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Religion 4. Adam and Eve

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posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by The Parasite
The bible says that god made adam and eve the first people on this planet, so what they populated the whole earth with just to people, thats just dedundent.

if, from your perspective, you stop attempting to extend your will upon our shared reality, and find it within yourself to become the extension of the will of TRUTH, everything would make perfect sense to you.

Why have you permitted the fears of others to define who you are?

Why do you permit the fears of others to define you?

When you gain access to all of your brain, instead of thinking with one in which you are ignoring the majority of your own thoughts, then you no longer be an observer who thinks and experiences reality, and judges reality with a broken mind.

the only things you have to compare everything you experience to, is the truths you have decided serve you best.

Since you have yet to overcome your disfunctional dna that has encoded every cell of your body with the instinct of "Self Preservation" aka "Self Preserve" you are what you are.

You are the sum of your parts, and more.

But as it stands this moment you are: Self Preserve, which means:

Self = Self, me

Pre = Before

Serve = Serve, service, to aid, to help

The problem you see in the introduction you provide, doesn't exist.

there is no contradiction.

there is only you, choosing to disregard the bits of your reality that you feel are absurd, and unbelievable.

judge enough as evil, and you will:

See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil

and you will not be denying ignorance. However, you will be ignoring.

And you will have a lot in common with monkeys.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by Byrd
What the original Biblical text say...

Originally posted by Sparky63
You seem to contradict your previous post where you stated, "Before Adam even had a chance to consummate his relationship with Eve, she was already pregnant with Lucifer's child, Cain.

Let's go back to the original texts:
Gen 4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.

The multiple translations all indicate that sex occurred ("knew" is an Old English term (1600's, when King James version was produced) meaning "to have sex with")

This can be crosschecked in the concordances with Hebrew... the word in Hebrew does mean "have sex with."

So, if you're arguing "what's in the Bible", this isn't correct.

If you're arguing "The Bible got it wrong and this other text got it right" -- there you're arguing religion and not science. So far, Christians haven't been convinced that it's appropriate to alter the Bible presented to them by the Diet of Wurms.

I'm not quite sure what you are saying.

Angelslay made an incorrect statement and said that Eve had Sex with Satan and had a son Cain.

Gen. 4:1 Says that Adan had sex with Eve and had a son Cain.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Byrd
What the original Biblical text say...

Originally posted by Sparky63
You seem to contradict your previous post where you stated, "Before Adam even had a chance to consummate his relationship with Eve, she was already pregnant with Lucifer's child, Cain.

Let's go back to the original texts:
Gen 4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.

I think I forgot to insert the correct quote format. In no way was I agreeing with Angelslayers ideas regarding Eve having sex with Satan and producing Cain.

I will go back and edit my post.

I totally agree with you on this Byrd.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 09:33 PM
I think your perception of what took place in the Garden seems plausible. However, what would this mean for mankind if what you are stating was a fact? In other words, does it change things? If it happened as you state, and Cain was from the seed of Satan, then wouldn't that make Cain the Antichrist? Now that would certainly change things!

My apologies for all the questions, anyone can step up and answer because it's not as if any of us "really" know the facts anyway

sure am happy one can edit these things.

[edit on 17-9-2006 by HarpStrings]

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by The Parasite
The bible says that god made adam and eve the first people on this planet, so what they populated the whole earth with just to people, thats just dedundent.

If there was just adam and eve there family being imbread would not survive and this is why, for people who dont know genetics ill but this in to a more simple form so u can understand, lets say adam is green in his genetics and eve is red in her genetics, lets say adams genes has just the emunity for the bird flu and eve has just the emunity for yellow fever, thier child would have both so on and so forth and the comon cold comes around, since thier genes dont have the protection agienst it they would all die, ill try and but it though a table with more understanding.

