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women hate nice guys

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posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 04:15 PM
it all boils down to the simple fact women don't know what they want. subconciously EVERY woman wants the knight in shining armor who's soft as cotton. but then they realize, he's too nice or too weak. so they move on to the macho thug/jock/asshole type. then they realize that he's either a player, wants to control every aspect of the realationship, or a coldhearted little coward who has no respect for women and only wants one to lie to and # her brains out (as well as all her friends). again women don't know what they want, and they can be if not are, the most difficult creatures to figure out. ill explain why.

women want. just as i said. women are always wanting and needing SOMETHING. refer back to the two types of dudes they're usually involved with or after. as soon as one type starts to turn her off, she'll tell all her girlfreinds that she literally needs and wants the other type. and if they're not needin and wantin the opposite type of man they're involved with or just got dumped by, it's either a tampon, hair appointment, make up, nails, clothes etc. basically the female brain never rests because it is always saying i need this or i want that!

women are never satisfied. they bore easily. they crave danger and excitement and drama and spontaneity. again refer back to the 2 main types they're usually huntin for. the softy can't provide danger because he'd prolly be too scared to woop another guys' ass for hittin on her. instead he will just always try to talk # out. and that's a turn off cuz women love to see another man scrap for her. however he can provide excitment and spontaneity. the softy is always talking to her about what he's gonna do for her and where he's gonna take her and that gets her all excited. he also more often than not, gives her cash, gifts, kisses etc outta the blue. that covers the spontaneity. the hard ass can only provide danger cuz when he takes her for a ride, he usually drives very fast and when another man tries to spit game to her, he beats him down. but both can provide drama. women love to occasionally start up the psuedo im pissed cuz i think your lying, cheating etc argument. even when they've assured her that they're not, or even when she herself knows they're not, she'll bring this back up because it adds a little drama. and women CANT live without it.

3. women (unless they're butch dykes or just really tough) are queens by nature. it's common gender roles. a little boy hurts himself and reports it to his parents. momma tells him it'll be ok and dad tells him to suck it up. but when it's a girl momma kisses it and makes it better and daddy hugs her to death then buys her ice cream.

and finally, women have NO willpower. yea it's been said they're superior mentally but you'll find that's bull# when you come across the countless number of women who CANNOT figure out what shoes they want to wear because they have so many, or when they're day goes down hill cuz they don't feel pretty. they can't ride things out. why? see number 3. this sums up why women don't know what they want, and why they're hard as hell to understand.

yes, i too was a loser with no game, the epitome of nice guys finish last, and one of the dudes who was always around a buncha women, but could never figure em out. but i got game now. where from? check out the pimp game from amazon and the countless other books that explain the insane psychological proccess of the female brain. and if you catch flack from women about readin books to help your game, know that those are the same women who are out to manipulate and lie to you.

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by LordInfamous

yes, i too was a loser with no game, the epitome of nice guys finish last, and one of the dudes who was always around a buncha women, but could never figure em out. but i got game now. where from? check out the pimp game from amazon and the countless other books that explain the insane psychological proccess of the female brain. and if you catch flack from women about readin books to help your game, know that those are the same women who are out to manipulate and lie to you.

Reading books about women to improve game

I've come across some of these books and "systems" for bagging women,

But in all honesty, NOTHING beats NATURAL attraction!!!

The ONLY things I do these days are these totally simple and natural and sincere things, like with body language and eye contact and stuff like that, and I can attract people to me often without even saying a word.

I have honed this so much over the past few years that meeting women doesn't even worry me any more.

People wonder why I don't have a gf and I stay single, and it's not because I can't get one - it's because I'm holding out for THE ULTIMATE GF!!! ;-)

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by Creeping Jesus
paranoia? is this habitual in women.. psychological illness?

A guy has to be with good morals and posses(not possessed...dealing with demons is a no, no)

possession of devil entities is only to bestowed on women... I know from experience.

