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Religion 4. Adam and Eve

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posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 01:32 AM
The bible says that god made adam and eve the first people on this planet, so what they populated the whole earth with just to people, thats just dedundent.

If there was just adam and eve there family being imbread would not survive and this is why, for people who dont know genetics ill but this in to a more simple form so u can understand, lets say adam is green in his genetics and eve is red in her genetics, lets say adams genes has just the emunity for the bird flu and eve has just the emunity for yellow fever, thier child would have both so on and so forth and the comon cold comes around, since thier genes dont have the protection agienst it they would all die, ill try and but it though a table with more understanding.

....male A......female B..........male C.......female D
..........male AB..........................female CD
.....................male/female ABCD

u will also get the same genes if male A reproduced with female D and female B with male C

this is why their cant be just two people cuz we wont be here if there was we would be swiped out clean if something sickness came along and we dont have the genes to stop it, so this whole adam and eve thing is just stupid.

[edit on 29-8-2006 by The Parasite]

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 07:43 AM
By close reading of the Genisis story you can conclude that one of the following is true,

the sons of adam and eve were ( select your favorite choice)

1. banging their mother

2. banging their sisters

3. banging their sheep ( possibly the real reason for the fight betwen Cain and Able?)

4. There was another race of humans outside the " Garden".

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 08:00 AM
ahh thats why i love nudists\naturalists.seriuosly i think this whole bible genesis is nothing but alien propoganda.

[edit on 29-8-2006 by coolheretic]

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 01:02 AM
well i never realy read the bible but i never new that others were around

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 02:02 AM
We only see what's right in front of us. Stand back and take in the whole picture. If GOD created Adam and Eve, don't you think it could have manipulated their genetic make-up to over come those variables. Just a thought.

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 05:06 AM
maybe this is why Satan was allowed into the garden??

or their could have been others tribes around...

don't know. but according to some of the researchers, we all can be genectically traced back to one women. Eve?

if there was only Adam's family, then why did God mark Cain after he killed Able? Surely, the gossip involving the murder and the Curse God would place on whoever killed Cain would spread through the family quickly....and yet, Cain feared that there was no place on earth where he could go and not face judgement from the people there...

maybe Adam and Eve are genetic mutants from a inferior species that were capable of interbreeding, but the mutation carried onto the offspring, the inferior species dies off leaving only those carrying the mutation left.....

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 07:49 AM
Who created and placed the serpent on the Tree of Knowledge and for that matter who created the Tree? Makes you wonder what God was up to.

I thought Lilith was supposed to be Adam first wife, that would explain the crowd..

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 08:03 AM
The bible states that Cain was afraid of 'the others' outside of the garden. He was afraid to go out there when God tossed him out after killing his brother Able.

Therefore .. there had to be other people besides those in the garden. This leads me to think that Adam and Eve were of the cromag line that evolved and that the neanderthals were those that Cain was afraid of outside the garden.

Just a thought. That would put Adam and Eve at about 40-60 thousand BC ...
Stretches out the biblical timeline a bit but fits the scientific timeline.

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 09:37 AM

Why do people still try to read the Bible LITERALLY? It is not meant for that at all... It is a collection of STORIES with some factual stuff thrown in there for validity. It is meant as a guide on how to live life... I mean, it also states that people lived for 900 years... you want to take that literally too?

People did not have science back then, so how are they going to describe the beginnings of mankind? Through the makings of God of course.

I firmly believe in God, but I also know that scientific findings speak with much more credibility than a book written thousands of years ago.

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 11:28 AM
I've always been a fan of the "two creation stories" reading of Genesis. It looks like two separate accounts that were later compiled by an editor. My Bible actually has a physical gap between the two stories!

First story (Genesis 1:1-2:3): The seven day creation story

God (Elohim) creates heaven on the second day and earth on the third. He creates plants, then animals, then he apparently creates man and woman (ish and isha) at the same time. They are also, apparently, both created in His image. Mankind is commanded to multiply, fill the earth and subdue it and they are told they can eat any fruit that they wish.

Second story (Genesis 2:4-?): The Adam and Eve creation story

LORD God (YHVH) creates heaven and earth on the same day and, on that day, there are other "generations." This would at least include the creation of Adam, but it is unclear what else was "generated" on this day. He creates Adam, then plants, then animals, then Eve. Mankind is not to fill the earth (they are to stay in the garden), they seem to have no desire to multiply until after their fall, and they are forbidden from eating certain fruit.

In the first creation story, it is unclear just how many people God created to begin with. It could have just been two, but it could have been more. We only know that he created "male and female." In the second creation story, there appear to be other people around other than the Adam & Eve family. Cain fears that they will kill him, he may have found a wife among them, and he founds a city after having his first child. I'm assuming this "city" had to consist of more than just himself, his wife, and his child.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 02:05 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
The bible states that Cain was afraid of 'the others' outside of the garden. He was afraid to go out there when God tossed him out after killing his brother Able.