....male A......female B..........male C.......female D
..........male AB..........................female CD
.....................male/female ABCD

u will also get the same genes if male A reproduced with female D and female B with male C

this is why their cant be just two people cuz we wont be here if there was we would be swiped out clean if something sickness came along and we dont have the genes to stop it, so this whole adam and eve thing is just stupid.

[edit on 29-8-2006 by The Parasite]

I think if God made adam and eve, he made them resistant to common cold.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by HarpStrings
I think your perception of what took place in the Garden seems plausible. However, what would this mean for mankind if what you are stating was a fact? In other words, does it change things? If it happened as you state, and Cain was from the seed of Satan, then wouldn't that make Cain the Antichrist? Now that would certainly change things!

My apologies for all the questions, anyone can step up and answer because it's not as if any of us "really" know the facts anyway

sure am happy one can edit these things.

[edit on 17-9-2006 by HarpStrings]

I was hoping for an open minded
question like this. Like I said, I am here to share my view. Someone said the mormons believed the same thing but no, not the way I see it I assure you. I am not here to change what you learned in sunday school. If you disagree with me so be it. But I can get to your questions at my earlieast convienience, however, is not priority right now. Questions like harp strings I am willing to quickly answer. Oh, for the guy that found my solution, you are correct. There is no book of Enoch in the Bible, but do you know why? Do you know how the Bible became the Bible? Do you know who Enoch was? Research that and come back. You surely don't assume the Bible didn't go through 'editing' phases or that the true meaning of the scriptures was retained through countless translations.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 11:33 PM
   The entire foundation of the serpent seed itself is Lucifer himself. After he led a rebellion and caused 1/3 of the angels to fall it continued on to earth when the Lord re-created it and started a new thing with Adam and Eve. Lucifer deceived them and procreated with Eve. And just as he did, the other fallen angels did the same with the women of those times. The flood did not stop it completely, it destroyed the known world at that time but just as Genesis 6:4 indicates the fallen angels procreated with human women before and after the flood.
       When Joshua reclaimed the land of Palestine with his armies for Israel, they wiped out 18 cities of giants, Nephilim children. David fought against Goliath, a Philistine, a Nephilim child. Over time the gigantism defect was corrected and these hybrid offspring could assimilate into society undetected. And whose to say that Lucifer never procreated with another woman again? He may have fathered many children throughout the ages to keep his seedline preserved and growing throughout the ages.
         Those on the inside of the Illuminati and occult societies claim Lucifer has a granddaughter who is alive and powerful on earth today. Only the churches would reject such a notion because they have been bamboozled into believing angels are created unable to procreate. They take one Scripture and manipulate it to apply to all angels created and that's why so many are in the dark of what is really going on in the world today and it's Satan's people IN the churches and seminaries today that keep it that way. They know if they dominate the top of the leadership in all of the denominations the puppet pastors following them will blindly follow what they are told to believe. And most do. Which is why a majority of them misapply fallen angels as the Sons of Seth and come up with every theory imaginable to distort the real truth of fallen angels procreating with human women.
          In fact Dr. Rebecca Brown, MD has written a series of books battling Satan and Satanists in America and her partner, Elaine, a former high ranking regional witch in the USA describes her literal wedding and consummation with Lucifer himself (in human form). So this kind of information isn't anything new or surprising to those in the Satanist or witchcraft realms at all, it's the churches who need the information more than anyone and are the very ones who reject it and that's why Satanists have been so successful infiltrating our churches and keeping them dumbed down and away from real truths so they are blinded to how their enemies operate and how Lucifer has worked to lull these Christians today into sleephood, apostasy and idolatry so he can get permission from the Most High Himself to war against them fulfilling prophecy in Scripture.
        Whenever ancient Israel dived into apostasy and idolatry the Lord eventually allowed them to be overcome and overtaken by their enemies and destroyed as a nation. In the last days He will allow it again and His people will be persecuted and killed to test their true faith in Him.
      In my own research about the last days and trying to fit all the pieces of the puzzle together I had always seen a woman beast mentioned in the Bible and never knew whom it was speaking of until I recently learned the following information from a former insider of the Illuminati:
 -  There is currently a woman alive today who's secret name is Hepsebah, to the occult, she is the most powerful woman on earth. She is the woman beast. In ancient times Hepsebah was the name of the mother of Manasseh who led the nation of Israel into idolatry and devil worship. For this, the Lord allowed them to go into Babylonian captivity.