Hey, CJ, I see you've met my ex-wife! LOL Possession is a hallmark of most of the women that I have met; or schizophrenic, I get confused sometimes; must be the brain damage from all the b**ch slapping I took from my ex

[edit on 8/21/2006 by Stormrider]

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 04:07 AM
you know what really makes me feel ive chosen a prefect title for this thread, and what makes me feel im right???

after more than 1,200 views not one single woman has challenged me and said, "no women do like nice guys" and explained why.

not one single woman. its okay, i knew i was right from the start of this thread.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 07:44 AM
Stop the whining already.
Be a Man fer heavens Sake. women are not attracted to succesfull men because they are rich, its because they are doing what they love and that extends to other areas of life. It is a powerfull stimulant when you control aspects around you, and create the environment you desire. And being nice, and being a gentlemen are not the same thing. A gentlemen will do what it takes in a given situation, including physical altercation if need be.
"nice guys" is a misnomer. It Really means someone that doesnt know what they want and are trying to please those around them instead of doing what is right, regardless. This is not an attractive trait. It can bring ridicule and loathing as well.

Attraction usually belongs to someone unique, their own style, way of life, looks, ability to create something bigger than themselves. Stop trying to be nice, and be a Man.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 09:40 AM
Supposed 'nice guys' whining about how they can't get layed because girls don't want nice nice guys? :shk:

Let me explain whats wrong with this concept:

A genuinely nice guy [as in respectful] would not expect sexual compensation just for being nice so he's obviously NOT a nice guy. If it's not in his nature he'll lay it on too thick it and she'll start moving her drink away thinking it's about to get spiked. Nice is okay so long as it's natural.. but too nice is creepy.

I think most women just hate manipulative, passive aggressive sleezebags.. we definently hate guys who try blame their sexual failings on us.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 04:10 PM
I could say the same thing about men. it has been my experience with men, that when I am sensitive, caring, loyal, compassionate, empathetic, and easy going, they walk all over me.

But as soon as I turned into a totally cold blooded evil biatch who pretty much used em up and spit em out and never looked back, I could't get rid of em fast enough, and they would keep pestering me and coming back for more.

I think a love of sadistic abuse is hard wired in humans in general. Nice girls dont score very high either.

So the moral of the story is, if you are looking for love, you score when you radiate the opposite: hate and inhumanity.

I was lucky enough in the end to actually find a man who was worth the trouble and who appreciates me in turn. But that was luck, and it sure took alot of nasty twisted relationships inbetween to get that far.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by millerman

Originally posted by Russian soldier

LMAO!!! The Way Of The Pimp!!! HAAAAAAAA.......

One thing I don't understand though,

If you can have wild, hot sex with a beautiful woman from a bar, or a club, or a party.... well why on earth would you want to do it only once and break it off? Why wouldn't you want to do it again? (And again, and again, and again, and again.....)

Well, you CAN. It all depends. See, if you sleep with her, you gotta let her know that you don't want no relationships. If she STILL wants to continue sleeping with you, then you can continue on and on and on until you get old and your instrument "stops working"

Why don't you want a relationship?

Life can get pretty lonely without the companionship of a REAL lover.....

No, you are wrong on that one. You don't know me, just as I don't know you. You don't know what things I enjoy, which I don't. The word FAMILY makes me shudder! Its 100% that I never wanted NOR EVER WILL want a family. And when I have an idea, I stick to it. For example, I've wanted to join the Russian army since I've been using my brain (about 5, when most kids start to think, though different people mature at different times)

Family IS NOT SOMETHING I WILL EVER WANT, and I am sure about it.

bad things about having a family (for me)

1) most important, means saying goodbye to my military career. I WILL NOT give up my military career for NOTHING!

2)NO FREEDOM! Military may not have freedom, but when you got a family, YOU GOT EVEN LESS FREEDOM (and I know, cuz I DO have parents)

3)stress......Oh god, the stress, the goddamn stress!

4)low self if I ALREADY don't have a high self esteem

5)something I DON'T like! I DON'T WANT IT! I know what I want and don't want!

6) I don't get least I don't ever crave a women always being there. If I'm bored, I hang out with friends. Also, I'm a rather solitary person.

7) Have to repeat the part about freedom. To add to that, you get less time for everything.

8) Women are unpredictable (some are, some arn't) They can do bad things. You never know. Some women are good, but are you 100% sure you're dealing with a good women when you start a relationship?

9) I don't really have many feelings or emotions besides being happy, mad, or sad. I don't get depressed, and NEVER feel love. And if you wanna argue about it, you gotta understand THAT YOU DO NOT KNOW ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

10) I DON'T LOVE, and to me, love means NOTHING! I never even understood it, and when I see that stuff in movies, I get VERY irritated.

11) I don't like someone being around ALL THE TIME! NO ONE!

