful reply IF you ever find the time to reenter this debate.

In Christ Jesus,


posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 07:49 AM

Its says in the christian bible, that adam and eve were the first 2 people in the garden of eden, NOT the first 2 people. doubt me read genisis carefully again.

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 08:07 AM
Sun Matrix:

Sun >> I gave you too much credit as I thought you were smarter. I figured you were smart enough to cut and run.

Cut and run? None of your excuses for arguments remain standing in this thread. ZERO. I “quoted you >>” to show the folly of your nonsense for which you have no reply at all. Did you drop that sword on the way to defending your interpretations in this thread? Heh . . . Please forgive, but Sun refuses to write on the topic and I am forced to also give comment to his ‘off topic’ remarks. Please respect the Thread Starter by at least making some attempt to stay focused upon his “Adam and Eve” topic. Save these tiny love letters for the U2U private messaging system. The typical private message I receive from our readers is thanks for doing ‘donuts’ on Sun’s not so nice head.

Sun >> You called twice for Mod help and countless times for 3rd party assistance showing your weakness right up front.

LOL . . . That is a ridiculous accusation. And this from a guy who edits his three liner stone chucking ‘off topic’ post three times. Heh . . . Have you no shame? If the Mods here have singled you out, then perhaps that has something to do with the content of your ‘off topic’ dribble . . . I am currently standing on the borderline of reprimand for answering your ludicrous ‘whining’ accusations in the thread. If you continue with this stone chucking and whining charade, then I am presented with no other choice than to place you on ‘ignore.’ I apologize to Parasite, ForestLady, our dedicated Mods and the third party readers having to write this ‘off topic’ reply to your nonsense. However, Scripture commands,

"This testimony is true. For this reason reprove them severely so that they may be sound in the faith . . .". Titus 1:13.

"These things speak and exhort and reprove with all authority. Let no one disregard you." Titus 2:15.

We cannot have the third party judges in this debate side with your feeble notions, because I appear unwilling to speak to your false and even ridiculous accusations. However, (to set the record straight) I must concede to the intentions of the Thread Starter and our gracious Mods by simply ignoring your ‘off topic’ rhetoric in the future. If the readers here are swayed to be deceived by your foolish antics and elevate those things above solid arguments and explanations of God’s (rightly divided = 2Tim. 2:15) Living Word, they are also worthy to become your dedicated disciples . . .

Sun >> Coupled with the fact that you now have no power as you are exposed for what you are. I am not deceived as I see you clearly and yet you think I throw stones because you cannot see.

Heh . . . Please forgive my obvious laughter and be reminded of the fact that all of my interpretations against your nonsense remain standing in posts with your name attached above in this thread. Must I go back and number each of them in a series of new posts that you will again ignore? No sir. That is your job in this debate, but ONLY if you feel any chance of success. Your comrade Sparky has the common sense to remain quiet; a quality you might want to incorporate into your own behavior . . .

Much to learn you have.

That finger pointing in this direction reveals three witnesses pointing straight back at you. We both know you do not possess sufficient stature “IN” Christ Jesus to write a pair of solid paragraphs of commentary on ANY of these Bible topics. Every time one of your posts is opened, I am confronted with selecting the degree in which Sun Matrix is going to be revealed as the fool. Thank your lucky stars that the new guy is many times nicer than you.

In Christ Jesus even now,


posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Terral
Hi Sun Matrix:

You have every opportunity to “quote me >>” and present your opposing views using Scripture (2Tim. 2:15), or to continue this whine charade . . .

I did just quote you and prove you wrong again by scripture. You say Jesus is not God and the scripture says different and then you toss in 2Tim 2:15 like you have rightly divided the word of truth, and the scripture clearly proves you wrong.

Our conversations are following the distinct pattern of Terral silencing Sun Matrix on each and every point.

The distinct pattern is you twisting scripture and when proven wrong you toss out a mish-mash of bull and throw a scripture verse behind it. How about spending your time quoting the Gnostic books.

If you will go back up to John 1:2, then you will see God AND The Word “WITH GOD.”

Yep, and we know in John 1:1 that the Word was God. (2Tim. 2:15)

Sun is pretending that God never sent His “Only Begotten Son” at all!

Really.......How do you arrive at this baseless conclusion? It clearly says the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. (John 1:14)

It is written, the accuser of the brothern is cast down.

Heh . . . Please, just have the decency to admit defeat in this debate by simply going away. You are trying to transform the “Son of God” into His Own God and Father with trickery common to many idolaters.

Here's what I admit. You are a WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHES posting the sign of Christ Jesus on your door and waiting to lead people from the truth.
It is written even Satan appears as an angel of light.