  - Today this woman leads the infiltration of Christianity behind the scenes to lead it into idolatry and devil worship. The New World Order cannot move against Christians without God's express permission, they want to corrupt Christianity to the point that He will give them the permission to move against them, "And power was given unto him (Antichrist) to make war with the saints."

  - According to this former insider the entire Satanic kingdoms are a matriarchal society where the women are the real rulers. Most of their ruling class is hidden, in other words..the Queen of England bows down to Hepsebah. There are six separate kingdoms, three kings of patriarchal societies; and three queens of matriarchal societies.

  - In the occult Hepsebah's group is called, "The Mothers of Darkness" and they are a powerful ruling class of their own, their main thrust is to corrupt Christianity. Their marriages are arranged and genetics play a big part in who gets to rule in their occultic hidden society. There are some very specifics to Hepsebah's genetics that allow her to rule over the United States land area.

  - It is suspected that this Hepsebah will be the mother of the Antichrist. She is the granddaughter of Lucifer.

 - Hillary Clinton and Barbara Bush are both Grande Damme's of the Mothers of Darkness group, but they don't have the power to rule over the entire occult world.

  - Hepsebah is a bridged gap that the Rulers needed to be able to locate Mystery Babylon in the U.S. They needed the ancient American Indian territorial spirits, so Hepsebah's father is the top pure blooded American indian Shamman Nephilim, her mother is of the Druid counsel Grande Damme, so Hepebah carries in her the power of the territorial American spirits and the ruling of the old European ruling houses through the Grande Druid counsel. Her grandmother was the top Grande Damme Mother of Darkness and carries(d) the "Great Whore" spirit passed down through the generations from ancient Babylon. Her mother, Lucifer's daughter committed some kind of offense in the occult world and they stripped her of the position of rulership, so the position was not passed onto her, instead it was given on to the granddaughter.

  - Hepsebah's titles include, "The Great Whore" "The Most Powerful Witch (MPW)" "The Locust Queen, or Queen of the Locusts." The name Hepsebah is a name of blasphemy and means "my delight is in her." She is the physical form of the whore that sits upon the beast. She claims direct lineage to Semaramis and is worshipped as the goddess Ishtar.

   - The big fish in the NWO you will NEVER hear about, they are too important for their true identity to be discovered. Naturally I couldn't pass up the opportunity to expose this kind of information and do my part in bringing their darkness to light.

   - In the occult world whoever has the most power rules over others. Their rulers are determined by power encounters where one group or witch or wizard who is trying for the position will 'go to war' with the ruler, and a clash of each one's powers are tested against the other one to find who has the greater power, and the winner is the one who walks away alive.
  - The Great Whore spirit is passed down when an older witch gives up her life to the younger and the last dying breath of the Grande Damme is taken into the mouth of the younger receiver. This is how the entity is passed on in the MOD (Mothers of Darkness).

  - The Antichrist spirit is an entity passed down to the Nephilim rulers, and Sananda could possibly be the one who possesses this entity. That doesn't mean he will be successful in rising to power though. There are many others including witches who want this title and spirit to be passed on to their prodigy and they are all in competition for it. There have been many in the occult world that have had this spirit and almost came to power with it.

 - Illuminati = their 'imitation kingdom of God" is a mirror image of the true Kingdom of God. Some call them the Illuminati, or the New World Order, their biblical name is "Mystery Babylon The Great." They have people in all races, nations, creeds, tongues, and religions. Their kingdom is Mystery Babylon, not the USA, Iraq, or the Catholic Church, although they have their people in leadership positions in all these areas. Their main leadership are located in the USA. Their queen is Hepsebah and she is the High Queen of all the Satanic kingdoms and controls great wealth.

