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Easy Question: Who's Responsible for the 9/11 Plot?

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posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 04:19 PM
The police don't know who stole my bike so therefore it must of been them.
The police don't know who stole my bike so therefore it must of been them.

Most of you are not making any sence to me.
I fail to understand how you come to such a sad and Blind Conclusion.

the Government Dosen't really know, but Osama is a bloody good Candidate.

I do agree somthing going on with U.S. on as not to be looking as to who plotted 9/11

same reason bush isen't botherd about the people of New Orleans I guess

its simply because he is a C---U--N---T. and he really isent Botherd. nothing more nothing less, no Conspiracy here I'm afraid,

lets play a survival game, you keep on fearing your government, And I'll keep my eye on Islamic Extreamists who want to kill us,
this is worse than the "Moon Landings that never was"

[edit on 29-8-2006 by TrentReznor]

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by TrentReznor
The police don't know who stole my bike so therefore it must of been them.

I don't think that anyone is blaming the government for 9/11 because they aren't telling us who did it. I think since the government doesn't seem to have any interest in OBL anymore, people have no choice but to try and figure this out for themselves. Hence this thread.

Most of you are not making any sence to me.
I fail to understand how you come to such a sad and Blind Conclusion.

I can't speak for everyone, but there is a lot of supporting 'evidence' or at least theories on the net to back up people's conclusions here.

the Government Dosen't really know, but Osama is a bloody good Candidate.

Then why doesn't Bush care? Why hasn't he been charged? Why does the FBI now say there's no supporting evidence?

I do agree somthing going on with U.S. on as not to be looking as to who plotted 9/11

Hence the fuel being added to the conspiracy fire.

same reason bush isen't botherd about the people of New Orleans I guess

Good point. But doesn't explain everything else.

its simply because he is a C---U--N---T. and he really isent Botherd. nothing more nothing less, no Conspiracy here I'm afraid

Good job of hiding the 'C' word. Never would have guessed that. If there's no conspiracy then why does it seem we've given up on OBL?

lets play a survival game, you keep on fearing your government, And I'll keep my eye on Islamic Extreamists who want to kill us

I suggest keeping your eye open for both.

this is worse than the "Moon Landings that never was"

Thanks for the input.

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 04:48 PM
Thanks, feel free to stop by and show your ignorance anytime...

seriously though trent... I dont understand the reasoning behind believing things regardless of how much they smack logic in the face?

if OBL did 9-11, wouldn't he be all over the media claiming as much? (the ONE tape is very suspect)

they found a passport of one of the terrorists at the scene of A FRIKIN TOWER COLLAPSING (but yet, cant find any other pieces or body parts from any plane victum)
(yeah sure... got some bridges to sell ya)

then we have a drill, that handicaps the entire defense grid of the entire united states government... a drill for (of all things) a terrorist hijacking...

look at your history of false flag ops sometime
also study the nature of agent provacatuer scenarios... it will enlighten your niave ears...
they ALWAYS perform drills on the same day as false flags, to hide the perps, and confuse the public as much as possible... (on 9-11, and britain subway bombings)

and it worked...
if not for those drills that day, the second, third, and fourth plane would never have hit... (and perhaps even managed to capture the terrorists)
so the terrorists either have someone on the inside that is giving them info on when and where drills will be performed, or it is people on the inside that are doing it.

so your beleif in uncanny coincidences is healthy i see...

you stick to your coincidences, and i will keep looking at ways that our government is pulling one over on us...

dont forget... PRESIDENT EISENHOWER warned us of this exact situation... and he knew these crumbums better than anyone...

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 05:01 PM
The people that run the world, not bush hes just a poppet.

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 05:01 PM
The people that run the world, not bush hes just a puppet.