Therefore .. there had to be other people besides those in the garden.

Flyers Fan, you have a reference for where it says that in the Bible?....that is fascinating if true. I have read some of the Bible but dont remember seeing it early or later on in the Book?

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 10:22 AM
God gave Adam & Eve these instructions shortly after their creation, namely: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it.”—Gen. 1:28.

Obedience to this command would require that Adam and Eve have children. Then these children, in turn, would marry and bear children. This process of reproduction by succeeding generations would need to continue in order to fill the earth in harmony with God’s purpose.

However, before Eve was pregnant with her first child Cain, both Adam and his wife sinned by disobeying God and were driven outside the garden of Eden. (Gen. 3:1-19)

From this it can be seen that Adam apparently went out to the east of the garden of Eden. It was here that, not only Cain and Abel were born, but the Bible also later mentions by name a third son, Seth. However, notice that Adam and Eve had other children as well. For Genesis 5:4 says: “And the days of Adam after his fathering Seth came to be eight hundred years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters.”

This meant that Cain and Abel had sisters, and possibly other brothers not listed by name. These grew up together as earth’s original family.

Where, then, did Cain get his wife? It was obviously from among his own family. His wife was one of his fleshly sisters, a daughter of Adam and Eve. Cain was likely married at the time he killed Abel, or shortly thereafter took one of his sisters as a wife. They then traveled together to the land of Fugitiveness, (Land of Nod) where they took up residence and started their own family.

“But such a union is incest!” some may object. This objection reflects knowledge of the risk to children when brothers and sisters marry in our day. These are frequently born with some physical deformity or mental incapacity. Thus most lands today have laws forbidding marriage between close fleshly relatives.

It must be remembered, however, that circumstances were different in earlier times. Adam and Eve were created perfect, and the instruction for them ‘to multiply and fill the earth’ would necessarily require that their offspring marry one another and reproduce. (Gen. 1:28) But as perfect humans, their children would have been perfect as were their parents.

Even though Adam and Eve sinned and became imperfect, Cain and his brothers and sisters were still so near to physical perfection that the children they produced did not suffer the same adverse effects as do children born of such unions today. Even some 2,000 years afterward, God’s faithful servant Abraham married his half-sister Sarah, and God did not disapprove. (Gen. 20:12) It was yet another 450 years or so before God saw fit to provide his nation of Israel a body of laws that forbade incest on penalty of death. (Lev. 18:8-17) By that time imperfection had apparently developed to such an extent that no longer was it safe for close relatives to marry.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 11:51 AM
Think of the folks who came off the ark..

Noah and his wife, Shem, Ham, and Japeth and their wives.

So go one generation down and everyone is marrying their first cousins in an effort to repopulate the world because no one else had survived.

What can ya do? You're the only ones there...

As for Adam etc, if you read the Genesis at the part where it records the ten generations from Adam until Noah, the Bible states only the lineage from Adam to Noah by name, but each of them had other children. Before saying each one died, it says how long they lived, and that "they begat sons and daughters", it's just that only those relevant to the continuity between Adam and Noah were listed by name.

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 01:24 AM
Okay this has just crossed my mind.

Gay and Lezbians will go to hell as the bible states so its not okay to be gay but it is okay to be insest, im i correct, cuz adam and eves children had to have sex right so thats imbreading.

homosexuals bad, having sex with your sister is okay.

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 05:54 AM
I don't think one can take the Garden Of Eden story as a literal truth. IMO, it's one of two things:

1) An allegory
2) A truncated version of real events

By which, I mean, Adam and Eve are either symbols for something else in a story which represents an idea or concept, or Adam and Eve represent the human race, not specifically two actual people who bore the entire human race.

If you take the story literally, it brings up all sorts of questions, like above, regarding genetics, incest, chicken and the egg questions and such.

I have a book '101 Myths Of The Bible', which outlines the idea that the story originates in Egyptian and Mesopotamian creation stories.... including aligning Adam & Eve with Geb, Nut, the respective Earth and Sky husband and wife gods in part of the Egyptian pantheon.... In which case Adam and Eve would be allegorical representations within the creation myth (which this part of Genesis still retains from this possible original source).

[edit on 3-9-2006 by VelvetSplash]

posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 02:58 AM

that makes alot of sence

posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 03:14 AM
if god decided to poplate the planet with two people he should have thought about the fact that he encourages incest. thats what hes saying indirectly but god encourages it. if he did not he would populate the planet wit more than 2 people. gross.