 - Today the churches are so infiltrated and infested with the Nephilim that the Holy Spirit can no longer work in a pure environment as at one time before.

 - There are Six Satanic Kingdoms that cover the earth. Three are ruled by Queens. Three ruled by Kings.

 - It is a war between the Nephilim, "their seed and our seed (humankind)" as per Gen. 3:15. They are unredeemable and their thoughts evil continuously. As according to 2 Peter 2:12 they are brute beasts, meant to be taken and destroyed.
      The occult means "hidden knowledge." Those in it dominant our governments and churches today. Mythology actually means "history" and if most today would go back and study more about our history they would have a better idea of what happened in our past and is going to come full circle around and appear in our future.       Today it is the same war among the seedlines that it was in the past. Satan's through himself and other fallen angels vs. Yahweh's through His chosen people and those who are grafted into the branch (Him).
      Satan's biggest weapon is to lull people into ignorance and sleep about how he operates. Now you know why so many people are just blatantly evil and will never accept the Lord, because they are tares and offspring of the serpent himself.
      We are literally at war with Satan and his kingdom on earth today. In fact we are living side by side with it. The wheat and tares are living together until the harvest. It is the tares who seek to destroy the wheat because they hate the wheat and have no consciousness of the Lord that we do.
      That is why we are admonished to have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness, those who don't acknowledge and follow Yahushuah and the Most High. We are not to associate with them, especially if they won't listen to or heed to His message of repentance and salvation. Why? Because they are most likely tares and they serve only to destroy the wheat and keep the wheat from fulfilling their callings in the Most High and lead them into darkness and sin. I'm not talking about backsliders but those who will not repent and receive the Lord's salvation.
      It is a daily war for the souls of men. It is a daily battle between the wheat and the tares.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 12:01 AM
Originally posted by angelslayer

Oh, for the guy that found my solution, you are correct. There is no book of Enoch in the Bible, but do you know why?

Yes, it is not a Canonical text. It is a Gnostic book written to keep you from seeing truth.

Do you know how the Bible became the Bible?


Do you know who Enoch was? Research that and come back.

There are several. The book of Enoch is commonly attributed to the son of Jared.

You surely don't assume the Bible didn't go through 'editing' phases or that the true meaning of the scriptures was retained through countless translations.

The Dead Sea Scrolls have proven the accuracy of the Old Testament and there is a New Testament copy dating to 125 AD

Please don't confuse the amount of different translations with the facts. We can translate right now from proven texts.

Mod Edit - fixed quotes

[edit on 18-9-2006 by Sun Matrix]

[edit on 24-9-2006 by masqua]

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 12:17 AM

Today this woman leads the infiltration of Christianity behind the scenes to lead it into idolatry and devil worship. The New World Order cannot move against Christians without God's express permission, they want to corrupt Christianity to the point that He will give them the permission to move against them, "And power was given unto him (Antichrist) to make war with the saints."

The NWO cannot move until the Rapture.

The things that you say don't hold up to what the Word says. Mystery Babyon is a Great City that sits on 7 hills.

What city does this woman live in?

You seem to be pumping out quite a bit of false information.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 06:48 AM

Angelslay made an incorrect statement and said that Eve had Sex with Satan and had a son Cain.

Gen. 4:1 Says that Adan had sex with Eve and had a son Cain.

and generations later a virgin was laid by a spook according to the tales of the collection in question. Yet other tales profess she was laid by a master builder (Tekton, or Arch Tekton).
The result of which Saul and cheap wine converted into a new religion.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by stalkingwolf

Angelslay made an incorrect statement and said that Eve had Sex with Satan and had a son Cain.

Gen. 4:1 Says that Adan had sex with Eve and had a son Cain.

and generations later a virgin was laid by a spook according to the tales of the collection in question. Yet other tales profess she was laid by a master builder (Tekton, or Arch Tekton).
The result of which Saul and cheap wine converted into a new religion.

