Some of the advice given in this thread is pretty good. I'll have to agree with those promoting the Alpha Male idea.
Most (not all by any means) women like to feel secure. They like to know that if a fight breaks out between you and some jerk, you'll end up on top.
You don't have to be an a$$ to her, you don't have to neglect her, you just have to assure her that she won't have to be the one throwing the
punches (verbal or physical) when if comes to a fight. A few women don't mind defending their man, but most women prefer to be with the winner, a
perfectly natural feeling.
Unfortunately it is the a$$e$ of the world who usually give off the "winner" vibes. The women are attracted to this power (physical or financial),
and don't realize until it is too late that they are stuck with the jerks. Sometimes they don't have the self esteem to move on (and the jerks
aren't helping either), sometimes they are threatened to stay in the relationship, sometimes they stay for the sake of financial security (i.e.
doesn't have anywhere else to go), and sometimes they stay in hopes that the person will change for the better (which rarely if ever happens).
You do NOT have to be a jerk to get a woman to love you, but you also cannot smother her with attention. Someone mentioned knowing when to put your
foot down. Good advice. Some women don't enjoy being allowed all the freedom they want. In other words,.... if they feel like lighting your hair on
fire (
Sorry, a friend's personal experience), you don't just sit there and take it, you let her know she stepped over a boundry you're not
willing to take.
You can't give her everything she's ever wanted, or she'll grow bored with gifts in a very short period of time. Make her earn it, and she'll
place value on your gifts. You don't give kids hundreds of dollars when they ask for it, you make them earn it, otherwise soon they'll never
appreciate the value of money, or the value of hard work. What happens when you eat ten gallons of ice cream in a day? You pray you never lay your
eyes on ice cream ever again. Moderation is the key here. For instance,....Calling her five times a day after the initial "crush" has worn down a
little is insane in my opinion. Leave a little to be desired,.. a little mystery to keep her guessing.
How long did your relationships last? What was the longest relationship you've ever had, and was there something different about it from the others?
Did you bore them? How's your personal hygene? Where do you meet them? What social class to they belong to? Do you introduce them to your parents
right away? If so, do your parents make them feel visibly comfortable? (i.e. girlfriends don't complain about them afterwards). Have they ever
witnessed you being humiliated by another man? Do you have any STDs? (maybe embarrassing, but a serious issue) There are so many different
possibilities here to consider.
You mention you've had a lot of girlfriends, some of them very attractive. This means that you make a great first impression. Whatever it is you do
after that is what is to blame here, so you'll have to look back at your relationships, and determine what is signifficant/to be noted right before
the break-up. I hope you don't ask women to move in with you after a couple of months, and certainly hope you don't start scaring them with even
bigger committments (i.e. marriage proposals) any earlier than six months to a year. It is always best to wait for them to mention it if you're not
sure how they will react.
Those are some things to consider here. I don't know you, and certainly there is no way for me to know what you're doing wrong unless I see it
happen, so I'll have to rely on the fact that you give me accurate info, and don't leave anything out. One thing is for SURE. Being an
a$$/ho-slapping pimp is NOT the solution to your problem. It might get you a woman, but not a happy long-term relationship. Remember that it is the
outer appearance/illusion of power that draws women to jerks, not love/affection. Some just end up sticking to the jerks, because of what I described
in the beginning of this reply.