I know what you are about and I know that your power is illusion. I also know how to deal with a wolf in sheeps clothes. You are weak and without power to those who see you what you are.

Tell you master you're not good enough and have failed. I won't be sidetracked.

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 11:54 AM
Sun Matrix:

Terral Original >> Sun is pretending that God never sent His “Only Begotten Son” at all!

Sun’s Reply >> Really.......How do you arrive at this baseless conclusion? It clearly says the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. (John 1:14).

Your reasoning says that “Jesus is God,” because of John 1:1. My assertion is that Jesus Christ is the “Son of God,” which is John the Baptist’s testimony in John 1:34.

“Sun Matrix >> You say Jesus is not God and the scripture says different and then you toss in 2Tim 2:15 like you have rightly divided the word of truth, and the scripture clearly proves you wrong.”

Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:1, 2, 5) is the “Son of God” (Revelation 2:18) and “The Almighty” (one God = 1Tim. 2:5) of Revelation 1:8 is “His God and Father” (Revelation 1:6). The “Son of God” (Romans 1:4) is at the “right hand of God” (Romans 8:34) making intercession for believers as we speak. There is no verse of Scripture in your Bible that says Jesus Christ is His Own God and Father. That is the MYTH you are perpetuating with this Roman Catholic “Jesus is God” dogma. Please start your own thread on this (Jesus is God) topic, or write on my thread ( ). Parasite’s “Adam and Eve” thread is not the place for the umpteenth time. You have far too much unfinished business in our previous “Genesis 1-4” conversations (Pages 4-6) here to be focusing the reader’s attention to where you fell down in John 1.

Please try to put those stones down long enough to defend your statements I quoted and refuted using Scripture. One example from Page 4:


(posted on 19-9-2006 at 08:49 AM) Sun >> Second you are confused about the seed of the woman. The seed of the woman is Jesus the Messiah who was the only one on earth ever born of the seed of a woman.

Terral's Reply >> Lord . . . Have . . . Mercy . . . First off, never make these kinds of bold statements without Scriptural support from God’s Word, as if your opinion means anything. Secondly, Jesus Christ was “conceived of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 1:20) and was “found in appearance AS A MAN.” Philippians 2:8. What does Christ teach on this topic?

"Truly I say to you, among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist! . . .”. Matthew 11:11.

Terral >> Please explain for everyone here how “Jesus the Messiah” is “born of the seed of a woman” AND how John the Baptist is greater than He?! Good luck . . .

Example #2 from the same post:

Sun >> This seed of a woman Jesus the Christ crushed the head of the serpent.

Terral's Reply >> Really? What does Scripture say?

“The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.” Romans 16:20.

Terral Commentary >> The ‘god of this world’ continues to “blind the minds of the unbelieving” (2Corinthians 4:3+4), as the “prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2) and the “deluding influence” (2Thessalonians 2:11) right this moment as we speak; “so they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” 2Corinthians 4:4. How do you suppose he manages all of that with a crushed head? In case you are unaware, Satan is thrown into the lake of fire at a future time in Revelation 20:10 at about the same time this current earth passes away (Rev. 20:11) . . .


Your bogus interpretations have been addressed above in this thread already. If you have no reply, then have no reply and go away. There is no reason to continue presenting this 'off topic' (Jesus is God) dribble on Parasite's thread. At some point the Mods will be forced to clip your wings, but that will be their decision; not mine. Bring your 'arguments' against my interpretations and leave the stones at home . . .

If I missed anything, then please "quote that" in your next reply.

In Christ Jesus,


posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Terral

Your reasoning says that “Jesus is God,” because of John 1:1. My assertion is that Jesus Christ is the “Son of God,” which is John the Baptist’s testimony in John 1:34.

Take it a step further then. Jesus claims to be God and the Father. Does he lie?

Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?

Also for your answer on John the Baptist greatness, you might read the rest of the verse and then John 3:14. And look at Johns message.

Please try to put those stones down long enough to defend your statements I quoted and refuted using Scripture.

Please review your own post and you will note that Sparky was always cordial to you but you continually attacked him. Knowing you to be a wolf in sheeps clothes I don't appoligize for standing up to your continual weak personal attacks. It is written Jesus is Lord. OUCH!

Please explain for everyone here how “Jesus the Messiah” is “born of the seed of a woman

Please see cut and paste that you continully whine about after first accusing me of making up the idea.

Your bogus interpretations have been addressed above in this thread already. If you have no reply, then have no reply and go away. There is no reason to continue presenting this 'off topic' (Jesus is God) dribble on Parasite's thread. At some point the Mods will be forced to clip your wings, but that will be their decision; not mine. Bring your 'arguments' against my interpretations and leave the stones at home . . .