I think you left out the part about the blind could see and the lame could walk and the deaf could hear. And of course the most important thing being the resurection from the dead.

Then Saul persecutes the very religion you claim he started.

Your story is left wanting..............

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 09:39 AM
the "pair" was the fruit, also.

see the pair they ate?

see pair ate

se par ate

caused our minds to seperate

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
the "pair" was the fruit, also.

see the pair they ate?

see pair ate

se par ate

caused our minds to seperate

And I suppose God chose to only reveal these so called "truths" through a manipulation of the English language. Very Ethnocentric to say the least.

Too bad for the Indonesian, French, Japanese......ect. Get my point?

Just plug in what ever word you want to make your point I guess.
Who determined that the fruit was a pear? Care to share any scriptural evidence showing that it was a pear as opposed to apple or orange, or fig?

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 01:02 PM
THe Bible I use is the Thompson Chain Reference Bible. It says:

16- "So Cain went out from the Lord's presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden.
17 - "Cain lay with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch."

To understand it fully, it's best to read Gen. 4, v. 1-17.

So, this means that God drove Cain out of the land and into another land, Nod. There were obviously people already there, because that's where his wife came from. So, there were OTHER people already here, not related to Adam and Eve.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by forestlady
THe Bible I use is the Thompson Chain Reference Bible. It says:

16- "So Cain went out from the Lord's presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden.
17 - "Cain lay with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch."

To understand it fully, it's best to read Gen. 4, v. 1-17.

So, this means that God drove Cain out of the land and into another land, Nod. There were obviously people already there, because that's where his wife came from. So, there were OTHER people already here, not related to Adam and Eve.

The Bible does not say when Cain took a wife. It could have been before he killed Able or after. It could have been before we went to dwell in the land of Nod or after.
Regardless of his marital status, the Bible indicates that Adam & Eve had other sons and daughters besides Able Cain & Seth.
(Gen 5:4) And the days of Adam after his fathering Seth came to be eight hundred years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters.

Cain obviously took one of his sisters, pehaps even a niece, as his wife.
The Bible does not elaborate on this point. Perhaps some of Cain's anonymous brothers & sisters had already taken up residence in the Land of Nod.

Interestingly, the Bible also does not reveal how long he lived in Nod before his wife became pregnant. Weeks? Months? Years? Who knows?

There is no need to invent a seperate group of people, unrelated to Adam & Eve and their children, living in Nod.

[edit on 18-9-2006 by Sparky63]

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Sparky63
The Bible does not say when Cain took a wife. It could have been before he killed Able or after. It could have been before we went to dwell in the land of Nod or after.
Regardless of his marital status, the Bible indicates that Adam & Eve had other sons and daughters besides Able Cain & Seth.
(Gen 5:4) And the days of Adam after his fathering Seth came to be eight hundred years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters.

Cain obviously took one of his sisters, pehaps even a niece, as his wife.
The Bible does not elaborate on this point. Perhaps some of Cain's anonymous brothers & sisters had already taken up residence in the Land of Nod.

Interestingly, the Bible also does not reveal how long he lived in Nod before his wife became pregnant. Weeks? Months? Years? Who knows?

There is no need to invent a seperate group of people, unrelated to Adam & Eve and their children, living in Nod. [edit on 18-9-2006 by Sparky63]

Sparky, I didn't INVENT anything. What I posted is a direct quote from my Bible, a very good one that is an excellent translation, as close as possible to the original translations. It was recommended to me by a CHristian minister. Did you bother to get out your Bible and read the first 17 verses of Genesis? BTW, which Bible are you using anyway? If it's KJV, that is a terrible reference for a Bible, there are much more accurate translations available.

So how do you account for what my Bible says in the sections I quoted DIRECTLY from the Bible???