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 05:52 PM
Well are government was the ones that made the plot we have all the evidence we need to convict are government and if you dont belive me then go do your research on it. About half of are population thinks 9/11 was a inside job there is a reason for them to belive this if that many people belive 9/11 was an inside job why doesnt the government prove us wrong I would love to have been proven wrong i dont want to think are government did this but the truth hurts. In ABC news before 9/11 they said they would need a pearl harbor event to speed up the New World Orders plans and that is exaclty what we got along with the patrot act. REASEARCH, FIGHT BACK LETS GET BACK ARE COUNTRY!!!

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 06:46 PM
Osama Bin Laden and his flunkies. The assassination of "The Lion of Panjshir" Ahmed Shah Massoud on September 9th just 2 days before 9/11 was the beginning of the plot. By assassinating him, the U.S. had no valuable ally to use in the war against the Taliban and Al Qaeda when Al Qaeda knew the U.S. would prepare for retaliation. It was a very effective assassination on Osama's part by using two supposed Arab reporters to kill Massoud since he is an enemy of the Taliban and Al Qaeda and has been one of the best commanders in Afghan's conflicts, some say the best. The rest of the story...well you know.

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by TrentReznor
lets play a survival game, you keep on fearing your government, And I'll keep my eye on Islamic Extreamists who want to kill us,

Do as you must and I will do as I know. And I KNOW nothing. And unlike most, I am not in denial that I don't know anything, rather I accept that because it is truth.

Originally posted by TrentReznor
this is worse than the "Moon Landings that never was"

I hope that was a joke.

Originally posted by TrentReznor
The police don't know who stole my bike so therefore it must of been them.
The police don't know who stole my bike so therefore it must of been them.

Most of you are not making any sence to me.
I fail to understand how you come to such a sad and Blind Conclusion.

the Government Dosen't really know, but Osama is a bloody good Candidate.

I also hope those remarks were a joke as well. You just basically said the police don't know who stole your bike so it must have been the police themselves, but they did spot a guy with a garage full of repainted bikes with all of their serial numbers scratched off and one looks like your model. So therefore you are the blind and very contradictory with yourself in this post.

I end this post with a gigantic prayer for you and hope you stop that fight you have going on with yourself. Please don't try and make points when you don't have one. I learned that lesson a long time ago here on ATS with some dumb posts of my own. And I got my ass handed to me. Lata...

[edit on 29-8-2006 by chibidai_rrr]

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by kuhl

Originally posted by mecheng
Here's an easy question...

Who is responsible for the 9/11 plot?

Thanks for the help.

Why that would be AL-QUEDA and their evil leader Osama Bin Laden,don't you watch fox news?

Osama's dead.

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by mecheng
I'm not saying the tape is or is not real (you have to decide for yourself) but here's a pretty good link which covers the arguement that it is fake...
The Fake bin Laden Video Tape

If you want to make up your mind and build opinions according to what sites such as and go ahead, but neither one of those sites is reliable.

I wonder what happened to the times when AboveTopSecret was striving to be a different "conspiracy site"....

We need real facts, not made up and exagerated stories.

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 07:20 PM

It doesn't make sense. If GWB doesn't care any longer about OBL, and if OBL is no longer a priority, and the FBI says they have no evidence that OBL was behind 9/11, and after five years we haven't charged OBL with the crime of plotting to kill Americans on 9/11 then I ask...


Do you have a relibale site from the FBI which says they don't have any evidence that Osama Bin Laden was behind 9/11?....

and if you take a look at the links I gave, 9/11 was planned outside the U.S., mostly in Spain, which means all the evidence can be found there. Since many of the terrorists involved in the planning of 9/11 were also responsible for the attacks in Madrid and other attempted attacks, the authorities of Spain are the ones finding all the evidence.

[edit on 29-8-2006 by Muaddib]

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 08:01 PM
Maybe you guys have Muaddib on ignore, and I wouldn't blame you if you did... but if not, did no-one actually look at the BBC story about the Spanish terror trial? Talk about selective quoting!

Here are some other extracts from that story to provide a bit of balance...

