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aug 22 wierd stuff

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posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 09:23 AM
What happened on August 22nd?

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 08:21 AM
either a good idea or one to take notice of...

emergency preparedness testing

i wonder if there was a real bioterrorist attack whether the postmen & women would actually deliver in the area

also, whats the possibility of real terrorists (foreign or domestic) placing some airborne/contagious invisible virus/bacteria inside the empty boxes and pretending that they are part of the test.

posted on Jul, 7 2007 @ 04:37 AM
seeing as it's 7/7/7 i thought i'd add this one goldman sachs gets threat notes

apparently the originally named 'AQ USA' have sent many hand-written death-threat letters to goldman sachs and many newspapers across the us warning that 'hundreds will die' and that 'you cannot stop us'

'we are inside' warned other letters in red ink on blue lined paper ( political reference or someone who can't write in a straight line without assistance? crayons would be more appropriate if they are anything like the recent uk bombers )

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 05:55 AM
adding U.S. Treasury Holds Disaster Drill in Tampa Bay

apparantly there was very little media coverage oof this event and

the press release states that the purpose of the exercise was to test the ability of financial institutions, federal and state regulators, state and local government officials and state and local first responders to quickly get to their feet after any disaster.

with the dollar value dropping and the other recent financial stories listed here, perhaps the next big disaster/terrorist attack may be a financial one.

just a reminder to members that this thread exists to spot signs of foreknowledge and/or suspicious events going on so that 'IF' something were to happen in the future that was cataloged here then nobody can use the excuse that they were not warned or that they didn't know

posted on Jul, 19 2007 @ 04:37 AM
adding article with graphs showing the decline of the dollar over the last year

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 04:29 AM
adding an upcoming homeland security training session in washington to include simulated explosions and smoke and lots of emergency vehicles etc...

story here

it will take place on july 24th and no media or public access will be allowed.

theres also a few days of other simulated exercises going on involving over 50 different agencies around the area so local people be aware and don't forget your cameras!!

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 09:49 AM
adding rupert murdoch adding another major newspaper to his empire... dow jones/wall street journal no less.

this is the guy who has already admitted politics rather than truth dictates his headlines. he owns fox news also as well as over 100 other newspapers and news media outlets around the world


posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 10:29 AM
Just thinking about what the OP said.

There were several signs.

I wonder how many people saw those as signs-BEFORE- 9/11 occurred.

You see it is very is to see and event occur and then look back and see what peaces fit together well-this is the same issue many have with nostradamus’s predications. No one really intercepts what is coming, they look at what occurred and match what hew say to that.

This is where I respect what you (op) so much. You are taking the risk of being laughed at or worse in an attempt to war people of what may come, not what already happed.

I must admit, I hope you are wrong, for mine and everyone’s sake, but only time will tell us what will happen.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:12 AM
thanks mrmonsoon. i plod on with this thread occasionally dropping stories i find of interest in here as i think it to be a worthwhile cause. it is a pity more people don't do the same though. it's all too easy to look back and say 'i never saw that coming'.

sometimes i wonder why i still bother, given the amount of views, replies and (1) flag this thread has had for something that could be so potentially important to so many people (as well as a great research source). but then i remind myself that it is a worthwhile thing to do and hopefully nothing does happen. but forewarned is forearmed as they say. even the tiniest most trivial bit of information can sometimes solve a case, so i still add anything that might be relevant.

so anyway....

anyone in portland, oregon should be aware of the upcoming nuclear terror drill 'noble resolve 2' -
info 1
info 2

precursors to the dhs planned october event

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 08:10 AM
probably nothing but worth mentioning in case it turns into a spate of journalist deaths..

nbc producer plunges to death in which a reported hit and run case then turns into a 'suicide' jump

newspaper reporter shot to death in which an outspoken oakland tribune journalist was killed by a lone gunman in what was most certainly an assassination near a courthouse.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 06:06 PM
I realize this thread is about August 22nd but it reminds me of something else. There are some oddly dark coincidences in my family involving the date of August 20th... I swear that date has tragedy and despair attached to it somehow.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 08:59 AM
What is suppose to happen on August 22nd? Is it more stuff like 06/06/2006 and 07/07/2007 and stuff like that?

[edit on 5-8-2007 by princeofpeace]

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 10:41 AM
Nevermind-i just saw3 that this theread started over a year ago and was about LAST Aug 22nd and is no longer relevant. Just like all the other date prediction threads on here LOL.

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
Nevermind-i just saw3 that this theread started over a year ago and was about LAST Aug 22nd and is no longer relevant. Just like all the other date prediction threads on here LOL.

sigh. (bangs head against wall)

had you checked and read through a few of the posts (hint - very first post, many posts from me throughout explaining what this thread is about and even several posts above this one explaining yet again the point of the thread) you will see that i WASNT making any predictions about anything but started this thread in the hope of cataloging possible foreknowledge of any possible FUTURE attack (which hopefully never happens) in the event that SHOULD anything major happen then perhaps some relevant info may have been captured here.

so, if you have anything useful to add to this thread then do so. if you have anything else useless to say then please, don't even bother to take it to another unread thread - start your own!

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 11:50 AM
So again i ask, what was suppose to happen on the 22nd?

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
So again i ask, what was suppose to happen on the 22nd?

is it really too much to ask that you try to find out for yourself by maybe reading a little or even stretching you curiosity far enough to search for august 22 on ats or even google? we cannot spoonfeed you all the time.

here is a novel idea - instead of asking questions, try to answer them yourself first. its amazing what you can learn if you have that tiny, tiny spark of wanting to find things out for yourself.

if it is really that much trouble to you then here is the answer...
ats search for august 22

google search for august 22.

and please, please, read a little of any of the above before you ask your next question (which has already been answered many times in this thread and others already)

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 08:25 PM
Oh you mean the thing with Iran and Alkminejahad from last year? Nah...nothing ever happened and like most "dates" nothing ever does.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 09:10 AM
more stock market turbulence today...

The European Central Bank (ECB) has pumped 95bn euros (£63bn) into the eurozone banking market to allay fears about a sub-prime credit crunch.

the dow jones also fell almost 200 points on opening

add to the cnbc's jim cramer, who totally lost it live on tv watch it here and you should start getting pretty worried

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 10:44 PM
Jim Cramer is an absolute joke and always has been. There was a widely used strategy a while back for investers to do the opposite of what he said. I wouldnt put much stock (no pun intended) into his latest tantrum. Just one of meany he's had over the years LOL.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
Jim Cramer is an absolute joke and always has been. There was a widely used strategy a while back for investers to do the opposite of what he said. I wouldnt put much stock (no pun intended) into his latest tantrum. Just one of meany he's had over the years LOL.

i wouldn't put any money in stocks atm - arent you reading the financial market news stories atm?

heres another one ... Global markets fall on US losses

the bbc's business editor has this to say... US exports poison

he said that because france's biggest bank, bnp paribas has frozen $22 billion dollars worth of funds

france did that because of the collapse of the german asset management group's problems

let me remind you of something that happened in history after a bank collapsed -

and previous to that in not many years was this ...

and the next thing that happened to both countries was investing in world war 2.

there are some seriously worried people out in the financial world at the moment and im pretty sure that none of them are laughing or finding it funny

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