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by forestlady

Sparky, I didn't INVENT anything. What I posted is a direct quote from my Bible, a very good one that is an excellent translation, as close as possible to the original translations. It was recommended to me by a CHristian minister. Did you bother to get out your Bible and read the first 17 verses of Genesis? BTW, which Bible are you using anyway? If it's KJV, that is a terrible reference for a Bible, there are much more accurate translations available.

So how do you account for what my Bible says in the sections I quoted DIRECTLY from the Bible???

With all due respect, even the Bible you are using does not say WHEN Cain took a wife. It simply states that he went to the land of Nod and his wife became pregnant. My points are still valid regardless of the translation you use.

And the idea that there was a seperate group of people, not related to Adam & Eve Is an invention, fabrication, speculation, it what ever you want, it is not supported by the scriptures.
I did not mean to imply that you invented it though, its an idea that has been around for years.
Some have used this notion to imply that there are inferior races of men on earth today that sprang from this "Other"group.

It is however an interestion idea that has been around for a long time. But when you take all the related scripture into consideration it simply cannot be found in the Bible.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by forestlady
What I posted is a direct quote from my Bible, a very good one that is an excellent translation, as close as possible to the original translations. It was recommended to me by a CHristian minister. Did you bother to get out your Bible and read the first 17 verses of Genesis? BTW, which Bible are you using anyway? If it's KJV, that is a terrible reference for a Bible, there are much more accurate translations available.

So how do you account for what my Bible says in the sections I quoted DIRECTLY from the Bible???

You might be interested to know that the Thompson Chain Reference Bible is published in the King James Version, New International Version and the New King James Version.

I dont happen to have one in my library. But I think I will get one. Thanks for the recommendation.

[edit on 18-9-2006 by Sparky63]

[edit on 18-9-2006 by Sparky63]

[edit on 18-9-2006 by Sparky63]

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 06:00 PM
Hi Sparky:

Sparky >> Notice vs 26 states that he made out of one man every nation of men. All man are decendants of Adam and Eve.

No sir. Your quote says “He made out of one man every nation of men.” There is no mention of Eve, except in your commentary. Please allow me to try and add a single drop of water to a glass that is ‘obviously’ far too full. Look out into the cosmos and try to envision every particle of this universe as ‘one thing.’ If you could gather every spec of essence from all the visible and invisible realms of this universe into a single ball, the name of that sphere would be “Adam.” You and I are living inside his broken body right now as we speak.

The sixth day men of Genesis 1:26-28 are the evolutionary children of Adam, because they were called into being over millions of years from the essence of Adam’s broken body. However, the Lord God formed His ‘man’ from the dust of the ground (also the broken essence of Adam) and breathed into him the breath of life; so he became a living soul. It is not that Adam possessed a soul like fallen man today with a spirit and body, but Adam’s spirit, body and soul were all the same singularity expression.

Adam traversed the earthy realm, the heaven realm and the heavens realm with great ease in the beginning, because the very nature of his immortal soul allowed him access to every corner of this universe. Adam was “god” to the sixth day men and even the travelers from space who are also his children. Adam reigned supreme through dynasties of kings like Alulim (28,000 years) and Alalmar (36,000 years) at Eridu and Emenluanna at Badgurgurru (43,000 years); all the way through Zinsuddu’s (Utnapishtim) reign that lasted 64,000 years (Halley’s Bible Handbook,1965, Page 71), until he had named everything to be named, sat down and became bored. Only then did the Lord God take Eve and Seed from Adam’s side (Genesis 2:20-22), until the fall (Genesis 3) began the incarnation of the souls (Genesis 4) connected to the Satanic Rebellion taking place in God’s Infinite Realm.

While every being of this universe is born of Adam, only ‘some’ of us here are part of his Genesis 2:7 ‘incarnation.’ All of Figure 3 represents "Adam Being Restored." The Heavens (Invisible Universe) is Adam's broken 'spirit,' with this "Visible Universe" (Eve) being Adam's broken body. The Lamb of God (center of throne = Rev. 7:17) in Figure 3 is taking away the sin of this universe (kosmos = world) from the very center of Adam's soul (Heaven). Adam (Gen. 2:7) is this entire universe in one 'man.'