I already showed you that it is not MY bogus interpretation, see cut and paste or just do a search and you will find plenty of others that use the same intrepretation.
I guess your made up bunk is the right way and everyone else is wrong. Also still crying for help I see. Weak.

I have wasted too much time on you as it is. I know what you are about and I know your mission. Mission failed.

[edit on 24-9-2006 by Sun Matrix]

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by Sun Matrix
Here's what I admit. You are a WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHES posting the sign of Christ Jesus on your door and waiting to lead people from the truth.
It is written even Satan appears as an angel of light.

I know what you are about and I know that your power is illusion. I also know how to deal with a wolf in sheeps clothes. You are weak and without power to those who see you what you are.

Tell you master you're not good enough and have failed. I won't be sidetracked.

OK, let me get this straight. Sun Matrix, are you saying that Terrell is the devil? If so, well that's an ad hominem attack if ever I saw one. (A violation of Terms and Conditions). This is based on...what?? Just because someone interprets the Bible differently than you, it doens't mean he's Satan or Pagan, or whatever label you try to grasp at. There are an infinite nubmer of different ways to interpret the Bible, that's why there are so many Christian denominations. Do you believe that anyone who thinks differently from you about the Bible is Satan? What a scary world you must live in, that's sad. Truly.

I have read the entire Bible and spent 8 years studying it from various Christian denomination's viewpoints. Nowhere do I find anything about Jesus actually claiming to be God, he always spoke of himself as the Son of God.

To me, what's important are Jesus' teachings. I am a Pagan, but I also love Jesus's teachings. They're simple, they're universal and they present a recipe for a peaceful world, if people actually tried to live his teachings. I don't know if he was the Son of God or not, for me, it's not important. (I do realize that it's important to devout Christians, no offense intended, it's just my belief.) For me, it doesn't matter if Adam and Eve were the first 2 people, practiced incest, were vegetarians or drove an SUV. Jesus's teachings are what is important. He told us not to judge, and to treat others the way that you want to be treated. With that in mind, by the tone of your posts, Sun Matrix, it seems to me that you are wanting people to treat you rudely.

Back to the topic: I agree with the OP on this one. I just can't buy the whole Adam and Eve story verbatim. But then, I tend not to take the Bible literally anyway, I think alot of it is parables and symbolism.

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by forestlady

I have read the entire Bible and spent 8 years studying it from various Christian denomination's viewpoints. Nowhere do I find anything about Jesus actually claiming to be God, he always spoke of himself as the Son of God.

Please read the following.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. 8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us. 9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father? 10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. 11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.

John 10:33The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.

OK, let me get this straight. Sun Matrix, are you saying that Terrell is the devil?

Please don't put words in my mouth. I said there is a Christian sign hanging on the door but he is not Christian. Did he deny my statement? NO. he's just wondering how I saw through him so easily.

To me, what's important are Jesus' teachings. I am a Pagan, but I also love Jesus's teachings. They're simple, they're universal and they present a recipe for a peaceful world, if people actually tried to live his teachings. I don't know if he was the Son of God or not, for me, it's not important. (I do realize that it's important to devout Christians, no offense intended, it's just my belief.)

I respect your beliefs and take no offense when you comment on mine. If you were to hang out a Christian sign on your door and aren't a Christian I believe that should be pointed out.

With that in mind, by the tone of your posts, Sun Matrix, it seems to me that you are wanting people to treat you rudely.

Did Sparky want to be treated rudely? He made every effort to have a civil discussion. What happened to him?

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 08:29 PM
I agree it is a version of someones understanding of a bigger picture.

For a higher being to create two beings on the planet is absurd.
If he can create man, he can fix disease, he can manipulate people, he would be able to change the very world we live in.

God didnt create man.

Because for God to create man, he must of created dinosaurs, lizards, birds, fish everything one by one.. putting only 2 of them on the planet at a time to 'florish'

And when youve got 1x women and 1x man.. they arent going to survive in the middle of a jungle surrounded by other animals...
I mean, how long did it take caveman to come up with axes, fire... and all that..
You think a man and a women could survive?

If mankind isnt a creation from an OUTSIDE alien culture.. then we must of evolved from animals.

I personally like lightning as a main conductor for human thought.
Man has some kind of 'electric spark' that fires all the sens in the human brain.. resulting in speach, nerves, feelings, muscle contraction and so forth...
I dont know how, I dont know what..

But I beelive the only natural concept of this planet to create a 'mind' is lightning.

Put Heat, Electricity, Cells from plant/animal life and water together... youve got excellent foundations for a living, breathin, electro untilisiing living creature.

How else do you explain the electircal current in a human body?

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