Using his right under Spanish law to speak at the end of the trial, Mr Yarkas dismissed the case as a farce.

He insisted he knew nothing of al-Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden and condemned the 11 September attacks.

Islam "clearly says that killing children, women, elderly people is wrong, as is bringing down buildings", he told the court.

Among them is a journalist from the Arabic TV station al-Jazeera, Tayssir Alouny, who interviewed Bin Laden after the attacks.

Mr Alouny, accused of using a posting in Afghanistan to distribute money to the militant Islamic network, also protested his innocence as the trial concluded.

Defence lawyers argue the case consists of doubts and suspicions but little concrete evidence.

Hm... "little concrete evidence", eh? Sounds like par for the course. And if Tayssir Alouny interviewed OBL after the attacks, how come he didn't get a statement accepting responsibility? He was working for Al-Jazeera, after all, and had OBL put his hand up for 9/11, he'd be a hero in the Arab world, wouldn't he?

It's altogether a different picture from the trial of the "20th hijacker", who was intent on becoming an Islamic martyr...

It's also interesting that they're not being tried in front of a jury, but a panel of three judges. I wonder what standard of proof they will be applying? And I wonder what this evidence consisted of? We are unlikely to be told.

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib
and if you take a look at the links I gave, 9/11 was planned outside the U.S., mostly in Spain, which means all the evidence can be found there. Since many of the terrorists involved in the planning of 9/11 were also responsible for the attacks in Madrid and other attempted attacks, the authorities of Spain are the ones finding all the evidence.
[edit on 29-8-2006 by Muaddib]

Yeah... except this evidence appears to be rather thin on the ground, as those who actually bothered to read your links discovered for themselves.

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
Thanks, feel free to stop by and show your ignorance anytime...

seriously though trent... I dont understand the reasoning behind believing things regardless of how much they smack logic in the face?

You might see logic in your opinions, but in truth they are just assumptions you and some others are making because you don't want to believe anything else. That doesn't make them true, nor logical.

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
if OBL did 9-11, wouldn't he be all over the media claiming as much? (the ONE tape is very suspect)

Why is it "suspect"?.... and what about the bashing Osama recieved for not giving more warnings to the American people and trying to convert us to Islam before attacking us?... Osama has offered twice after 9/11 the U.S. and others a chance to convert to Islam.

After 9/11, bin Laden received sharp criticisms from Islamist scholars that dealt with the al-Qaeda chief's failure to satisfy several religious requirements pertinent to waging war. The critique focused on three items: (1) insufficient warning; (2) failure to offer Americans a chance to convert to Islam; and (3) inadequate religious authorization to kill so many people. Bin Laden accepted these criticisms and in mid-2002 began a series of speeches and actions to remedy the shortcomings and satisfy his Islamist critics before again attacking in the United States.

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
they found a passport of one of the terrorists at the scene of A FRIKIN TOWER COLLAPSING (but yet, cant find any other pieces or body parts from any plane victum)
(yeah sure... got some bridges to sell ya)

First present evidence that a passport was found at the scene of one of the towers. I have heard another member before say that a suspect was detained by a police officer before the first plane crashed, the police officer asked for identification and the man gave the officer his passport. I haven't seen any evidence for this, if you do have evidence then show it.

The only passport that I know of, I could be wrong and it was only a fragment of a passport, was found at the crashsite of flight 93.

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
then we have a drill, that handicaps the entire defense grid of the entire united states government... a drill for (of all things) a terrorist hijacking...

Care to explain what are you talking about?

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
look at your history of false flag ops sometime
also study the nature of agent provacatuer scenarios... it will enlighten your niave ears...
they ALWAYS perform drills on the same day as false flags, to hide the perps, and confuse the public as much as possible... (on 9-11, and britain subway bombings)

What in the heck are you talking about?....That entire paragraph makes no sense.

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
if not for those drills that day, the second, third, and fourth plane would never have hit... (and perhaps even managed to capture the terrorists)
so the terrorists either have someone on the inside that is giving them info on when and where drills will be performed, or it is people on the inside that are doing it.