Sparky >> Gen 2:1 thru 3 states that all his creative works were concluded on the 6 th day, and on the 7th day he rested from the creative process.

All of the creative work of ‘Elohim’ was completed in the first six days and ‘Elohim’ is at rest “IN” His Son (Lord God) during this seventh day. Jesus Christ is the “Lord God” of Genesis 2 who formed Adam from the dust of the ground to become our ‘Eternal Father’ (Isaiah 9:6). “Elohim” of Genesis 1 is “His God and Father” (Revelation 1:6) with the plurality of witnesses in Revelation 1:8 (God To Come, God Who Is, God Who Was). The Lord God also has a plurality of witnesses we know as the Father (spirit), Son (blood) and the Holy Spirit (water) and “the three are into the one” (1John 5:8). Jesus Christ (Lord God) is the “Lord of the Sabbath” (Matt. 12:8) who has been consecrating the seed of the woman for the past 6000 years with “His God and Father” “IN” Him (2Corinthians 5:19). While “Elohim” is indeed resting “IN” His Son, the High Priest (Hebrews 8:1+2) does His work ‘on’ the Sabbath Day (seventh day). : 0 )

Sparky >> Vs 4 starts back with a summary of what had already taken place.

No sir. Genesis 2:4 marks the beginning of this seventh day where the Lord God (Jesus Christ) is doing His priestly work . . .

In Christ Jesus,

Terral (End Part 1)

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 06:10 PM
Hi again Sparky:

Sparky >> Obviously he did not wait until the 7th day to create the heavens and the earth.

Please remove the references to what appears ‘obvious’ to Sparky in your next reply. The common interpretation of Scripture rarely the right one . . . Matthew 7:13+14. The ‘heavens’ and ‘land’ ('Erets Shift' appears in Genesis 2:4) shift from ‘earth’ to the local ‘land’ of the Garden and the land proximal to the Garden in Genesis 2:4-8. For every spiraling sphere you see in the cosmos, there is a corresponding unseen ‘heaven’ realm. The garden was called into existence in Genesis 2:8 right along with the man to rule over it in Genesis 2:7. That ‘land’ (water witness) possessed a corresponding ‘heavens’ (spirit witness) realm AND a corresponding ‘heaven’ (only begotten blood witness) realm, that existed also as a ‘3 into the 1’ environment for Adam.

It is not that the Garden had a land or heaven or heavens like we envision them today, but they were all the same thing where the land, heaven and heavens bore a singularity expression like Adam. This land became cursed with Adam, so they were divided into the fallen condition we perceive today. When Elijah returns to restore ‘all things’ (Matthew 17:10-11, Acts 3:21-26), the ‘tabernacle of David’ (Acts 15:16-18) will mark the beginnings of what Adam (spirit) possessed in the Garden for thousands and thousands of years before Eve (water) and Seed (blood) were ever taken from his side.

Sparky >> Also, there is absolutely no scriptural evidence or support for your claim that Cain found any 6th Day People in the land of Nod. If you have any "Scriptural" evidence I would love to hear it.

“Then Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden.” Genesis 4:16.

“Nod” is the land of ‘Wandering’ (Nowd #5113) and Cain’s wife enters the account “after” he left the presence of the Lord and “after” he “dwelt” (yashab #3427) there. We see that Cain’s wife, their son (Enoch) and even a city appear together in Genesis 4:17. Since all of these possessions appear together in the land of Nod, beyond the ‘presence of the Lord,’ then God’s Spirit is calling into existence a ‘branch’ beyond the boundaries of the ‘righteous branch’ called through “Seth” in Genesis 4:25. God’s Word just taught the existence of the sixth day races in Genesis 1:26-28 from which Cain took his wife.

In Christ Jesus,


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