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 01:02 PM

Parasite >> The bible says that god made adam and eve the first people on this planet, so what they populated the whole earth with just to people, thats just dedundent.

No sir. Scripture clearly shows races of men called into being on the ‘sixth day’ (Genesis 1:26-28), as opposed to Adam being formed on the ‘seventh day’ (Genesis 2:1-7). The key here is to realize these are days “to God” and not seven literal days to men. The sixth day races (Aborigine people, native Indians, etc.) have been on earth for hundreds of thousands if not millions of years. Fossil remains of primitive man ( ) represent ‘sixth day’ men and the products of evolution. The sons of Shem, Japheth and Ham (Noah’s sons = Genesis 10:1+) are the products of Adam’s seventh day ‘incarnation.’ Cain went into the land of Nod (east of Eden = Gen. 4:16) and found sixth day people from where he took his wife (Gen. 4:17). Europeans traveled to American to find sixth day race Indians and to Australia to find sixth day Aborigine races the very same way. Your “male A . . . female B . . .” scenarios above are based upon mythical tales . . .

In Christ Jesus,


posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Terral

Parasite >> The bible says that god made adam and eve the first people on this planet, so what they populated the whole earth with just to people, thats just dedundent.

No sir. Scripture clearly shows races of men called into being on the ‘sixth day’ (Genesis 1:26-28), as opposed to Adam being formed on the ‘seventh day’ (Genesis 2:1-7). The key here is to realize these are days “to God” and not seven literal days to men. The sixth day races (Aborigine people, native Indians, etc.) have been on earth for hundreds of thousands if not millions of years. Fossil remains of primitive man ( ) represent ‘sixth day’ men and the products of evolution. The sons of Shem, Japheth and Ham (Noah’s sons = Genesis 10:1+) are the products of Adam’s seventh day ‘incarnation.’ Cain went into the land of Nod (east of Eden = Gen. 4:16) and found sixth day people from where he took his wife (Gen. 4:17). Europeans traveled to American to find sixth day race Indians and to Australia to find sixth day Aborigine races the very same way. Your “male A . . . female B . . .” scenarios above are based upon mythical tales . . .

In Christ Jesus,


Terral; A scripture that may be of interest to you is;

(Acts 17:24-27) 24 The God that made the world and all the things in it, being, as this One is, Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in handmade temples, 25 neither is he attended to by human hands as if he needed anything, because he himself gives to all [persons] life and breath and all things. 26 And he made out of one [man] every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth, and he decreed the appointed times and the set limits of the dwelling of [men], 27 for them to seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us.

Notice vs 26 states that he made out of one man every nation of men.
All man are decendants of Adam and Eve.

Gen 2:1 thru 3 states that all his creative works were concluded on the 6 th day, and on the 7th day he rested from the creative process.

(Genesis 2:1-3) 2 Thus the heavens and the earth and all their army came to their completion. 2 And by the seventh day God came to the completion of his work that he had made, and he proceeded to rest on the seventh day from all his work that he had made. 3 And God proceeded to bless the seventh day and make it sacred, because on it he has been resting from all his work that God has created for the purpose of making.

Vs 4 starts back with a summary of what had already taken place. This is clearly evident because Gen 2:4 begins by stating;
(Genesis 2:4) 4 This is a history of the heavens and the earth in the time of their being created, in the day that Jehovah God made earth and heaven.

Obviously he did not wait until the 7th day to create the heavens and the earth.

The first account , . (Genesis 1:1–2:4), is constructed chronologically, divided into six consecutive “days.”
The second account, Genesis 2:5–4:26, is written in order of topical importance. The second concentrates on the creation of the human race and its fall into sin. After a short prologue, it logically goes straight to the creation of Adam, since he and his family are the subject of what follows.

Sometimes, all that is needed to resolve apparent contradictions is to read the account carefully and reason on the information provided.

Also, there is absolutely no scriptural evidence or support for your claim that Cain found any 6th Day People in the land of Nod. If you have any "Scriptural" evidence I would love to hear it.

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
The bible states that Cain was afraid of 'the others' outside of the garden. He was afraid to go out there when God tossed him out after killing his brother Able.

Therefore .. there had to be other people besides those in the garden. This leads me to think that Adam and Eve were of the cromag line that evolved and that the neanderthals were those that Cain was afraid of outside the garden.

Just a thought. That would put Adam and Eve at about 40-60 thousand BC ...
Stretches out the biblical timeline a bit but fits the scientific timeline.

Cain & Able, and in fact, all of Adam & Eve's chidren were conceived after Adam & Eve were removed from the garden of Eden. So Cain was already outside the Garden when he killed his brother.

Gen 3:23 states that God drove Adam & Eve from the Garden.

Afterwords at some later date, Gen 4:1 indicates that Eve conceived & gave birth to Cain.

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