12) I like stuff like listening to loud rap, etc, which women will object. I don't need a women annoying me all day about turning off the music, etc.

13) I don't like sharing feelings, and I probably don't really got many, either

14) I don't want kids (for many of the same reasons, and many more)

15) I need ALOT of time alone

16) I got ALOT of my OWN personal things to worry about!!

17) I collect guns which some women object to, AND I'M NOT GONNA GET RID OF THAT STUFF

18) I got enough stress in my life, I don't need MORE STUFF to worry about, Its enough that I'm always concerned about the safety of my friends, I don't wanna also have to be concerned for the safety of anyone else!

19) as for sex, its hella easy to get.

oh yeah, 20) when you love, you become WEAK! and VULNERABLE!

20) You can "be taken advantage of", I WILL NOT BE! I already mentioned this in another thread that NO WOMEN WILL EVER LEAD ME TO DO SOEMETHING I DON'T WANNA DO!

To make the above simple to understand: I don't want love, I don't want relationships, I don't want kids, and I don't want no one around me 24-7!

As for sex...........can't live without it


posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by forestlady

To the 5'4" farmer who is a nice guy: Where the * were you when I was single? I always wanted to live on a farm and I'm 5'4" so I don't care about your height. You didn't say how old you are, but keep trying and don't give up, there's someone out there who would love to accept what you have to offer.

Where the * were you??? I'm 47, I haven't asked a girl for a date in maybe 10 years. The last one I asked was 5' and just plain cute. She was a good bit younger than I was, but I only asked because her best friend kept insisting that I ask her to a dinner at church. She told me that she didn't date farmers because they didn't have money, she didn't date short men, they had to be at least 5'10, but she dated men that were a lot older than her(a lot older than me) all the time because they were always nice to her.

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 07:56 AM
all girls want is attention
you dont give it to them they will want you

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 08:22 AM
See MBF this is why you need to check out E Harmony. Haven’t you heard, they match you on 29 proven dimensions of compatibility
Those commercials just crack me up… But hey, who knows, it may be worth a shot.

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 10:57 AM
All I can say is stop the whining and stop wasting your time trying to get human affection, adopt a puppy, a kitty, a hamster or something cute and cuddly that will attend your emotional needs. I mean what more in the world could you want than a cute little whatever that wants to be at your side 24/7 and loves you no mattter how smelly you are or how ugly you look!?

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 08:37 PM
I agree with most of what you said. Women now a days look for the scumbag, the trouble maker. The abuser. I once had a young guy working for me who knew my past, who was good looking and driven. Went to church and the whole nine yards. He was a decient guy but yet couldn't get a girl to go out with him. I was and am happily married and wanted me to go with him to meet a girl. LOL! My wife would disagree.

I don't know if it's feminism or what but many women no longer look for a good husband or father. They look for the scumbag so be the scumbag and become the husband and father.

[edit on 23-8-2006 by notbuynit]

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by CYRAX
all girls want is attention
you dont give it to them they will want you

You are partly right. I act in front of girls like I'm not intersted and............poof!.......They are all over me!

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 04:14 AM

Originally posted by CYRAX
all girls want is attention
you dont give it to them they will want you

if you dont give girls attention they will want you? no that does not work. i dont know what kind of girls you go after... but it does not work.

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by laiguana
All I can say is stop the whining and stop wasting your time trying to get human affection, adopt a puppy, a kitty, a hamster or something cute and cuddly that will attend your emotional needs. I mean what more in the world could you want than a cute little whatever that wants to be at your side 24/7 and loves you no mattter how smelly you are or how ugly you look!?

trouble is puppys and kittys die ALOT sooner than females. trouble is puppys and kittys like to crap everywhere and scratch up furniture. trouble is cant love a pet the same way you love a woman. sorry getting a pet wont help me either.

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 09:16 AM
Basically, this is competition for a scarce resource (quality females).

The way you win, is you size up your competition (other males in play), and figure out what they are doing that works or doesn't work. Which is what this thread is about, in a way.

Now, the second phase is, you study the goal (melding with females) and find ways to SET YOURSELF APART from the rest of your competitors.

As an example, I enjoy deer hunting. But I'm unable to be there for the opening day of the season. As the season progresses, the deer are more retiring, and saturation of hunting sites occurs.

But you know what, I have still taken a buck on PUBLIC LAND, near the end of the season. How? Because I learned that 80% of bucks are shot withing a quarter mile of a road so, I SET MYSELF APART by moving away from the road, and got a buck within an hour and a half. . . .