....the most logical reason is that we were not prepared for that sort of attack...

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
so your beleif in uncanny coincidences is healthy i see...

Not "uncanny coincidences"....just common sense...

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
you stick to your coincidences, and i will keep looking at ways that our government is pulling one over on us...

If you want to make up theories without any real proof but just false assumptions with no real facts to back them up, go ahead, more power to you.

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
dont forget... PRESIDENT EISENHOWER warned us of this exact situation... and he knew these crumbums better than anyone...

Did he?... How much do you know about Eisenhower? in what context did he "warned us of this exact situation"?....

[edit on 29-8-2006 by Muaddib]

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 08:22 PM
The Masons

[edit on 29-8-2006 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by rich23
Maybe you guys have Muaddib on ignore, and I wouldn't blame you if you did... but if not, did no-one actually look at the BBC story about the Spanish terror trial? Talk about selective quoting!

Here are some other extracts from that story to provide a bit of balance...

That's what the defense lawyers of the terrorists claim...

Humm, why would defense lawyers make such claims?.....

I wonder......

I guess no defense lawyer has ever made such claims when the evidence was substantial against their clients.....

Selective reading huh?....

Why would the government of Spain which is Socialist since right after the attacks in Madrid, and many people in Spain blamed the U.S. for the attacks they had in Madrid, take these cases to trial if there was "little concrete evidence.".......

There are people that put me in ignore because I present facts which contradicts their opinions? what?.... there are plenty of members who are more interested in the truth and not in false claims...

[edit on 29-8-2006 by Muaddib]

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 11:41 PM
It's a hard question, actually. The greatest chance is that it was radical Islam, Osama Bin Laden, and his followers. There are conspiracy theories, none of which hold enough ground to be regarded as truth, but do raise interesting questions.

So as far as I know, Bin Laden.

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 12:36 AM
The Illuminati. Plain and simple. The Project for the New American Century. Osama and Bush were stooges, patsys. The real movers and shakers are the global elite behind closed doors. It's understandable for people to only say "it's Al Queda" or "it's the government" because we are brought up to look at what we see in front of us, in the media and the false left/right black/white paradigm, we've all been conditioned to react that way through media and our peers / family / social circle.

I also see someone say "it's the masons". This is also incorrect. 99.99999999999999999% of masons are good people, totally unaware of the hidden evil at the apex of the pyramid who have nothing in common with these people from a specific bloodline and responsible for the root of all evil in this world since time began here.

We need to stop pointing fingers and apply some independent thought here, away from what the tv news tells us, away from what its logical antithesis would suggest (oh it's not them so it must be those dirty rotten guys.. I hate them). We need to break free from the mass manipulation and expose what is really going on.

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by RiotComing

The Illuminati. Plain and simple.

I also see someone say "it's the masons". This is also incorrect. 99.99999999999999999% of masons are good people, totally unaware of the hidden evil at the apex of the pyramid who have nothing in common with these people from a specific bloodline and responsible for the root of all evil in this world since time began here.

I suppose you think that the masons were set up by the bavarian illuminati.

I agree that most masons are clueless as to what actually occurs within thier own organization.

Next I'm sure that we'll get some masons on this thread loudly proclaiming thier innocence. About how the masons are a milk and cookies social club that helps poor little kids with 3rd degree burns.

Here is the truth of the matter.

Hungary's Béla Kun who, in 1919, proclaimed the dictatorship of the proletariat in Hungary. One of his first decrees ordered the dissolution of the Masonic lodges.

Benito Mussolini was more methodical than some of the others and in 1924 decreed that every member of his Fascist Party who was a Mason must abandon one or the other organization. In 1925, he dissolved Freemasonry.

Hermann Goering who in his capacity as Prime Minister of Prussia, when the Nazis took over power in 1933 wrote that "... in National Socialist Germany, there is no place for Freemasonry."

Francisco Xavier Mier E. Campello, Bishop of Almeria and Inquisitor-General of Spain who in 1815 suppressed Freemasonry and denounced the Masonic lodges as "societies which lead to sedition, to independence, and to all errors and crimes." He then instituted a series of persecutions which caused many of the most distinguished persons of Spain to be arrested and imprisoned in the dungeons of the Inquisition on the charge of being "suspected of Freemasonry".

[edit on 30-8-2006 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by Muaddib

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
if OBL did 9-11, wouldn't he be all over the media claiming as much? (the ONE tape is very suspect)

Why is it "suspect"?....

Other posters have already linked to a page that casts this tape into doubt. The man in the video is clearly not Osama Bin Laden. The shape of his face and the contours of his nose are quite different. That's why it's suspect. Other people have already made up their minds about this, but I know what that means in the wonderful world of Muaddib... "they're all wrong!"

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
they found a passport of one of the terrorists at the scene of A FRIKIN TOWER COLLAPSING (but yet, cant find any other pieces or body parts from any plane victum)
(yeah sure... got some bridges to sell ya)

First present evidence that a passport was found at the scene of one of the towers.

You are so good at asking for evidence, and so poor at giving it... however, I can oblige with reference to what must be one of your favourite sites, 9/11 myths.

The myth they want to debunk on the page linked is that

The passport of one of the hijackers was found at the WTC. It's clearly impossible for any personal effects to survive the impact and explosion, therefore it must have been planted.

But to "disprove" this idea, they actually reinforce the idea that it was planted. There's a whole bunch of stuff on how things like passports could have survived plane crashes that incinerate everything else, but then they shoot themselves in the foot by quoting the 9/11 commission's own report:

The passport was recovered by NYPD Detective Yuk H. Chin from a male passerby in a business suit, about 30 years old. The passerby left before being identified, while debris was falling from WTC 2. The tower collapsed shortly afterwards. The detective then gave the passport to the FBI on 9/11.
Page 40

So actually, the passport was given to an officer by an unidentified man in a suit. If this is supposed to lay to rest the idea that the passport was planted to confirm the identity of a hijacker, it's about as effective as releasing that Pentagon video.

The only passport that I know of, I could be wrong and it was only a fragment of a passport, was found at the crashsite of flight 93.

Have you any evidence to support this? Please post.

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
then we have a drill, that handicaps the entire defense grid of the entire united states government... a drill for (of all things) a terrorist hijacking...

Care to explain what are you talking about?

Care to do some actual research?

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
look at your history of false flag ops sometime
also study the nature of agent provacatuer scenarios... it will enlighten your niave ears...
they ALWAYS perform drills on the same day as false flags, to hide the perps, and confuse the public as much as possible... (on 9-11, and britain subway bombings)

What in the heck are you talking about?....That entire paragraph makes no sense.

Let me help. Lazarus has given you an area of research you might like to look into, and has adduced, by way of evidence, the bizarre "coincidence" that anti-terrorism drills were taking place both on 9/11 and on 7th July (the day of the London bombings). Some people might see this as suspicious. Some people might see the fact that these drills were kept secret as far as is possible even more suspicious. I have little doubt that you won't see this as suspicious. It kind of makes me wonder why you hang around boards like this, frankly, but there you go.

If you want to make up theories without any real proof but just false assumptions with no real facts to back them up, go ahead, more power to you.

If you want to keep ignoring facts and posting assertions that simply demonstrate your own ignorance of those facts and of many others...

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
dont forget... PRESIDENT EISENHOWER warned us of this exact situation... and he knew these crumbums better than anyone...

Did he?... How much do you know about Eisenhower? in what context did he "warned us of this exact situation"?....

Oh, it was just that speech about the dangers of the military-industrial complex that he gave at the last gasp of his term... you might have heard about it. Or you might not, in which case you could do yourself some good by looking it up.

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