Deer hunting is different than finding a mate, but the pressures are similar; your success depends in part on the behavior of the prey (human females) as well as upon the behavior of your competitors (other eligible males).

The only way you can hope to succeed is by changing the rules of the game. Present yourself in a way that lets you stand apart from the rest of the young men.

If I were "on the make,". . . . one of the things I notice is that young men today seldom actually ask a woman out on a date any more. They speak of their exploits as if they had, but it's not the case.

Asking a woman to a drinking party at your friends house is not a date.

Asking a woman to come to your house and watch you play video games is not a date.

Asking a woman you just met, to come to your apartment is not a date.

Now, asking a woman to go to a movie with you is a date, but it is the only one other men can think of, and is the most over-used dating agenda in the book. It's analogous to hunting deer next ot a paved road.

Worse, it hides your assets.
You want to pick an activity that retails your suitability to the mating prospect. Sitting alone with her in a dark, loud place (theater), is not the way to get it done. Pick an activity where she can confirm that you are not an axe murderer, and have some social skills.

I have recommended before, in these types of threads, that you invite a young lady to an event that she might have some interest in, apart from the date itself. Public events like symphony, museums, art exhibits, botanical gardens etc. are inexpensive, and put the two of you in a setting where you can use your conversational skills to impress her with your suitability as a genetic donor.

The women who have no outside interests in art, music, or nature, are generally unsatisfactory coupling partners, in my experience. (Basically, if you're looking for a companion for the solely athletic component of reproduction, you can find that in a bar, by wearing expensive clothes and throwing some money around.)

But the females that are most enjoyable as partners have a wide variety of claimants to choose from. So it's up to you to be the ONE that stands out from the pack. ONCE you have already done this, THEN AND ONLY THEN is it time for her to be shown that you are in fact a nice guy.

This has all been covered in my thread How to find Women (and helping them find you). Especially my last 3 posts or so, are the KEY that can get you a real live girl, ALONE IN YOUR ROOM.

But alas, most men would rather complain, that to change their fate. But it's like my old friend Andy Dufresne, used to say:

You either get busy livin', or get busy dyin'.

all the best.

(edit for italics)

[edit on 24-8-2006 by dr_strangecraft]

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft
. Pick an activity where she can confirm that you are not an axe murderer, and have some social skills.

Crap. I guess I shouldnt have taken all my dates to that lumberjack competion. *sigh* Theres just so much prejudice against men with axes

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 10:57 AM
Here's just a quick question. Say that your girl thinks that your cold, and not open about your "feelings", what do you say?

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by MacDonagh
Here's just a quick question. Say that your girl thinks that your cold, and not open about your "feelings", what do you say?

The truth.

If you cannot figure out what she means by her statement, ask her to re-phrase her comment, or elaborate on it.

what I hear in her statement is that she thinks you're hiding something.

I would explain to her that women and men tend to process things differently. many women focus on their own emotional state more than men do.

My wife still doesn't believe that I actually don't feel anything, most of the time.

I am Spock, to her James T. Kirk.

What Frau Dr. says:

"I want your opinion on something, Strange. I'm having trouble with a couple of the people in my department who are dragging their personal relationship into work. Steve and Shiela have been dating for about a month, and Shiela confided in me that last week, they had sex after work. Now, she feels pretty alienated, and a litte used by Steve, who has a reputation for treating women like disposable objects. Strange, do you think it's wierd for her to be turned on by a man she knows is Bad for her? You've met them before remember? They were both at our fourth of July party. Shiela was the heavy-chested blonde, and Steve is the ruggedly handsome guy with the beard. Maybe you could have a talk with Steve about this sometimes. You know he's into motorcycles, and races them semi-professionally. Maybe you could have lunch with him and find out how he feels about Sheila, to see if he's in love, or only interested in her body. . . .

And then, this is what I hear:

"blah, blah blah. . . . Strange. . . . blah blah blah, blah blah. . . . had sex after work. Now, she blah blah blah . . . .Strange, do you blah blah . . .turned on by a man ? blah blah . . . . . . . . . heavy-chested blonde, blah blah blah . . . . motorcycles, and races them semi-professionally. Blah blah blah love, blah blah blah her body. . . .

So you see, I have some of the same problems you may be experiencing.


[edit on 24-8-2006 by dr_strangecraft]

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